Heather Wooten 46985891 Lesson Plan 2 Reflection

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Southern Methodist University

Simmons School Dept. of Teaching and Learning

Student Teacher:

Heather Wooten

Cooperating Teacher:

Tony Huynh


Westwood Junior High

University Supervisor:

Mary Ann Schwab

Reflection Form
(Complete this form as soon as possible after delivery of the lesson and give to the observer.)

Heather Wooten

Date of Lesson:

23 Sep 2016


Subject: Texas History

Approximate Length of Lesson:

45 minutes

Overall, how successful was this lesson?
Overall, I think the lesson was successful in teaching the students the lesson objective and challenging
and engaging them in relevant and meaningful learning.
In what ways were your goals/objectives appropriate for your students?
My goals and lesson objectives were specific and aligned with TEKS, and the lesson connected with the
students prior knowledge about Spanish and French explorers.
In what ways were they not appropriate?
I do not think the objectives were inappropriate.

How effective were your assessment strategies in measuring student achievement of the learning goals/
objectives for this lesson?
My assessment strategy included completing a chart about important Spanish and French explorers in
the Age of Contact era and giving a quiz to assess student knowledge about these explorers and this
particular era. The students were also given an exit ticket to complete before leaving class.
Would you make any changes to the assessments strategies you used? What changes would you make
and why?
Yes, I would use the overhead projector to pose a question about the lesson topic to get the students
thinking about the lesson and would offer bonus points to the first student to answer the question
correctly. I would also make use of all free time after the lesson to wrap up the lesson, reiterate and
clarify what was taught, and check for understanding. I would improve my transitions. (I.e., getting the
class into the room and settled).

Southern Methodist University

Center for Teacher Education
Student Teacher:

Heather Wooten

Cooperating Teacher:

Tony Huynh


Westwood Junior High

University Supervisor:

Mary Ann Schwab

Did you depart in any way from your plan? If so, how? Why?
Yes, I did depart from my plan due to the class being shortened because of Advisory. I was not able to
allow this particular class time to work in groups to complete their PBL assignment.
INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY Respond to these questions for each aspect.
Were the following aspects of your What would you do differently to
instructional delivery effective for all improve the lesson?
students? Why or why not?


I stood in the front of the

classroom and reviewed what is
era is and why eras are divided.
I modeled how to fill in the chart
with the correct information
using the overhead projector.
I gave a quiz covering the
material that I reviewed with the
I gave the students an exit ticket
about modern technology and
I reviewed the exit ticket with the
class and asked them to share out
their answers.

At the beginning of class, I

would use the overhead projector
to pose a question about the
lesson topic to get the students
thinking about the lesson. This
would also help the class
transition into the classroom and
get them settled.
I would ask additional higher
level thinking questions.
I would improve my transition
from the chart to the quiz.
I would use all free time to
review what I taught and ask the
class if what they learned today
covered the objective for the day.


Students were seated individually I would have allowed the

in their desks.
students to sit in their assigned
groups for the PBL portion of the
lesson. I was unable to do so due
to Advisory, which shortened the
class period.


Students filled their Spanish and

French explorers charts.
The class was given a quiz over
these explorers and the Age of
The students completed an exit
ticket that asked them, How
would modern technology have
made life easier for the
Students shared out their

To improve the lesson I would

ask additional higher level
thinking questions to encourage
the students to engage in higher
order thinking and to get them to
participate more in the lesson.

Materials, Resources,
and Technology

Overhead projector, whiteboard

pencils/pens, Gold, God, and
Glory/Rubric worksheets, Unit 2
Age of Contact Era Explorers
Chart worksheets, and Progress
Check #2 PBL: Age of Contact
Quiz worksheets.

I would use an interesting visual

that relates to the lesson and pose
a question about the lesson topic
along with the visual.

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