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Debriefing: Participant Observation

Peer: Danesha Winfrey

Peer Debriefer: Iqtidar ul Hassan
Overall Comments:
Daneshas description of her observation in a bar-cum-restaurant is lucid. All the
observed participants have been described in detail. Denasha is a participant with the
customers in the restaurant; her observation seems skipping the gist of the participatory
dimension with the customers. Its non-participant aspects are more prominent. How as
customers they feel and interact with the environment?
Helpful Hints:

Danesha has described physical aspects of the location and of the people in detail.
Meaning in the physical appearance of people and objects will be easy to read in

this detailed description.

Daneshas interaction with Chloe is more detailed. This is one aspect of the
participation which demonstrate the nature of the situation observed through


A little elaboration of the participatory aspect with other customers in the


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