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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Caarrrroottss are a popular root vegetable that are easy to grow in sandy soil. They are resistant to
most pests and diseases, and are a good late season crop that can tolerate frost. Not all
carrots are orange; varieties vary in color from purple to white.

Plan to plant seeds outdoors 3 to 5 weeks before the last spring frost date.
Make sure your soil is free of stones; carrots need deeply tilled soil that they can
push through.
Have you ever seen a carrot that has grown legs or forked? Fresh manure, or even
recently applied rotted manure, can cause carrots to fork and send out little side roots.
Dont use it before you plant your seeds.
Plant seeds 3-4 inches apart in rows. Rows should be at least a foot apart.

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Gently mulch to retain moisture, speed germination and block the sun from the roots.
Soil should be well drained and loose to prevent forking and stunting of the root growth.
Once plants are an inch tall, thin so they stand 3 inches apart. Snip them with scissors
instead of pulling them out to prevent damage to the roots of remaining plants.
Water at least one inch per week.
Weed diligently.
Fertilize 5-6 weeks after sowing.
Carrots taste much better after a couple of frosts. Following the first hard frost in the fall,
cover carrot rows with an 18-inch layer of shredded leaves to preserve them for
harvesting later.
Get more ttiippss ffoorr ggrroow
wiinngg ccaarrrroottss((hhttttpp::/

Aster Yellow Disease will cause shortened and discolored carrot tops and hairy roots. This
disease is spread by pests as they feed from plant to plant. Keep weeds down and invest in
a control plan for pests such as leafhoppers. This disease has the ability to overwinter.

Carrots are mature at around 2 months and inch in diameter. You may harvest
whenever desired maturity is reached.
You may leave mature carrots in the soil for storage if the ground will not freeze.
To store freshly harvested carrots, twist off the tops, scrub off the dirt under cold running
water, let dry and seal in airtight plastic bags, and refrigerate. If you simply put fresh
carrots in the refrigerator, theyll go limp in a few hours.
Carrots can be stored in tubs of moist sand for winter use.

Recommended Varieties
Bolero: resists most leaf pests.
Nantesa Superior: sweet flavor, adapts to any soil.
Thumberline: round carrot, good for clumpy or clay soil.

Wit & Wisdom

Carrots are biennial plants. If you leave them in the ground, the tops will flower and
produce seeds the second year.
Carrots have a long list of health benefits, not just those from Vitamin A. Read C
Heeaalltthh BBeenneeffiittss((hhttttpp::/
Carrots arent just great for humansthey make a great treat for your pets! Try this
dog-friendly ppeeaannuutt bbuutttteerr ccaarrrroott ccaakkee((hhttttpp::/
/ppeett--ffoooodd-rreecciippee--ppeeaannuutt--bbuutttteerr--ccaarrrroott--ccaakkee)) for your dogs next birthday!


Caarrrroott G
Giinnggeerr SSoouupp
Caarrrroott C
Caarrrroott SSoouuffffllee

Read more like this



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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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t,, R
t,, R
t ffo





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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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PPllaann,, LLeeaarrnn,, && GGeett OOrrggaanniizzeedd w

wiitthh TThhee OOlldd FFaarrm
meerrss AAllm
GGaarrddeenn PPllaannnneerr((hhttttpp::////wwwwww..aallmmaannaacc..ccoomm//ccoonntteenntt//oonnlliinnee--ggaarrddeenn--ppllaannnneerr-oolldd--ffaarrm





Submitted by Carsyn Ward on August 29, 2016 - 9:37am

How many seeds do carrots need to grow? This is for my school project so please answer
quickly. we are growing a Milk Crate for our cafeteria.

Growing Carrots

Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 30, 2016 - 9:17am

Each seed grows into a carrot plant. However, the seeds are so tiny that a gardener usually
broadcasts a bunch of tiny seeds, and then thins the seedlings once they grow so the
spacing is correct (matching what it says on your seed packet).

how to plant, grow and harvest.


Submitted by Dairo Rowland b... on August 28, 2016 - 2:58am

More information about farming.

The best time to plant carrot in Nigeria.


Submitted by Innocent Akpan on August 7, 2016 - 7:08am

Please what is the best time to plant carrot in southern Nigeria.

Can I plant the vegetable during the dry season?

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Submitted by Marvis Couture on July 16, 2016 - 11:51am


Regrow carrot?

Submitted by Lucy may Beach on May 21, 2016 - 8:36am

I have a carrot which has started to root while in the fridge and wondered if this can be planted
to grow and get seeds?


Submitted by Donna Fritz on May 10, 2016 - 3:35pm

Can carrot stems be planted?


Submitted by Frank krawcion on April 19, 2016 - 6:56am

So adding sand to the soil in the garden will help to grow carrots and beets better? Haven't had
much luck with them.

carrot soil

Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 20, 2016 - 3:52pm

The sand helps carrots from getting stunted, Frank. And you want only enough sand to
achieve a nice porous soil. If there is too much sand, the water/moisture and nutrients will
pass by the carrots. Sand helps if your soil is heavy and clumpy. Check your pH. Give seeds
plenty of moisture at the start. Rotate your crops. Carrots can be hit or missat least in our
experience in the community garden. But the hits are out of the ball park.
See below for other advice.

You have to be careful adding


Submitted by Stephen Scalf on July 19, 2016 - 4:50pm

You have to be careful adding sand to certain soils. We have a lot of clay here, and if you
add sand, you get cement. Although carrots don't always do well in clay soil, I till the soil
very well, then mound the soil for the rows fairly high so the carrots have a good 6" of good,
loose topsoil. I get a few deformed carrots, but not many. Another tip if you don't have sandy
soil: I till in a lot of leaves in the fall, and fresh grass clippings shortly before planting. The
clippings decay much more slowly underground with limited oxygen. It retains a good
amount of growing moisture, but helps drain water faster than clay alone.


Submitted by david silcock on April 19, 2016 - 2:29am

is it ok to grow carrots in the same place every year

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Carrot pests

Submitted by Emmanuel on April 15, 2016 - 4:00am

Pls can Goat or sheep eat carrot leaves. I want to plant them in my unfenced garden

growing carrots from tops


Submitted by Tammi A on April 11, 2016 - 2:05pm

I recently watched a video about growing carrots from carrot tops. Since then, I have read
articles stating you cannot grow new carrots from the tops. I have a dozen beautifully
re-sprouted carrot tops in a bowl that have 4-5 inches of new green on the top and the white
roots on the bottom. Can I plant these in my garden for new carrots? Please clarify. Thanks!!!

carrot tops from carrots


Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 12, 2016 - 3:51pm

Unfortunately, a new taproot wont grow from the top of old carrot soaked in water. As you
have seen, the tops will grow more leaves, and thin white roots will also grow, providing
nutrients for the plant. The plant, over time, may even form flowers. But sadly, no new
taproot will form to harvest. People still enjoy growing carrot tops for fun as an experiment,
or to provide fresh greenery for an indoor display.

