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November 27, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

As I come to the last two weeks of this UWRT class, I have begun to reflect across my
growth in this course, as well as the personal growth I have had in my first semester in UNC
Charlotte as well. Even though both were alleviated significantly, I think there will always be
growth as I go through the next four years here at UNC Charlotte. In this letter, I would like to
address this growth as such.
When I look back, this class turned out to be a little more different than what I had
expected it to be as I was signing up. In the beginning, when I saw the course name, I was also
mentally preparing myself to sit and write hundreds of essays and research papers. When I
entered this course, it was more interactive and causal than I thought. We still had important
assignments, but I genuinely enjoyed completed each one that was assigned. I felt that Professor
Raymond was giving each assignment with the purpose to have that literacy growth and
confidence that most of us came in lacking. This in turn, gave a big gain of self-assurance in
writing that I greatly lacked. Every writing prompt or project I was given back had positive
comments, but also helpful feedback towards my work. Not one paper I had graded said
something negative about it, which really gave me the boost I needed. I think I also grew to use
more colorful details and word, which would interest the reader more than the writing I used to
do before. Another example was learning how to properly use the APA style format in writings.
As I will be going into a science related field, I will now be using this format for all papers.
When I started this semester, I unfortunately brought my high school habits along with
me. This included procrastination and organizing my assignments in a timely manner, which
affected me in the beginning. I began to stress about assignments that were due in a day or two,

but I had assignments that were due in two weeks completed. Slowly as I saw the importance of
doing diligent work and in a timely manner, I saw my grades increase as well. As I found a
proper way of studying, I also was able to study for many hours and actually retain vital
information that I couldnt do before.
Looking back at my prior knowledge or histories, I would say I had a pretty good
foundation over some areas. Writing and grammar is okay for me, as I didnt have much trouble
with it before, so I was able to complete my daily writings, studio discussions and writing
prompts with ease. For my literacy narrative project, I remembered details about how my literacy
narrative formed and how it grew. Since I recently learned how to read and write Hindi, I was
able to include this as well. For our family tree project, I knew a good deal of information about
my background to be able to find out any missing or inaccurate information. I knew who to go to
as well.
I know we did not focus on all the areas of writing that we should have. I would have
liked to know more about possibly other formats other than the one we stuck with throughout the
course. I would have also liked to improve my grammar a little more, since there is no harm in
improvement. Other than that, I am satisfied with how the course turned out to be.
Our semester multimodal project revolved around the topic: How does recreational and
prescription drugs affect the human brain and body? When we originally came up with this
topic, it was with just Emery and I. Our topic in our proposal was: Does prescription drugs
cause more harm than good to the human body and brain? We were going to focus on
prescription drug abuse and look at the undesired side effects certain drugs cause to both mental
and physical health. Our responsibilities were to be split evenly. I was to research the effects of
prescription drugs on mental health. Emery was to research the undesired effects of prescription

drugs. We were also going to look at evidence that supports our argument, for example expert
opinions on prescription drugs and their detrimental effects. When we turned our proposal into
Professor Raymond, she notified us that there was a group in the class who is also brainstorming
for the same topic. When she asked if we would like to work with them, we agreed. Cara and
Madeleines topic was: How do recreational drugs affect the human body? With this, we
decided after meeting to collaborate and bring our topics together. We changed our
responsibilities in the project, and all of us researched what we could about our topics. All four
of us kept our own type of drug with each group, so we could stay organized. We added all of
our research into a Google Document to keep all the information in one place. The incorporated
half about recreational and half about prescription drugs to get the idea of similar or different
effects it has on the body and brain. It worked out really well because all four of us have a
preference of the medical field, and some of us hope to pursue a career in the field as well.
Another point is, I have to say is that the projects that were given in this course and the
overall purpose of the course ended up working together in a unique way. It brought a fun light
to the projects as the family tree project was my most favorite project in the entire course. It
really allowed me to go out and learn more about my great grandparents that no one really talked
about. All eight great grandparents were in the villages of India, so there was not much
information about them, but Im glad to have known more about them overall. Again, as I said
before, I believe Professor Raymond gave such assignments to us with the purpose of having
growth as a writer and an individual, and I really feel like I have fortunately.
My best work in the semester would be seen in the writing prompts and studio
discussions. I really enjoyed doing them, which made them more pleasing to do. I really sat and
focused on these two assignments whenever they were given, which is seen through the feedback

that was given. Project wise, my family tree project is my best one because the end result was so
personal to me, but I gained a huge insight to how connected my maternal side was to the history
and foundation of India. I never thought I would learn something like that about my family, and
it makes me want to continue that ancestral research too.
Bringing everything together, I really do feel like this class will help me in my next four
years in UNC Charlotte. Especially the writing based assignments weve had like writing
prompts or studio discussions, it has allowed me to brainstorm better and write more creatively.
Not only will I use the APA format for future papers that I will be assigned, I have a newly built
confidence in writing that I will proudly take away from this course as well. Since you always
have literacy related growth, I hope that I improve in my Hindi overtime. This includes speaking,
writing and reading. I also hope to get better in English grammar as well because I do have small
slips time to time.
Professor Raymond, thank you for instructing this class as it turned out to be a really
good course and a memorable one too. Since it was my first freshman class, a 9:00am MW class,
I started my week off in this class, and I always left the room happy and felt like I started my day
off right. I wouldnt have had an insight into some of the things that were taught if I was not told
to alone. I gained so much more in this class than I wouldve thought and I really appreciate it.
Thank you once again.
Manisha Sharma

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