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Performance Appraisal system at SAVA health care Ltd.

Summer Training Project Report

Submitted to
Dr.A.B.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of
Master of Business Administration

Prepared by:
Abhishek Dubey
MBA 3rd Semester

Training Supervisor:
Mr. Ravi Chaubey
(D.M.) SAVA health care Ltd.

Roll Number: 1504070002


Department of Business Administration

Technical Education & Research Institute
Post-Graduate College, Ghazipur 233001 (U.P.)

Performance appraisal
The history of performance appraisal is quite brief. Its roots in the early 20th century can be
traced to Taylor's pioneering Time and Motion studies. But this is not very helpful, for the same
may be said about almost everything in the field of modern human resources management.
As a distinct and formal management procedure used in the evaluation of work performance,
appraisal really dates from the time of the Second World War, about seventy years ago.
Yet in a broader sense, the practice of performance appraisal is an ancient art. In the scale of
things historical, it might well lay claim to being the world's second oldest profession!
There is, says Dulewicz (1989), "... a basic human tendency to make judgements about those one
is working with, as well as about oneself." Appraisal, it seems, is both inevitable and universal.
In the absence of a structured system, people will tend to judge the work performance of others,
including subordinates, informally and arbitrarily.
The hardwired human inclination to judge can cause big problems in the workplace. Without a
structured system of appraisal, there is little if any chance of ensuring that such judgements will
be accurate, fair and useful.
Performance appraisal began as an attempt to rationally correlate rewards and outcomes. That is,
appraisal was used to decide whether or not the salary or wage of an individual employee was

The process was firmly linked to material outcomes. If an employee's performance was found to
be less than ideal, a cut in pay would follow. On the other hand, if their performance was better
than the supervisor expected, a pay rise was in order.
Little consideration, if any, was given to the developmental possibilities of appraisal. If was felt
that a cut in pay, or a rise, should provide the only required impetus for an employee to either
improve or continue to perform well.
Sometimes this basic system succeeded in getting the results that were intended; but more often
than not, it failed.
For example, early motivational researchers were aware that different people with roughly equal
work abilities could be paid the same amount of money and yet have quite different levels of
motivation and performance.
These observations were confirmed in empirical studies. Pay rates were important, yes; but they
were not the only element that had an impact on employee performance. It was found that other
issues, such as morale and self-esteem, could also have a major influence.
As a result, the traditional emphasis on reward outcomes was progressively rejected. In the 1950s
in the United States, the potential usefulness of appraisal as tool for motivation and development
was gradually recognized. The general model of performance appraisal, as it is known today,
began from that time.

Modern Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a subordinate

and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-annual), in
which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to
identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills
In many organizations - but not all - appraisal results are used, either directly or indirectly, to
help determine reward outcomes. That is, the appraisal results are used to identify the better
performing employees who should get the majority of available merit pay increases, bonuses,
and promotions.
By the same token, appraisal results are used to identify the poorer performers who may require
some form of counseling, or in extreme cases, demotion, dismissal or decreases in pay.
(Organizations need to be aware of laws in their country that might restrict their capacity to
dismiss employees or decrease pay.)
Whether this is an appropriate use of performance appraisal - the assignment and justification of
rewards and penalties - is a very uncertain and contentious matter.

Esteemed in 2003, we at "SAVA" are committed to make life "Feel Good" with our range of
healthcare products for Humans and Veterinary.
SAVA offers services that are benchmark of 'Superlative Quality, Enviable Economy' which are
built on the sturdy pillars of financial solidarity, stability, reliability, operational expertise,








SAVA Group is amongst one of the fastest emerging pharmaceutical organizations of repute from
India and has attained an iconic stature in pharmaceutical arena making the lives of millions of
people feel good.
Our well-known generic manufacturing plant located, in Surendranagar near Ahmedabad in
India, helps SAVA attain its magnanimous capability of "curative power" by producing over 500
products in what stands as one of the widest range of therapeutic categories in India.
The SAVA group of companies constitutes independent and well-established entities in
manufacturing, marketing, retail and distribution to cover the entire value-chain in
Along with strategically prominent marketing nodes the world over, SAVA gives the edge to be
self-sustained in effectively delivering our vast range of products across various geographies. It
also serves to fulfill our commitment to deliver "beyond the maxim of care".

Esteemed in 2003, we at "SAVA" are committed to make life "Feel Good" with our range of healthcare
SAVA offers services that are benchmark of 'Superlative Quality, Enviable Economy' which are built on
the sturdy pillars of financial solidarity, stability, reliability, operational expertise, infrastructure,
SAVA Group is amongst one of the fastest emerging pharmaceutical organizations of repute from India
and has attained an iconic stature in pharmaceutical arena making the lives of millions of people feel
Our well-known generic manufacturing plant located, in Surendranagar near Ahmedabad in India,
helps SAVA attain its magnanimous capability of "curative power" by producing over 500 products in
The SAVA group of companies constitutes independent and well-established entities in manufacturing,
marketing, retail and distribution to cover the entire value-chain in pharmaceuticals.
Along with strategically prominent marketing nodes the world over, SAVA gives the edge to be selfsustained in effectively delivering our vast range of products across various geographies. It also serves
to fulfill our commitment to deliver "beyond the maxim of care".

