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: UK £2.50 US $4.95 CAN $6.2 THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ~ THIRTY YEARS OF THE DALEKS! | iu . se are « — a Pee eet tae eee wate: is the Thirtieth Anniversary of Doctor 4 Who, it is easy to forget that the Daleks are Pan rope ree Their contribution to the continued success of Doctor Who over the years has been monumental EU MOC CO es me CC wonderfully crafted bad guys! Freee ieee emer emo oa exhaustive gulde ro the denizens of Skaro, alongside Marcus Hearn's brief but biting looks at the press reaction the metal meanies have garnered over the ee oe Ct ken eee ete Dee Te OB CLA ne cea the Daleks, and from the show's black and white era SL eRe a ee eRe ag this year BBC Video will be celebrating the Daleks’ anniversary by releasing these two stories together in Pero Rime accents In addition to all this, Warwick Gray has written a pearance er ent test oe Bieeted Pree irs te ecu nt etter sicntd Penta tae et eet rer Martin Geraghty provides the artwork for this - and we feel that you're going to see more of Martin's Se ane eon Marcus Hearn talks to Ben Aaronovitch, author of es af the Dales about erating this the lst entry to dae into Bese eer tes Our front cover and huge pull-out giant poster is by artist fosie eect tt meat ete eterno Corts The Executioners, is by Steve Whitaker. BT OL Me ce aeta Bae a el Pee nm ne SUES come ee een Perens eee ena eos rele tt| we're glad to be here at the start of this exciting celebration! NEN iis Hane ion Everything You Wanted To Know About Daleks... 4 anwnaig Sere?¥7 Archive: Remembrance of the Daleks.. = Nyder: Louie C PRU asi amd oe Production: uli, Promotions: Fiona Moscatel: SLs Advertising: Jane Smale contracted fy Ductor Whi's story editor David Wintaker, was part of the writng team handled by Associated London Senprs, Born ir Lianditfin South Wales, Nation abandoned! life in the faridy furniture firm in ah attempt to become a starid-up comedian. Proclaimed a total failure, he farted to sell his material rather than perform ttand was. soon regularly employed on comedy shows. for television and radio. in 1061, Nation had brakes) into drama, and in 1962) wrote three scripts for ABC's science-fiction anthology series Out af this World. it was: this work which brought him to. Whitaker's attention to provide ‘an SF ‘storyline fur the ‘new BBC family ceria 4 T= Nation, like many. other ‘writers initially YOO TUE SUTURE The tt Nation a first felt msulted to he asked to work ona ‘children's: programme’, amice he was warking with Tony Haneogk, one of the: country’s top comediatis, Daring july: 1963 th Touph, Hancock fires ‘Nation in a disagreement, and Nation found himself without Work, Seeme the ivriter’s guitie for Dolor Who, Nation wastes than enthusiastic bul needed the work THE DALEKS The ingredients which) fuelled Nation's storyline manly emanated fron his fascination with twentieth century wartare, such article he: had read about the neutror bomb; a ee that could Jal people using radioactive fall-out, but leave buildings standing. He nvisaged. his * faceless oppres suc from the second world w; Nation's submission emitied The Simpays. The setting wa Shara in the year S00) The Dalek and * been fought two theusand years bwo.races inhabiting apposite hemispheres of Skare ‘The Daleks: were lindble to leave their Gity wntil the padiation levels of the planet fell, as they’ did slight!y after a great'rain fall which occurred vath decade The next cain was due (6 reduce levels sufficiently, so the Daleks planned to execute the travellers as Thal enemies after a trial to celebyate> ther emergetice from their cipy. 1 ‘As the tain starts, Susan’ encoynters a-group of Thals outside the TARDIS (not Alydon aléne) and learns that they are-ashamed of their huntanoid mutation form, The Dalek creature taken from the casing by [an and the Doctor was described as ‘trog- like’. In the caves leading lai’s group. to the Dalek city, Barbara was also terrified by giant witte, bloated piss ae Doctor and Stisan were ‘ { h som s, and all were amber, vith od to: pull hnent a ind driving ther to death, The principle changes came at the end of the Originally, the Daleks were not fully 1, but-allowed-a degree of freedom hy: the pacifist ‘Thais which resulted in the treacherous Daleks trying to retake the fol room, Conflict was averted when the Doctor neve t hat, he compared both the: Dalek and Thal histor neither side started the war - both hemi cked. simultaneously by an enemy oa é Dalek space radar indicated ar Daieks ‘and Thals agre togethe sta. common foe. The space people from the rockets proved immune to the Daleks’ weapons and did not 1 The aliens then explamed that 2000) ye r, their forefathers fired neutron bombs at $I they now regret the crime. As the radiati we fallen, they had arrived to make reparations and help both Daleks and Thals rebuild okart 0 Producer Verity La Nation to develop th Then Nation's frie: Sweden, s space. rockets s and oar about Doctor Wi i, ! felt the 3 and Sydney. Newman toid Lambert that th ji should be abandoned, considering it pulp SF, The producer retaliated the Dalek serial was the only sét-of scripts ready for production, and that she had na option but to use them. The wee title OF The 5 superiors Donald Wi terviors ae to the Maden, the title by wh all BBC Ent first three seri Aknough The Mutands s strictly ing the collective title for the episodes, the story is generally referred to as The Daleks (as with i film adaption and later editions of the tion) for the:sake of ¢ and so toayoid a oma prop ine compaty who eel to — by Raymond P, Cusick, the BBC med to work on the story, Six y been hoped for, but after shee s sith Shaweraft, Cusick found that the budget would only run to four (as required by Nation's seript), The description of the Daleks in Nation's’ script was very brief; “Hideous machine-like creatures, they are legléss, moving ona round base. They have no human features. A lens on a flexible shaft acts as an eye. Arms with mechanical grips) for hands.” Like Nation, Cusick was keen, to lose the ma-in-a-suit monster look from av¢heap movie. Nation suggested to Cusick that the Daleks should glide like the Georgian Stite Dancers, who wore large hooped «skirts that obscured their feet. Cusick’s early sketches also suggested that the Dalek’s two flexible clawed arms could be operated by puppeteers from above. The second design was more conical with a louyte section far the operator to see through, An early suggestion was that the Daleks should be built aver a trievele, and that the ‘death ray’ The Daleks first appeared around Christmas 1963.For the next few years they returned plague the Doctor on a regular schedule. Photo © W. Newman weapon would be mounted above the manipulator arm, This-basis was developed in contunetion with the late Bill Richards: of Shaweraft, By the send of October 1963, Cusick drew up blieprints of what was almost the final Dalek. The operators would sit in the skirt section and move their feet along the floor with the casing mounted on casters. The gan and arm were still on different levels, but the arm now ended in-a mibber sucker, with a heavy duty industrial magnet placed inside it. The finished Dalek casings effectively came. in four sections, The lower body sectiin was moulded from fibre-plass in two symmetrical halves. These formed the silver skirt section through which ffty- six pale blue hemispherical studs were inserted (Cus ick origmally intended ‘that these should -he lights), On top of the skirt came the midrift section which held the arms, again constructed in two halves from fibreglass and wood with twa bands of polished alumintim around it, The arms were mounted in bell-and-socket joints, manipulated fram inside. by the operator. The lett arm was the weapon, a complex metal and perspex framework around a central tube, The right atm was'a domestic sink phinger fitted inside a telescopic mechanism. One-of the Daleks had a magnet fitted inside: the sucker hand which allawed it to carry metal props in the serial. ‘The grille-section was where the Dalek operator could see out of the casing: a fine metal gazue which would look smigoth on the television screen. Wooden rngs-and support rods formed the gnille. The top af the Dalek was a rotating silver fibre-glass dome: Set into this were two yellow lights, operated by the actor m the casing (an afterthought to show which Dalek in.a scene was speakiny),.A short eye- stalk with eyeball and pupil was also inserted on a tilting pivot; one-of the four props was fitted with a working electrome iris ini the eyeball, which could be seen to change size in close-up. Shaweraft also made pre-cut upper body sections to:collapse on.cue as the Daleks fired upon the casing inhabited by Ian. = « One-of the Daleks was also fitted with a gas-fired cutting torcl. Phutheraphic blow-m of one of the pops were:-made to act as immobile extras in crowd SUERES. The frst view of Skara came: at the very end of Ant thy Child: The Firomaker: a white forest ‘of petrified trees which the TARDIS travellers were later to find delicate ‘lowers that tumbled to hast. Skatd was @ planet ruined by a battlefield burnt up ina day of madness by the-letonation of: nuclear’ bomb, One of the two sides i) the wonilict had been the Duls, once teachers and philosophers of an apparently humanoid nature. By the time of the Dector’s first visit however, the Dals were naw the Daleks, heavily mutated being trapped into an existence within the confines of 2 metallic which. couli) eatry thein-about these city, The a view ofa Dalek was'a hand seen at the and af The Escape,-9 webbed claw emerging bom under a Thal cape: The Daleks’ weaponry burg Seund: metal prone stubby gun atm. The effect could paralysé (ps in the case of lan during The Surors) or tall (as with Temrmoaus and Tacanda), arid was 3 as the picture Idoking like a phot 3 hlatk -and: white interchanging, a: lec sh We aved by dver-exposing Ie canara ‘The Dalek casing was large endugh for a human to crouch inside, and lan ‘described there bemg a screen amangst the controls whic) the Qalek ‘opers Whena Dalek was at , ib emitted an audible warn until jgalated trom its power supply which in this ass was the metal fldor of the wity. Bach Dalek in a work let! appeared io be assigned into a sumbered ‘Section’ In this story, the Daleks were unable to leave their metal city | es Were powered ectricity,, ‘conducted on u siligie wire ie floors of the structure (the flaor 5 nagnetiged When retired). The city itself, ovbich divided into oumbered gections, had apparently been constructed a8 a huge uhderground shelter chaning. the Neutron War over with 2 hissing, i from the whe city’ was‘on Level ‘Ten, a fioved between levels in open 4k 5 enough fora single Dalek ata time. The Maite and corndors were dotted with abstract sculptures ‘The. city was: powered by » msde o ich: as. the one scope or vibration | ement inside the Whilst mpers ferred to talong the Li fe Questioned by aremark i. Apart from this ranking in Dalek nail TOW Or drugs were peared t) 20 insane.’ A ¢ as attempted by ph (hecity’s sonic chamber.and pumping radioactive aw through) this thom. Because of this, the Daleks decided to adast Skaro’s atmosphere ta suit (hen & few of the Daleks Susan teas (Carole Ann Ford) hides from prowling Daleks in The Daleks. Photo © Raymond Cusick. by releasing more ridiogotivity: sundi capsule of material from their reactor ther oxygen distributors (the detonating another nuclear hon too long to prepare); The Tha were deca to Ceeiien a Shar rine ies Vy million ‘wears and) ex twelfth planet in mapped av The Thals, nowsprin Pplateau In § untall which ocurred ever $s was two vears overdue and their crops cl: form of life native to Skaro we a metallic, four-legged reptile, passibly ter by-all miner magnetic Held, It-was very at oné of these dead animals which he Thala to recharge their reatures lived in the {the Dalek city. These swamps ‘emitted a glow from the oe at aato's montis, { cl ont the massive jane inl Viewing “fpues luring that. first. story, 90, 1 Mareh'1964 Whitaker commissioned Nation for a-sequel, The Rettern af the Daleks pit ae the idea’ of tie Daleks now actually invading Barth 1¢ future, a Eistmoving story that would re a larger bndget, and which Whitaker and f ) i initial seasén of fifty-two episodes, The six scripts WES Worn Over i hon working on. Tih ek) and announced WO The press cation fiming bayan yy) Augast guess work, tis:seennd ka may have tllcet, phice of years prior: td events in their metal. erty althougn the fact that these Daleks-eould Talal space ws tine the move outside the city and had the 5 travel geems-at Odds / with this). Th TARDIS landed m a decaying London t ve uri of the tuthless wien. The J cade prior (0 the y the Doorue's at Vyon in The Da Master Pliny, Beth the-serial a desk calendar ol iw a cderelic : moving 10 the x i Redtordshirs, Project IWaSLON, aS pul th ia. The plan, was to rel molten core af the Barth by dropping ¢ pe explosive capeule imto-a worked wut fissure m the Earth's outer evite. With the ure demowed, the Daleks aimed to replace tt witha paw i sipilot Earth anywhere in the iim { leks were directed by i ¢ casing was generally black: the ferred to as the Wack Dalek troller. This Dalek also referred to Supreme Command as the “higher Dalek authority, of which It was possibly just one member: The Dalek saucer interior and also (be caphute conttol room in Bedfordshire strongly resembled the Dalek city trom the earker-senal, although ‘the low Codrwavs pivotted alone vomer were quly aged for the capsule controll complex. The cell ih the Daleks shnp in setich the Doctor was held with tom and Jack Craddock offered 4 means’ of escape —a of the Supreme C complex test’ involving refractive indices and magnetics; Anyotie passing this tes! wag selected for Robolizing. The Bale this time were organ into-sections indicated by letters, In. The All it was shiv that when the. Daleks commune cated with control by means of internal radio, their avevstalk Went up Into a vertical postion, To keep the remaming human population under control, the Daleks: recruited unwilling: help by means of a1 operation perfarmed on board the lying saucers Enown ds both (he Trandter and Rabotizing, This involved the anaesthetizing of a human, placing them on a tible and allowing machinery to attach a large mietal helmet to their head, connected toa metal collar Ths helmet relayed oral control messages from the Daleks in the format radio waves, and a-lamp on the side of the headgear flashed when communication was taken place: These living dead, Robomen or “Robos', were then formed into Robo-patrois, searching lor human rebels or forming: gilnds at the mining, oe ration, I Roboman was timbered, and the Daleks always: knew when Gf: lacked since ue link to the helr * Robe itually the prnce: es contra! v would dr and ‘they would commit suicide: Anew Dalekweapon was the { device which could destroy huge Fortunately the casings of the fir vulnerable to acid from explosive de the human scientist Dortinun, allow fighter David Campbell to. remove the:fire bomb’'s tinting mechanism. Dortmunrevealed that the name given to the metal from which the Daleks) own casings were made was Dalekentum: an alloy which he was determined to find a means of penetrating witht his acid) bombs, — ‘An aben creature brought to Earth by the Daleks as a puurd at the mining area was the Shyther. This strange creature was never seen fully, but was blob-like monster with approximately sreanms, each of whith: erided iy a three-fngered hand. The Slyther also seemed to hawe bwo voices: a high wailing cry and 6 low menading growl which could be heard -sinultaneous } ofa dish rece! operate on ali $ ansmitted ti them Vi mm. of aio waves als’ modified to anels seemedte altemate J This Dalek acted a3 some surt of commander tor the flying saucer in London, From. Day_of Reckoning however, this Dalek apcsell as the Black Dalek, with the! remaining rt panels and sections of the micirift-also pamted black. THE SPACE MUSEUM A Jone Dalek casing appeared as an exhibit in the Mork Space Museum on Xeros in the first, two episodes of The Space Museu. Standing beside a sign reading ‘Dalek — Planet Skaro’, ithe implication was that (he Mordks: had visited Skaro-and the Daleks had been conquered by the once’ great Morok empire. Vicki, from the late: twenty-fifth century, had heard of the Daleks but never seen one, and-at. one point the Doctor hid in the casing from some pursuers, The serial concluded: witha real Dalek, now with slits around its nud-tift section and the dish serial removed, it its final scene ta bridge into the subsequent serial, The Chase, This episode, The Prial Phasi, featured a Dilek control anted selling gags, the big time Retreat diz V heivhts ofS Asion he became one oF Fany SUA RL CGbSa I Nan stat a a down when ‘The Lad Himself Re EHTS ERT eG rME ME Geta Seon) Mb Tce | remight impact ook the Brilish press by surprise, n the Dalek Invasion ti the papers wanted a i fa week of almost unbearable tension will came to an KOC SA TD RectTDeLLAU US Dime AMeLL coUme aE Cera sto HTT om bo Pee MOD eet vm OTe : you, the dreac Pitas Patera OUT Seer rete of the Dal a mei ss vai Dyer ra iT taba ng NG nee ey Sid ee ere tm ae he aCe SOL Ta e Vv Lambert who, i Mikel Aina eee mn Ly the ies un the iy ‘ le drama producer in BBC TV [ereange a} xt rere may well have met their mateh in Neo 18] 2 7 Age tel ranwu pre bm mrTer Ray etme On Nan] Cah) TPM em Trac is) iter aa SVB neC a NCCES ea CM MMOL oRU CCE Grea CR eta B OEE emt OMe aa Meanw! The (OM RU TSE Ge a emi Mea AU Seas Git mee tet NGI eae ma ea Sen OpeTAUT Tem aN A MN Ce Oi Gomi rte bicycle an THTAMUCORe GET PIP AMUN CED CM COMPO IEV Sime i: eer ait) than Sift Gin to 5f Sin tall, had to pedal ey backwards and forwards,” ider revealed on 18th January 19 ing a Dalek or ee eae) cling job. Tl is litle use applying to the BBC tor enrolment Da Ueno Da CRU RBI MRT mUNe ea IHS MDE LCT IAO LIE UM elevate tain es uae ema) Tavern rs saci me Ocoee QmOnN MT) Geer cir cmos on mmr mle Mcro Tarra ee UVM TT oar Geen n GRE) RETO TT) PMC Rett oe CUM OSTA: Mean ImTILe) Dem MCI H PENT am I emt ham RCE RMN TRS Gren G NTs tid PEP eRe tH CUOM eG Cm Mn Menem UT Tea mime a NTU CORUM UC crm OR Umeli mea b eM Ole (ber mmo NMRA 7107/70 Tapert ral Rann maa ul TAC im cceeGRirea tine ca tha.) Naima Gm Cen ae eR Cup me tera ito beara ) Otherwise he suffers the of Doctor Who = forgotten in the wake of the Dale The Datly Worker's $ aM PT OMer LMM Teta Crem teCOm Deere fit I) smmtOCeitr td pmt) om 6] es at Bonide ei Mae ea dC eect wes 11} etd eT Me ome MURS Hoa PUM ar ID Mea Gr (a Ne ies taunted on 2nd f eee e cum Ut ling between the and the Hugenots, but If Protea itor ll lace bie GIT Tar per Te metars tat che CMe wort arc (mentee cere ta s with more still being negotiated, and it gets five per cent of the wholesale price on aa Proc CmO Ge act aan GMM enemy home Recent meme, its nig truth Ee Ci ete rita Dei if the Daleks are in it, H reat 8 agreed, twelve million children can't be wrong. @ aren and a slide caption of a misty, cratered planet that represented Shara. THE CHASE The main storyline development in The Chase (see Pages 43 to 50) fot the Daleks: was that they had now been able to construtt zoratt that was not only bigger on the inside than the wutside but could travel through time and space — sumilar to the TARDIS. Likewise, they now possessed movement scanners to track the TARDIS aernss different planets and time periods; and had identified the Doctor and his three companions ‘as targets for execution: for delaying their invaskin of Earth (later. in the sertal, Vicki refers to ‘Ancient New York’ being destroyed by the Daleks), An assassination squad was deshatched in the time ship ta purse the TARDIS across Space and time. The landing sites af the Dalek vessel were the Sagaro Desert on Aridius, the Empire State Boilding in. New York 1966, ihe Mary Celeste _in- 1872, Frankenstent’s Howse. of Hovrors at the Festival of Ghana ‘in 1996, the jungles of the: planet ‘Mechanus, and finally a garage in London. 1965. where its selfdestnict: mechanism wassactivated by lanand Barbara. One of He Daleks was. fitted with a. getsmic detectir anit or perceplor arm capable to sensing approaching lifelorms and of detecting the TARDIS For the first time they attempted to fire their neutraliser guns at'the TARDIS, to find this had no effect. Als immume to the ray- weapons were Dracula and other robotic exhibits at the 1996 amusement attraction. The time ship was also equipped with a reproducer im which the Daleks created! § diplitate mmanoid of the Docter, with its tiemory fed by a computes. However, the robot, panos fo infiltrate and (oll the Doctor's party ail heer informed ‘that the Doctor's. companions were lan, Barbara aid Susan —avslip which gave way ite identity and allowed the Doctor to immobinse it. On Mechanus, the Daleks operated in numbered ‘sections’ 16 attack first the travellers, and then the robotic Meehons/Mechonouts with whom Skaro had had previous dealings, Access to the lit shaft upto the Mechonowi city was gamed by a Dalek fitted with acdistike electrode unit. MISSION TO THE UNKNOWN Because the final two episodes: cf Hlanet of Giants, transmitted dunng Season Two, were: combined into a single episode for transmission, an extra episade was allocated to the second recording black ot Doctor Wha. By this time, the production teara were considering Shirylihes for Season Three, including 2 special extended Dalek story. ()n 25th Febroary 1965, story editor Dennis Spooner commissioned Nation (0. write a sitwle episode, rred to as Datel Cut-Ateay, to serve as & One episode showease for the Daleks (since the regular cast would be-on holiday) and algo to lead-into the storyline which he aid Nation would develop for Season Three. The épisedé eoncemed the doomed battle for survival fought on the planet Kembel by Marc Cory, an agent of Earth's Space Security: Services. The Daleks had now been active i the palaxy for five hundred years (smoe around SS00AN, as, according ta The Daleks’ Master Plan, the vear was elther S899AN or 4OQ0AD), gaining control of over seventy planets in the ninth galactic system and forty a the constellation of Miros..Kembel had been selected a8 a base for operations since if was the inost hostile planet m the galaxy, The dense jungles were populated by Vaape plants, moblle vegetation covered ir thors which could turna human inte 3 Vaaga should it prick their skin, Cory knew that the only planet where the Vaapas flourished naturally s yeas Shiro, where the Daleks’ bred them in their laboratones for protection, The Daleks were assembling delegates from the Quter Galaxies as part of then’ great. alliance: representatives beng Gearon, ‘Trantis, Sentreal, Malpha, Warren and Besos. Their aun was to attack the Solar System, wiping gut the human empire that spanned Mitrs, Venus, Jupiter, the Moon colonies and of course Earth, The standard silver Daleks were again led by the Dalek Supreme ‘seen in The Chase, and ane Dalek retained a-perceptor arm from that story THE DALEKS’ MASTER PLAN The epic storyline had been discussed by Nation and Spooner'as far hack as February 1965, then as-a-six- episode serial, The idea to double its length-arose 85-48 Spooner prepared to leave Daetor in Nation toowork on ITC's The Baron seria}, and on loth July 1965, one of Spooners J: acts on Docioy Who was’ to comaiission Nation for the other six episodes. Nation’ and Spooner were ‘soon very: occupied with Tht Baron which tan into problems, This iheant that their ‘seripts for Dacor Wio, based an Nation's: original storyline, arrived late. Nation's entrigs ih, particular were very short. and ‘Spooner beefed up the insubstantial storyline by injecting his character of the Monk front The Time Meddler, the story pe to be aitightmare for new producer John Wiles: and tis story editor Donald Tosh, who had inherited the senal and were not happy with it, Wiles washed his-hands of the show as muchas possible, knowing that he could rely: omeiretnar Dougles Cambeld to make the scrip Ware The original drafts of the story— referred ta:at first as: Twelve Part Dalek .Sroiment —scallieet the planet: Kemble (althongh, Viegas was ft oeipinal name). The Daleks’ time ship was pulerned (oas-a Dardis, as with the deat senpts tor The Chase, and ginal time: panied fof the sthry was 1.000,000AD. The fitzal versions of thie credited Nationsas sale-wiiter dor-the first Jive parts and the Christmas comedy episode The Faust of Steven (which fad mething to do wath He main Dalek, storyline atalll The remiaitiing episodes credited Spooner, working fin ideas hy Nation, : The Daleka seen in Ta Dateks' Master Plan, which wasset.ur the year 4OQIAD (six inonthe After Cory's death), Appeardll 1d be simiar i resqurces and technology tenthgse- seem in The Chase These