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1. Suggest a brand or model.

A: Hi Isabel. What are you doing?

B: Hi Rodrigo. Im online, Im looking for a laptop. Any suggestions?
A: Yes, I hear that X550L Asus, its terrific and it has a big memory. But its an
B: Really?
A: Yes. You know. Im going shopping tomorrow. Would you like to come along?
B: Sure. Can you call me tomorrow at noon?
A: Ok. See you.
B: Good bye.

2. Express frustation and sympathy

A: Hello?
B: Hi Laura, this is Miranda. How are you?
A: Hi Miranda. Im angry!!!
B: What happend?
A: My hair dryer isnt working again
B: Oh, no! Why?
A: Its a lemon
B: Thats too bad. Is it fixable?
A: No, it isnt
B: Im sorry to hear that. You should buy a new hair dryer now.
A: Yes, Im going shopping this weekend. Would you like to joi me?
B: Sure. See you tomorrow.
A: Good bye.
3. Describe features of products
A: Hi Kevin. How are you?
B: Hi Karina. Im very happy.
A: Why? What happend?
B: Because, yesterday I bought a new earbuds. Here it is.
A: Wow. Its great. What brand is it?
B: Its Sony
A: How much did it cost?

B: It didnt cost much. Its affordable, portable and popular, because its up-to-date
and A lot of people has one.
A: It sounds good! Maybe Ill buy ones.
B: Great. I have to go, its late.
A: No problem. Good bye
B: See you.
4. Complain when things dont work
A: Hello. Front desk. Can I help you?
B: Yes. I have a big problema?
A: Whats the problema?
B: The fridge is making a funny sound.
A: Thats a shame. Whats room?
B: 546
A: Dont worry, Ill send an electrician right away.
B: Ok, thanks. Dont take too long please.



Write a complaint letter to a manager from a hotel you stayed in to complain about
the service and the things that didnt work (formal letter)

November 16th, 2016

Dear Mr. Torres
Administator of Hilton Hotel

My name is Karina Mantilla. I was a guest at your hotel from 30/10/16 to

I enjoyed staying at your hotel, however I had two problems.
First, the air-conditioning wont turn on and it was summer. I had chocolates
on my backpack and it undone. And second, the sink kwas clogged and it
was necesary for me, because I had a conference this 3 days.
I would like you to solve all these problems, because it's necesary for my
own cleanliness and about the chocolate would be solved with the refund of
my money because it was a gift for my family.

Karina Mantilla

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