Inoculate' Life' into 'Health', and 'Health' into' Life'

At SAVA, 'to deliver' is to instill momentum and vigor of good health into life, and conversely to induce
the same attributes of life into healthcare. This philosophy has been the reason behind SAVA's highly
established credentials in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.
WHO-GMP certified world class manufacturing facilities
500+ products in the portfolio
One of the widest therapeutic range coverage
Largest dosage form bandwidth
400+ people in its talent force
Geographic reach in 30 top pharmaceutical markets across the globe
Unbiased focus on quality, efficacy and reliability of its products
Robust research and development initiatives to suit the market requirements
Customer-centric approach and win-win business relationships
Liason offices in various international markets to cater to the local demands
Multiple international regulatory accreditations such as of GMP (SAUMP)(Ukraine), NAFDAC
(Nigeria), NDA (Uganda), PBP (Kenya), MOH (Iran), MCAZ (Zimbabwe), MOH (D.R.Congo) etc
Awarded as one of the fastest growing company in the category of export business from India from
Pharmexcil, a Govt of India enterprise.


"Be the choice. Be the leader. Because life is too big to play small."

At SAVA we perceive the perfect vision (20:20) to be attained by the year 2020 by whence SAVA aims
to be 'the choice' as in Brand of choice for flagship products at least 20% of product portfolio
Employer of choice listing in Fortune 500 companies
Principal of choice for stake holders - Shareholders / Investors / Vendors

By being 'the choice' we hope to be 'the leader' and achieve

Position in top 100 global generic life sciences company by profitable new business ventures
from both qualitative and quantitative terms by 2020
Significant business (60% of business revenues) in prescription products with a strong
presence in emerging markets


Our mission is our obligation. We have a responsibility to stand in true to 'SAVA''. And we realize that
to establish SAVA in every life and make it "feel good" every new rise, means that we need to resolve
and pledge ourselves to forever persevere to achieve the three 'I''s that give our mission it's name
Innovate to
Improve the
Inflate - as a major transnational player.





"Be the bearers of SAVA in true sense"

At SAVA, our work ethics are rooted deep and strong in the principles of karma, the ancient Indian
doctrine on deeds and actions. As such, SAVA finds itself committed and completely in adherence to
the following 13 principles that ensure we serve the society in the most righteous ways and thereby be
the bearers of "feel good" SAVA in true sense.
Respect for individuality
Win-win relationships
Speed and efficiency
Customer delight

To study about the SAVA healthcare Limited.
To understand about the Performance Appraisal.
To study market share of SAVA healthcare Limited.
To study the strategies & measures adopted by SAVA healthcare Limited.
To find out what they will do after evaluating the performance appraisal of the employees
and what will be the reward factors.
To identify and bridge the gap between anticipated performance and actual performance.

There is also a group who argues that the evaluation of employees for reward purposes, and frank
communication with them about their performance, are part of the basic responsibilities of
management. The practice of not discussing reward issues while appraising performance is, say
critics, based on inconsistent and muddled ideas of motivation.
In many organizations, this inconsistency is aggravated by the practice of having separate wage
and salary reviews, in which merit rises and bonuses are decided arbitrarily, and often secretly,
by supervisors and managers.

Performance appraisal is a continuous system of tracking and measuring performance against
agreed targets and identifying opportunities for improvement. In other words, performance
appraisal is a set of policies to achieve a shared vision of the organization to help each individual
employee to understand and recognize their contribution. But Performance Appraisal is also the
tool to determine and communicate to an employee about his/ her performance on the job,
ideally, establishing a plan of development for both parties.

Because of time constraint sample size was the scope of this project is limited to areas in
Surendranagar Gujrat only.
The estimates are done on average basis.
The project had scope for future research, which was beyond my resource due to time
constraint and work pressure.
Because of time constraint sample size was restricted on 100.
Some of the respondents did not respond due to lack of time.
Some were biased towards their brand, which might not be giving them good service.

Research Methodology

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY is the way of systematically solve the research problems.

According to Redman & Mory research is defined as a Systemized effort to gain new
knowledge. Research is a process in which the researcher wishes to find out the end result for a
given problem and thus the solution helps in future course of action.

RESEARCH DESIGN The research design of the study is Descriptive research. A descriptive
research is under taken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of
variables of interest in a situation. The purpose of choosing descriptive design is to achieve new
insights into the recruitment and selection.
SAMPLING TYPE- Simple random Sampling has been adopted in this study. The 100
customer are selected at random from different areas. Males and females both are chosen at
random. The purpose of choosing simple random sampling is to minimize the biasness in
choosing the elements to be included in sample.
DATA TYPE Data collection is concerned with gathering all the relevant data information that
helps the researchers to achieve the already formulated research objective. The data collection
may be either primary or secondary.
PRIMARY DATA-Primary data is information collected by the researcher directly through
instruments such as surveys, interviews, focus groups or observation tailored to his specific
needs. Primary research provides the researcher with the most accurate and up-to-date data. For
this research primary data has collected by questionnaire which is filled by the customer of
Lifelong India Ltd.

SECONDARY DATA-secondary data on the other hand are the statistics not gathered by the
researchers for the immediate study at hand but for some other purpose. Such data is usually
compiled by some agency other than the actual user for example manuals, weekly magazines,
internet etc. For this research secondary data has collected from different websites on internet,
books, and journals and so on.
SAMPLE SIZE- The survey is carried over 100 respondents on different areas after giving them
the complete knowledge of the research to take their specific views.
INSTRUMENT USED The instrument used in this study is Questionnaire.
ANALYTICAL TOOL-The data have been analyzed using Percentage method is used to
analyze the effectiveness of Market performance.

Collection of Data
Primary sources of information had been utilized for collection of data. Keeping in mind the
objectives of this study, a structured questionnaire was designed, containing relevant questions
from all aspect of the study. Interviews were conducted with the heads of the departments.

Internet sites

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