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Education is a primary need in human life. Education is a determining
factor future of a nation. Science and Technology is now growing rapidly.
Moreover, in the era of globalization, people are required to continue to
develop themselves in order to become qualified human resources and the
potential to be competitive both nationally and internationally. It is
necessary to self-development to be more competent in their field.
College is a continuation of secondary education organized for
preparing students to be members of the community who have the
academic ability and professionals who can apply, develop and create
science and technology. Students are required to have good skills in the
particular field in order to compete the increasingly competitive
competition in the world of work. This can be realized by students in the
learning process during college, either through print or electronic media.
even if someone has a high educational background, but if it is not
balanced with the experience to support his career, then that person will
have difficulty to enter the workplace.

Seeing this phenomenon, the State University of Jakarta as the

universities that play a role in shaping the young generation who are
competent always trying to form and train the students in order to produce
personnel were professional and ready to use their expertise.
to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the world of work as well
as providing an opportunity to apply the theories that have been in the can
in college, State University Jakarta requires each Students for a program of
internship (PKL), especially for students S1 Management Faculty of
Economics, State University of Jakarta.
Internship activities provide opportunities for students to apply the
knowledge that has been taught in the faculty during lectures. Science is
expected appropriate and relevant to the reality in the world of work. So
that the student have the opportunity to apply their knowledge directly to
internship (PKL).
Based on the demands of academic, then praktikan doing internship
in Public Enterprise National News Agency ANTARA the


divisions, Thus, is expected to increase knowledge and skills and

experience of the practitioner to learn the world of work, especially in the
financial sector and to improve the ability of social interaction to the real
working environment. In addition to academic obligations, job training
activities are expected to provide feedback in the form of a positive image

of the State University of Jakarta and is expected to generate cooperation

between the Jakarta State University with companies.

B. PKL Purpose
internship (PKL ) performed by students of S1 Management Faculty of
Economics, State University of Jakarta has several purposes. The purpose of
internship are :

Job Training Intent

1. Doing working practices in accordance with the educational
2. Getting work experience before entering the real working world.
3. Compare and apply academic knowledge in the field of financial
management that has been in get, in the practice of real work.
4. Studying the work areas of financial management at the company,
that is Public company National News Agency ANTARA (Perum

2. the purpose of the Job Training

1. Familiarize students to the world of work culture that is different
from classroom learning culture, in terms of time management,
communication skills, teamwork, and a higher pressure to complete
the work on time.

2. Expand knowledge, improve skills and give students experience in

the world of work is consistent with the theory that has been
obtained during the lectures.
3. implementing one of the graduation requirements S1 Management
Studies Program, Department of Management, Faculty of
Economics, State University of Jakarta.

C. Benefits of PKL
The usefulness of an internship (PKL) during praktikan implement
activities in Perum ANTARA National News Agency (ANTARA) are
expected to include:
1) Benefits for Pratikan
a) To improve knowledge and experience of the student about the
world of work.

b) Develop a mindset, creativity, and courage and train the

communication skills that are needed in the workplace.
c) Knowing the weaknesses and capabilities that have not been
controlled by the student in the field of finance, to the next
praktikan can repair / controlled before entering the real working
d) to train the student to become a professional workers and
e) Familiarize students to the world of work culture that is different
from classroom learning culture, in terms of time management,
communication skills, teamwork, and a higher pressure to complete
the work on time.

2) Benefits for the Faculty of Economics, University of Jakarta

a) for consideration in formulating the education program at the
State University of Jakarta.
b) Promoting the existence of FE UNJ to the world of work.
c) establish cooperation between the University with the company in
the implementation of internship in the future.

3) benefitsfor Perum institution National News agency (Perum


a) Making praktikan as Human Resources, which can be used to help

work in Perum ANTARA.
b) growing






practitioner, the institutions and the University.

D. the PKL
name agency / company: Public company ANTARA National News
Agency (Perum ANTARA)

Building ANTARA, Jl.antara pasar baru

No. 59-61 Jakarta 10710


+6221 3802383, +6221 3459173


+6221 3840970, +6221 3865577


E. PKL Time Schedule

The implementation schedule of internship consist of several stages.
There are preparation, implementation, and reporting of the include:

1) Preparation
During the preparation stage, the student taking care of all the
needs and the administration needed to find the right place PKL.
Starting with the submission of a letter of application internship to

student affairs in building R, then applying for a internship place to

BAAK UNJ addressed to Antara (ANTARA News), then after the
letter, so, the student immediately submit the letter to the Antara (
About six weeks after the submission of lodgement of the
internship, the Antara (ANTARA News) announced that the student
can perform Work Practice (PKL) in there. student then asked to come
to Antara (ANTARA) to interview in connection with the division that
will be the an internship student.