Daleks had. the power of time travel, ane yaad a capsule similar to the ‘onethey had ised to pursue the TARDIES hefare, As: with the earlier-staryy the Daleks wereable:to trace the TARDIS unig their Sara Kingdom (Jean Marsh) a short-lived but memorable companion for the Fimt Doctor as they combated The Deleks' Master Plan. Photo & REC In the Sinties, the Daleks were one of the most successful creations on British television. Photo © W Newman spaceltime: scope. The capsule. was also equipped with a voice-audio, a tannoy system allowing Mavic Chen's voice to boom out across ancient. Egypt, which was.the craft's only landing place before its return to Kembel, The Dalek pursuit ships referred {o from Depil’s Planet to Coronas of the Sun were never seen fully, although a small entrance in the form of a cylinder pod was seen in Coronas of the Sun. The pursuit ships sometimes operated in pursuit fleets led by an unseen Comniander. The fleet that followed the Spar 7-40 to Desperus failed its mission, and so the Dalek Supreme ordered that the fleet was destroyed by remote control from Kembel, The Doctor got on board a Dalek pursuit ship in Coronas of the Sun and declared that he was familiar with its controls; and ‘was shortly able to perform. a successful lift-off from Mira. This craft could also be controlled’ by the Daleks on Kembel, until Steven Taylor turned off the remote-control and steered the craft manually. The pursuit ships worked on a combination of reliance power and Gravity-Force which, although a current system to Steven, was declared by Sara Kingdom to be obsolete. The Gravity-Force generator later trapped Steven in a personal forcefield which saved: lnm from: the fre- power of the Dalek neutralisers. The Daleks possessed other advanced devices in their Central Control on. Kembel. The neutron randomizer was able to disrupt the operation of Chen's Spar 7-40 spaceship, forcmg it down onto the planet Desperus. After Steven turned off the remote-control’ on the Dalek pursuit ‘ship, the Daleks still dragged the vessel back to Kembel using their magnetise beam. The Daleks’ plan to wipe out. humanity continued from Mission to the Unknown as they were jomed by more representatives of the:Outer Galawes to form) the Universal Council or Galactic Council, These were Celation, Zephon (the. Master ofthe Fifth Galaxy) and Mavic Chen, the respected and revered Guardian of the Solar System who-aimed to manipulate the alliance ta his own ends, Chen was an important member of the Council, since he had acquired a Tarranium Core, a valuable elemient found only on the planet Uranus and which had taken fifty,. This was to form the vital core of the Daleks’ newest weapon! a Time Destructor: To be mounted in the main ship of their five thousand strong-attack fleet, this would distort time by a its progress, and so cripple Earth ee was to be the first of the four Solar planets to fall. Whilst the Galactic Council was’ in session, the Daleks organised themselves into numbered Secur- ity Patrols (af two or three Daleks each) and made tegular sweeps ol the Kembel jungles close to their citadel. When the presence of SSS agent Bret Vyon and the TARDIS crew was detected, the Dalek Supreme ordered that Operation Inferno be implemented. This involved three Daleks fitted with pyrotlame arms: igniting the folage im the jungle to drive the fugitives out of hiding, As it was' later revealed, the Daleks’ war force that would be used for the invasion was hidden deep in an underground plant behind the citadel where the meetings of the Galactie Council had taken place. Despite the fact that the Doctor appeared not to know the’ Daleks on their first meeting on Skaro, he was now quite an-expert on them. [bwas also clear that the Monk recognised the Daleks. As the time Destructor took éffect in Destruction af Time, the Dalek casings buckled under the ravages of the Destructor. Small octopoid embryo Daleks appeared. as the creatures perished, The D were as The Chase, generally with a silver livery, again Jed by the Black Dalek: most of the episodes. The perceptor arm from The Chase made a couple of other appearances in the senal such as in scenes on Mira during Counter Plot, and was. used to track ‘a radio transmitter as well as sensing the presence of an invisible Visian, During. May 1966, a tentative agreement was made between the BBC and Lynsted Film Productions Limited (Nation's. own ‘production company) to collaborate on a-senes of television films entitled The Daleks, Nation and his colleagiies started to raise the money required, and Nation, now free from The Baron, started work ona pilot script to deliver for November 1966, The final reierence made by Hartnell’s Doctor tothe Daleks came in The War Machines Episode: 1 as- he described how he got a prickling sensation when they were around. THE POWER OF THE DALEKS The Daleks were tc. return as'a baptism of fire for the new Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton, in The Power of the Daleks. This storyline was devised by David Whitaker and commissioned by story editor Gerry Davis on 22nd July, 1966 us The Destiny of Doctor Who, Recordings were delayed by a week when Dennis Spooner was called in to do rewntes and editing durmg the weekend of Friday Sth and Saturday Sth-Detober. During Episode One of the story, the newly regenerated Doctor extracted a plece:of metal from his collection ‘of possessions. This was identical to an object found by Lesterson, the chief scientist of an Earth colony on the planet Vulcan. which had apparently fallen:from an ancient space capsule that had dain dormant ina mercury swamp for two- hundred. years. The metal object was in fact an opening mechanism for a Dalek space ship, a seemingly small-affair with a crew of three in the standard silver livery (and with simplified] gun arms). A Dalek creature was seen at the end of Episode One asa small many-tentaced creature. scuttling into the shadows, whilst similar embryos (like those in The Daleks’ Master Plan) were later Jadied mto waiting Dalek casings by a Dalek whose arm was replaced by a sieve-tke attachment. The Dalek cupsule was seen to be extremely large m Episodes Four to Six, containing an area in which the three existing Daleks could set up a production line to genetically engineer others of their land, and build the machines to house them. The first Dalek was reactivated by Lesterson applying power'to i Via probes’ mounted on its casing, with the scientist ee that the creature hada simple positrome brain, The power, initially controlled by Lesterson from a panel in his = 9 =< laboratory), was siored hy the Daleks and eventually harnessed through the capsule. Eventually, the Daleks aimed to gain fill mobility around the colony: by laying a. power cable around the settlement - claiming that this was an emergency supply Lesterson had ordered them lo prepare. This oe was To generate the static elactriaty which came from the Daleks’ capsile, rendermg Lesterson's power source redundant, The Doctor managed to trump by uéing power frum the colany’s electric supply, overteeding it-and blowing up the Daleks’ stati circuit — the efféet being that the Daleks went out of control and ¢xplodéd because of the excessive power level, . ‘Lestersen wag able to remove the Dsleks' gun am alter it/attacked One-of Wis aswatants, Resto, since he aimed to ise the Daleks:as-a tool to help automate the Vulcan caluny’s inning and processing programs. Without its gun den), the- Datek was still able to operate. the firing mechanism aa il fired uselessly after the Doctor in Episode Three, The Dalék-also claimed to Lesterson thal it-could create computer shea sich as a meteorite stan detector with one hundred per cent accuracy. The Dalek Lestersan reactivated! was. Immediately shle torecognise the Doctor, despite the faerthat he had regenerated, THE DESTROYERS By 15th November, 1966, Lyneted’ Film, Produe- pons seemed fo have the go-ahead to start production on The Destedters, the fist-episode ‘of the half-hour Daleks tlm senes. an Monday 2th Decenitier 196. The script, by Nation, followed the adventures fa eroup: of Space Secunty: Setvice agents with Sani Kinedom (from The Daleks" Master Plax) being one of the central characters. A two- Mat spice exploration tam in 4 survey: dame of-an alert world is attacked by Daleks, and, Morgan aad Saracof the SSS manage tosend an'505, The $55 send a 800 of Captain Geet Corey, ‘David Kingdom (Sara's brother) and humanoid mdroid Mark Seven to investigate, ‘Finding Dalelr tracks, they follow them, fending uff man-eating: plants. Sara: is stil alive, tt a wowed faptive in the jungle, eventually being: captured by a Dalek defence mechanism that covers hearin a web inhen she hides ai the cave entrance to their underground city; The Black Dalek, seeing that Sara wil provide information for the impending Invasion of Earth, departs with her asa priganer in lis spaceship at the end of the episode. Then, om 25th, November 1986, the BBC pulled out of theproject, much ty the constémation of Nation and bis agancldten ‘Throughout 1967) Nation attempted to:lanneh the shaw in America at NBC, but with nousueress THE EVIL OF THE DALEKS David Whitaker submitted am intitied severhepusode storyline on Ath January LOG whieh wes to benome the final Dalek seriall ifthe Sixties. Very similar in some respects to te fitushed The ull of the Dalits, ialso had semendtable differences. The tests tur the Human, Factor wine to be run.on @_tavenun called Og, collected inom the year 20,000KC im Watecild’s two-tiati une qachne and broveht forward:to the Londian of 18s) A new structure for the Dalek hierarchy was shown in the serial. Al the top Was the Empertr Dalek, 2 htige immobile edifice simated iho darkened control room ot Skara and logking nike any other-sort Of Dalek that lid beeW seen. The different Dalek. work sechate On Shay were thrected by Black Dalek leaders, although unlike the Dalek Supreme in eather serials these were only differentiated fim the reqular-silver Daleks by thatr black domes, 10 The indestructible Dactur Who deserves his holid is time (1 hope!)"¥ aire eee atl y 7 Came mmm ete) Tide io cateentiycacd | hmipies eae CCR LM ek Ont omit a) Rocce ia distorted faces, and Peeve wae air gics Ppt UR Mitek Mec emp Ter) me mig Foal reals) Oui FtaH Ti Reread as children cannot identif ere Ct Camo IONT them,” Toye ntti line of journalists to emerge Irom behind thes plays on our terror of a future out of control { eam aW Polo ira (utes Tier TLE Tey acs oa ttm es 8 MM emeean COMO Coe mn eMC e nny ito \ crrapcnime lee cie Ui sar ita tle attention to his Dalek stories, Pi iy alekmania, Nation decided to lake lis ere Teena estcasoua ci nGy after having polished off the TU ae Cee A Ue eat can oy COTM MIO oer EULA cam | eMC om coy Meme Mtg ester emOn Une Th nme g were robots in human forni with Cybennen looked Ste brite oms that as long rch 196K The New Statesan’s Francis Hope became the la 1und have a good laugh. “S xi week or next decade is on the margin of bein Neen Oia Ronen m til Miiton Peel mUTonn i) einem iro cai vinevab nwa aki TeL(Gd Mieco ea merce Mee accent na Aint cM Rope onmnsr iar loaM ie icra beet i SUMS ee cen On LE, , special ground, reporle us the Dalek’s rep! em UPA Nag ero urs) eee comic Ti TEP a Lt em ea) i mbm yp teevi lic wet Mae Treat : [ weird and wouderful monsters. ‘Bul none cz inal ays Kin: OU di rau mae a coco The Daleks now hala greater iasteey of, dine travel than before, using an open piageal equipment that also. acted as-a comnuihicatinns spstei th featisport one of thei kind at 3 tine hiwagh time and space-in a similar mamer to the TARTS A fme link was made with the home of Theodore Miotible, a rich eccentric nang near -Canteriliey in 1866. His work with sctentis|, Edward, Watestield into the possibility-of time bowel, using the tere! forces of static electricity and many highly-palished murrors, opened aliik-ta the Daleks an Shara, and allowed them to-invade the mansion vin the mirrored. cabine |. Maxuble's prospective someday, Arian Terral, was also placed unter the mental contre! of the Daleks by tiaviogan alien device mounted inside his caller, This imbued Terral With magnetic properties from static elecinetty, and also, meant hal. he Wid no-auemully eat or drink. Uniike the tohotizing yrocess, “Terral ‘was left with @ high degrae of inntivation, but a Dalek voice echoing inside his head vould make hin obey whenneeded The Daleks had determined why they, were