I really love carrots


Submitted by mbuga roland on April 9, 2016 - 8:42pm

the way I love carrots and their juice, Heaven knows. I really appreciate the guidelines given for
growing, caring, harvesting, pests and diseases for carrots, can now do my own garden, thanks.


Submitted by Chris on March 28, 2016 - 6:35pm

I love carrot juice

jon boat garden


Submitted by sara on March 7, 2016 - 8:13am

this is my first time doing a garden i decided to start out with a small jon boat with carrots
and tomatoes and im looking the soil for my carrots does not look deep enough
from them to grow a mature growth......Can i take them out and add more soil ? or do i just
leave them in and see how well they will do as is?

carrot depth

Submitted by Almanac Staff on March 8, 2016 - 12:52pm

Carrots usually need about 9 to 18 inches of soil depth, depending on the variety that you
growcheck the seed packet, if you have one. For containers, the mini types are best ones
that grow short or in a ball-shape. As to moving them, carrots can be tricky. They have a
long taproot that extends beyond the orange part; it is important to keep it intact. If your
carrots are tiny seedlings at this stage, you might be able to carefully remove them from the
soil, including a large and deep root ball, and then adjust the soil level. Some gardeners have
had success with this at young seedling stage. But if the plants are more established, it
would probably be best to keep them as is, unless the soil level is much under the
required depth.

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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I need help on how to grow carrots


Submitted by Mary L Malundu on January 3, 2016 - 2:47pm

I would like to attempt growing carrots but I have no idea how and which season to grow them,
please help me.

How to Grow Carrots


Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 5, 2016 - 2:25pm

Mary, The above page is all about how to grow carrots. Note the first line under the planting
section, Plan to plant seeds outdoors 3 to 5 weeks before the last spring frost date. Y
ccaann ffiinndd tthhee U
U..SS.. ffrro
osstt ddaatteess hheerree((hhttttpp::/
/ffrroossttddaatteess)) as well as
a link to the Canadian frost dates. Our Web site covers North America.

carrots grown in containers


Submitted by Courtney Montgomery on October 22, 2015 - 2:57pm

Hi I need some help I attempted to grow carrots in containers last year after 68 days no carrots
I did chalk it up to gardener error as I transplanted them which is a no no.I recently decided to
have a go at carrots again the chantenay variety. I took a pot added dirt sowed my seed in the
dirt on Sept. 17the the germinated I thinned them they have come up beautifully. But the stems
are still small they are growing in height. But I am worried they are not going to produce any

Hi Courtney,

Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 26, 2015 - 11:01am

Hi Courtney,
Not knowing where you live you may have planted the carrots too late in the season. They
need 65 days to maturity in spring/summer and 126 days in fall/winter because of shorter
days and less sunlight.
If the temps. are mild and you dont have freezing weather for you may still get
some carrots.

I live in zone 9B. I have a


Submitted by Jack Ehlers on September 9, 2015 - 8:19am

I live in zone 9B. I have a "Black Beauty eggplant in a 4'x8' box and the eggplant has a 4'
diameter of canopy. I would like to plant some carrot under the eggplant canopy for fall crop.
Will carrots survive in partial shade for a fall crop?

Carrots need about 6 to 8


Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 10, 2015 - 3:48pm

Carrots need about 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day. If the area provides that, you might be
OK as far as light. Another concern, however, is root space. Eggplants and longer carrots
may be competing for space in the soil. If you'd like to try growing carrots, the small round
type might do better because they don't take up as much space in the ground.

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What does it mean when your


Submitted by Liz Berry on July 17, 2015 - 1:42pm

What does it mean when your carrots flower. Have I left them in the ground too long? Will they
still taste fine?

i planted carrots in rainy


Submitted by micheal(in kenya) on June 27, 2015 - 10:04am

i planted carrots in rainy season which germinated well. but a week later, i discovered that the
population of my carrots was reducing. what could be the problem?

A wascly wabbit?

Submitted by Bill on March 29, 2016 - 8:41am

A wascly wabbit?

I have been trying to grow


Submitted by Ryan M - St. Louis on June 7, 2015 - 7:44pm

I have been trying to grow carrots for two years in a row. The carrots start out fine, but when it
is time for harvesting, the carrots do not get very bulky. The top half of the carrot is about an
inch wide, but the rest of the carrot is one thin root that extends about 3 or 4 inches with no
bulk at all. I do have the correct color in the top half of the carrot, just not a lot of bulk in the
top half and no bulk in the bottom half.
The article above states carrots like sandy soil. Should I mix some sand in the portion of my
garden where I grow my carrots?
I also have not used any fertilizer. What would you recommend?
Any suggestions are appreciated.

The best fertilizer you can


Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 8, 2015 - 12:09pm

The best fertilizer you can give any plant is rich composted soil with the proper pH. Then, of
course, sun and water. Carrots and most root crops like loose soil; sand helps to "loosen"
soil: It is not a moisture retainer; it helps sand to keep from clumping. It is not a guaranteed
solution but if your soil is heavy, it might help to "open" it. A common hazard of all tops but
no roots or small roots is failure to thin the cropcarrots and beets esp. You need to make
the sacrifice and pull the weaklings, leaving plenty of space for larger carrots to develop.
Finally, we are back to the first point: your soil: Too much nitrogen fertilization can
contribute to excessive top growth and little to no root growth. Check the contents of
whatever fertilizer you have been using.
We hope this helps!

I think you should try using


Submitted by Rockaz on July 22, 2015 - 2:15pm

I think you should try using fertilizers and as well as planting legumes plants in between
your carrots this will add up nitrogen in the soil.

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Double dig the soil and add


Submitted by VictoriaBC on August 15, 2015 - 6:33pm

Double dig the soil and add lots of organic compost so it is loose and easy to grow. When
you plant the seeds, water with fertilizer and then DO NOT WATER until the seeds sprout.
You want big tap roots that have to go deep to find water. I did this for the first time this
year and I finally have great big carrots that are longer than 1" long!

I am planting carrots for the


Submitted by Diane Thomsen on April 27, 2015 - 7:45pm

I am planting carrots for the first time. I purchased the seed tape. I planted them into large
trough pots that are about 12" deep. Will they do well in those pots? Our soil in the dirt beds
are red clay and rock. I didn't think they'd flourish there.

