Writing Lesson-Plan

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Basic Intermediate Advanced

Lesson Plan

Lesson Objectives

Manuscripts found in
Accra by Paulo Coelho(as
Teachers nominations)
The student dictionary
( small note to write down
some of the hard and new
words for each one)

Learning parts of speech

Understand the usage of Transitive and
intransitive verbs.
Identify the writer usage for Tenses.
Being able to write his own opinion and his own
Being able to use writing strategies (free writing,
Voice and brain storming).
Being able to summarize at least 2 paragraphs.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Teacher will start introducing his nominated book to his students presenting them our
objectives for today, with brain storming charts filled with parts of the speech he will
start to ask them about how do they read a paragraph and how they can understand it,
and what makes one think he understands the main idea, after that he will read a model
paragraph with them, summarize it and having them engage with his introduction.

Instruct and Model Activity (no.1)

(guided-less guided)

After modeling how to read, you will ask your students to read 3 lines individually
with teacher guidance, asking them about the idea after each 3 lines they will read, all
of your lines contain bolded words Verbs in different tenses.
Each learner will demonstrate his opinion, while youll ask the rest of them if they
agree or not, ask the ones who disagree and start a conversation about it.
Youll point out some grammatical points and manipulate with it showing them how
one wrong verb might affect the whole meaning, asking them to rewrite some
WRONG examples you provided.
Write as you talk activity (Students will have a choice to write without any burdens
that they face, our aim to make them understand how to write and have voice in their
writings, they will speak freely and teacher will gather everything in a short story).
Instruct and Model Activity (no.2)
(less guided- independent)

Youll start to give them some practices such as cloze passage and Multi
Using the same lines they read before and ask them to recreate a new story line
by changing verbs, nouns, and verbs.
Time line activity ( Whole class will participate in building a whole Fictional
Face book account, They will create a story about him, write posts that match
his character, Teacher will create some issues for the Character, Students will
find Ideas to solve it in Story book that teacher chose before).
Every student will fill down a chart about main ideas of this Character and will
learn how to use charts in future writings.

Instruct and Model Activity (no.3)

(less guided-independent)

Now your students are ready to sail inside the book you provide, by using jigsaw
techniques you will demonstrate how much they understand.
After they are done, you will have to check out each learner dictionary.
Each learner will write down 5 sentences using his new vocabs which been written in
his private dictionary.
Provide your students with some real events happened in their national history, ask
each one of about what does he think about how things went, and if theres a chance to
change what happened, what will he do, gather every opinion and ask student to set
down in pairs, write 3 paragraphs about their own opinion and how they would change
it in future.

Each learner will read one chapter, write his summarization and his
thoughts about how the story line might be better in his opinion, with
telling them which tenses they have to use, and The maximum number of
grammar errors and mistakes.

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