defeated by humans, It-was part of the human make- up which’ they wanted (o analvse at the Human ‘actor, and thus develop the antithesis Dalek Factor which they could instill in. humanity tirouphout the History af the Earth. To. tuin the experiment, the Doctor selected qualities nf courage, mercy, fnendship, instinct and self-ireservation itom Jamie as he attempted to rescue Warerfeld’s daygliter Victoria, with the thought’ patterns recorded on silver wite) The Puran Factor washer plaved mm three-positrome Dalek brains (0 create hoa superior, the virtues of humaniey linkedowith the brilhance of the Daleks. However: the tro! Daleks named Apia, Beta and Omiega by the Dector turned qulite tie playtul, friendly andi lowil. ‘The Doctor tedlised that these Daleks, hidden av their rave, coulit ining dawn the Dalek empire’ as they questioned orders, anid éaused other Daleks to question thea Blick Bilek eaters as well Avtachine started tomas produce the Dalek Factor, and another was set up tO prevedh this mit a beam penetrating Barth's atmosphere. \ conver sion archway to process tmmans mic mental Daleks Was sel up il A city Wweepays:shop, with Mastible being the first victinr of the Dalek Factor. The Doctor was mmmune (6 the archway (nol coming from Earth) andawas able to swtely ts: Dalek Factor capsillé for a Human Factor capsule. [n'a purging of Dileks to find the remaining! humanised ones, more Daleks were given the Human Factor, and’a. revolt soon took place against the Black Daleks and the Emperor, with the ity belag deatroved in an Inferno. The final ‘appearances of the Daleks athe Sixties were both minor, The Wheel In Space Episale 6 ended witha few seconds from the very start af The Evil of the Daleks Episule 2 bemg shown on the TARDIS. scanner screen: thought pattems. pro- jected by the Doctor to show his new-companim, Zoe Hernat, what she could beJetting herselfin for This was désigned to lead into-a repeat of Tht Beil Photo © Topham The Daleks’ latest associates, the | of the Daleks over the Summer of 1o8\to bndie Seasons Five and Six. A lone Dalek also appeared as. oneof the monsters. shown by te Doctor's thought channel during his: triat in The War Games Epigodé Ten. THE DALEKS IN THE SEVENTIES A Dalek appeared asian image plucked from the mind of the Doctor (now played by Jomerweey in Episodes Three and Five of The Mindiof Eau, This was not a-working prop; but merely a photograph of a Dalek from The Dale Invasion of Earth superimposed on the action, A quaveriig voue saying “Exterminate = Annihilate — Destroy” was added to the soundtrack: The Daleks’ return to Doctor Who, now in full colour, was: brought about’ by producer Barry, Letts and seript editor Terrance Dicks im. 1971 after demands: from Viewers. Weiter Louis Marks: had subnutted a complex time travel storyline about Jerillas attempting to alter histury entitled The tne Worrtors at the start of the year. With rewrites from Dicks the Daleks were brought into the narrative'as the evil behind @ totalitarian Earth regime of the twenty-second century, a state which employed ape-like monsters, the Ogrons, as policemen. Dicks ted to tie continuity closely into the ‘Sixties serials so that the story farmed an alternative future from The Dalek Fnvaston of Barth fas the Gold Dalek explains they have altered time and invaded Barth again). Some dialogue in the original script for Episode Four also referred ta The Euil of the Daleks, as‘it was explained that the humanized Daleks in the Dalek race had been found and destroyed. It was not until production was underway that Letts and Dicks realised that the Daleks were owned by Terry Nation and not by the BBC, They visited Natian at Pinewood Studios (where he was now associate producer on The Perswadeers!) and explamed the situation, Nation agreed to clearance for his creations, providing that he receivedea fee and on-screen credit. Further talks with Nation and his agent, Roger Hancock, led to an. agreement that if Dicks and Letts wished to make further Dalek serials, Nation would be given’ first refusal. This a is, encounter the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) in Day of the Daleks, Photo © BBC Video deal effectively wrote off a storyline commissioned from ‘Robert Sloman in May 1971 entitled Tha Daleks in London. The Daleks) mastery over time in this alternate versiin, of the twenty-second century was clearly an friprovement over their large time vessels in The Chase and the deviceused in The Evil of the Daleks. Now the Daleks had small boxes called Time Transferénce Moditles, although these appeared to only be capable of moving the user through time — nol space as well. They could however divert people travelling in the time vortex by locking onto the freqiency of their module and activating the Time Vortex Magnetron, The Daleks now possessed a mind analysis machine which was used on the Doctor at the climax of Episode ‘Three, The Doctor was strapped down te an operating table and a band-placed arcund bis forehead. This allowed the Daleks to confirm that he was ther arch enemy. (with black and white peepee of Hartnell and Troughton being seen). e word ‘Dalekertim’ was again used, this time to describe a type of explosive that was’ effective against the Daleks. In the possible future, Barth had been weakened by the destruction ala World Peace Conference chaired at Auderly House by Sir Regmald Styies during the late twentieth century. This massacre of delegates had sparked war, and for the next century there was nothing but kiling and destruc- tion with seven-elgtiths of the population wiped out. With the Earth in such a weakened state, the Daleks found if easy to invade, The England of the future was bleak and ruined =part of the Dalek Empire that radiated out from Skaro, The Daleks hid turned humanity into @ slave labour force, mining the planet's minerals for transport out into ther Empire. The area around Auderly House was now known as the Central Zone, a complex of concrete tawer blocks such as Work Centre 117. The bulk of humanity was slave labour, with a few individuals cooperating with the Daleks as guards, managers and controllers. The security forces: were comprised of Ogrons, armed with ultrasonic disintegration guns, They were: of lower intelligence than humans, but more loyal to the Daleks. The Daleks in this ‘serial sported. new colour schemes. The standard Daleks were given dark Qun-metal grey casings with black trimmings, whilst, their leader was gold in colour with black trimmings, and was referred to in Radio Times as the ‘Chief Dalek’. ‘The Daleks* extermination effects still made the'picture turn negative, bul this time lineolour. as a complimentary picture amplifier wag used. The {weapons also made a different type af sound. FRONTIER IN SPACE AS part of the Tenth Anniversary season of Doctor Who, Letts and Dicks decided early in 1972 to include a twelve-part Storyline rivaling the emc of The Daleks’ Master Plan, but this (ime splitting the narrative into two distinct but connected halves. The first senal, Frontier in Space by Malcolm Hulk, ptincisally concerned the attempts of the Master to start a space war with the help of the Ogrons (who had been identified as popular when Working for the Daleks during the previous season, and indeed one had appeared briefly as:a specimen it, Vorg's miniscope during Carnal of Monsters Episode Two with a brief reference again made to their Dalek masters). This would then lead into-a second six-part serial to be written by Terry Nation, withthe Daleks making = Two Daleks patrol the area around the Movellan ship in Destiny of the Daleks. Photo © BBC Phow © BBC <« Keled city and so sent-amission fed by Commander Van p HCL a &é QO flo international science-fiction,” chirped Shaun Usher in The Daily-Mail of 10th March 1975, “with Doetor Whe facing up-to another farewell appearance by the Daleks, Temy Nation, who devised these malevolent third-cousing ta faireround bumpercars, and is writing this section of the saga, may be hurt by the reac: ion, but Daleks are positively reassuring to those of us'who knew Doctor Who when he was William Hartnell and we were a lat younger.” : ; Anthony Haden-Guest, writing about Genesis of the Daleks in Radio Times, continued to probe for the secret of their success. “If the Doctor ever treated them with disrespect they'd be dead,” Terry Nation told him: "They're Indians, Sidney Greensireets, incometax men —it's good versus evil. Do you know what we have here? A new style morality play!” Nation's enthusiasm for his Daleks was, however, no longer matched by his feelings for Dacter Who. In 1977 he told The Daily -Express's David Wig that “Tthink it's lost agreal deal of the excitement and adventure with which il started out. It's taking itself a little too seriously. { think it should be niore fun.” i Terry Nation said his farewell to. Doctor Who with Destiny of the Daleks in 1979. Reportedly one of Britam’s highest paid freelance writers, he would soon emignite tor the allures of the American film industry. “Today Nation, who owns the rights to the Dalek name and splits the royalties with the BBC, isa. nich man,” reported Charles Catchpole in The Del Express on 1st September 1979, “He lives in-a fifteen-room Elizabethan house m Kent which he bought for cash. And tonight, as the Daleks emerge from the London depot where they've been gathering dust for four years, Terry Nation's sicyear old son Joe! will get hus first sight of Daddy's evil inventions. But who remembers Ray Cusick, who actually designed the creatures? For him there has been-no windfall. He still works asa staif designer at the TV Centre. ‘I didn't get much out.of il,” he says “Tar an employee ofthe BBC and whalever ! do is their copyright, although Idid get-an ex-pratia payment.” With any hint of menace now long-forgotten by Fleet Sereet, attention continued 1 con- centrate on the mea behind the- machines. “Il is amazing the saticy, sexy gossip a Dalek can overhear when he's on duty,” revealed The Sua's Philip desu on Lbth September. “The authority for that is Cy Town, who plays Dalelc No.1 — the Daleks have a strict peck- ing order—in lonight’s Doctor Who episode, He says“People stand talking beside.a Dalek in the studio, They forget there could be someone inside. The things I've heard! T know who's living with whom, what they think of different directors and the BBC bosses, and all sorts of scandal. A blackmailer would make acrich harvest.” “Town, 41, has been a Dalek on and off for nine years. He says; ‘I worked my-way up fram No3 Dalek to No.1! “There is only one cioud on Town's horizon. He says; ‘John Sentt Martiri, now in the West End musical Oliver, is really No.1 Dalek. [hope Oltner munis forever — otherwise I might be demoted.” betound im-the radioactive wastelands near the Sharrel fo Skaro (or D5 Gamma 2 Alpha ds they ‘fiined Kaled woty,.and the Doctor came-aoross: 4 referred to it) to stop their enemies‘andcaphire Davros touse themselves. By now.thé Daleks were mining down into the old laled Ciry-wnyit biel mipact, phason blasts, searching tor Davros on Level Three, s distinctly atodtls with the fact that Davros Was stpposedly exterminated by the Daleks in the main laboratury, ob the Bunker, and notin the: Kaled City-at all. On revival from his sleep, Sustained by a secondary life-support system in his wheelchair, Davros learatiof the Daleks’ command structure antl history through a-etimputer sphere, claiming that he, and oe imseen Supreme Dalek, should be their Supreme Commander, The Daleks: in the cantrol room on Skaro appeared to be a small task force of around ten waking thetr orders from Dzlek Space Command at their Central Contra} which was not situated on Skaro (by the climax of the story, only seven are still operational): Mittants could still % ginal pink piece of sline witich he identified a5 a Kaled mitant ~ again commenting that the Daleks were now robots despite the once orgame origms The Daleks at work.on Skaro wppeired to be generally of one rank, although the casings were various shades af grey, A yew extermination effe was aged with: (his serial. On previous occasions, the whole-of the streen image had to be-colour inverted when Somehocly was shot, but now just an aura around ihe target was inverted. As with Genesis of the Daleks, the Dalek ray guns fired-bhie video effect streaks. It seems that a Dalek was alse to be one of three monsters planned for a:cameo, appearance in Part Five of Shada. Some versions of the-seript indicate that amongst the deadly villams heldon the Time Lord prison planet were-a Dalek, a Cyberman and a Zygon. Three walk-ons’(Steye Ismay, Ridgewell Hawks and Les'Shannon) were hired to play) the patts of ‘Space Monsters’ on the serial, but the scenes set Inside Shada were never taped. Logopolis Part Pour’ inchided flashbacks as the Doctor saw images of his enemies whilst hanging by a cable from the Pharos Project dish,. These included a Dalek from Destiny of the Daleks Episode Four and Davros from Genesis af the Daleks Part Five. Two seasons later, Part Two of Mawdryn Undead had a similar set of flashbacks for the amnesia-stticken. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, This mcludeda shot of the golden Chief Dalek from Diy of the Daleks Episode te To celebrate twenty years of Doctor Who, the anniversary-story The Fine Doctors was desimed to inchie as many nostalgic elements as possible. Amongst all the Doctors and companions, the Time Londs, the Master and the Cybermen was nestled a single Dalek (suggested by writer Terrance Dicks), transported to the Death Zone of Gallifrey (presumably by Lord President Borusa) and lett roaming the strange building into whick the First Doctor and Susan were dropped by the TameSéhdp. Later the Doctor was to commentithat the Daleks, tke the Cybennen, had never heen used by his Time Lord-ancestors'f6 play the barbaric game of Russilon since-tthey had been too pewerfal and dangerous, When the Dalek’s ray reflected on itself, sections Ubthe casiag blew off-te reywal. 4 mechanical interior mechnism and-a_mnltitentacled green creature dving inside, The Dalek’s heutraliser sent ott 3 thin light ble beam. RESURRECTION OF THE DALEKS As part Of the Season Twenty anniversary stories planted by protiicer John Nathan-Turner, script editor Erie Saward created a storyline entitled Warhead (also referred to as The Return) ‘to conclude the season, aiming to make a sequel to Destiny of the Daleks about the imprisonment of Davros, Although the storyline was submitted m ewly 1982 to Terry Nation (in America where. he was wworking’on’ projects in Hollywood), it was not aml! (he ead af the vear that plans were fixed for Warhead to enter production in January, Because of BBC stokes -alfecting Doctor Who, Warhead lost its stadios and had 4g h¢- abandoned at pre-production. Eventually il was remiounted $$ the fourth serial. of Season Twenty-Qne, Saward did rewrites on the Lan (Pony Osoba) and Agella (Suzanne Danielle) far bartle against their arch enemies, fee Daleks in Destiny of the Daleke, Phate © BBC script during 1983 turning it first: into The Resurrection and then. Resurrection of the Daleks. Resurrection of the Daleks was set mnety years afier Destiny of the Daleks. Davros had been taken to Earth, stood trial and been sentenced to imprisonment in cryogenic suspension on board a space Station a8 its sole prisoner. The Movellan/ Dalek impasse of the battle computers was overcome when the Movellans developed a virus that exclusively attacked Daleks, destroying them and causing white foam to ooze from their casings. The Dalek fleet was destroyed, and the survivors split up across the universe to avoid infection and to find a cure. One Dalek faction, led by the Supreme Dalek, started to use humanoid servants such: as Lytton, a mercenary who had become a Comman- der of their Special Guard. Other troopers and engineers were humanoits from elsewhere, cap- tured prisoners from various time eras, who were held on board a Dalek battle cruiser to undergo ‘duplication’, This process was an ‘extension of genetic engineering, with all the brain waves,of the original person drained ya wires connected to their femples und transferred toa new body that was controlled by the Daleks. However, the diphica were frequently tmstable and) could: break dawn if if the original personalities broke through, The Dalek battle cruiser was equipped with warp drive, a force shield and also had a time corridor, a chamber into which somebody could step and then travel’ dows — in this case it led to'a disused warehouse in London in 1984. Here, the Daleks stored sonte Canisters of the Movellan virus so that it could not bea titeat to their vessel. Duplicates were also placed: at strategic points in Barth society to “ensure. the planet’s eventual downfall to'a Dalek attack, The Daleks could communicate with the Suptétie Dalek for orders automatically, with.a buzzing soun emitted from their casings, whilst the humanoid troopers’ wore helmets with microphones and earpieces built in. The Dalek scanners: were now images cast into a crystal sphere in their control room. In addition to their neutralisers, the Daleks also used a form of airborne virus that wiped out humans, blistering and melting their : The Dalek creatures themselves were green blobs which could still move outside their casings and attacked humans by biting: the neck, passinly injecting an alien polson similar to the embryo that attacked the Doctor in Genests of the Daleks, _ The appearance of the Doctor at the warehouse in, 1984 did. not ep nic by. the Daleks,, and plans were immediately put in operation to ust: him mattack upon the Time Lords by sending duplicates of the Doctor, Tegan and Turlough td ‘assassinate the High Council on Gallifrey, This was at the same time as the’ atlack on the Barth space station to rescue Davros, whom the Supreme Dalek wanted to use to find’ cure for the virus, After his Usefulness. was. over, Davros would then he destroyed. Distrusting the Supreme Dalek and determined not to be abused again, Davros aimed to genetically re-engineer anew race of even more deadly Daleks. He hatl realised that: the totally ruthless Daleks could not deal with instinct and intuition, and wanted to use an understanding of compassion to increase their strength. In the meantime he conditioned human: duplicates and Daleks to obey him using a small device from his wheelchair; With his new race, he-atmed to take vengeance-on Earth and humanity, and alse to drain the Doctor's mind of his knowledge before he killed him (although when held at-gun ca he offered the Doctor’a chance to lead the alek arniy alongside him), Soon, the Daleks loyal to Davros fought those serving the Supreme Dalek in the warehouse on Earth, Lytton’s troopers were killed (although Lytton escaped) and many of the Daleks were wiped out by the Movellan virus released by the Doctor, What Wits Pa Wo ie ert ae B: the early Eighties the Daleks had acquired the status of a slightly embarrassing Photo © Steve Cook ald relative whose occasional visits had once been quite entertaining. No longer sure ‘what to say about them the press fell back on taking the mickey. According to The Mail on Sunday, (hen-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Trade Secretary Lord Cockfield had become known as ‘Lord Dalek’. “His nickname comes from his apes way of speaking,” wrote Peter Simmons on 21st November 1983, “and he has been chosen by Mrs Thatcher (o exterminate the flood of Japanese imports info Britain and bring down barriers stopping Britain selling niore abroad.” Ti is the end of the decade the MP for Skaro became Douglas Hurd, thanks to rubber satirists onthe Spitting Image TV programme. Meanwhile, the mirth continued throughout Doctor Who's Twentieth Anniversary cele- brations. “That Daleks have not yet taken over the cosmos is attributable wholly to the cracks in the pavement,” realised 7he Guardian on 28th November 1983 - almost twenty years after everyone else, Things looked up as, following an-excited preview by The Evening Standard, The Daily Express greeted the Resurrection of the Daleks: On 2nd February 1984 Maureen Paton bid “Welcome back to the pesky pepperpots. "Tt was rather like meeting old fiends again last night when the talking tin-cans reap- peared to have yet another go at conquering everything in sight for the latest Doctor Who adventure on BBC1, Familiarity has relieved them of much of their menace but none of their bizarre comedy value . .. ‘-cannot-see — My-vision-isimpaired,' wailed one Dalek over and over like a stuck record after its seeing stalk had been blasted to smithereens. I did admire its ability to express itself in the best Queen's English under the most adverse cir- cumstances.” “Meeting your heroes can sometimes be a let down,” claimed Alexei Sayle in February 1993's Observer, “A group of people that | was really excited aboul meeting and who tumed out to bea real disappointment were the Daleks, In 1985 I appeared in two episodes of a Dactor Whe adventure called Revelation of the Daleks, The Doctor at that time was the underrated Colin Baker= the last of the great Doctors — and he also had the sexiest assis- tant ever — an American gil they called Peri, But it was the Daleks 1 wanted to meet and, well, what a stuck-up bunch they were! When I say Daleks I mean the nien who trundle around inside the monsters, They all seemed to be ex-dancers who'd been ‘doing’ Daleks since they were invented in the Sixties and had got very prissy about it, They wore black dance pants and black polo necks and during rehearsals trolleyed round in. ‘rehearsal Daleks’, which were the usual castor-nounted robot but with the top lopped off, like a con- vertible Metro. ‘To represent the Daleks’ eye on a stalk they wheeled round with their arms held out in a rigid Hitler salute. When they read, their lines they would open and close their fists to represent the opening and closing of the Dalek’s eye - and they didn't smile when they were doing it. [twas like being surrounded by demented Nazi tea tro- leys. At lunchtime they sat by themselves and wouldn't talk to anybody else — annoying, but 1 suppose you had to respect them for taking their craft seriously.” which also attacked Davros. The Supreme Dalek and its battle cruiser were destroved when Stien, a duplicate, activated the’ space station's self-destruct mechanism. The Daleks in this serial retained their grey and black livery, and their neutraliser weapons spat a blue ray which generated a colour negative aura about their victim. Again, when the Daleks were blown apart, creatures like those in The Five Doctors were seen. The Dalek Supreme in this story was black, with white trimmings. REVELATION OF THE DALEKS Unhappy with his: scripts for Resurrection of the Daleks, Saward wanted another attempt to get a Dalek/Davras story ‘right’, particularly with regards is use of the Daleks. The earlier serial had drawn very strongly on the Dalek myth laid down in previous stones, but now Saward crafted a new storyline (based on Evelyn Waugh’s book The Loved One) for the Daleks to be placed in, whilst continuing the notion of different Dalek factions hinted at in his earlier serial. The original scripts contained two white Daleks in the mcubation room, as opposed to the glass one (an idea mooted, according to legend, for Nation's onginal 1963 storyline and included in David Whitaker's novelisa- tion). Stengos’ severed head was kept in a metal box, and not installed ina Dalek. At the end of Resurrection of the Daleks Davros managed to escape from the space station in an escape pod and was taken by transporter to the planet Necros. Here he established himself as the Great Healer, a scientist working on cures for many deadly diseases, His base of operations was a laboratory in catacombs beneath Tranquil Repose, 7 »_ vros, rescued from his long hibernation in faced by two of his creations in Resurrection of the Dateks, But are they friend or foe? Photo © BBC << ‘an establishment of over forty years stauling in whiel the rich ‘and -terrainally ilk could be frozen in eryouumé suspension unt!) a cure for them condition was found, At the same time, Divan Struck a deal with Kara, an indostrinlit, Yo manifactare @ concentrated protein source whic Davros: then marketed at low prices (o-alleviate fame on other plimets. The source of protein however way actually the froze) inmates from: Tranquil Repose. Davros deniunded money from Kara to finance his experiments, which were nol devoted to, cing diseases, Davros’ rnin plan was (6 create-a new breed of Tiileks that could reproduice-anywhere, usin ity thaterial the ceyogemically froven figures-at eg Repose who tad status and ambition when alrve. would then bécome the Emperor of the new Dalek pace’ that would rule and conquer. ‘The experiments conducted sin humans were quite horsific, anibsome of the resulting mutants escaped or were teleased ito the wilde of