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Acknowledge the
Grimityas. Pg. 4

Hard work pays off for

Atishma. Pg 7

5 time award win for

Vodafone Fiji. Pg. 12

New Arrivals Immigration

Area opens in stages. Pg 5

Zip Line in the Pipeline for

Waterpark. Pg 9

Child Abuse cases a

challenge. Pg. 18




In a bid to help strengthen the
Sabeto language, culture and identity, a Tata va Sabeto dictionary
was launched at the Sabeto village
community hall.
This project began in early 2015
from two reinforcing desires, Pauliasi Natabes vision of building a
Sabeto Museum to preserve and
educate about the culture and history of Sabeto, and Tom Courights
personal desire to learn the Tata va
Sabeto language.
US Peace Corps country director Fiji, Dennis McMahon while
launching the Tata va Sabeto dictionary said the dictionary would
be of great boost to the people of
This is not only a gift to the
people of Sabeto or to Fiji but the
whole world. All language has a
unique quality, Mr McMahon said.
It is special to pass this gift from
the elders to the children, many of
the children will not value the gift
of this book yet or for even many
years to come.
Mr McMahon said westernisation is the biggest contributor the
lost in culture and traits.
This dictionary connects us
human beings and allows us to exchange ideas. Sabeto is advanced
compared to other communities in
Fiji, he said.
Mr Natabe was the administrator for the village dance group, the
Kabu Kei Conu, performing traditional dances for tourist groups
where as Mr Courtright was a
Peace Corps Volunteer placed at
Sabeto District School.

Launching of the new Tata va Sabeto dictionary at the Sabeto Village Community Hall. Photo: LUKE NACEI.
Don as he is commonly to
known to said the Tata va Sabeto
is vanishing and is being replaced
by the Bauan or the standard Fijian
dialect as well as the Nadi dialect.
He said language is essentially a
means of communication among
the members of a society.
In the expression of culture,
language is a fundamental aspect.
It is the tool that conveys traditions
and values related to group identity, he said.
Mr Courtright who has been living in Sabeto since November 2014
said he loved the idea of creating a
Tata va Sabto dictionary.
This work started more than a
year ago, when Don approached
me about building a Sabeto Museum, e lia na were me maroroi

kena i varau qatei na i yau va Sabeto. I loved the idea, he said.

We went to a Peace Corps
workshop together on project design and management in April, and
both learned a lot about what it
takes to plan and carry out a successful project.
The Sabeto Museum was however, perhaps a little ambitious
we realized we would likely need
around $75,000 to build and fill the
museum with cultural goods. Don
and I knew, we still wanted to find
a way to help preserve and keep
the culture of Sabeto, and soon
we on the perfect idea-a Sabeto
Dictionary, e lia nai vola tata va Sabeto.
Chef Editor Mr MeliTora said it
was vital to keep track of the origi-

nal and true Tata va Sabeto.

If our language is lost then
we will lose the cultural history
of Betoraurau. The elders and the
youths must work together to preserve and promote the use of our
language, he said.
Momolevu na Tui Sabeto Ratu
Tevita Susu Natitoga during the endorsement said
The dictionary is an important
milestone in the preservation of
our language. We can only hope
that many more cultural realms in
Fiji shall be able to produce their
own dictionary in order to protect
their district cultural interests and
preserve their languages, he said.
This is the best way we can
empower future generations to
continue to produce authentically

Fijian culture.
The dictionary officially registers 1600 words and is published
by Tuwawa Publishing.
Elders who participated in reading through and correcting the furst draft of the dictionary, and meeting to discuss further corrections:
Ratu Avisai Tora Momo na
Taukei Waruta, Vuniani Sovau,
Mereoni Dilolevu, Salote Vibote,
Sailasa Niusama, Jolame Gaugau,
Livai Saukuru, Vela Tawake, Ratu
Kilione Kubu, Petaia Tawake, Mataiasi Ramatau, Napolioni Vasu, Taniela Naika, Ilisoni Galala, Amueli
Nadavo, Emosi Qonitoga, Temalesi