If you're using 12" pots, you


Submitted by Sean Marlow Smith on April 28, 2015 - 12:37pm

If you're using 12" pots, you only want to do one carrot per. Use a loose garden soil mix, soil
from the surrounding area can contain disease and pests. Store bought garden soil is free
from these, and there are some available with a fertilizer already mixed in. Hope this helps
P.S. show your plants love, they really do appreciate it :)

Sorry lol! The site said I


Submitted by Michelle R on April 12, 2015 - 11:49pm

Sorry lol! The site said I got bumped as spam so I tried to reword questions!

companion planting says


Submitted by Michelle R on April 12, 2015 - 11:44pm

companion planting says carrots make peppers taste better- I am doing square foot gardening
with carrots, peppers, and tomatoes. Will amending with sand for carrots affect the others? I
have peat moss, will that work instead? Also, I am zone 5 and should be planting carrots now.
With 65-75 days to harvest, how do I get sweeter carrots in October after frost?

I am first time carrot grower


Submitted by Michelle R on April 12, 2015 - 11:29pm

I am first time carrot grower and I'm trying to incorporate square foot and companion planting.
First question is- inter planting rows of carrots with peppers (to increase pepper flavor) and
tomatoes: any idea how amending soil with sand for carrots will affect peppers and tomatoes? I
have peat moss if that will work better then sand as a compromise. Second question- I am zone
5 and are supposed to plant in April but "Touchon" and "Danver Half Long" mature in 65-75 days.
How do I get to October frost dates so I can get sweetened carrots? Leave them in the ground
or replant when?

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Peppers, tomatoes, and


Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 14, 2015 - 11:20am

Peppers, tomatoes, and carrots like sandy loam. If you add compost to the sand and build up
organic matter (keep it fine-textured so as not to block carrot roots), and keep the soil loose
and well-draining, it should be OK. Make sure that the vegetables get enough water, but
don't sit in water.
You can have two plantings of carrots, one in spring for an early to midsummer harvest and
one in mid- to late summer for a fall harvest. For the fall harvest, just count back the
number of days to maturity from your first expected fall frost, and also incorporate the days
to germination, and perhaps a few more days for slower growth in the fall. That would be
the time to plant the carrot seeds. As this will be in summertime, provide some shade cloth
over the area if it gets hot (especially above 80F), and keep up with the watering--carrots do
not do well in dry soil.

is it advisable to provide a

Submitted by princek patrick on April 8, 2015 - 8:53pm

is it advisable to provide a shade for carrots

I planted my carrots March


Submitted by ufuhi on March 28, 2015 - 10:16am

I planted my carrots March 26th and now its snowing!! Will they be ok?

Carrots seeds can be sown 2


Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 2, 2015 - 10:09am

Carrots seeds can be sown 2 to 3 weeks before the last frost, and should be 1/2 inch deep.
While carrots will germinate at temps as low as 40F, they prefer 50 to 85F.
You can check your average frost dates here: hhttttpp::/
Ciittyy)) (Put in your zip
It's hard to know if you lost the carrot seeds, ufuji. If the snow was light and didn't
stick/pile up and the cold temps did not last...maybe your seeds are ok. You should know in
a month or so: Crrots seeds germinate in 1 to 3 weeks, and often "unevenly" (not all at the
same time) over several weeks. You do not indicate where you are; if the ground was bare
but still cold from a long winter, it may have been too cold for the seeds to germinate
Best bet: Don't look back. Go get yourself another seed packet and start again. It's an
inexpensive fix.

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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This is rear luck to have


Submitted by lamin jaiteh on March 27, 2015 - 10:08pm

This is rear luck to have found U.

am owner gardener in the Gambia,west Africa.
I have grown onions,carrots beets ,cabbages,white reddish and cabbages,therefore your
relevance to me.
my onions are more than two months since transplant but the spacing is just too close.though
bulbbing ,am not happy after learning so much from U,what may I do now?? May I thin them
,apply more NPK or uncover sand from bulbs??
The carrots too are like manner.they are about 1.5 months,grown directly,may I thin them now?
Also rains start here at about June,will growing the mentioned beg be successful.
I already know and have nurseried egg plants,hot big peper and bitter tomatoes to grow along
groundnuts ,Mellon and Mangifera Indica ,when the rains will come June.
Already very lengthy,please U may reply by preference beginning with the onions and

It depends on large they are.


Submitted by Sunshine80 on April 13, 2015 - 4:41am

It depends on large they are. You can thin the onions and carrots by using then now if of
edible baby size. I have had good luck transplanting onions in the past, having started them
from seed in small flats. Carrots cannot be transplanted that I have ever heard of, but you
need to relieve the crowding or the whole crop may suffer. If you are desperate to try I
would VERY carefully did the carrots with a deep shovel as to get the entire root intact.
Gently separate and replant in a trench deep enough to hold the entire root making sure the
tops are at ground level. I would only with the root that must be thinned out leaving all
others in the original row. Trying is better than throwing them away but I am not sure if it
will be successful. Next year just plant them further apart or thin out seedlings more widely.
This is a common issue but easy enough to fix. I am not familiar with African weather.

What is the best fertilizer


Submitted by Anonymous on March 24, 2015 - 5:01am

What is the best fertilizer for growing better size of carrot? I have quite reasonable grown (very
green and about 1 foot tall of leaves and stalks) top, but with almost no carrot (root).

Carrots grow best in loose,


Submitted by Almanac Staff on March 24, 2015 - 4:09pm

Carrots grow best in loose, sandy, humus-rich soil. You can side dress with some compost or
aged manure. It's also important to thin the carrots to make sure there is space for the roots
to grow.

I'm growing carrots in a


Submitted by Dragonlady42077 on March 23, 2015 - 1:27pm

I'm growing carrots in a container. The seedlings are limp and falling over. Is this normal? Can I
fix it? And a white fuzzy substance keeps forming on top of the soil...? Help!

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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It may be damping off,is your


Submitted by fuzzlover on April 3, 2016 - 8:44am

It may be damping off,is your soil very moist? And what kind of soil are you using?
Depending if its organic,it may have a lot of mycorrhizae and othermicrobial and fungal
activity causing the white fuzz on top of your soil

Hi I recenter planted some


Submitted by awakenedava on February 22, 2015 - 2:31am

Hi I recenter planted some carrots seeds in a starter kit, not the best idea I know because they
grow underground. Anyhow I was wondering should I transfer them into the ground bc they are
now sprouting and I hate to see my little seeds not succeed.....

