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Unequal Pay and the Wage Gap

By: Danika LaSpina

Wage Gap
Is a statistical indicator
often used as an index of
the status of women's
earnings relative to mens.
It is also used to compare
the earnings of other races
and ethnicities to those of
white males, a group
generally not subject to
race- or sex-based


Unequal Pay

Equal pay for equal work is the

concept of labor rights that
individuals in the same
workplace be given equal pay.

Average Pay
When a White man earns a dollar
A Hispanic women earns 54 cents to his
An African American women earns 64
cents to his dollar.
A White women earns 79 cents to his
An Asian women earns 84 cents to his

The wage gap is only growing larger as time goes on.

Wage Gap Across the US

The Best
Florida has the smallest wage
gap with women losing out on
a total of $248,120 over the
course of their careers. States
following the Sunshine State
are Nevada, North Carolina,
Hawaii and New York.

The Worst

Louisiana has the largest pay gap. This is

based on a median annual earnings, she loses
out on $671,840 as compared to a man. Utah,
Wyoming, North Dakota and New Hampshire
are following Louisiana.

The wage gap between men and women fluctuates between different
careers here are the top 6 careers with the largest wage gap in the US.
Recreation and Fitness Workers - 72.8%
Human Resources - 72.6%
Police and Sheriffs Patrol Officers - 71.2%
Marketing and Sales Managers - 70.8%
Teachers and Instructors - 70.5%
Physicians and Surgeons - 62.2%

Problems Individuals Face

The Wag gap results in significant losses of earnings for
women on average $430,480 over a 40 year career. This
number is twice as big for women of color.
As of 2012 63% of mothers were the sole, primary or cobreadwinners for their households. This means not only is it
just womens economic security at risk but entire families.

What the Government Thinks

The government breaks down the contributing factors of the wage gap to being:
2.4% is because of race/ ethnicity
3.5% is because of union status
6.7% is because of educational level
10.5% is due to labor force experience
21.9% is due to the industry
27.4% is due to the occupation

41.4% Unexplained!

Why is almost half of

the wage gap unable
to be explained?

Laws/ Acts
The Paycheck Fairness Act was a critical step inclosing the gender
wage gap because it prohibited gender-based pay discrepancies. This
bill has been introduced in every congress since 1997 it has yet to be
Equal Rights Amendments (ERA) have been passed in several states to
ensure women are treated equally and fairly but the ERA has not
receive the ratification required to become law.
Currently the only law that touches on the equality between men and
women is the right to vote.

How to Close the Wage Gap

Paid family and medical leave
Affordable child care
Fair scheduling practices
Paid sick days

How You Can Help

Nearly 40% of the Wage gap cannot be explain by occupation, work
experience, race of union membership.
To help raise concerns to Utahs state congressman and senators is to
email Rebecca Null Chavez-Houck (D) at to help
get Utah fighting in this country wide issue.
Get involved in a rally or fundraising events to raise awareness and to put
an end to the United States wage gap. Each November the National
Women's Law Center holds intimate fundraising events hosted by
supporters around the country.


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