Necros. Homan brams were kept m tanks, whilst others: suchas Professor Arthur Stengos-were genetically engineered into gmesome life-forms {hat could inhabit ass Malek casings in the incubatar rown (and wineli ooidd apparently materialise when machinery was activated), These Daleks were mind conditioned bo forma: the New Order af Daleks that would he Kept pure atlall casts, Davros also Hered those he-felt hadl splint, such as ees the chance to become immortal, as: Son Davros’ new man’ force of Daleks Gai a white and gol ls livery) was ready, and kept am hding imtil the time was right. Sonie: of the Daleks were used by Davros in Tranquil Repose itself; malndiig a natber of Patrol Daisies in the grounds, They peared to havea tiew powee th their casings — the aby tu levitate, Davros’ wheelchair could alst achieve thus, Gna hazy red glow, Davras hse ‘was pow atmaed, able te shoot. beams of blue en ety fem hus tngertips. Davros’ Daleks were Yuln te both bullets-fieted with hastic heats and teams of ultrasonic sound. it-wag:the ‘death’ of Stengos that allowed Davros \o-set-a tran far the Doctor, whami he recognised a fis nex incarnation (as did Davros these from Skuro did net}. Davros’ 2 the Dottor suffer the pighinwre-of being y Dalek himself Also: aware that hi (reewt Heales mate him a pome target for assassination attenipts, Davros communicated Hhrough alfake head in-some dummy life-support machinéry in his laboratory. Wanting to-rie! Tranquil Repose of Davros, one of the morticians, Takis, senb for the Daleks from Shato (avin retained the grey and black livery) These Daleks whe obeved the new Supreme Dates, travelled 1 Necras iy an, unscheduled freighter which pesembled a sailcer-style spaceship, ¢ntend:- ing to take Davnos batkto lus home world.and stand irual for his crimes: azamst them, [na gun battle, Paveds™ hand was shot off and eventually his white Daleks were overcotie. Davros was taken prisoner ttt LITLE == Pc by the prey Daleks who left Neeros for Skaro, REMEMBRANCE OF THE DALEKS Writer Ben Aaronoviteh studied the history of the Daleks in some detail when crafting Remembrante of thé Daleks; the most recent Dalek serial to date (dealt with ‘im more detail on pages 23 to 40) Although the serial was sel in November 1963 and on Earth, the Daleks had ‘returned’ fo thein ancestral home uf d to be one of six planets in its system), at les away in a tite zone a thous the future. Two diterent factions of Daleks were atwork: the white and gold Imperial] Daleks (led by Day pow their Emperor) and the gre renegade Daleks (led by the Black at black Alone Dalek prowla the corridors of the Death Zone on Gallifrey in The Five Doctors Photo & BBC Video Photo © BBC Apart from the difference mn casings, the Dalek creatures themselves were now genetically diffe- rent and treated each other with racial hatred. The renegade Daleks appeared to be: traditional ‘green mutants while the Imperial Daleks had bionic functional appendages and mechahieal prothesises gralted onto them, including a sharp metal claw. The Doctor, who claimed to have nine-hundred years of experience with Daleks, commented that the Dalek armour was: bonded polyearbide, and that their neutralisers were projected energy weapons which caused massive internal displacement of human organs whilst leaving tissue undamaged. Although the Daleks possessed crude time corridor technology (such as the. spherical time controller unit the renegades used), it was the plan of Davros - who had now become the spherical headed Emperor Dalek - to make the Daleks the new Lords of Time, sweeping aside Gallifrey: and the Time Lords, The scheme involved acquiring the Omega device, a Gallifreyan creation for customis- ing stars, which had been-hidden in the London of 1963 by the Doetar. By using this, Skaro’s sim could be tumed into the power source necessary for full mastery of temporal travel. From: a powerful rer aan 4 A ae a! Mothership in . geostationary orbit over Earth (capable of holding four: fuindred Daleks), the Daleks landed a craft to install a-transmat station at Coal Hill Schoo! in Shoreditch, leaving a single Dalek operator on the shuttle, The Headmaster at the school was also. placed under Dalek .contral by means:of an implant behind his ear. Attack Squad Delta (a group of numbered Scouts and a Special Weapons Dalek led by a Shuttle Force Leader) was later sent down to Earth by the Emperor in another assault Shuttle, a small angular cralt. _ The renegade Daleks, also on Earth, ofiad mented a battle computer in the officesiof a fascist called Ratcliffe. The Daleks hadwreéalised that: their drawback was their devotion to logic, andi to get around this now harnessed the magination and creativity of a human schoolgirl as part of the biomechanical control system: linking the gir to the: Black: Dalek leading the renegades and giving her the power to hurl bolts of energy from her fingertips. The renegades were generally wiped out by the superior firepower of Attack Squad Delta: The Doctor saw the final destruction of Skaro by maneouvering Davros into using the pre~ programmed Hand of Omega. Its sun went eee, Skaro was vapourised and the feedhack the retiring device destroyed the Mothership in ean orbit. The remaining Black Dalek on Earth sell-destructed after the Doctor anvinced it of its failure. But the Daleks are never entirely defeated... Finis ae Coronation rae re the ie focal cane aii et UN aud eae ce ree ah eta RUNES eRe ot though, “Handsaip anyone who's still afraid of the Daleks," "asked The Daily Miner in Cerone MOO men OER eer coher mliom na HiM nti tusca lee 1) behind the-sofa are long gone. It may be familiarity but 1 blame this new girl of the PW oom ote ccimccrem irae Giitcniscer al mmr actually calls them CaM ogess Iho DE Moa tte doing the washing up and popping round to etal monsters have gone rusty and couldn't frighten a jelly-baby,” sneered The Jim Taylor. “The plots on another planet and the latest Doctor -Sylvester ~ should be struck off. Twenty-five years is a long time, even by TARDIS UT Sate emeURSUerlaster Mio eon t lem tu lente eR IaTeRueele: ema TEL Siar tli (er tions and pulled the plug on this programme. The Doctor peaked with Jon Pertwee in command, Ever since, the scHi series has been a load of intergalactic garbage.” OTe erica at mentee iene oars om Gomes) hie er mete MPU etn tee Wit Distt eea aren) ei may era Cyberm knew their place, the Doctor has Abs teeter lemaloy me eit sc) eves shi aga iecal nya Mev b i Pm ecco er clita vci leer i bl om veri rere mers tam iets Nene en are ALC ea Ree riednos tee MHaW Osan CMeciiiienetenn abi Oe chi moran ect ean cal PUT w oat pele seoflrey Phillips was also glad to see them, On Sth October he ofle red: “Three cheers for the return of Doctor Who's arch-enemy, that chubby death-tleal- ieee eg hee Engrs eave see ORIEN Gee cem Beare Puno eg abl ice wulabade two. This new seri Boiron Pacem \vesititcM al tmeitemu Cw abe mom SMO ierm tiie tt nt legal tender and. even more important, Daleks lurked in STO Monee p ere sherpa pac. transmission, photo spreads while it was on the air and even a page on ‘Dalek gir!’ beauty et Plann oaal Aer eM ciRa RS CUO Mee Cte tT cl Ream mec me ELL ar ans am] elve- year-old Jasmine Breaks told The Daily Mirror. You could have been forsiv- a ine iti a eee are M aM eCE noe Calls amieren MIAO HiT ae Be elaine “Some things don't change.” surmised Radio Times in examining the appeal of the “unexterminated” villains, “There may have been seven Doctors and countless monsters, aliens and robots: bul a Dalek is always a Dalek.” Photo © BBC BUM Menem peri Coal tiata tam ream Os Col eee ian om Puta adversaries for the Doctor (or Marc Cory), and not just the serials with brief appearances as cameos or flashbacks: BROADCAST DETAILS First transmission details for BBC1 vn] YE aoe [si KKK hejs te] B04 Et ry Be ya fas) re are 21st December, 1963 - Ist oavarcta meet) WE DTP Met yoy eum tae eek ete meee ae) ver eng AV om me cr The Dateks’ Master Plan The Power of the Daleks Oi Tae On Mrmr ee oa mee Planet af the Daleks (eur mee (Patt Me ea) Pesan mm eC eatinoa Oma eae T a Revelation of the Daleks Remembrance of the Daleks December, 1964 22nd May — 26th June, 1965 TAT Oise Ce] bran bo eis) 3th November, 1965 - peas aU tts a base) PGi vai tt lied 10th December, 1966 20th May — 1st July, 1967 eee eM rilthiy acres FALWattg ees Al My epee tied Pete ges utr adem Glitt AV Erea emer. 8th March — 12th April, 1975 oF meena iets) Cra] hci 1979 8th and 15th February, eae 23rd and 30th March, 1985 5th — 26th October, 1988 Pe Os cce Meera ey lt aR a CUCL Sarai statin atm CMa mOniiri yeaa This list covers stories featuring brief appearances from Daleks as-carneos or flashbacks: ie cae it QQQ By a tea (44 Vase rae art) VO om i) ered The War Games Ve Ome OTe ae uae cee cle R77 een ute Ramee ace The Five Doctors 24th April — 15th May, 1965 ardasteats) 6) lem bl [la Peete) 19th April — 21st June, 1969 30th January — 6th March, 1971 24th February — 3lst March, 1973 Planned Dates; 19th January ~ 23rd February, 1980, Video Releasédy July BY ta 28th February — Zist March 1981 Ist — 9th February, 1983 25th November, 1983 ' A Dalek was planned for Part Five but never recorded. DALEK RATINGS SNe Hera ee mor ac Bio V ee ne oe Aue Lig POSEN MME Ceneem nkee ua sie we com ala i carte Uccicmteg 1) FO featured the Daleks as the principle villains: 33 9.0M Pir eet aay 43rd 62% aR OM ricer mm rae mame Oe!) Met eA Ea R FROG eta 9.4M abi mesa BUMP ecm nen ted 83M a7th 54% A The Daleks’ Mastery Plan 94M. 3 by EE. The Power of the Daleks Pai. ne 0) Cg Ame emia ete x 64M. 47th 52% a0, QU am ee aati cy 96M 36th 52%" tei a em) ae Rit 2 97M 2 Ast aii De Oem a i mam a Bia. sa (ere aca 4E Genesis of the Daloks 96M 29th 57%" Bey cer alta) veo), aie 10] sc 6P Resurrection of the Daleks Arg Me YA i AD ei moms ae ep ia as 76M 62nd 66% VW eer ilad mie cee 54M S6th 70% iGateratecocM teeta a saeateo aac heey WO Sremecnnel ierecanene eH aiecgiecet BMI ere en pe dtuece Miocene ceed OT MBL cons muelhmeia 4 Pigures recorded for Parts ‘Two, Four, Five and Six only, THE DALEKS pS Fite eerste cig) Robert Jewell (B, K, R, T/A, VEE, LL, ZZ), Kevin. Manser (B. KR, T/A, ¥, BE), Michael Summerton (B), Gerald Taylor (B, K, R, T/A, V, EE, LL), Peter Murphy (B, KK)’, Nick Evans (K), Murphy Grumbar (Q, LL, KKK, QQQ, S53. 6.09 eat Scott Martin (R, T/A, V, EE, LL, KKE*, QQQ*, SSS, XXX, 4E, 6K, 6P 6Z, 7H), Rick Newby (KKK), Cy Tbwn (QQQ, SSS, XXX, 4E, J, GP 6Z, 7H), Tony Stare (SSSA, 6P 62, 7H), Keith Ashley (4E), Mike Mungarvan (5), Toby Byme (6h 62), Hugh Spight (7H, also billed as Ani Dalek Operator). wil Michael Ferguson (Dalek Hand; B), Ken Tilsen (K, LL), Jack Pitt (V), Nicholas Evans (EE), Toby Byme (5)), Tony Stare. (a]), David Harrison (7H), Norman: Bacon (7H), Nigel Wild (7H), * This is the same actor working under two different names, * Billed in Radie Times as ‘Cinef Dalek’. We caer ae Dalek Voices Peter Hawkins (B, K, Q. R, T/A, V, EE, LL), David Graham (B, K,R, T/A, V), Roy Skelton (LL, $85, 46. 