Carrots do not usually


Submitted by Almanac Staff on February 23, 2015 - 11:41am

Carrots do not usually transplant well; we recommend seeding right in the ground without
moving them so that the roots grow straight down. However, readers have tried
transplanting. Be sure that the soil is very light and loose. Dig a planting hole that is
finger-depth and very gently lay the seedling next to the hole and very gently fill the hole
with the same loose soil.

What can I do if I did not


Submitted by Sandy Broussard on February 19, 2015 - 11:09am

What can I do if I did not thin earlier in the planting cycle? Should I just leave them alone? Will
it hurt the carrots if I try to thin them out now? Or hurt their growing ability if I don't thin
them out?

Hi, Sandy, Thinning carrots


Submitted by Almanac Staff on February 23, 2015 - 11:27am

Hi, Sandy, Thinning carrots can be "painful," if you think you are discarding good plants, but
it really does benefit the remaining plants. We know; we have felt the pain and suffered the
consequences of not thinning, when we got nothing from the crop because there was not
sufficient space for any carrots to grow. That's what you risk.
Ideally, you want to do thin carrots in a way that will not disturb the "keepers"the plants
you are leaving in the ground. If you are afraid of disruption, instead of pulling seedling
carrots, take scissors and snip off the green tops at soil level. That should stunt/stop their
growth and so leave plenty of space for the keepers to thrive.

Comment: When they say thin


Submitted by Brian RH on January 24, 2015 - 5:06am

Comment: When they say thin closely growing carrots by cutting the tops, they aren't kidding! I
almost lost half my 'crop' 12 plants because I pulled out existing carrots which hurt the
remaining plant in the ground.
Question: Does the watering recommendation of 1 inch per week need to be amended per
growing zone? I live near the East coast of Central Florida and my carrots seems to like much
more than that amount of water. I just want to be sure I'm not over watering.

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Hi Brian, In dry and hot


Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 26, 2015 - 10:28am

Hi Brian,
In dry and hot regions you do need to water more. Check the soil next to the carrots. If the
soil is dry 4 inches down it's time to water. Water the carrots deeply so that the bottom of
the root gets plenty of water. Add mulch around the carrots to keep the moisture in the soil.

Is it OK to set seeds in seed


Submitted by Oditt on January 6, 2015 - 8:46pm

Is it OK to set seeds in seed trays and transplant into the beds with 5" spacings, after

Carrots are recommended to


Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 7, 2015 - 9:56am

Carrots are recommended to start directly in the garden as they are slow to germinate and a
bit hard to transplant. But you can start them indoors. Plant the seeds in a seed tray with
starting mix and then soak the soil with hot water to speed the germination. Place the tray
in a clear plastic bag and mist the soil twice a day until the seeds have sprouted.

I live in northern Illinois


Submitted by AnnMarie K on December 12, 2014 - 2:56pm

I live in northern Illinois and planned carrots in a raised bed with my kids for the first time this
year. We loved watching them grow and were lazy about thinning then out. They did well
anyway (some small some big but we were ok with that). We planned "rainbow" carrots a mix of
white, yellow, orange, red and purple. We harvested some as they grew and enjoyed them. But I
waited to do a big harvest and we had a bunch of cold weather. The bed is hard and I'm worried
about damaging the carrots that are still in there (it's a lot) trying to get then out. Can you
advise on the best way to harvest at this point? Or should I just let them go till next year? If I
cover them with a garden cover will it help warm the soil to pull them easier?

It depends how deep down the


Submitted by Almanac Staff on December 12, 2014 - 4:01pm

It depends how deep down the soil is frozen. You can try to dig a few. Put black plastic over
the raised bed and hope for some sunny days. It will get warm under the plastic and you
may be able to dig a few carrots. If you leave the carrots in the bed all winter they will be
soft and mushy in the spring.

what does it mean if the


Submitted by rosie may on December 1, 2014 - 4:23pm

what does it mean if the carrots are small and the roots are tiny?

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Well, first it tells you that


Submitted by Almanac Staff on December 2, 2014 - 10:52am

Well, first it tells you that they did not thrive.

There may be several reasons: the seeds were too deep, poor soil and/or nutrient imbalance,
inappropriate pH (it should be 5.5 to 7), the seeds were set too close together (thinning was
necessary), failure to rotate crops, or it could be a blightor a combination.
If it's any consolation, I got only 4.5 carrots from a whole row/seed packet. I don't know why
exactly, either, but I will try again next year.

So happy to have my first


Submitted by SonomaNewbie on August 27, 2014 - 7:19pm

So happy to have my first garden this year . . . I've planted carrots and am starting to harvest
them, so far so good. I did a round of thinning and the babies were nice in salads.
Now though, I see the tops of some of the plants are wilting and/or starting to droop to the
ground, and on a few that I've harvested I've noticed small worms invading the carrot from the
bottom and eating their way up. Any advice on how to deal with this? Many thanks!

It sounds like you may have


Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 29, 2014 - 10:19am

It sounds like you may have wireworms. You won't be able to get rid of them now, but next
year when you plant apply beneficial nematodes to the soil.

Hi, this is my first year to


Submitted by Lori Conway on August 22, 2014 - 12:50am

Hi, this is my first year to have carrots growing, Love getting my first batch to juice with! My
question is, are there seeds in the flowers that some of the carrots have? How do I harvest the
seeds? Also, I live in Fort Worth, is it okay to start my fall garden, can I plant carrots in
Septemeber along with kale and spinach?

Carrots are biennial, and


Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 22, 2014 - 11:23am

Carrots are biennial, and will flower the second year. You can harvest your best carrot roots
and store them in a box of sand in a cool place over winter. Replant them in spring, and wait
for them to flower. Let the flowers dry and brown on the plant, then harvest the entire stalk
and seedhead. Place them in a brown paper bag to dry thoroughly for about a week or so.
Shake the seeds off into a bowl, remove any chaff, and then store the seeds in an airtight jar
in a cool, dry room.
Keep in mind that if the variety you are saving seed from is a hybrid (F1), then the seeds that
you harvest may not yield plants that are the same as the parent--they may be better, worse,
or about the same; they may look or taste differently, have different disease resistance,
different maturity rates, or other characteristics.
As for fall gardening, you might be interested in the following publications by the Texas
AgriLife Extension Service:


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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Hi im seeing a recommendation

Submitted by Kenville Harry on August 7, 2014 - 12:15pm

Hi im seeing a recommendation for sandy soil to be used for planting them however my soil is a
rich black thick type
what can I use to help lighten the soil? Any recommendations ? Can I use old compost 2 weeks
before planting

Looked up the article on


Submitted by David Fielder on July 29, 2014 - 10:55am

Looked up the article on carrots. Clicked on the "Just Carrots" link and was taken to a site called that had nothing to do with carrots.

