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Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

School Site: _Cleveland Elementary_
Activity Observed: _Football_

Date: _14th_
Grade/Age Level: __5th and 5th__

DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of skills. Select 8 (or as many
as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled students and the low skilled students are

1 Throwing a football
2 Catching a football
3 Motor movements in
instant activity

Higher Skilled

Lower Skilled

Used the COTS correctly, Hit their

targets about 8/10 times, Stayed
focused to the task
Did what felt comfortable,
sometimes used the COTS, caught
8/10 if it was a good throw to them
Followed directions and did them

Used only some of the COTS,

Didnt hit their targets, threw it as
hard and as far as they could
Never used the COTS, caught 5/10
or lower, sometime got scared and
let the ball go by.
Tried to do their own version of
the movements. Not focused on
the movements and more focused
on winning the race.


Teacher _______________________ Time spent @ site _______________

Observer __________________________________ / _________________

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