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ve wee EDD wore ob out yoursett My first name is My last name ig ___ Please call me = A Write M for male names and F for female names, 1, ML Joseph 5. ___ Robert 2 dames 8 __ Sunan | Jos, 3. __. Catherine 7 __ Wiliam ph | 4 Evander 8, ___ Jennifer : B Match each of these nicknames with a name abave i a, 5 Bod denny 2, bs 2 Kote 4 dim t —— lng Sue deh, __ Bi € Match the following, 1. 9 fall name with a title ‘3. a full name without a title is, Sarah Rachel Jones 2, onickname 4, a family name unit 1 Choose the correct espenses. LA Hi, Pin biz BeOhwi ‘Oh, bie = What do poopie eal you? ‘2 A: My name ie. Jim Holmes, m= Nice to meet you, Mr. Jim. = Mion 10 meet you, Mr. Holmes. ‘This is Jenny Parker. = Nice to meet you, Ms. Parker. = Hello, Ms, Jonay Parker, 4. A: Hello, I'm William Dean. Please call me Bill, Be Pleased ta meet you, Mr. Dean. = Pleased te meet you, Bul. 5, At Excuse me, what's your name again? B = KING. = Joe King. 6. A: How do you spell your first name? B =m Charlene. = CHARLEM-E. Look at the answers. What are the questions? A. Jim: What's your fies name? Bob; My first name's Boh, 2 Jim: What Bob; My last name's Hayes a. Jim: Who Bob; That's my wi 4, Jim: What Bob: Her name is Rosa. Whore She's from Mexico. 6, Jim: Who Bolr They're my wife's parents, Please call me-Chuck. Ed choose tne comect words. 1. ‘They're my classmates. _ Their nemes ave Noriko and Kate. CThey/Tueie) 2. We're students, classroom number is 108-C, (Our/We) ‘3. Excuse me. What's Yast name again? (you/your) 4. That's Mr. Kim. isin myclase (He/His) Si ‘name is Elizabeth. Please call me Liz (i/My) 6. This is Paul's wife. name is Jennifer. (His/Her} ‘7, My parents ere on vacation. .___arein South Korea, (We/They) 8. I'm from Venies, aly ___ isa beautiful city, (It/Its) TE comptete this conversation with am, 270, orl Lisa: Who __are__ the men over there, Amy? Amy: Oh, they: on the volleyball team, Let meintredues you. Hi, Sursehas, this ____ Lisa Neil, - Surochai: Fleased to meet you, Lisa. Lisa: Nica to meet you, too, Surachni, Where ____ you from? Surachai: 1 _______ from Thailand. Amy: And this __ Mario. Me from Brazil Lise: Hi, Mario, Pablo: And my name ______ Pablo. I from Colombia. Unit 1 Holo and welcome! AA Con you remember the names of two students in your clase? Where are they from? B Read aboot four students, and complete the chart below. INTERNATIONAL & LANGUAGE & SCHOOL Every month, we fntroduce new students ta the school, This month, we want to introduce four new students to you, Please say “hello” when you sce them in school, Maio is in Baghah 101. He ls ‘Su Yin isin English 102. Sbeis ja, His fiat ‘fom Taiwan. She ys she ean is Spanith, and he also ‘write and read English prety speaks alitde French. Te wants swell, bot she needs a 200 of 19 be on the sche! volleyball practice speaking English, team. He says he docan' play on er fira lmgmngeis Mandarin ‘ery-well, bute wants te learn! Chinese, In ber freotane, he fllicen ff 8 Marios ies tds ‘wants fo pley vollcyball oa the school tearm. ‘rom Morarsbique, in southem = -— Finally, meet Ahmed. He is in Aftica, She speaks Swahili and Engfish 103. He says be can ‘Portugoese. She is stedyingg speak lot of English, but his English and engineering. She ‘writing is very bed! Alymed is ‘wanted be an engineer. She fiom Davor in Egyrt, and his ne - says she doce not play ary first langunge is Arabic. Heit. sports, but she Svan to make baseball player, and he wanis alot of new friends in her tfars, tobe on the school baseball team. ees Mandarin Chinese and English basebal! Please call me Chuck, 8 Choose the correct sentences fo complete this conversation. Sarah: Hello, I'm Sarah, - Rich: im Ri 2 Sarah; Protty good, thanks, Are you a student here? Rich: Sarah: Yes, Lam. Riek: Serah: Tm studying Spanish. Rich: Saroh: Yes, she is. Is she your feiend? Rich: ED comprete tn rr aie oR Cee sswars to tha questions, Use contractions where possible. “DO6# use contruction for short answers with Tes: “are you from Argentina A: Is he from. Greese? Yeu Fem. (nat Yen. SEN) °Bs, Yes, he i. (raf Yes. he's) | ‘Alex: Hello. ___fim Alex Lam. ‘And this is my sister Amy, ‘Tina: Hi. ___ Tina Fernandez. Amy: Are you from South Ameries, Tink? Tine: Ye, from Argentina Whereare you and your sister from, Alex? Alex: from Taswan, Tina: Are you from Taipei? Alou: No, from Tainan, ‘Say, are you in English 1017 ‘Tina: No, - Um in English 102. unit FD took at tne answers. wnat ave the questions? 1, A: Ace you on vacation here? —— 1B: No, Fm.oot on vacation. Tina student here. 2A - B; No, we're not from Spain, We're from Mexico. goa B: No, they're not on the same baseball team, Thoy're on the same volleyball team. As B: Yes, Kim and Mika are in my class. Ok B: No may teacher lent Mr. Brown, Tim ip Ms, West's nas, Look at the statements. Which statements say “hello”? Which ones say “good-bye”? ‘Saying oer Saying good: TE answer these questions about yourselt, Use contractions where possible. 1. Where are yin from? 2. Are you on vacrtion? a 3, Are youn thadent at a university? 4. Are you studying English?

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