Hi David, Thanks for your


Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 30, 2014 - 9:02am

Hi David, Thanks for your comment. We just did a search for "Just Carrots" on the text of
this page and couldn't find what you are referencing. Could you tell us where it's located
within the text of our article? We would like to correct any possible errors. Thank you, the

What are the best carrots for


Submitted by carol Lynne on July 11, 2014 - 9:10am

What are the best carrots for southern louisiana & is there an heirloom type that would be good
to grow here iin the hot south.

I am a first timer at

Submitted by carol Lynne on July 10, 2014 - 10:26am

I am a first timer at planting carrot seeds. Planted the seeds with my 4 yr.old grandson..we
started planting things last yr. have planted Burpee organic sort n sweet...We didn't keep the
exact plant date...but it was june...& we have green tops. .I keep them covered wirh a summer
cloth to keep critters out ...i thing it keepsthe from getting scorched as wrll they look
healthy...pkg says they mature in 68 I am thinking sometime next month they will be
ready...but the info on this site is very helpful...I will follow the advice to lift somw out gently to
see how they look @ that time...since we didn't get the date down...& I may leave some for seed
I live in louisiana...may get more to plant...the little one enjoys gardening...thank you for all the
good advice

Hey I am currently farming


Submitted by Frank Nduke on July 8, 2014 - 4:24pm

Hey I am currently farming carrots and I expect to produce around five million carrots, I still do
not have reliable market, please who is out there whom I can do business with for my
production. I live in Iringa region, Tanzania.

how to get beautiful carrot


Submitted by inconito on July 4, 2014 - 2:17am

how to get beautiful carrot

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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I have flowers from my


Submitted by jjericho on July 3, 2014 - 3:37pm

I have flowers from my carrots & it took less then 6 mouths. I'm confuse since it says it takes
2years to get seeds when I have seeds on floweres

what variety of carrots are


Submitted by haylee on July 2, 2014 - 4:19am

what variety of carrots are there

thanks haylee
ps its for an assignment forschol

My carrots are starting to


Submitted by Kelly Shirley on June 29, 2014 - 4:42pm

My carrots are starting to bloom. Should I harvest them now? I didn't know to plant them in
sandy soil and I planted them in miracle grow potting soil.

If your carrots are blooming


Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 30, 2014 - 12:19pm

If your carrots are blooming they will put most of their energy into creating the flowers. The
roots are not going to get much bigger so you can pull a few and see if they are big enough
to harvest.

I am planting carrots from


Submitted by Lisa s. on June 15, 2014 - 2:17am

I am planting carrots from seed for the first time. They are in a pot and are sitting in my
bedroom window sill (indoors) . I live in Orlando, Fl and it rains quite hard in the afternoon.
Once my carrots start to sprout, how long should I wait before transplanting them outdoors?

You should not,,root


Submitted by Henry Nichols on June 16, 2014 - 2:42am

You should not,,root vegetables do not like to be transplanted,,direct sow..

I accsidently stepped on our


Submitted by MichaelGuntli on June 9, 2014 - 8:49pm

I accsidently stepped on our seedling carrots- will they still grow?

I am growing carrots in a

Submitted by Marietta josephson on June 2, 2014 - 2:24pm

I am growing carrots in a pot. how much should I water them?What is 1 inch of water equivalent
to? how many ounces?
thank you

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Place a small can (like a


Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 4, 2014 - 3:47pm

Place a small can (like a tuna can) next to the plant that you are watering. When there is 1
inch of water in the can you have watered enough. This doesn't apply to containers. You
should water until the pot drains significantly. How often to water depends on several
factors such as pot size and soil type. Feel the soil and water when it is dry about 1 inch
below the soil surface.

Hi. Thanks for the great


Submitted by Slidell Two on May 8, 2014 - 5:30pm

Hi. Thanks for the great info from your blog about growing carrots. I will be attempting to grow
Carrots. I live in North Louisiana (Bossier City). I have a great deal of success growing many
varieties of peppers (Bell, Tabasco, Serrano, and others). I'm about to plant carrot seeds and this
is my plan: After I shovel out my grass, the mud beneath is a red soil. I dig down about a foot to
loosen the soil. I will use 1X4 planks to surround my garden to have it raised some. I will then
add several bags of miracle grow top soil for veggies and mix together the existing mud and the
top soil. I will then plant seeds in garden 1" deep , 3" apart and rows about 1' apart. I will then
water the garden at sun down every day. Any advice you can give on my plan will be most

Thanks for you comments. It


Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 4, 2014 - 3:21pm

Thanks for you comments. It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful garden. Just
make sure that the soil drains well and is loose to prevent carrots from forking. Add a bit of
sand to the topsoil where the carrots are growing.

add a little sand & don't for


Submitted by cungpow chicken on June 7, 2014 - 2:55am

add a little sand & don't for get too start a late crop, so you can have some over the
winter that have taken a "few" frosts. you'll be glad you did they taste great !!

A success story if you're a


Submitted by flynn on April 27, 2014 - 10:09pm

A success story if you're a nervous first-time carrot grower: We live in northern Minnesota,
zone 2-3. Last year, I planted carrots in my new raised beds, just to keep the pests off the
onions in the same bed. This was in mid- to late May after a long, cold, wet spring. The onions
were unremarkable, but the carrots were a rousing success. I left them in the ground until after
the second or third frost, so they were sweet as candy and some were 2" across. They spent the
winter in a covered tub of moist sand, and are still delightful now in late April. You'll never buy
grocery store carrots again!

Hi Thanks for your advice. I


Submitted by Slidell Two on May 8, 2014 - 5:32pm

Hi Thanks for your advice. I too have some onions growing that I plan on pickling. I am
about to attempt to grow some carrots. You mentioned that the carrots help keep the pests
off the onions. Why is that?

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I live about 20 crow-miles


Submitted by flynn on April 27, 2014 - 10:05pm

I live about 20 crow-miles south of the Canadian border. Last year, I planted carrots just to keep
pests off my onions in my new raised beds. The onions were so-so, but the carrots were
spectacular! Some grew to be 2" or so across, since I left them in the ground until after a couple
of frosts. Sweet as candy, and are still wonderfully edible now in late April, having spent the
winter in a covered tub full of damp sand in our cool north room in the basement. I'll definitely
plant them again this year.