5], 6K, 62, 7H), “unknown (FFF"), Oliver Gilbert CAKE), Peter Messaline (KKK), Michael Wisher (QQQ, SSS, XXX, 4E"), David Gooderson (5), Brian Miller (GP 7H),Royce Mills (62 7H, 6Z), John Leeson (7M). Uneredited. Ore John Lee (Alydon; B), Alan Wheatley (Temmosus;'B), Philip teMC@rTit eran este MA ietattteen ycltitcres)|MEBniove ba Byer org Curtis (Elyon; B),; Jonathan Crane (Kristas; B), Marcus Hammond (Antodus; B), Chris Browning, Katie Cashfield, Vez Delahunt, Kevin Glenmy, Ruth Harrison, Lesley Hill, Steve Pokol, Jeanette Rossini, Eric Smith (Thals; B), Bernard Harsfall (Taron; SSS), Prentis Hancock (Vaber; S35), Tim Preece (Codal: SSS), Jane How (Rebec; SSS), Hilary Minster (Marat; SSS/Thal Soldier; 4E),. Alan Tucker (Latep; 35S), Pat Gorman (Thal Soldier; 4E), Michael Lynch (Thal Politician; 4E), Max Photo © BBC Faulkner (Thal Guard; 4E), Harriet Philpin (Bettan; 4E), John Gleeson (Thal Soldier; 4E). Matt Michael Ferguson (Alydon’s Hand; B); Chris Browning (Double for Alydon; B); Frans, Van Norde (Thal; B); Peter Diamond (Double for Antodus; B); Alan Casley (Dead Thal Pilot; SSS); Dougal Rossiter, Julian Peters, Kirk Klugston, Terry Walsh, Philip Mather, Patrick Scoular, Rick Carroll, David Cleeve, Julian Hudson, Ryan Craven, David Billa, Tim Blackstone, Reg Turner and six unknown extras (Thal Soldiers; 4E); David Cleeve, Patrick Scoular, Jim Dowdall, Dinny Powell, Philip Mather (Thal Guards; 4E); John Dunn (Teddy Driver Guard; COM me TM tai es cent Cis t He Ore aoe Whittaker (Thal Politician; 4E); John Beardmore, Erie Rayner (Thal Generals; 4E). DAVROS ; Michael Wisher (4E); David Goodersen (5)); Terry Molloy (6P 4Z, 7H;also billed as Roy Tromelly as Emperor Dalek in 7H). KALEDS Peter Miles (Nyder, 4E), Dennis Chinnery (Gharman; 4), Guy STRUM Se ARe tHe Opa Ste ced Sacer (es Cee a ce Od Garbutt (Ronson; 4E), Drew Wood (Tane; 4E), Tom Georgeson (Kavell; 4E), Ivor Roberts (Mogren; 4E), Peter Mantle (Kaled (erred ON eotitetncan eae ie 4). wi Peter Kodak, Giles Melville, Alan Chuntz and six unknown extras (Kaled Soldiers; 4E); Paul Burton (Kaled Boy; 4E); Michael Brinker, Tony O'Reefe, Steve Butler (Kaleds, 4); Bob Watson, Barry Summerford, Peter Kodak, Giles Melville, Roy Caeser, Alan Chuntz, Jim Dowdall (Elite Guards; 4£); Richard ese Mm OW crap Genie CCM. t yi scem osm Rist ret eri col wale Travis, William Ashley, Charles Erskine, Terry Walsh, Paddy Ryan, Alan Charles Thomas, Mike Reynall, Tony Hayes (Kaled Scientists; 4E); Ken ‘Tracey (Kaled Prisoner; 45); Ronald me Anthony Lang, George Romanoff (Kaled Councillors; pte MUTOS Stephen Yardley (Sevrin; 4E), Jeremy Chandler (Gerill; 4E) with James Muir, John Delieu, Stephen Caleutt, Roger Salter, Terry Walsh (Mutos; 4E). OTHER NATIVES OF SKARO Tony Starn, Roy Reeves, Leslie Weekes (Vaagas; T/A); Michael Crane, Peter Duke, David Billa, David Cleeve, Tim Blackstone, Julian Hudson, John Sowerbutt, Christopher Holmes (Thals/ Kaleds/Mutos; 4E); Dod Watson (Genetic Experiment (Sie itm CREDITS (For predominantly Dalek stories only) Writers: Térry Nation (B, K, R, T/A, V, SSS, XXX, 4E, 5)), Dennis Spooner from an idea by Terry Nation (V), David Whitaker (EE, LL), (Dennis Spooner (EE)], Louis Marks (KKK), Eric Saward (6R 6Z), Ben Aaronovitch (7H). Story/Script Editors: David Whitaker (B, K), Dennis Spooner (R), Donald Tosh (T/A, V), Gerry David (EE, LL), Peter Bryant (LL), Terrance Dicks (KKK, 55S, XXX), Robert Holmes (4E), Douglas Adams (5), Enc Saward (6P 62), Pisa Or rettie mele be Associate Producer: Mervyn Pinfield (B, K). Producers: Verity Lambert (B, K, R, T/A), John Wiles (V), Innes Lloyd (EE, LL), Barry Letts (KKK, SSS, XXX), Philip 2 (4E), Graham Williams (5)), John Nathan-Timer (6P 62, 7H). Otese Cre Geis) cme sr lea eC He yO RO ore rate en K, R), Derek Martinus (T/A, LL), Douglas Camfield (V), Paul Bernard (KKK), David Maloney (SS5, 4E), Michael Briant (XXX), Ken Grieve (5J]), Matthew Robinson (6P), Graeme Harper (6Z), Andrew Morgan (7H). _ dro) Lay COMET Pa Amarang are distributing Comet Miniatures’ excellent Dalek kits. The only injection molded kits made in England today, these Daleks are disappearing fast from the shelves of the shops! But you can win one of TWENTY kits we have to give away in this FREE competition. All you have to do is answer the questions below and indicate which kit you would prefer - The Mark a I TV kit or the Movie Dalek kit. Send your entry on the back of a postcard or sealed envelope to Kit Kitty, Doctor Who Magazine, Marvel Comics Ltd., 13/15 Arundel Street, London WC2R 3DX. Entries should arrive no later than 12th August 1993. Usual Marvel competition rules apply. 1: What is the name of the Kaled scientist who created the Daleks? 000 000000000050050650500000050000000000050005005050 0000000000000 TT TESST FEES STE ESOOBEO FEET 2; How many Dalek stories featuring the Third Doctor were written by Terry Nation? 06666 6666F6605F0FFSFFSSSSSESESESESSSESEESESHSSSSSSTESHSHSSSSSSSESHSESSSCSCOS SSS SSO ES SSOSEOEOe DRGs occas cncoccscoceccecccucsccaccscccatsacaccvavesssestuscsscoocesctsssucersesesees 000606066 F SSS SF0F FEST ESEEESSEEESEEEEESESTSESSSHSESSSSESESSSSESESESSESESSSSHSSSSSESSECOSCOEEES BeeETES Gere Lede ssccseces tasasesce caeséasisees MG | Would Like Mark | Kit Q or | Would Like Movie Kit U 1-8 SCALE PLA MOVIE DALEK STIC INJECTION KIT evsions - Pa : WS Paintand Glue required | x For full details of other Comet Miniatures kits, write to: Comet Miniatures, 46 - 48 Lavender Hill, Battersea London SW11 5RH 071-228 3702 Please enclose an A5 envelope and £1.00 in stamps for a 52-page illustrated catalogue. DWAS MEMBERS: 10 per cent discount - supply membership number - plus postage to UK members (only) free! “Our most basic common linkois that we all inhalit this-small planet...” Great words echo arotnd the Earth, whilst out in space the world is watched by'an alien spacecraft . to PART ONE (dru: 24'33") The Doctor and Ace ime visiting Shoréditch in London, Nevember 1863, where the Doctar becomes intrigued by a black taday yan parked outside Coal Hill Road Secondary School. In the school playground, he sees strange scorch- mnarks, and isin tun watched by a + r sthoolgrl. Ace, meanwhile, goes to a local café where she meets young Mike Smith, a sergeant with the svrentific/military team wm the radar van Jed by Professor Rachel Jenson. The Doctor and Ace jom the team when Mike is called to the I.M. Forman) scrap teerchant’s: yard at 76 Votters Lane. A squad led by ‘Group Captain Gilmore has come under attack from some sort of death ray, and itis sor revealed that a grey Dalek is on the prend The Doctor manages tn/lure it towards a boahy-trap he has seu with Ace's Nitro-9.and then destroys it Whilst the Doctor and Ace return to ‘Coal ‘Hill School, Gilmore's team examine the Dalek remains with Rachel and her assistant, Alison, ‘noting. that the Doctor thas exceptional knowledge of (he ¢reatures, Mike suggests that clearing up at the yard could! be done by Mr Ratcliffe, a:bulders’ nierchant. hffe’s men averpower Gilmore's two soldiers. and drive the ek remaitis awayon then van. iy his office. Rateliffe reports to a tgure seated ina Dalek-style canmy At the sehdol, the Devtor < Ace: encounter the Headmaster who seems to be receiving mentul orders froin somewhere. The Doctor tells Ace that the Daleks are afterthe Hand of Omega, somethmp he lefi bettind on his last visit Down in the sehool's hasement, Ue pair find 2 Dalek transmat which the Doctor wrecks- The Headmaster attacks Ace and locks the basement door, The Doctor is trapped on the stairs tw a white and gald Dalek that hovers ap towards hum PART TWO (dra: 24'31") Ace mumaes to dverpower the Hegdmaster and reseie the Doctor, and the par use anti-tank rockets being delivered hy Gilmore's mien to destroy the Dalek, Tie Doctor explams that two Dalek forces are-at work: one based nearby, and atiother wneraiing via the transmit fromamother ship in orbit. Whilst Photo @ Steve Cook Ace, Rachel and Allison go to spend the night at Mike's mother's boarding house, the Doctor retrieves a floating casket of white light from:an undertaker — where he had left it during his first incarnation. After using it to give special powers to Ace's baseball bat, he rapidly arranges for the casket to. be buried in a nearby churchvard by.a blind vicar Mike has been observing the Doctor for Ratcliffe (a devoted fascist), and is attacked by the Headmaster. The two are working for rival factions: Mike for the renegade Daleks and the Headmaster for the Emperor's Ithpenal Daleks. In a struggle, Mike causes the Headmaster to hit his head on a grave. Joining the rest of the group, the Doctor tells Ace to stay at Mike's home and ‘arranges with Gilmore for facilities to locate the Dalek mother ship. He also ngs up an electrical device to interfere with Dalek control systems, Ace is disgusted to find that Mike's family display a sign saying ‘No Coloureds’ in the window, and goes back to the school for her ghetto blaster. More Daleks have arrived by transmat and taken over the building. Ace manages to fight some off with her super- powered baseball bat, bul is soon cornered by three Daleks in a covered walkway at the school, PART THREE (drn: 24'30") Ace ig saved by the arrival of Gilmore's. umt and the Doct electrical device. Examining the destroyed Imperial Dalek Rachel sees that the creature inside differs from the one at the junkyard, Since it is more developed. The Doctor finally destroys the transmat in the school basement. Knowing that the Daleks seek only the Hand of Omega, the: Doctor tries’ to work to avoid conflict which could kill humans. He explains to Ace that the: Hand of Omega is-a remote stellar manipulator developed by Omeva, Rassilon/(and perhaps himself) long ago on Gallifrey. The Daleks want the Hand to customise stars and so release energy from their own advanced tme-travel experiments. Ratcliffe’s men arrive at the cemetery to dig up the Hand of Omega casket, watched by the strange schoolgirl. ‘This movement is registered by the Impenal Daleks in orbit, and the Emperor dispatches: an assault shuttle to capture the Hand The Hand is taken to Ratcliffe's yard and presented to the Black Dalek, whovorders the Renegade Daleks to kill Rateliffe's men, Ratcliffe learns that the figure in the Dalek chair is actually the schoolgirl —.an integral part of their battle computer. The Doctor and Ace manage to get into Ratcliffe’s yard where the renegade Daleks are massmg, and send their time mamipulator out of phase. The Doctor hopes that the Imperial Daleks ‘will gain the Hand and returns to the school as the prey Daleks engage Gilmore's men, The renegade Daleks withdraw suddenly, as the Imperial Dalek shuttleeraft lands im the schoolyard PART FOUR (dro: 24°33") The Imperial Daleks spill out into London to combat with the renegade Daleks for the Hand of Omega, allowing the Doctor's pe to escape from the school and attack the Dalek operator eft m the shuttlecraft. Mike is exposed ag being a traitor (to Ace's disgust) — working for Ratelitfe aid the renegade Daleks and is taken prisoner by Gilmore’s men. However, Mike manages to escape. He makes for Rateliffe’s yard where he and Ratcliffe try to steal the repaired time mmipulator and make the Black Dalek agree to their demands. Ratcliffe 1s killed by bolts of energy shot from the schoolgirl’s hands, but Mike escapes The Imperial Daleks tiumph in battle at Ratoliffe's yard and retin to: their shuttle, with the Hand of Omega’ hovering behind them. The shuttle returns to the mothership, and the Doctor rigs up a TV link with the shattered transmat so he can communicate with the Dalek Emperor: which is revealed to-be the remains af Davros: The Doctor pleads with Davros not to activate the Hand of Omega for use on Skaro’s sun, but this 1s to trick him inte doing just that and Skaro is destroyed in a supernova. The Hand then returns and destroys the Dalek mothership (although Davro: seen attempting to leave in’an escape pod) Mike is at home when the schoolgirl enters, and uses her energy to kill him. Ace arrives at the house, and ts held at the girl's mercy. However, the girl is mentally linked to the Black Dalek whom the Doctor confronts nearby: On learmng that a is defeated, the Black Dalek self-destructs and the girl collapses. Before leaving London 1963, the Doctor and Ace walk with Mike's coffin to the cemetery for its burial: or Season Twenty-Five of Doctor Who, producer John Nathan-Turner was looking for new WI team since some of the regular contributors had run out of fresh ideas (or become ‘Whoed Out’ as he termed it). Throughout 1987 he and script editor Andrew Cartmel interviewed a lot of writers new to the series le genre Was thrillers, but he also had a liking for science-fiction and had been a casual viewer of Doctor Who. He submitted a thriller script to Caroline Oulton, a seript editor at the BBC. Oulton told him of other BBC sh shows that might use speculative material, and so Aaronovitch submitted two. ser one for the London police series Roc Babies and one for Doctor Who. Jon Hardy, script editor of Rockliffe’s Babies, informed him that although the script was good, Season Two was already fall commissioned, and a third seemed unlikely. Aaronovitch's Doctor Who storyline, Nightfall, was more fortunate Cartmel liked the science- a great Ry Pe pe it was i ck and iny tad t hint to come é up wth for a three part serial that could be made tota location (i.e. with no studio recording), Cart recommended that the writer did not have running up and down corridors, or TARDIS seenes, and should keep the Doctor and Ace together as much as possible. 