2) Implementation Phase
Student doing an internship in ANTARA National News Agency
(ANTARA) and placed on the Finance and Accounting Department.
Student doing an internship during the 42 (Forty-one) working days,
starting from June 20, 2016 until August 26, 2016. praktikan do PKL
from Monday to Friday, starting at 8:30 to 17:00 pm (on weekdays)
and 08.30 - 16.00 (during Ramadan).
3) Phase Reporting
At the reporting stage, the student is required to make a report
PKL useful as evidence has been doing internship in the Public
Company ANTARA National News Agency (Perum ANTARA).

Making this report as one of the requirements for a pass in the course
of internship, who became a graduation requirement to obtain a degree
in economics at the State University of Jakarta. This report contains
the results of observation and experience of the practitioner for
conducting street vendors during the performance of street vendors in
the Public Company ANTARA National News Agency (Perum

A. Company History
News Agency Antara, in Dutch called Naamloze Vennootschap (NV),
is a limited liability company, was established on December 13, 1937 by
A. M. Sipahoetar, Soemanang, sugondo djojopuspito, Adam Malik and
Pandoe Kartawigoena, when the spirit of independence driven by the
youth national fighters. As the first Director at the time was sugondo
djojopuspito (former student of RH age of 33 years old at the time, friends
Soemanang who is also a former student RH), while Adam Malik
(journalist, aged 20 years old at the time) was as his deputy (Editor).
Since early in the occupation of Japan, BETWEEN occupy the bottom
of the building Aneta (Algemene Niews en Telegraf) in Pasar Baru, Central

Jakarta, a news agency which was abandoned along with the departure of
the Dutch from Indonesia, which was founded by a Dutch Indo named DW
Barrety on April 1, 1917. Meanwhile, the upper level is occupied by the
Japanese news agency, Domei. The house is located at the North Post
Road # 53, which is now known as Jalan Antara. The success of Antara
News Agency participated broadcast Proclamation of Indonesian
Independence on August 17, 1945 via news wire across the world is a
form of love and devotion were great for the struggle for Indonesian
independence at home and abroad.
On January 4, 1946, there was a revolution in Yogyakarta, leaders
BETWEEN decided to evacuate its headquarters to Yogyakarta.
ANTARA in Jakarta remains on hold, but only as a branch office.
Meanwhile, Jakarta branch office AFP has also been moved into offices in
the Proclamation Building East Pegangsaan 56, when the Dutch Military
Action dated July 21, 1947, because his office in Jalan Pos 57 sealed by
the Netherlands, whereas in Jalan Pos No. , 53 is already occupied by
news agency Aneta, who perform more activities in Indonesia since the
Dutch back with Allied troops at the end of World War II.
At the time of the Dutch Military Action II on December 19, 1948,
many staff AFP in various cities participating in guerrilla, or sustain live
with each other's way. The journalists BETWEEN Bandung, Sjarief
Soelaiman and Dajat Hardjakusumah, set up a local news agency reporter


Nasional (Pena) to accommodate the preaching of the republicans, while

staff BETWEEN Solo publish bulletin Between dharurat Cars in the
guerrilla area, as the consumption of the guerrillas and to compensate for
reporting adverse RI notch. This situation lasted until the Dutch withdraw
its troops from Yogyakarta seven months later, in July 1949, and
BETWEEN center was restored in Jakarta next month.
In 1955 the first elections took place, ending up with a political
ideology in Indonesia, affecting BETWEEN through communist influence
in terms news. So that in 1962 the board of directors BETWEEN take
decisive action and is followed by dismissal, then ANTARA disbanded,
changed to the National News Agency under the president of RI, and
become the largest news agency in Indonesia.
After 25 years of existence, ANTARA then officially became Agency
National News through Presidential Decree No. 307 in 1962 under the
President of the Republic of Indonesia. Through Presidential Decree, the
AFP has a strategic role to communicate the activities of the state and
society through news coverage and dissemination of news to the entire
country and abroad, and vice versa through cooperation with various
foreign news agencies, including through the network of the Organization
of Asia Pacific News Agencies (OANA ) born by the UNESCO in 1962.
The background of the establishment of OANA then driven to fight for the


voice of developing countries to provide corner preaching impartial who

was more controlled media western countries.
Along with the development of the organization, LKBN Between
officially became a State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in under the Ministry
of SOEs with legal status public company (Perum) by Government
Regulation No. 40 of 2007. Between LKBN name later became the Public
company Antara (Perum LKBN Antara) since July 18, 2007 and started
more serious flapping wings in the world business and information
Supported the latest information technology, LKBN Between
communication network that reaches every corner of the country and the
world, as well as having agency / representation in 34 provinces as well as
representatives in a number of municipalities / districts. In order to present
the news abroad with the national perception, LKBN Between control
agency / representation in Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Cairo and London. To
meet the needs of society to global information, LKBN Antara also
cooperate, either commercial or non-commercial by news agencies around
the world, such as the AAP (Australia), Reuters (British), AFP (France),
LUSA (Portugal), EFE (Spain), Tsar (the Slovak Republic), DPA
(Germany), Kyodo (Japan), Bernama (Malaysia), Xinhua (China), CIC
(Columbia), NAMPA (Namibia) and others.


