Death Eater

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You think you know how Draco Malfoy became a Death Eater?

You think you know how Death Eaters are Bound? Or how they are Marked? Well, how do I know? That's easy. I am Zalena Alicita Rayoma. Oops. I mean Zalena Alicita Riddle. That's right. I'm Lord Voldemort's daughter. His only daughter in fact. I'm set to take over his reign, whenever I want to. Lets just say, I'm the 'spitting image' of my Father.

Draco Malfoy Draco! Lucius Malfoy said as I jumped. Quickly turning around I answered him. Yes, Father? I asked quietly, trying not to disturb my mother. Who was, at this moment, asleep on the couch. First, I want you to wake up your mother. I did as I was told. Promptly getting a large book thrown at me. Now Draco, I want you to sit down on the couch. I have some very important news for both of you. I quickly sat down, hoping Father wouldn't hit me for whatever I had done this time. Now, as you know The Dark Lord has been considering letting Draco become a Death Eater. Well, in my recent conversation with The Dark Lord, a time for your Marking has been decided. During Christmas break you will meet with a hooded figure in the three Broomsticks. From there the person will take you to where The Lord and I will be waiting. He also said that he won't be giving you your Mark. He turned to walk away. What do you mean he won't be giving me my Mark! He gives all his servant's their Marks! I exclaimed, forgetting that I was supposed to be silent. My Father turned around and strode towards me. Stopping only to slap me across the face. Lord Voldemort has someone very special to him giving you your mark. Don't dispute his decision. He turned on his heel, walking out of the room. My mother followed soon after, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Zalena Rayoma Yes? Father? I asked dear, old, sweet, dad. Making him

grimace at me. Zalena, are you ready to return to Hogwarts this year? Almost. I just need a few more things. Good. The train leaves in a couple of hours. I started to turn away, but my father stopped me. Oh, and, don't forget to hide it. I nodded a silent yes before apparating back to my room, and my packing. A few hours later I was ready to leave. I looked around my room before walking downstairs, meeting my Father and Mother. Zalena? Have you hidden it? My Father asked reproachfully. Right now I am. I pulled up my left sleeve, touching the tip of my wand to the snake/skull tattoo on my forearm. Muttering the spell to conceal it, I watched it slowly fade away, til it was nothing more. Happy now? I asked my Father conceitedly. He knew I hated to hide my tattoo. He hated it too. It meant we couldn't fully communicate. Extremely. Are you ready to go now? He asked sarcastically. Yep! I wanted to go to Hogwarts. I missed my friends, the other Slytherins. I also missed tormenting the Gryffindors. Especially Potter, Weasly, and the mudblood Granger. I also wanted to see Draco. I seriously missed him over the summer. Did you want to call Severus, Father? Oh yes, that's right. He turned towards the wall. Severus. Come. He said while flicking his wand towards the blank wall. A moment later, Severus Snape walked through the wall. Yes? My Lord? He asked in his nasally voice.

Severus, I want you to watch over my daughter whilst she is at Hogwarts this year. I trust you are capable? My Father asked him, daring him to dispute the decision. Severus just nodded his ugly face, before walking back into the wall. After getting on the train, I walked down the cars til I found the one with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy. I opened the door getting greetings and smiles from everyone. Except Pansy. She sat there, trying to burn holes through my head. I sat down between Crabbe and Goyle. We started a lively conversation, laughing til tears. Until I 'accidentally' made Pansy mad. So Draco? Have you had my girls falling head over heels for you this summer? I was kidding and he knew this. Pansy, who wasn't paying attention before now, snapped her head up in surprise. Yes. Actually I did. Draco told me jokingly. Many girls. They visited me all summer. We were all laughing, except Pansy. WHAT? I thought I was the only girl you liked Draco! I need you Drakie! Oh, Pansy. Can't you take a hint? Draco doesn't like you. You need to just deal with it. Besides, I was joking about the girls over the summer. I told her with contempt. She stood up and started to stomp out the door, but stopped at the threshold. Turning back to me she said, At least I look like a girl, Zalena. And have a normal name. Well, I'd rather look like me than be a pug-faced-flower. Go die in a ditch, Puggie. I told her. Giving her a look that dared her to contradict me. There was no one at Hogwarts excluding Snape that knew who my Father is, and I planned on keeping it that way.

