Interview Transcription

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Interview Transcription

Purpose: Experiences of a Pakistani Exchange student in an American University

Text Key:
Italic: Interviewer
Plain: Interviewee
{ }:

Heard on tap

[ ]:

Observed behavior from notes

(OC:): Observers comments



The interviewee was unable to come to the university, therefore I had to take the
interview at her home. Her husband was sitting beside when I was interviewing her. She
told me that she could not express herself well in English so she would talk in Urdu. Thus
the interview was given in Urdu. I have tried to translate the interview in a way so as to
keep the original meaning and also the tone preserved. I have also tried to keep the length
and the structure of the sentences preserved to reflect the colloquiality of the
interviewees statements. Total interview is 26 min 46 sec; I have transcribed 9 min 46
sec of it. Since I was approaching the problem from phenomenological perspective, so I
let the interviewee speak in length about her experiences. That is why she could answer
only two questions in ten minutes.

Would you tell me something about your 'study objectives' which got you selection for the
While writing my study objectives essay, I had considered my experience. I
wanted to be very realistic. I was mindful of the fulfillment of my goals. I have worked at
the grassroots level in the education sector, especially with working children. I have
worked for their rights. In this way, I got involved in the education sector. But I realized
that I did not have technical expertise. I realized that I did not have the required
knowledge and skills, especially in the area of education. I had seen gaps at the
administration and policy level. I could see that there is potential in this area, especially
women-related, particularly in the province of Sindh (OC: A geographical and
administrative unit of Pakistan). Especially, in the remote and rural areas of Sindh.
Women are mostly illiterate. An educated woman of Sindh can make a good career. The
market has a potential for such women. I was keeping all these in my mind. [Looking at
her computer, she had opened her application which had her Study Objectives essay]
(OC: Since she was reading from her laptop thats why she was very fluent in telling me
he study objectives.). When I was working on child rights, I had seen that when we were
analyzing the policy, we would not have any expert in this area. No expert was available
who could tell us what are policy gaps. We wanted an expert who could see the policy
holistically. In Pakistan, those who are working in civil society sector (OC: social sector),
they focus only on specific areas, they do not look at the problems holistically. When I
saw at USAID scholarship and the areas of study, since I had seen gaps in policy and
especially its implementation, and implementation is related to administration, keeping
this in mind I set my objectives to learn policy formulation and policy analysis. This was

one of my objectives [looking at her laptop again]. The second objective, as I had realized
in my experience that social issues, social stratification have a big impact on education,
and this has been ignored in our policy, and I knew that the US also has such models,
especially the Blacks and Whites issues, I wanted to see how the US has incorporated this
racial and ethnic thing in educational policy. I wanted to learn how these social issues
could be included in policy. I wanted to learn how these social issues, particularly at rural
level and women-related issues can be addressed in the policy. I did not get a regular
education; my regular education is only till matric (OC: 10th grade). I studied privately.
Therefore, I did not know about research. I wanted to learn research here. I thought that I
would have an opportunity to learn it there (OC: the USA). Especially, I wanted to learn
how to write a research (OC: Research paper), I wanted to improve my writing skills. So
these were my objectives for the scholarship. [While summing up her answer she seems
to look for something else she could say, but then she ended her answer.]

What else did you want to learn from this comprehensive experience of living in America,
you would have mentioned them in your personal statement?
[Trying to find concrete words to answer this question] it was like that, which I
had mentioned in my personal statement too, and I was thinking that this program would
be of such kind, I was thinking of the scholarship that it would be a comprehensive
program. That there would be the sort of activities related to culture. Since I had worked
in nonprofit sector, I did not think that they (OC: the sponsoring organization) would take
us admission in a university and then they will leave us. I was thinking that we would be

given the opportunity to interact with different organizations, like UNO, or other
organizations, especially those working in education. I was thinking that there would be
such forums provided to us, through which we would be able to interact with them (OC:
various organizations). We would share what we have already learned, and we would
learn from them the best practices.And that we would learn in this way. When I
came here, an orientation was given, I realized that we have been made students here, and
this was totally different than what I was expecting. I had to do everything myself. I had
learned from this too. I was alone here and I did everything for my accommodation etc.
And this was a good experience. Culturally, I was thinking that this society is very
individualistic and they would not be helping but it is not like this [a stress in her voice,
(OC: showing the importance of this point]. Though my colleagues who had been here
had told me that people are very cooperative here, but a had a fear. But what I learned is
that these people are very good, they are cooperative and they have helped me a lot. It is
not that it is individualistic society; here is a respect for human beings. They help each
other; I met very supporting people here. They helped me in everything (OC: not just
academically). Academically I have challenges, there are systems in the university, like if
you have a problem in writing, there are centers to help you; if you have a problem in
speaking you can have a conversational partner. If you have homesickness, psychological
or emotional challenges, there is a counseling center for this purpose. These were good
experiences. (Pausing for a moment). But here I will mention this too, what I was
thinking of the interaction with the people here, I could not do it like that [a smile] And
perhaps.if I can say that I should have more interaction here so that I learn more
from them. [A pause and then suddenly started again with a voice a little louder]. And for

that. I will say that . [ using of hands more frequently now to express her point (OC:
like thinking about what to say)], it was because of me . it was my choice too. I was
focused too much on the study, I was so busy that I could not give attention to other
things. [A smile]. I think from culture and from people here too a person can learn
much. And what else [she smiled].

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