LKBN Between active in various regional organizations and






AgenciesPool).No less than 3000 overseas news coming from the partners
and the 1250 news coverage results journalists themselves distributed
every day through the latest communication technologies, such as VSAT
and DVB, as well as a variety of Internet-based technologies, such as web
sites, e-mail and File Transfer Protocol (FTP ).
In addition to serving the consumer to supply text news, photos and
videos, LKBN Antara also offers products and services of other
information such as data, press releases, media monitoring, news services
for packaging products / customization and marketing communications
(marketingcommunication). In addition, LKBN Between preparing
training packages in the field of journalism and communication through
Institutions of Journalism Between (LPJA).
As part of its social mission and culture, LKBN Between manage
Antara Journalistic Photo Gallery (GFJA) in Jakarta and Makassar (South
Sulawesi ). The gallery has visited and has been known in foreign
countries. Netherlands and Australia never contributed precious photos to
be exhibited in GFJA. Japan and the Ford Foundation had helped the
restoration of historic photographs owned by the gallery. With various









photojournalism and own 20 forces that became part of the thousands of

community members GFJA.
Posing as a Public Corporation, the role of the National News Agency
is not lost, even more productive because they can participate in the
implementation of public Relations of the working program and vision
departments, ministries and other state institutions to follow the
procurement process in accordance with applicable through subsidiaries
that could be born. This role is in addition to the utilization of power, also
differentiating BETWEEN of media and news agencies others who follow
the news in general: triggered by issues of short-term, tend to 'origin'
critical (outsiders-view),and work on kepentinganSementara, most news
ANTARA be patterned visionary, discuss strategic issues, peeling
proportional(inside-out),and work in the interests of all the people.
In December 2008, the Directorate Coverage Between achieve ISO
9001: 2000. ISO 9001: 2000, an explanation of the requirements that must
be met for a good quality management system. ISO 9001: 2000 and then
refined into ISO 9001: 2008 as proof that all individuals committed to
sharpen the quality management system to make it more powerful than


1. Vision, Mission and Culture Perum ANTARA

a. Vision


Being a news agency world class that serves as the information center
of state policy through the provision of services of various multimedia
b. Mission To
1) provide information and communication services are accurate and
credible to the various stakeholders as Public Relations State.
2) Developing Indonesian journalism that educate, enlighten and empower
in the frame of Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
3) Broadcast information for imaging Indonesia at home and abroad
through a variety of multimedia products.
c. Culture Company Perum ANTARA
Between LKBN have values and norms of behavior that must be
adhered to and applied in everyday work practices. Basic values LKBN
Between adopted and embodied in the practice of everyday business is






(Ber-innovation), and Customer Focus (Customer Focus).

2. Company Logo

Directorate of Human Resources danUmumPerum ANTARA, CLA,(Jakarta: ANTARA, 2016 ), p.



Image: II .1 Logo Perum ANTARA

a) Symbol eyes never closed imply the alertness of HR LKBN Between the
stare and see any information received. Symbol Pena implies the activity
of HR LKBN Antara as a journalist, who shall transmit any information
wisely and proportionately and uphold the integrity of a journalist.
b) The color of the logo, is a blend of the Red Maroon, Black and Ash that
shows the spirit and professional attitude of responsibility and integrity.
c) Post Office News Indonesia, confirmed LKBN Antara will always be the
media who fight as well as the vision and mission of the Indonesian people
in the association International.

the idea is in line with the vision and mission LKBN Between that aspires
to be a news agency which has a typical enterprise yan run professionally,
responsible and with integrity. But at the same time flexible in anticipation
of all the opportunities and possibilities.
3. Choice Perum ever achieved LKBN NTARA

Table II.1 Perum ANTARAAchievement


Certificates and awards Achieved


1. Achieved Journalistic Award 2011 from jamsostek

2. Achieves the annual photographic works best as the best
version of Adiwarta 2011 (photo of the year).

3. Awarded best photo contest sea games to 26


Obtained ISO 9001-2000 which proves that the company

has been particularly a quality management system that is

1. Jura III award SOE 2012 innovation category champion

public service

2. Awarded Industrial award for the best management


Reaching Granat award (

1. 2ndcategory winner Nature and Environment when

Anugerah Indonesia photo reporter.
2. awarded Anugerah Adinegoro period 2012 to 2013 for
the category of public service articles and news photos.