She turned on her heel leaving the train car with a slam of the door. A moment after she left, we all burst into loud laughter. I spent almost all my time with Draco and Blaise Zambini. They were the only people who were truly like me. I had met Blaise's parents, they were servants of my Father. But I don't think he knew that I was Voldemort's daughter. I continued my crazy antics, generally having Draco help me plan them, and Blaise helping me carry them out. I didn't really have to deal with Puggie though. She, for the most part, ignored me and 'Drakie'. I sat at the Slytherin table one day at lunch. When a brown and white owl swooped in. It was Zelko, my owl. My Father had bought me Zelko so that I could communicate with him. And only him. But I used Zelko for all communications. He dropped an emerald envelope on the table in front of me before landing on my shoulder. I opened the letter, already knowing it was my father, and began to read: Dear Zalena, I am happy to know that you are doing good in Hogwarts. I have heard of some of your, recent, incidents and I am not happy. In other news, I have a task I need you to complete. On December 20 th I want you to go to Hogsmeade. In an hour, I will meet you in the Forbidden Forest. But you will not come til I call you. I wish you a happy year at Hogwarts. Good bye.

Your Father After reading the note a few more times I got up, without finishing dinner, and when to my room down in the dungeons. I grabbed a book and laid down on my bed before I felt a mild burning sensation on my left forearm. I pulled up my sleeve to reveal my Dark Mark, glowing a ghostly orange. Pulling my sleeve back down, I got up and headed towards the gates to the castle. I snuck out, meeting my Father in his deep black cloak. I, being his daughter, had one exactly alike it, as did my mother. Hello Father. I told my Father sweetly. Hello Zalena. He bowed. I have a request. I would like you to give one of my new Death Eaters their Dark Mark. I was overjoyed. I had been given my Dark Mark when I was almost 11. Father. I whined. But I want a Mark, too. I wanted my Dark Mark. I was skilled in Dark Arts, and Potions. As well as flying. NO! my Father yelled in a voice that made most of his Death Eaters tremble. But not me. I was used to it. I do not want my daughter to carry this Symbol yet. When you are older. My mother decided to intervene. Tom, you know it would make it easier for you to call to her. And communicate with you. My mother told him quietly. My Father gave me a quick glance. Fine. I will allow it. He turned towards the wall, pulling out his wand. Severus Snape. He flicked his wand towards the wall. I was confused. Why do you need Severus here, Father? I asked perplexed. I always need a Death Eater witness for new Markings.

he told me with a quick glance. I watched on as Severus's ugly face came through the wall first. Yes, my Dark Lord? Severus asked in a voice that was starting to grate on my nerves. I- my Father started to speak but I cut him off. I'm getting my Dark Mark. I smirked at Severus. He just looked at me, not smiling. Nor congratulating. I felt my knees starting to buckle underneath me. The Cruciatus Curse, I realized after a moment. I locked my knees in order to stay upright. I felt a pain in my head and grabbed my head. Wandless magic! I remembered with a start. My mother had been teaching me wandless magic. I knew my Father was directly behind me. Expelliarmus. I felt the pain stop almost immediately, and heard a clattering on the wooden floors. I whipped around to see my Father's wand lying on the ground in front of me. I smirked. He smiled a rare smile at me. That's my girl. Turning more serious, his wand flew to his hand. Left arm, please. I held my left arm up. He grabbed my wrist putting the tip of his wand on the inside of my forearm. Morsmordre. I felt a burning sensation on my arm. As if chunks of my skin were being torn away from my arm. But I stood here. Not moving, not showing that I could feel the pain. After a few minutes, the pain had receded to a dull throbbing. I looked at my arm. The snake was not moving. I pulled my wand out of my boot where I kept it and touched my wand to it, muttering the counter-curse to hide it. My Father smiled at me again. Who will be getting their Mark from me? I asked my Father with pure curiosity. Draco Malfoy. My jaw dropped. I was giving Draco Malfoy his Dark Mark? I thought his father didn't want him to have one yet. I voiced this thought to my Father. Well, I, Er...

