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Math 240 :: Spring 2015 :: Midterm 1

Use six answer sheets. Complete all identification fields on every answer sheet.
No calculators.

No formula sheets.

No cheating.

1. Answer Sheet 1
[14] 1.A. Row reduce the matrix

1 1
2 3
M = 2
3 3
to reduced echelon form. Indicate each elementary row operation used. Circle pivot positions
in the reduced matrix.
2. Answer Sheet 2
[9] 2.B. For the linear system
3x1 + 2x2 = 4
x1 + x2 = 3
2x1 x2 = 5
give an equivalent vector equation, matrix equation, and augmented matrix.
[12] 2.C. The matrix

8 9 2
1 0 0
W = 9 6 5 is row equivalent to 0 1 0
1 0 9
0 0 1
and the matrix

6 4 2
1 0
Z = 8 0 8 is row equivalent to 0 1 1 .
9 7 2
0 0

Consider the three vectors given by the columns of W . Indicate if these vectors are linearly
independent and if they span R3 . If the vectors are linearly dependent, write one vector as a
linear combination of the others. Repeat for matrix Z.
3. Answer Sheet 3
[7] 3.D. Describe all solutions of Ax = 0 in parametric vector form where A is row equivalent to the

1 1 4 2
0 1
0 3

4. Answer Sheet 4
[10] 4.E. A linear transformation T : R2 R2 maps two vectors by
e2 = (0, 1)

T (e1 ) = (1, 1)

e1 = (1, 0)
T (e2 ) = (1, 1.2)
Give the standard matrix for T . If T is onto, write onto on the answer
sheet. If T is
one-to-one, write one-to-one on the answer sheet. Find the image of

2 2
[10] 4.F. Let S : R R be a linear transformation with standard matrix
. Sketch a picture
1 1
showing where S maps e1 and e2 . If S is onto, write onto on the answer sheet. If S is
one-to-one, write one-to-one on the answer sheet.
5. Answer Sheet 5
The following three questions give a reduced echelon form of an augmented matrix associated to
a linear system. Describe the solution set of each linear system as inconsistent, consistent with
unique solution, or consistent with infinite solutions. If there is a unique solution, write it down.
If there are an infinite number of solutions, give the parametric vector form.

1 0
1 1
[8] 5.G. G =
0 1 1 4

1 0 0 0
0 1 0 2

[8] 5.H. H =
0 0 1 4
0 0 0 1

1 0 0 2
0 0 1 6

[8] 5.I. I =
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
6. Answer Sheet 6
[10] 6.J. Let T : Rn Rn be a linear transformation with standard matrix A and let w and v be distinct solutions to the homogeneous equation Ax = 0. Show T maps any vector in Span{w, v}
to the zero vector. If T is onto, write onto on the answer sheet. If T is one-to-one, write
one-to-one on the answer sheet.
[2] 6.K. Let A be an n m matrix and assume Ax = b has at least one solution. Complete the
statement: Ax = b has a unique solution if and only if A has
pivot columns.
[2] 6.L. Let C be n m matrix. Complete the statement: Cx = b has a solution for every b if and
only if C has
pivot columns.
6.M. Copy the honor pledge and sign your name: I pledge on my honor that I have not given
or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination.

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