3. Gallery Jrnaistik BETWEEN awarded Education award

best in photojournalism Photography Augerah Indonesia
(AFI), 2013.
4. He holds a bronze trophy in the category of strategic and
tactical in SOE Marketing Award
1. Third Place photo contest Indonesia Stock Exchange
2. Achieving Best Awards Adinegoro 2014 for Category


Journalism Photo
3. Runner photo contest education and culture
4. Second Place Contest K Link Indonesia
5. Winner







Cooperatives "Cooperatives pillars of the State" in the


Framework of Cooperation Day 2014 organized by the

Indonesia Cooperative Council.
6. III Photo Contest Winner Science and Technology
7. Journalism Awards JPIP - USAID
8. Journalism Award 2014 Pertamina
9. Citilink Journalist Award (CJA) 2014
10. Certificate of ISO-9001-2008
2. AchievedMedia Reward BCA Indonesia Open Series

Primier 2015 "category photojournalism

3. Culture Award in 2015 as the pioneer of photography
journalism held by the Ministry of Education and


B. Organizational Structure


Figure: II.2 Organizational Structure Perum ANTARA



Image: II .3 Organizational Structure Finance Directorate Perum ANTARA


in the presentation of the job description in this report only includes special
praktikan Finance Directorate. This is done because the implementation of work
practices, praktikan placed on the finance department. As for the status, function,


TugasdanSusunan Organization Directorate of financial ANTARA, is based are as

Position, Functions Duties and
Sususnan organization
1) The Directorate finance led by a finance director who in carrying out
their duties aided division heads of different financial and responsible
directly to the director of finance.
2) Division headed by a division chief denganj designation General
manager reporting directly to the Director of finance.
3) Each department is headed by a manager who is responsible to the
division head.
Article 30
1) the Directorate Leuangan carry out the duties and functions to plan,
formulate and control policies and strategies in the areas of corporate
finance and control financial aspects of a subsidiary established company
and is responsible for the processing of corporate assets,


2) financial director has a fundamental duty and function as follows:

a) Develop and implement a strategy to manage the company's
financial heart - the heart (Prudent) refers on corporate
b) Joint Budget Committee to prepare a Work Plan and Budget
(CBP) every year and its revision;
c) Control Implementation Work Plan Budget (CBP)
d) Perform administrative management of financial, treasury
and accounting firm.
e) Run the management of corporate taxation.
f) Implement financial management Public service Obligation
(PSO) which is separate from bookkeeping non PSO.
g) Perform Surveillance subsidiary or special units set up into a
h) Carry out the duties epnyimpanan, maintenance and
inventory of assets and material which supports the main
tasks of the company refers to good corporate governance
and true .


i) Implementing support for asset servicing for the entire unit

of work the company refers to corporate governance is good
and right.
Article 31
1) Division of finance in charge of 4 (four Department, namely:
a) the Department of Budgetof
b) MinistryFinance and the Tax
c) Department of Accounting
d) Department of Administration and Finance PSO.
2) every - every department headed by a department head as manager under
and responsible to the head of corporate strategy management division.
3) Division financial coordination functions and unscheduled communication
with representative offices and units - other work units that carry out
activities for the financial administration business interests ..
Article 32
1) Department budget is implementing elements of the division responsible
fiscal keep realisasin plan revenue budget and the annual cost of the
company, managing the budget realization companies comply with the
principle of good governance (GCG) and promote effectiveness and
efficiency, as well as the planning of expenditures and revenues of the
investment to be made by the company. Manager Aanggaran assisted by


the Assistant Manager of Central budget and Asistem manager of the

Regional Budget,
2) the Department of Finance and Taxes are implementing elements of the
division responsible finance to design the concept and financial strategy to
improve the Performance of the company as a whole in order to achieve
the objectives of the company, carry out the affairs of the reception,
storage and record keeping as well as carry out the payment and settlement
of financial administration, managing the debt and receivables, implement
policies and realization of the company's tax obligation, coordination and
communication with all stakeholders corporate taxation, both outside and
inside the company refers to tax provisions, as well as managing and
coordinating the calculation , deposit and report generation and other taxes
associated with the company. Finance and Taxes assisted by the Assistant
Manager of Cash & Bank and Assistant Tax Manager,
3) the Accounting Department is implementing elements of the task Division
kreuangan responsible melakukanm prembukuan on all financial
transactions, conducting research on the truth of accounts and other
documents relating to financial transactions, depositary proof of financial
transactions, the assets and debts of the company, prepare financial
statements, and is responsible for managing the company's assets.
Accounting Manager is assisted by the Assistant Manager of the


Accounting Center, Assistant Manager of Accounting Regional and

Assistant Asset Manager,
4) Ministry of Finance Administration PSO is unsure the task of
implementing the Division of finance responsible for managing
administrative and financial PSO mainly related to the design,
implementation and examination activities of PSO, helping the team PSO
in doing tugabertugas as secretary of ex-officio team, as well as presenting
reports on implementation to all stakeholders PSO PSO program.
Administrative and Finance Assistant Manager assisted by PSO PSO
Administration. snya with