Convinced his father that I need Draco as a Death Eater. Okay Father. Goodbye. I headed back towards the castle. And my Fathers soon-to-be new servant. Zalena? Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. I turned around when I heard Draco's voice in the crowded dungeon hallway. I was on my way to Snape's class. With Draco. Hello Draco. How was your night with Pansy? I smiled to myself. I loved to ruffle his feathers. It really got on his nerves. I wasn't with Pansy last night! He answered too quickly. Oh really? Then what were then moans and screams I heard last night? I'm pretty sure someone said 'Draco'. I smirked at him. He knew I was kidding now. Probably Pansy fingering herself and wishing it was me. Draco said with a laugh. We walked into potions together sitting in the same seat as usual. Next to each other with Crabbe and Goyle at the table in front of us. Pansy sat with another girl across the room and kept shooting daggers at me. Now, class the- After snape started talking I zoned out. I already knew all this stuff as he was well aware. I thought about how I was going to convince Draco to come with me. I pondered this for a while before a large brown and white owl swooped in through the chamber door. Zelko. There was a letter in his claw. I took it from him and he landed on my shoulder. Miss Rayoma. I will not have you sending and receiving letters during my class. Snape said knowing though it was

pointless. Sorry Professor. But it's from my Father. I gave Professor Snape a pointed look, and he dropped the matter. I quickly opened the letter reading it over quickly. Zalena, Your meeting with Draco has already been prearranged. I will send you a letter in one week's time. Your Father P.S. Destroy this. Muttering the curse to burn something, I watched the yellowed piece of parchment go up in a small blaze, letting off very little light. I smirked at Draco who I realized had been watching. What did it say? Draco asked quietly trying not to be caught by Severus. Oh nothing important. Just a few last minute details about my Winter Holidays. Oh. Okay. Draco sounded glum when he turned around to pay attention once again to Severus. The rest of my day passed uneventfully. I received very little homework from my teachers, as it was the last day before Winter Holidays. Draco Malfoy I sat on my bed lost in my thoughts when an unknown owl swooped through the window and landed on my dresser in the corner. I got up and retrieved the letter that it dropped on my

dresser. Draco, I can't use my owl for the Ministry is intercepting more and more owls. I was thrilled when I heard about your acceptance into the Dark Lord's ranks. I also heard that he is not giving you your Dark Mark. This is very unusual behavior for him. I hope it all turns out well. Bellatrix Lestrange I was over joyed that aunt Bellatrix remembered me, although she frequently forgets. Mother most likely told her. * One Week Later * Zalena Rayoma I stood in front of my mirror and pulled my cloak on. It was the same one that my father had, but with one notable exception. The markings on it were invisible to anyone who was not a Death Eater. I quickly left the castle and made my way to the Three Broomsticks. When I was almost there I quickly pulled up my hood and walked in, siting at a table to wait. Fifteen minutes later Draco walked in with his cloak on and the hood down. He looked around for a moment before he spotted me. He quickly made his way over to me and sat down across from me. Draco Malfoy. You know what you are here for, correct? I asked him. He simply nodded his head. Good. Put your hood