I am planting carrots in a

Submitted by kolene.kaffeen on April 5, 2014 - 12:34pm

I am planting carrots in a raised garden bed. I live in northern Arizona. The soil is terrible. My
bed is made up of Kellog's Patio Plus soil. The native soil is too bad to add to it. Can I just buy a
couple bags of "play sand" to add to it? I can't just use the Patio Plus, correct? So, I was thinking
"play sand". I've had such terrible luck growing in Arizona. My gardens were so beautiful in
Michigan :(

We haven't used the potting


Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 9, 2014 - 9:05am

We haven't used the potting soil you mention so we can't comment on it, but we wouldn't
advise using play sand as the particles are very small and may impair drainage. Horticultural
sand works better to lighten the soil and improve drainage in your raised bedsor, you can
use builder's sand but be aware this may contain lime, so don't use it around acid-loving
plants such as blueberries.

A great sand to use in AZ is


Submitted by barblee on July 17, 2014 - 9:59pm

A great sand to use in AZ is black cinder sand. It's fairly widely available. I've used it to great
success, and even brought a batch with me back to Texas. It helps hold some moisture, and
releases a small amount of trace minerals, unlike red cinder sand.

I planted carrots last year


Submitted by kmbee123 on February 26, 2014 - 5:37pm

I planted carrots last year and usually let them grow through the winter. This winter, however,
was particularly hard and the tops of the carrots mostly all died back. If I leave the carrots in
the ground, will the green grow back and the carrots continue growing? Thank you!

It's fine to store carrots in


Submitted by Almanac Staff on February 27, 2014 - 6:06pm

It's fine to store carrots in the ground and they should survive freezing temperatures. The
greens aren't that important as they've stopped growing; they're simply in storage. Harvest at
will to enjoy all winter long.
If you leave some carrots unharvested, they should grow again in spring, flowering and
producing seed for you.

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Hii all I am planning to


Submitted by bala Krishna ch on February 23, 2014 - 10:38am

Hii all
I am planning to cultivate carrot in between teak wood trees as inter crop soil is sandy pls
suggest me

what season do carrots grow?


Submitted by dixie perry on February 20, 2014 - 10:34pm

what season do carrots grow?

As stated above, carrots are


Submitted by Almanac Staff on February 21, 2014 - 9:36am

As stated above, carrots are planted in the spring.

You can make additional plantings every 3 weeks through midsummer for continuous supply.
Plant crops for fall harvest about 10 to 12 weeks before first frost.

I planted my carrots in

Submitted by Josh McKibben on January 16, 2014 - 1:30pm

I planted my carrots in Dallas TX from seed Sept 19, 2013. I have waited for them to look
substantial before harvesting them, but just today Jan 16, I pulled one out only to find the carrot
was thin and about 1" long. I"m thinking at this point I should pull all of them out so that I can
get the space back for more plants. Do you agree? Also, any clue as to why they are stunted? I
didn't cover them once when it went below freezing and that could be the reason, but that was
only about 3 weeks ago. I would think the growth would have been longer by then. Thanks!

Soil preparation is the key


Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 21, 2014 - 9:48am

Soil preparation is the key to growing carrots in Texas. It need to be well-draining, not too
compact. You may need to add organic amendments and sand to loosen it up so those
carrots can reach down to a longer length. Also, the temperatures need to be at 60 to 70
degrees Fahrenheit for good germination so it may still be too cold. Finally, grow varieties
that are good for Texas. The Texas A&M Agrilife Extension recommends Danver Half Long,
Imperator 58 or Nantes Half Long varieties. Contact your local cooperative extension for
more on-the-ground advice!

I have carrots in the


Submitted by Gisela Rust on January 13, 2014 - 9:46am

I have carrots in the greenhouse and the green tops have died down. The carrots are not big
enough to harvest, will they still grow without the green?
Thanks for your time

When the tops die back the


Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 14, 2014 - 11:13am

When the tops die back the carrots will stop growing. Did your greenhouse get really hot or
really cold, did you water enough?

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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i am a nervous farmer to be.


Submitted by Thembinkosi on December 18, 2013 - 5:23am

i am a nervous farmer to be. i will be planting carrots for the 1st time in a 5 hectre plot. i am in
South Africa, the area i will be using is a semi wet area. Any advice on how to get the best

If you have heavy soil, add


Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 14, 2014 - 11:17am

If you have heavy soil, add plenty of mature compost and sand. You need loose rockfree soil.
Good luck!

cant find out when to plant


Submitted by tyler dehan on December 5, 2013 - 10:18am

cant find out when to plant my carrots

can any one help me

The information on when to


Submitted by Almanac Staff on December 6, 2013 - 7:47am

The information on when to plant carrots is above: "Plant seeds outdoors 3 to 5 weeks
before the last spring frost date." Not sure when your frost date is? It may help if you visit
our Planting Dates chart which customizes the planting dates to your frost date and zip
code. Just click here: hhttttpp::/

You should plant it in the


Submitted by Nine on December 27, 2013 - 4:00am

You should plant it in the spring or summer just before a full moon. Just look online
m)) and you will be able to see when to plant
any vegetable.

Are some varieties sweeter


Submitted by JBush on November 15, 2013 - 11:15am

Are some varieties sweeter than others? I've had good luck with Nantes. They grow very large
here in Northern Nevada. They are a great for cooking, but a little too strong for eating raw.

Yes, some carrots are mild,


Submitted by Almanac Staff on November 15, 2013 - 1:00pm

Yes, some carrots are mild, some are sweet, and some are crunchy, etc. Burpee has several
sweet varieties: hhttttpp::/

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Now I get it! For 3 years


Submitted by JBush on November 15, 2013 - 11:03am

Now I get it! For 3 years now my carrots have looked like Ginseng roots. I have very sandy soil
and have been adding a layer of manure every year to build it up. From now on, I'll use poplar
leaves instead for my carrot patch.

Can you dehydrate carrot top


Submitted by lLBHughes on October 29, 2013 - 10:35am

Can you dehydrate carrot top for soup and such?

Yes, carrot greens can be


Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 29, 2013 - 3:02pm

Yes, carrot greens can be dried and used in much the same way as parsley.

What vegetables are your kids


Submitted by bcooper on October 17, 2013 - 11:50am

What vegetables are your kids growing?

I've been following these how-to tips from Blake Kirby on how his kids are growing carrots and
Any suggestions?

Any idea as to why my carrots


Submitted by BillBoy Baggins on October 14, 2013 - 1:49pm

Any idea as to why my carrots (2nd attempt at growing them) are short, fat, hairy and covered
with nodules? Also, some worm/grub or other is eating through them. I don't know what variety
they are, got the seeds at Agway. Thanks!