C. General Activities Company

Public Company ANTARA National News Agency (Perum ANTARA) is a
news agency in Indonesia, which is owned by the Indonesian government. The






services(businesstobusinesss).BETWEEN services include the production of text

news, photos and multimedia as its core business. Some businesses not core is
technical and marketing services in cooperation with Reuters,Bloomberg,AFP,
Xinhua and the DPA, in addition to publishing services, journalism training,
marketing communications, PR Wire, and implementation of the activities in the
Auditorium Adhiyana. In addition to targeting the media customers, content for

Ibid, p.42


the business community are also developed through the business unit IMQ. The
main services IMQ this form of service is real-time data about the price of
foreignexchange, gold and other commodity exchanges nationally and
internationally, as well as information from the business centers around the world.
The business sectors that are run by Perum ANTARA such as:
a) Coverage / or dissemination of information on the activities of state and
society both at the national, regional and international levels;
b) Provision of services news, photojournalism, graphics, real-time data,
audio visual, information technology, and other multimedia related to the
activities of state and society;
c) provision of services of appreciation and journalism education, as well as
multimedia education;
d) Implementation of electronic media, publishing and printing;
e) activities other businesses in accordance with the aims and objectives of
the Company.
Perum LKBN Between having multiple Line of Business and Services offered
A. Business Content (VSAT, Internet, Data, Printing)
Between LKBN as content suppliers have a pure product in the form of
text news, photos and video. Pure products produced by about 500 journalists
and contributors inside and outside the country, a major focus of the entity's


business processes LKBN Antara as one - the only state news agency. Pure
product underlies the emergence of derivative products as well as products
developed wings diversification of our business.
Among the pure product LKBN broadcast via a satellite network (VSAT)
and the internet. In a way, a pure product increased to the data as the
development of products and services produced by the LKBN Antara,
1. Antara News Portal(
LKBN Antara news distribution service web-based, provide ease and
convenience of accessing the entire latest news in various categories for 24
hours each day. The portal is presented in two languages (Indonesian and
English) so that people can know the world is intact and credible information
about Indonesia now.
2. Portal News Photos(
Portal news photo loading collection and distributing diverse news photos
and events on various themes such as: politics, economy, sports, social,
cultural, environmental, and human interest both domestically and abroad.
3. Between PR-WIRE
PR-Wire is the onlydissemination services press release that offer delivery
directly to the computer news media subscribers. Through this service press
and photo releases distributed to media customers throughout Indonesia,
amounting to more than 250 customers, including newspapers, magazines,
radio and television stations, as well asmedia. online With a membership in


AsiaNet is a consortium of cooperation 14 news agencies in Asia Pacific is

engaged in the dissemination of press releases between countries, PR-Wire is
able to disseminate press releases to negaara anywhere in the world.
4. between TV
between TV is a business unit in the multimedia field that produces
hardnews, features, news magazine, documentary footage and also provides
studio rental and service of making audio visual products such as video
profiles, public service announcements, video tutorials for businesses,
governments, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other industries.
5. Between publishing Unit (APU)
this unit serves the publishing and printing of books, magazines, internal ,
brochures, leaflets and other printed a variety of services including consulting
services for publishing magazines and books from the editorial to printing and
6. Institutions of Journalism Between (LPJA)
LPJA established through SKEP-12 / PAP / II / 1988 dated February 24,
1988. space scope of activities includes journalism, media and public
relations,and other areas that support.
7. Auditorium Adhiyana
multipurpose conference hall for public majestic and prestigious. Located
in the heart of Jakarta, this auditorium right is used as a venue for various


types of events such as weddings, seminars, product launches, press gathering,

talk show, a celebration of worship, graduation, and others.
B. Cooperation Office of Foreign News (Marketing Services, Technical
Services & Collection)
business activities in the form of joint operations carried out under the
terms of co-operation with content providers foreigners, especially the
provision of data. Bloomberg and Artech is a provider of financial data
required by financial institutions such as banks, securities, and others.
C. Advertorial Perum ANTARA
in conducting operationally, LKBN Between having a product which is
also the distribution channels to solicit public. The product is a portal, portals and news portals Between Regional
Bureau. In addition to news portal, LKBN Antara news portal also has a
lifestyle, namely Go Hitzz. Through this portal, LKBN Between meet the
public demand for the latest news, among other entertainment, culinary and
fashion. Other products being developed is 'Screen Indonesia', Screen
Indonesia shaped outdoor media or Videotron placed at strategic points the
protocol through which much of the vehicle.