up and follow me. I stood up and started to walk away. I heard him stand up behind me and follow me out the door. I began to walk towards the Shrieking Shack, in order to apparate away. I heard Draco speed up til he was walking next to me. So, who are you? No one you need to know about til we get there. Do I know you? This statement almost made me laugh. Yes you do. I could tell he wanted to ask another question but we had arrived at the Shack. I opened the door and walked in knowing Draco would follow me. I stopped on the uppermost floor and spun on my heel to face Draco, which startled him. I reached into my left boot and pulled my slender wand out. I reached my hand out and waited for Draco. He looked at me funny, he didn't get it. Take. My. Hand! I snapped at his incompetence. He looked at me for a moment before he grabbed my hand. I whipped my wand and we apparated to the Riddle Mansion. I let go of Draco's hand as soon as we got there. Follow me. Keep up. I began walking down a long flight of curving stairs. I walked to a large wooden door and stopped. Why have we stopped? Draco asked me stupidly. I whipped around to face him. Why must you insist on asking so many stupid questions? You are nothing except an incompetent Child. I don't understand why the Dark Lord would want you to be one of his servants. You better shut up. Wait til my Father hears about this. Then you'll be sorry. Draco. I don't fear your Father. He fears me. With that I turned back around to the door. I touched the tip of my wand

to the door in the very center of the Dark Mark on the door. I white light came from my wand, and the door swung open. I walked into the room and saw two figures standing in the center of the room. Hello. My daughter. I heard my Father say. Hello. Father. I responded. Father? I heard Draco ask from behind me. I ignored him and continued to walk towards the two figures. I stopped beside my Father, and looked to the white haired man beside him. Hello Mr. Malfoy. I trust you have been well? I asked politely although I didn't really care. Very well, Miss Riddle. I looked back at Draco who had stopped in front of us and pulled his hood down. He had the most hilarious look on his face. He was purely confused. Daughter, are you ready? I heard my Father ask. I looked up at him and nodded. I looked back at Draco who was now looking at me before I pulled my hood down and heard a quick intake of air. Zalena? Zalena Rayoma? I heard Draco stutter out. No. Riddle. Zalena Riddle. I looked back at my Father, who nodded before I stepped towards Draco. Are you ready to receive your Dark Mark? He quickly nodded his head. Left forearm. He held his arm out and I took it, shoving his sleeve out of the way and turning his arm over to expose the soft flesh. I put the tip of my wand in the very center of his forearm. Morsmordre. I watched as the Skull began to be burnt into his skin. I felt him look away and grit his teeth as the Snake burnt its way along his forearm from the Skull's mouth. When the Skull and Snake began to glow green, I removed my wand and released his wrist.

Draco Malfoy. Welcome to the ranks of the Death Eaters. He looked at me for a moment, before he lowered himself into a low bow. I bowed very low to show respect for a fellow Death Eater. Very good, Zalena. You are now going to give all Death Eaters their Marks. Thank you father. I very much appreciate the honor. I stood up on my tip toes to give my father a kiss on the cheek. I turned to look at Draco who was giving me the weirdest look ever. Zalena, please take care of Draco and show him the ropes, but don't be too nice to him. My Father turned to the elder Malfoy. Come Lucius, we have much business to attend to. They both apparated away with a loud crack Come on Draco, I need to show you to your quarters. I said to Draco and turned to walk away. What do you mean my quarters? Don't I get to stay at my house? Draco asked, confused. Immobulus! I screamed at Draco, whipping my wand towards him. He froze the instant the word left my mouth. Do you not understand that you can not back talk me? I know I am your friend, but that is at school, not here in the Riddle Mansion. Yes, you will still get to live at your house but every Death Eater has a room in the Mansion. Are you going to cooperate? I waited for a minute before I muttered the counter curse. He looked at me and nodded. I led him up two flights of stairs and down a long hallway. I knew he was aching to ask if we were there yet and I vowed that if he did I would use the Cruciatus curse on him. I stopped in front of a door. Alohamora. I said and the door clicked open. I pushed it open further and walked in.

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