26 was to be resurrected in Autumn 1988 and eventually became part of. Season Twenty-Six as Battlefield. During 1987, Cartmel and Nathan-Turner were planning Season Twenty-Five as Season Twent)- Four was being recorded, and it soon became clear that the Daleks - who were also celebrating their first quarter century — had to be part of the silver jubilee, As usual, Nathan-Turner contacted Terry Nation, the creator of the Daleks, at his home in California and gave him the first option on writing a new story. Nation as usual declined, but was again given the chance to see another writer's scripts and 50 suggest any minor changes to storyline. It was felt that the scripts for Storm Over Avallun contained the action and pacing which a good Dalek story needed. Hence, eleven months after meeting Cartmel, Aaronavitch received a ‘phone call one morning from the script editor asking him to write a serial involving the Daleks. One directive given to Aaronovitch as he developed his scripts was to ‘put the kids back behind the sofa’ (particularly regarding the Daleks). The story, entitled Remembrance of the Daleks, was approached very much as 4 war movie in the style of All Quiet on the Western Front. INTO BATTLE In December, Aaronovitch started to research his new storyline. To brush up on the Daleks he viewed both The Daleks and The Dalek Invasion-of Earth and read the senpts for nearly all the other Dalek stories (except The Da faster Plan), This caused him some initial concern, since he felt that scenes with Daleks talking together in the past had become very tedious because lack of facial jon and voice vanation, the tion appearing to be the scheming of the creatures in David Whitaker's The Evil of the Daleks. It was the conclusion of the most recent Dalek script, Eric Saward’s Revelation of the Daleks, with two Dalek factions which inspired the revival of the civil war within the species, along with the ‘dislike for the unlike’ element of the Dalek hatred of the Thals in Nation's original 1963 serial. Aaronovitch also began researching into the culture of 1963, the date in which he aimed to set the serial and which it was agreed would emphasise the show's quarter century on the screen. Cartmel in particular wanted to stress the period setting. One joke for 1963 that Aaronovitch considered including was having the Doctor and Ace hurrying back to the TARDIS, but apparently running past it. This is because it is a real police box, and the TARDIS is actually parked up the next al v. On a grimmer note, the early Six fascist revival in London, which was a key ement that Aaronovitch worked into his seripts in a number of ways. Ratcliffe speaks out in Part Two about how his allegiances in the war were not the popular view of Britain, and Ace shows disgust at the ‘No Coloureds’ sign in Mrs. Smith’s window. The racism is also displayed in the conflict between the Daleks as the Doctor considers the difference between the Kaled mutants in Part Three. All this again linked in with Nation's concept of the Daleks: their pure hatred for all other forms of life. In terms of Doctor Who mythology, Aaronovitch studied An Unearthly Child and felt that it could have been set in September or October 1963. The original story outlines also included a great many references to An Unearthly Child in terms of its venues and continuity, although the wniter was unaware that some of these had already been used at the start of the Colin Baker story Attack of the Cybermen (which Aaronovitch only viewed when mid-way through scripting). Consequently, many of these continuity points were dropped. The writer had also considered including the Thals, and the Daleks’ ape-like servants, the Ogrons, in the i ; | BBC science-fiction serials of the Fifties, / “ scientifi/mitary aan wold ete ses but Saari ti these elements when he — found the continuity was making the serial too complex. By January 1988 all the scripts for the fourteen episode season had been commissioned, and all the a. had been booked, Andrew Morgan who hired to work on Remembrance of the Daleks. Aaronovitch met some of the other writers on Daetor Who to discuss his script development. Tan Briggs helpéd him characterize Ace, oe he had written her debut serial, Dragonfire. A consistency for Ace was worked out by the produetion team in discussions with Sophie Aldred, who played the character. In the draft scripts, Ace's age was defined as seventeen. It-was also at this time that Cartmel decided there should bea re-defining of the Doctor's character and a new sinister air of mystery for the season. This was to be a subtle, long-term plot device which would be revealed gradually over the next two or three seasons to show that the Doctor was not just any Time Lord, but something else. One line of dialogue from the Doctor in Part Four saying: “Oh Davros, | am far more than justa Time Lord” was cut from the script very late in the day. There was concern that the storyline for Silver Nemests contained similar plot elements. During the writing of the final scripts, the character of Davros was included. This was an addition by Aaronovitch after comments were made by Visual Effects designer Mike Tucker that he had always wanted to build a Dalek Emperor (akin to the Golden Emperor from the comic strip featured in TV Century 21) and then have it split open to reveal Dayros inside. The insertion of Davros also allowed the writer more versatility in the closing scenes, since this character could speak with emotion and bitterness, unlike his creations. Aaronovitch was ‘careful not to let Davros dominate the story and “squeeze the Daleks out of the limelight, a perceived ee ee. Genesis of the Daleks. In actual fact, Davros as now being in the process es of becom a ‘compromise Dalek’. BiGr ION Vs ee aan se Win wan deve! | acieel Soeur S which charaéters such as Sherlock Holmes exist. Because of this he i dialogue between Alison and Rachel ‘in Part Three which concerned ‘Bernard’ and the ‘British Rocket Group’. These were references. to Professor Berni Quatermass, the central character of three vitch felt that because in 1963, UNET did mn Boe element of art 1 imitating art spiled over ino where Ace watched BB eviously directed Time and the Rani was ane Scene Rachel names the creatures ‘Daleks’ when —wnoné of Gilmore's force would haye known the - name, although the Doctor does yell it as he taunts the Dalek ‘prior to its destruction, The early scripts included other elements that were dropped as rewrites took place in February. ly, the Doctor picked up a parcel when he palectad the Hand of Omega, this being a firearm that he used to destroy the Black Dalek in Part _ Four. The Doctor also carried a small package that was part of the Omega device, and which he consulted from time to time to cheek on the main mechanism. In the builder's yard, the Black Dalek Was to havevhad nuclear charges attached to the — Hand casket to warn off the attacking Imperial ‘Daleks, which the Hand itself deactivated as the Imperial forces attacked and the Black Dalek's blutf was called. The réle of the Vicar named Reverend Parkinson in the ae was diminished in. the transmitted version. Originally it was he who led Ratcliffe to the Omega grave in the churchyard. The renegade Daleks were also to have burst into Harry's ¢afé and killed the proprietor in the,later battle scenes of the story. It was the Doctor's use of a gun to ae Black Dalek (after,a conversation in which the explained to the Doctor that its race simply existed fo be’evil and that humans were just as bad) that caused concern with both the production office and Sylvester McCoy. The scene was rewritten so that the Doctor talked. the Dalek into self-destructing. — it oy insisted on restructuring the revelation ‘as 4 traitor with rewrites on Parts Qneand instructing the Doctor: “You will remain still, you | era a the end of Part Three, but Morgan Two Originally Mike's betrayal wouldshave been pointed out that the audience were being bem- barded with information at this pomt (the figure in Rateliffe’s office being the girl and not Davros, the space shuttle arriving, the Doctor's planning of events), STARTING UP ‘The principal crew included designer Martin Collins, costume designer Ken Trew, make-up designer Christine Greenwood and and visita, effects designer Stuart Brisdon. Collins had worked on Paradise Towers the previous season, Brisdon had handled effects on serials back to Mawdryn Undead ‘and ‘Trew had handled four itd stories, the earliest Terror of the Autons. The main work handled by Greenwoo ms Trew was not to be exotic new — but simply recreations of period fashions and make-up. er rewrote his rehearsal script, amend ing Parts One and Two by Mondy 22nd Febniany and Parts Three and Four three days later. At this int, the character of Ratcliffe was called Gummer heh (which was changed because it sounded too much a ike Gilmore) and the two Dalek factions had - different coloured casings: blue with silver coe : for the renegades, and a more modern casing in ‘with black trimmings for the Imperial forces, The = indicated that the café scenes were intended far OB work, whilst all the scenes inside the school junkyard being a snall venue, with the bulk of the _ the schoolboys was to be Stay by The ~ Hollies (at its peak in the ae oer Sie 1963), and then the café jukebox was to play Renaround Ca poate eer also feature in the | etramental | music according to script would never have eo - Doctor also asked i ~ Nestene Invasion as well as referring to the Zygons. | Sse Sergeant Kautman and considerably. ‘ ca teastall Fakenied for OB was drastically truncated the tapes of An Unearthly Child, Aaronovitch had sed tae tae scenes around the action in the street. However, the team — ee eek as it had et Atk pees Part rr si be pe cds sqvnce Sa stan mcrae and then fade up to colour. The date wa ified as December 1963; a transistor radio ¢ is one of directions). Before Ace went to the cal the Decor 4} ccrninanee her for eating his” 1928 Hibiscus 4 Blossom h on - clea ; in Delta and the Bannermen. Allison Williams described as wearing glasses, and some parts of th sctipt referred to Gilmore as a Colonel. defined all the Dace se ea! shots including the hieroglyphics of ead Up tee and also | included a conyers sti between Ace and the | Doctor about the Daleks and Khaleds (as the script refers to them) which drew upon his study of earlier Dalek stories. Later scenes after the Totters Lane confit were to be set at dusk, with the school sili continuity links brought ‘about the inclusion of the chemistry lab and the book The French Revolution from An Unearthly Child (although De by ne Ace if she remembered the and the Yeti. The script for Part Tivo opened with the Dalek ae wil be exterminated.” A short Aircraftman Grant were also shortened (with it specified im the script ee ‘Doctor scribbled something in Gallifreyean on Kaufman's clipboard). Some scenes between the Doctor, Rachel and the | others after the destruction of the Dalek at the H and transferred to Harry's cafe. With an erate d. The climax of | by the Daleks was eons cic e but was = se ewitthed to a covered walkway for the OB | — An et scene in Part Three was deleted from. the finished programme, with Gummer being given a silver-topped cane that would help him to locate. the Hand of Omega, For the scene in Harry's Caié, ia ee It’s My Party (in the charts Gummer’s discovery of the Hand Poet's conversation wit the Black Dalek was to have made the schoolgirls bodily energy tum on the television and the radio in the Smiths’ front roan) The -seript indicated that the:clesing scene of Mike's funeral should! be backed hy a slow, sad reprise of Runaround Sue which would swell) toa lina. beiore the closing cretht sequence, Other continuity easpects were the Doctor's referenves'in Part Two to the Dilek confnser he tae taged tip in eee the Doctor calling Gilmore ‘Brigadier’ by art Gine andl the telewisiin ie fame iS. 5:15 Ge a Saturday, 1 Letty Ay Uneartlily looks, was omitted from-a-scene-at the school, and another cut. was a scene of the Dalek battle computer relectng an ultimatum from, the Dalek Emperor which appeared on it Screen. in Gummer’s office. When finallymevealed, the gir) m the battle computer: Wa li) fave bad wires Tumi dowa her arms that ended ar nodwles om her tnigers and pals, and wires also: compected fo) bulge ber torso. To track down tie D Doctor converted the Mills. Production Ma : June Collins nt Floor Manager | McCrimmon, ema reget Ce em Dudman io Technical ten trin heey A aoe Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four ed Olu ober eam ata! as oat Figures: acta LO) Vesa mt oe Nu me ), Part Two (78th), Part Three: *, Part Two: 69%, Part Three: 70%, Part Four: 7 Photo © Steve Cook

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