A. Field Work
During the activities Field Work Practice (PKL) in Public Company
ANTARA National News Agency (Perum ANTARA), student placed on the
Finance Division. In the Finance Division is divided into four parts:
a) the Department of Budget,


b) department of Finance and Tax

c) Department of accounting
d) Department of Administration and finance PSO.
More precisely student placed on the Department of Finance and Taxation.
Tasks are busy helping manage finances Public Enterprise National News Agency
ANTARA (Perum ANTARA) including inputting the value added tax (VAT) and
Income Tax (PPH) in Management Information Systems (MIS) access module
taxation Perum ANTARA, inputting receivables on Management Information
system system access module Perum ANTARA Collection, Verification cash
receipts and payments or bank in Management Information systems (MIS),
Summary of cash out daily, and a recapitulation of Income Tax and Value Added
B. Implementation Work
Internship started on Monday, June 20, 2016. Student task is to help
manage finances Public Company ANTARA National News Agency (Perum
ANTARA) by the supervisor general practitioner, namely, Mr. Fery Rizki
Pratama. Once briefed, student began doing work in the department of
finance and tax guidance by Mr. Ferry and on the first day Praktikan begin
Employment Practices of Field (PKL), Pratikan introduced to other
employees who are in the finance department.


Implementation of the work done every day on working hours set by the
company. For approximately two months to implement Practice Job in Perum
ANTARA, the following is a detailed explanation of some of the work done
by praktikan:
1. Inputting the Value Added Tax (VAT) and Income Tax (PPH)
Value Added Tax (VAT)is a tax levied on the consumption in the country
(customs area), both consumption of taxable goods or taxable services

Income Tax (PPH) is a state tax levied against any additional economic
capability received or accrued by the taxpayer, whether originating from
Indonesia as well as from outside Indonesia, which can be used for consumption

or to increase the wealth of the taxpayer concerned.

Praktikan in this task did inputting the tax shown on the proof of cash for
input on the management information system (MIS) Perum ANTARA the taxation
system. In the cash evidence, contained information that would be kind of tax on

Abdul Halim, Bawono Icuk Rangga, virginAmin.Taxes.(Jakarta: Four Salemba, 2014), p.161

Supramono, and Theresia Woro Damayanti. Taxation Indonesia-Mechanism and Calculation. (Yogyakarta:

CV. Andi Offset, 2015), p.208


Management Information System (MIS) is a set of information systems that

interact with each other, which provides good information for kepetingan
operations or managerial activities. (George M.Scott, 2001: 69)
a. input Input Tax (VAT)
To enter the Value Added Tax (VAT) in Management Information
Systems section of the tax system Perum ANTARA, the following steps steps that praktikan do that:

Praktikan received a "proof of cash" from the budget

department, evidence that cash has been signed by the manager
of budget and finance manager .

b) Opening System Information Management (SIM) Perum

ANTARA, then login and select "taxation" as the module to be
accessed. And click on the "Entry Input tax".

input data that shall be filled as indicated on the cash evidence.

After all the data required has been met, then click on the

d) Done.


Picture: III.1 process of inputting VAT

Source: Managed Praktikan
after terinput, it will come out the result code input, because that
input is input tax (VAT), the code that will come out is "PJKPN". Eg
"PJKPN / 0148/08/2016". Then write the code on Evidence cash.

b. Menginput Income Tax / Income Tax (Article 23 and Article 26)

To input Added Tax Income (PPH) in the tax system in Management
Information Systems (MIS) Perum ANTARA, the following steps - steps
that praktikan do that :


a) Praktikan receive "evidence" cash, cash evidence has been signed by

the department manager and department budgets keuagan.
b) Praktikan logged in Management Information systems and choose
Perum ANTARA taxation system as a module to be accessed. then
click the menu "PPH" and select "Entry Tax and Income Tax 23 26".
c) masukanlah of data - data that shall be filled as indicated on the cash
evidence. cocokanlah value that appears on the income tax system with
a proof of his cash. If the face is appropriate, then click on "Save".
Having succeeded in the input, it will come out the result code input,
because that input is income tax (income tax) then the code will come
out is "PJKPH". Eg "PJKPH / 0116/08/2016". Then write the code on
the cash evidence.
d) Done.


Picture: III.2 Inputting Process of Income Tax on Tax system Perum

Source: Managed Praktikan


Image: III.3 Evidence cash expenditures / bank VAT and income tax that has
been inputted.
Source: Managed Praktikan
2. Inputting Data Acceptance receivables in system collection
collection is an activity services of the Bank to perform the
mandate of a third party in the form of billing amount of money to a
person or a particular agency in other cities that have been designated

by the principals. Here is the process of inputting the data received or

receivable on the system collection:
a) in the "process Data entry receivables ", first thing to do is
praktikan first check bank statements upon receipt of the transfer of
customers LKBN Antara. Credit notes sent to the Cash & Bank
every day. Cash and bank watching the bank account used for
receiving payment of accounts receivable of customers using daily
newspaper, proof of the transfer, and credit notes. Credit notes and
the evidence given transfer gets billing.