Hi BillBoy, Thanks for


Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 14, 2013 - 3:08pm

Hi BillBoy, Thanks for answering the other question on this page. Here are some thoughts on
your carrots, based on advice from cooperative extensions:
If the carrots are short and fat, hat's often because the soil is too heavy and you'll need
to amend with leaves and sand. Carrots do well in light (sandy), fluffy soil that is not
too full of amendments. Also, you might want to think them further; try an inch apart
after the leaves reach about three inches high.
In terms of the "hairy" issue:This happens because of excess nitrogen. If you added
fertilizer right before you planted your carrots, that makes them hairy. If you add
manure-laden compost to your soil, do so in the fall, then let it overwinter before
planting carrots in the spring. Carrot roots will also become hairy in waterlogged
Root-knot nematodes may cause deformed carrots. You can either verify this with a soil
test and then you might have to solarize (treat soil with the suns heat using plastic
sheeting in the summer), or rotate your carrots to another area next time.
Hope this helps.

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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is October too late to plant


Submitted by lyra on October 13, 2013 - 5:27pm

is October too late to plant (anything at all)?

Depends on your climate zone.


Submitted by BillBoy Baggins on October 14, 2013 - 1:51pm

Depends on your climate zone. Garlic and onion for next year, other "winter" crops suitable
to your area. Your state dept. of ag can advise you.

how can we grow the little


Submitted by sabih576 on October 9, 2013 - 6:22pm

how can we grow the little baby type carrots in our front yard cause our yard is sandy and a lot
of light comes through but the carrots are still to big

Sandy soil is great for


Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 10, 2013 - 2:19am

Sandy soil is great for carrots. If you plant mid-summer, then the carrots should mature
quickly in fall weather to product those sweet "baby" carrots. Also, consider the variety that
you are planting. Here are some Baby varieties recommended the Illinois cooperative
Baby Spike (52 days; 3 to 4 inch roots, 1/2 inch thick; excellent internal color; tender;
holds small size well)
Little Finger (65 days; tiny tender roots; 5 inch roots, 1/2 inch thick; golden orange, sweet
and crisp)
Minicor (55 days; slender fingerling carrots; colors early; uniform, cylindrical, blunt tip;
good flavor)
Short 'n Sweet (68 days; rich, sweet flavor; 4 inch roots, broad at shoulder, tapered to a
point; good for heavy or poor soil)

I planted carrot seeds in a


Submitted by Cindi Jacobs on October 4, 2013 - 10:59pm

I planted carrot seeds in a large pot in June. I would "pick" them on occasion to see if they were
ready since the seed packet said they would mature in 75 days. I was disappointed to see how
tiny they were. September changed my luck as I noticed the carrots were breaking through the
soil. I pulled several out and was delighted to have beautiful 5 inch carrots attached!!!! I love,
love, love to grow things!!!!

Cindi, We LOVE hearing these


Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 5, 2013 - 3:15am

Cindi, We LOVE hearing these stories. Thanks for sharing, congrats on staying patient and
seeing those carrots through!

Today I went out to harvest


Submitted by Mike L. on September 29, 2013 - 5:27pm

Today I went out to harvest carrots from a raised bed. All of the carrots are gone with the green
tops left on top of the soil. Is there any pest other than a human who could have done this?

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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Hi Mike, Voles and mice have


Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 30, 2013 - 4:22pm

Hi Mike,
Voles and mice have been known to tunnel down into the soil and eat root crops. Did you
see any signs of tunnels in your raised beds? Slugs and some insects also eat root vegetables
but you would have some carrot left with signs of holes or marks where insects nibbled.

Can we grow carrots


Submitted by Mazhar on September 27, 2013 - 11:33am

Can we grow carrots hydroponically.

Yes, you can grow carrots


Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 28, 2013 - 3:00am

Yes, you can grow carrots hydroponically though we've never done it ourselves. You'd need a
large, deep bed though, and try a mix of finer perlite and coarse sand.

I was told years ago -- when


Submitted by Louise Calabrese on September 26, 2013 - 2:13pm

I was told years ago -- when buying carrots that have the leaves still on to remmove them as
soon as I got home. The reason being that the leaves continue to take nurishment from the
carrots and the carrot loses it's benefits. thanks

We remove the tops because


Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 27, 2013 - 9:07am

We remove the tops because the carrots keep longer with the tops removed.

This my first time growing


Submitted by Pedro pardo on September 25, 2013 - 3:29pm

This my first time growing carrots and I planted to many seeds together and they are growing
in groups of 7-8 bunched together. Can I pick some and replant them where they'll be spaced
out better and if I do will they still grow?

Once plants are an inch tall,


Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 27, 2013 - 9:08am

Once plants are an inch tall, thin so they stand 3 inches apart. You can't really replant these
babies very successfully; they are too fragile.

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I replanted about two hundred


Submitted by yngbld on April 12, 2014 - 10:11am

I replanted about two hundred carrots from one inch(about two weeks old) and now two
weeks later the green is not much taller but is thickened into a parsley looking growth. I feel
like I am seeing about ninety percent success with replanted baby carrots. I do not
remember what type I planted ...sorry. hope this helps (during replanting don't wear gloves
and use lots of water to soften and remove all loose soil. Do not pull babies apart. Rinse
them apart then plant directly into soil. Do not allow for time to dry.) Good luck...

I am the director of an

Submitted by Leonard jones on September 3, 2013 - 2:47pm

I am the director of an orphanage in Honduras

about 2 miles inland from the Caribbean and
a first time carrot planter. We are soon to enter
our second season of rain the lighter one. We
have sandy soil that seems to grow everything
well. Do carrots need full days of sun or partial.
I have an area close to my bananas I was thinking
of using??

I read your comment Mr. Jones


Submitted by Gregory Martin on September 6, 2013 - 6:40pm

I read your comment Mr. Jones and would like to know if you would like some veggie seeds?
I have a small garden center and the seeds I retail this year are date stamped to not sell next
year. The company does not want them back and after reading your post I though I could
send them to you. My garden center is called 'Garden Soul' and after a quick google search
you can e-mail me if you are interested.

I love your comment. So nice


Submitted by Kelly Middleton on March 13, 2014 - 10:25am

I love your comment. So nice to see good people are out there.

