Essay 2

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Massicott 1

Emily Massicott
Professor Collins
ENGL 1301
11 October 2016
G. M. OH!
New diet fads are developed every day calling into question what is acceptable to
consume. A recent debate has been the genetic modification of foods (GMO). A global issues
blog, Connect Us, states that genetically modified organisms became an immense issue in 1994
when it was first introduced to the market. The structure of the chemical is similar to genetic
engineering. GMOs were intended to be an alternative to traditional chemicals that enhanced
growth in food ( According to Allison Young, the author of GMO: friend or
foe? , Genetic modification is splicing genetic material from one organism and transferring
it to another. This process is usually intended to enhance a specific trait of the organism.
Consumers are concerned about the long-term health effects when ingesting genetically modified
organisms. Others argue that the agricultural benefits of GMO outweigh the health effects. The
allowing of genetically modified organisms have become a prominent issue in the food market
because of its effects on the human body compared to the benefits when used in agriculture.
One of the more prominent claims consumers argue against genetically modified food is
the negative effect on the consumers health. Young provides information on increased diseases
such as sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and arthritis. This increase is said to be caused
by the immune system fighting off foreign proteins caused by the GMO. The modification can
also lead to increased food allergies (Young). The general public is concerned that the unnatural
additives could be harmful when consumed in large amounts. Claims like these deter consumers

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from purchasing products containing GMO. With the increase of genetic modification, more
people, specifically those opposed to genetic modification, are turning to organic products to
avoid possible diseases. Often times consumers are hesitant to purchase products that can
potentially cause disease when there are plenty of alternatives available. Those opposed to GMO
use the increased evidence of diseases as a reason to dismiss the process.
In addition to human health effects, genetic modification poses a risk to the environment.
Melissa Smith, the author of GMO REALITY CHECK, points out the detrimental effect any
spreading of unnatural organisms can have. GMO could potentially contaminate organic and
conventional crop fields. If the modification is not controlled, the development of superweeds
can increase and could ruin entire fields of crops. (Smith). When GMO occurs, the actual
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is being altered creating an unnatural organism. Any spreading
that occurs can harm the environment because the modified organisms are unnatural. Although
this does not affect consumers directly, any contamination can alter the availability and purity of
foods. Combining two types of organisms can be detrimental to the fertility necessary for crops.
The purity can make a difference in the consumers health by limiting toxins put into the body.
Once fields are contaminated by GMOs, producers have to tear up all infected land to maintain
the purity of crops. Entire fields being ruined can make certain products scarce Therefore, GMOs
can negatively affect the environment and availability because of the unnatural genetics.
The process of genetic modification was originally intended to promote agricultural
growth when farming. Organisms were enhanced with the durability and growth needed to
increase the market. According to a Global issue blog, Connect Us, crops can be engineered to
withstand weather extremes and fluctuations, which means that there will be good quality and
sufficient yields even under a poor or severe weather condition ( Genetic

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modification allows plants to grow abundantly despite the area. This allows plenty of growth to
accommodate Americas food demands. Farmers are able to keep up with the population increase
taking up more resources. Larger productions of crops are easier with the help of GMO. The
modification allows the crops to withstand stringer pests. Overall fewer plants die allowing a
larger production field. Genetically modified organisms promote stronger crops that provide
durability and helps farmers with a larger yearly yield.
Genetically modified organisms were introduced as a replacement for harsher chemicals.
Although the amount of additives has increased, GMOs are less toxic than herbicides used
previously, so farmers have to do less tilling. Less tilling means less soil erosion, less runoff
(which keeps toxins out of our water supply) (Young). Traditionally used herbicides are
detrimental to plant growth and can cause numerous diseases when consumed in large amounts.
Genetic modification was proposed as a solution to other harmful chemicals because of its ability
to strengthen the crops. This switch allows farmers to use less chemicals while still maintaining
the expected quality. The global issues blog, Connect Us, further explains the impact of GMO on
the environment. An increase in GM crops require less recourses and labor. In the long run
GMOs can reduce soil erosion pollution, and increase the quality of air (
Because GMOs provide an increase in size and quality, producers are able to get larger quantity
yields while using less supplies. The increase in product size also allows roots to grow further
into the soil, helping to prevent excessive soil erosion. Genetically Modified organisms provide
an alternative to harsh chemicals while increasing the product growth and preserving the
Genetically modified organisms were introduced in the 1990s to assist producers in large
product growth. Researchers have tried to weigh the effects of GMO to determine if the process

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is overall beneficial or not. Some of the main points argued are consumers health, effects on the
environment, and agricultural growth. Determining the success of genetically modified
organisms is not possible because GMOs have equal pros and cons depending if the point of
view if by the producer or the consumer.

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Works Cited
27 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods. ConnectUS, 24 July
2015, 12 Oct. 2016 . Accessed
Smith M. GMO REALITY CHECK. Better Nutrition [serial online]. August 2012;74(8):36-39.
Available from: Alt HealthWatch, Ipswich, MA. 11 Oct. 2016
direct=true&db=awh&AN=78031008&site=ehost-live. Accessed
Young A. GMOs: friend or foe?. Natural Health [serial online]. April 2012;42(4):46-50.
Available from: Alt HealthWatch, Ipswich, MA. 11 Oct. 2016
direct=true&db=awh&AN=75454734&site=ehost............-live. Accessed

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