(Member IKAPI., 2001), p.

Transfer, and Collection(Yogyakarta:Konisius


Picture: III.4 Bank report

b) Log in Management Information Systems or log on the website
"" and select the system billing as modules to
be accessed. In part there are updates borderel billing customers
based on credit notes and proof of transfer. Part billing makes bank
receipt. In receipt of the value of the listed bank receipts, No.
Unpaid invoices, business unit income source, date and bank
account numbers repayment reception. Borderel deliver customer
billing section to the collection.


Picture: III.5 Update Customer Borderer

Source: System
c) Next, open the Collection on the SIM system Perum ANTARA,
click "Accept payment invoice". If the bank reports there are more
than one transaction with the same customer number, then the
system is a collection that must be clicked "Accept payment
invoice (multi)". After the click, then update data from the billing
customer borderel will appear. And then fill the column - a column
that is required according to the data will be returned to the system,
because it is the reference for filling the column - a column that is
required. After all the data is filled in, then click on "Save", then
the data will automatically be terinput at Perum ANTARA


collection system. if the practitioner wants to know the data is

already in the "input" that is appropriate or not, the practitioner can
check in daily transaction reports.

Image: III.6 Acceptance Receivables Process Input

Source: Managed Praktikan


3. Verification of Receipts and Expenditures Cash or Bank.

Verification Cash or bank is to approve revenue and expenditure of
cash or bank balance. To verify the receipt and expenditure cash or bank,
the following steps - steps that Praktikan do that:
a) Praktikan login on the system Perum ANTARA Budget. And
choose "cash or bank" as the module to be accessed.
b) Choose the menu "verification of cash or bank" and specify the
period, the data diinginkanpun will appear based on the date we
have set in the previous column, after the data appears, then start
"select "one by one the data to be verified,
c) if that is being done praktikan is" verification of expenditure "cash
or bank, then the practitioner input expenditure balance in the"
credit "nominal amount in the table verification details. However,
if the aim was "verification of receipt" cash or bank balance, the
practitioner must enter the reception at discharge. because cash
receipts or bank balances positive increases in debit. It will be
automatically recorded ditabel so that it will balance its nominal
amount. After all the necessary fields have been filled, then
do"Verification of expenditure / receipts".
d) Done.


Picture: III.7 Verification Process Revenue / Expenditure Cash or

Source: Managed Praktikan
4. Summary of Cash Daily Output
To accomplish this task, Praktikan requires file "proof cash expenses /
bank" that has been signed by the General Manager and Manager of the
department budget. The following steps - steps that praktikan do that:
a) praktikan log on information systems management Perum




reporttransactions"in the form of Microsoft Excel

b) Start merekap "proof of cash output" in a way matched
each verification code shown on any "evidence of cash
expenditures / bank "for example, the verification code"


BSK / 0119/08/2016 ". So look for the code in the data that
has been downloaded.
c) After recapitulate, the data recapitulation daily cash out the
evidence given to the assistant manager and finance
manager for signature. Then handed over to the cashier to
be disbursed.
d) Done.

Picture: Evidence III.8 Cash Expenditures / Bank


Image: III.9 Summary of Cash Out Day

Source:praktikan Managed
5. Summary of Evidence CutIncome Tax (PPH) and Value Added Tax
a. To work this task, Praktikan requires file "Tax Withholding
evidence, both Income Tax and Value Added Tax or Tax
Payment (SSP).
b. Then, Praktikan merekapnya the Microsoft Excel program.
c. Done.


C. Obstacles Faced
During the internhip in Public Companies institution News Agency national
(Perum ANTARA) on the division of finance there are several obstacles faced by
the practitioner, either a constraint on the inside of the practitioner (internal
constraints) as well as the constraints of the environment in which street vendors
(external constraints ).
the constraints faced by, among others:
1) obstacles faced praktikan
a) aAt the beginning of the internship (PKL) praktikan find their
limitations in communication with other employees as well as
difficult to adapt to the work environment and other employees
b) internship Supervisor are often out of the office, so that the
practitioner sometimes confused want to make sure about the task
given is appropriate or not.
c) There are several terms that are not known by the practitioner, so
praktikan have to study first before running the task.
d) Computers are praktikan use sometimes the system is impaired and
the computer is not integrated with the printer.