Gregory, that was completely


Submitted by Leslie Cunningham on June 7, 2014 - 7:46pm

Gregory, that was completely thoughtful & great way to pay it forward!!! Thank you
for doing it! I googled growing carrots since bought a pkg of seeds on clearance. I
became disabled and finding gardening bringing me out of my depression! I finding if
by seeds on clearance local stores that can save $ and afford to try different things. I
haven't garden since I was a child with my father. That was in Louisiana and now live
in Kansas. Is so much to learn and figure out that it can become overwhelming. I also
trying figure out if I can freeze or cheaply can veggies so can save on food! I like to
eat well but so expensive so THANK YOU for explaining how to store in sand! I so so
happy I found this site!

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Carrots: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot ...

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I would like to plant some


Submitted by chris ofosu on June 26, 2015 - 7:45am

I would like to plant some carrots in ghana west africa. Our climate is good for carrots all
year long. Would be glad if you can send to me some seedsseeds. Thanks

can i plant carrots in fall


Submitted by Rexx on August 28, 2013 - 9:27pm

can i plant carrots in fall and let them them overwinter in ground, similar to garlic i live in
north ontario we get a cold winter and reduced growing time

You can leave carrots in the


Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 6, 2013 - 7:53am

You can leave carrots in the ground during the fall and early winter but you'll need to
harvest them in early winter BEFORE the ground freezes or quality will suffer.
For fall and winter carrots, plant seeds 10 to 12 weeks before your average first fall frost.

I am a first time carrot


Submitted by Bonnie Kerr on August 21, 2013 - 2:55pm

I am a first time carrot grower and am surprised that my carrots (at least that is what the
package said that I planted) have green and dark purple leaves and have begun to flower, some
yellow and some white, and still have four weeks to go until maturity. Is this normal? What am I

Carrots are a biennial and


Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 21, 2013 - 3:56pm

Carrots are a biennial and usually don't flower the first year. Sometimes changes in weather
conditions and stress can make carrots bolt, produce flowers and go to seed. Have you
checked to see if you have small carrots growing under the leaves?

Can i plant carrot seeds in


Submitted by ZombiePickles on August 13, 2013 - 4:15pm

Can i plant carrot seeds in august?

It really depends on where


Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 14, 2013 - 11:21am

It really depends on where you live. In many regions, you can indeed still sow carrot seeds.
Baby carrots can be picked within four weeks. Look for fast-growing varieties in your garden

I planted carrots this season


Submitted by jdtexas on August 2, 2013 - 5:40pm

I planted carrots this season in the beginning of May. Today I harvested them. Impressed that
they came out so well. Last year I didn't have much luck, I have to say it's by following what
people have posted in this section is why it was a success.

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JD, Thanks for sharing! You


Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 6, 2013 - 4:20pm

JD, Thanks for sharing! You made our day. We're happy to hear that the Almanac community
and carrot page helped you grow some great carrots! --OFA editors



Submitted by AMBER MARIE on July 14, 2013 - 10:43pm


Can I cut the green off the


Submitted by Chikenz3(Sarah) on July 13, 2013 - 10:09pm

Can I cut the green off the top before I harvest my carrots or willl that hurt the carrots? i
Its very bushy and its blocking the sun from my other plants.

We wouldn't. The carrot tops


Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 16, 2013 - 11:13am

We wouldn't. The carrot tops are the actual plant; you need the plant for the carrot to grow.
Pull one out and see if you like the size enough to harvest.

good job guys. keep up...sooo


Submitted by Grace wanjiku N... on July 9, 2013 - 6:03am

good job guys. keep up...sooo motivational.

Can you plant carrots mid


Submitted by Randall Merth on June 9, 2013 - 12:27pm

Can you plant carrots mid season, middle of june?

Yes, you can plant carrots in


Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 10, 2013 - 3:57pm

Yes, you can plant carrots in mid-June. The days to maturity (which are listed on the seed
packets) depend on the variety--usually 50 to 90 days.

First time carrot grower. How


Submitted by Nathan Rollins on May 26, 2013 - 3:00pm

First time carrot grower. How do you tell when they are ready to harvest?

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Carrots can be harvested when


Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 10, 2013 - 3:54pm

Carrots can be harvested when the roots are at least 1/2 inch in diameter. Gently dig out a
carrot to remove the roots without damage. The days to duration depends on your carrot
variety. It can range from 50 to 90 days.


Submitted by Anonymous on April 14, 2013 - 11:12am

Can you grow carrots by cutting the tops and planting them?

Yes, you can plant the tops


Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 15, 2013 - 5:28pm

Yes, you can plant the tops of carrots. The won't grow a new carrot, but they will flower and
produce seeds.

Carrots & Parsnips


Submitted by Anonymous on March 20, 2013 - 7:31pm

I had read in a gardening book that parsnips are of the carrot family, however, it advised against
companion planting the two together. I'm confused as to why. Any ideas?

I believe that it's best to


Submitted by Almanac Staff on March 21, 2013 - 4:37pm

I believe that it's best to plant parsnips away from carrots because they need a lot of
watering and you do not want to play them near any crop that needs drier soil (carrots enjoy
sandy soil).

carrots & Parsnips


Submitted by Anonymous on April 12, 2013 - 12:22am

Thanks so much; that makes more sense now. (I'm a raised bed and container gardner
and didn't have alot of space to spare!)

organic mulch

Submitted by Anonymous on January 22, 2013 - 12:53pm

Can straw be used as a mulch for carrots and if yes is it only loosely applied to the soil?

I use straw and they do just


Submitted by Anonymous on February 4, 2013 - 6:25pm

I use straw and they do just fine with it.

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Rotted Manure

Submitted by Anonymous on January 22, 2013 - 12:48pm

You mentioned that manure should not be incorporated into the soil at the time of planting, but
can rotted manure be added to the soil as a fertilizer 5-6 weeks after sowing?

I like the post


Submitted by Anonymous on October 14, 2012 - 5:30pm

As a professional farmer who will be trying carrots for the 1st time, I thought your info was
helping and I am going to in cooperate much of what you said into what I do.

Carrots in Fridge

Submitted by Anonymous on March 5, 2012 - 12:40pm

If you want to keep some carrots in the fridge to snack on, wash them, cut them, and then put
them in cold water in a container in the fridge. They will last for days and won't dry up in the

Carrots in Fridge

Submitted by Anonymous on October 19, 2012 - 2:22pm

We harvest the carrots in the fall before first freeze, although I may wait until later this year.
We cut off tops, clean, and while still wet, store in plastic ziplock bags and they will last 3 5 months, still crisp.



Submitted by kceskka on March 24, 2011 - 4:28pm

I'm gonna grow carrots in my garden on a piece of land we are moving to, so I'll tell y'all how it
works out!

How did it go?


Submitted by Anonymous on March 11, 2012 - 12:21pm


BOTANICAL NAME: Daucus carota


Full Sun








11/13/16 22:33

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