2) Obstacles Faced by the Company

a. Still there is a mismatch between the field of employees with
educational background so that employees who occupy these
divisions is not a competent person in the field.
b. There still exists a gap providing facilities for employees. There is
still a part of the financial division that still use the computer with
the Operating System that is still fairly slow thereby inhibiting the
employee. Internet connection and sometimes impaired.
D. How to overcome obstacles
for carrying out street vendors praktikan Despite facing some constraints,
praktikan several methods to overcome these constraints. As for some of the ways
in which the practitioner is:
1. How to Overcome Obstacles faced Praktikan:
a) 1)

Praktikan trying to communicate with other employees, starting with

remembering names of employees one by one, say hello when you meet
and when his employees were not doing the job, Praktikan tried to
approach them in order to used as sources of various questions Praktikan
related to the work environment.
b) When the internship supervisor gives the task, the practitioner is asked a
lot about the job and noted the steps - the steps of task completion on the
note. considering the supervisor sometimes does not always exist in the


c) Learning the terminology is foreign to the practitioner, either through

online media as well as ask questions directly to those employees who is at
the same department.
d) Praktikan using a computer other employees who are not using the system
has been much better and if there is to be printed, praktikan use the printer
in place of other employees.
2. How to Overcome Obstacles Faced by the Company
a) more selective when it will put a division for each employee.
Should be placed in accordance with the educational background.
b) Companies often provide training to employees to increase
knowledge and skills of employees according to job description
that was given to him.
c) Changing evenly company facilities especially for Computers.
Improving facilities as well as others in the company, so as to
facilitate the employee in completing a given task.




After doing an internship in the public company National News
Agency Antara. praktikan gain experience and insight into the world
of work in reality. Praktikan can take the following conclusion:
1. Praktikan has settled the internship carried out for about two
months, starting from June 20 until August 26, 2016 at the
Company's general ANTARA National News Agency. Praktikan
placed in Finance and Tax Department, the task praktikan for PKL
are as follows:
a. Input Tax and Value Added Tax system Management
Information Perum ANTARA
b. inputting the data acceptance of the accounts on the system
c. Verification of Receipts and Expenditures Cash or bank.
d. Summary of Cash Out daily.
e. Summary of evidence Cut Taxes Income taxes Value Added.


2. Praktikan gain experience and insights related to the world of

work and the practitioner becomes aware Job application in
accordance with its taken during the lecture.
3. Although the implementation of the internship (PKL) praktikan
facing some constraints, but PKL praktikan can finish well.
the constraints faced by the practitioner during the implementation of
the Job Training field, namely:
a) at the beginning of PKL praktikan communication between
employees feel limited except by the supervising practitioner PKL.
so that the practitioner can not freely interact and ask for an
explanation of something to other employees.
b) Supervising street vendors are often out of the office, so that the
practitioner sometimes confused want to make sure about the task
given is appropriate or not.
c) There are several terms that are not known by the practitioner, so
praktikan have to study first before running the task.
d) Computers are praktikan use sometimes the system is slow and the
computer is not integrated with printer.
There are several ways praktikan do to overcome obstacles, namely:


a. Communicate actively to offer any help would be the work of the

employees so that the practitioner can learn more about the work of the
employees of Perum ANTARA part finance divisions.
b. When the supervising vendors provide task, ask a lot more praktikan
seputaran the task and noted the steps - the steps of task completion on the
note.consider the frequent mentor does not always exist in the workplace.
c. Studying the term - a term that is still foreign to the practitioner, either
through online media as well as ask questions directly to the employee the employee who is at the same department.
d. Praktikan using a computer other employees who are not using the system
already much better and if there is to be printed, the printer praktikan join
other employees in place.
1. Suggestions for Perum ANTARA
a. Preferably Division Perum ANTARA finance, especially finance and tax
departments provide guidance to the practitioner in a more specific, so that
the learners are more familiar with a given task. such as the existence of
clear SOPs regarding engineering work to be performed by students PKL.
b. Preferably Perum ANTARA immediately menstarakan facilities
for all divisions. Mainly for computers, in view of the division that
still use the computer with the Operating System that is still fairly


slow. Improving facilities as well as others in the company, so it

can be easier to accomplish a given task.
c. We recommend that the official web Perum ANTARA always
updated. So that both the practitioner and the community at large
mengeahui in detail about Perum ANTARA.
2. Suggestions for the Faculty of Economics Affairs Jakarta
a. The



University is expected More building

relationships with many companies making it easier for students to

find a place Field Work Practice (PKL).
b. Should the FE UNJ give more guidance to students who will carry
out the Field work Practice (PKL) about the work in accordance
with the field.
c. supervisor should be distributed to the students before the students
running the Field work Practice (PKL) so that students have a place
to share when the process of finding a Field work Practice and
when implementation.
3. Suggestions for Praktikan

Understand in advance the field that will be in place PKL, so as

not to feel confused when their implementation.


Extend friendship so that when you will PKL, you already have
a lot of channels to facilitate the search for a street vendor.



Do not procrastinate in completing all PKL series. Start

compiling reports PKL when still ongoing street vendors, so that
the practitioner knows what data is required from the company.


Frequently consult with faculty and seniors to get a street

vendors in accordance with their expertise and concentration are

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