Fiji - the way the world should be


The Pressure of

Once again, it is that time of the year when the academic

examination results are being released, and marked by two
different voices. The first voice celebrated those who succeeded and did wonderously well.
More importantly, the second voice is one of mourning as
many students, that have not performed well, burn out and
even commit suicide in this season,simply because they are
conscious of probable social stigma over their failure or not
being able to fulfill their parents expectations.
These children choose death when they suffer a rudeshock with exam results that are less than expected.
Parents should never impose their ambitions on their
children. Parents need to be positive about the exam results
of their children and encourage them to do better instead of
instilling in them fear and making them frustrated pushing
them to end their life.
Maybe a heart-to-heart talk that parents could give their
children ahead of the exam results, telling them to do their
best and that they would be happy with their results regardless of the outcome could help bring a positive attitude
among children. This attitude can help children look at failure as just a learning step towards their ultimate goal- a successful life.
THE JET is Fijis first community newspaper published weekly by
YOURSPACE LIMITED from Nadi - the tourism capital of Fiji.

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Ministry improving its

service delivery
The Ministry of Lands and
Mineral Resources is undertaking an internal Organisational Restructure exercise
to improve its service delivery to the public.
The Minister for Industry,
Trade, Tourism, Lands and
Mineral Resources, Hon. FaiyazKoya assured members
of the Fiji Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FCCI)
at a breakfast event in Suva
today that they are strengthening the Lands and Mineral
Resource systems and processes.
We have strengthened
our systems and processes
by improving our working
platform through legislative reviews, policy reviews,
strengthening of application
development and promoting staff capacity building,
Minister Koya said.
He added that these reforms
were undertaken to elevate
and improve management
of Lands and Minerals and
at the same time have the
right balance between economic development and

Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism, Lands and Mineral Resources Hon. Faiyaz Siddiq Koya at the
Fiji Chamber of Commerce and Industry Breakfast Seminar in Suva. Photo:DEPTFO.
sustainable environment.
I am entering this role with
a strong will to improve service delivery for our customers, ordinary people and investors alike.
He said that given the extent
and nature of the natural
resources administered by
the Ministry from land to
minerals to foreshore, it is

important that the ministry

strengthens its web of network within government
and outside to extend its
implementation and monitoring arm.
This cooperation with relevant stakeholders will not
achieve its aim without a
set of cohesive policies and
laws which strengthen the

institution of State Land

administration, mining and
foreshore development.
Minister Koya said the ministry will continue the reviews of its relevant Legislations and policies and the
Formulation of a Land Valuation Act to regulate valuation practices and property


Legacy of Girmityas made Fiji proud- AG

The legacy of indentured
labourers can still be seen
throughout Fiji to this day
says the Attorney-General
and Minister for Finance Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.
Mr Khaiyum said that the
legacy of this indentured
labourers not withstanding
trials and tribulations has
made Fiji a proud nation
that it is today.
Despite the immense
adversity faced by the Girmitiyas, they forged new
lives for themselves in Fiji
and ultimately overcame
their struggle, Mr Khaiyum
It is not only lives of the
descendants but the deter-

mined and tenacious spirit

of the Girmitiyas that has
served as the source of inspiration for all Fijians today.
Between 1879 the first
ship Leonidas which most
of you know about and in
1916 42 ships made a total
of 87 voyages carrying British Indian labourers to Fiji.
The AG said it was an
honour for him to be part of
the auspicious celebration
that brought the people of
Lautoka together.
It is an honour to be here
to commemorate an event
that marked the end of one
of the darkest periods yet
one of the most significant
periods in Fijian history and

that is the transportation of

indentured labourers from
British India over 100 years
ago, he said.
As you know that the
world had slavery. Whilst
the Americans continued
with Slavery the British decided to end slavery only
informally so they came up
with a system rather than
calling in slavery they called
it the indentured labourers
Often times they were
lured away from their
homes with fall promises.
These Girmitiyas endured a
grueling journey from India.
He said the Girmitiyas
contribution to this nation

began the very day they set

foot in Fiji.
Here in Lautoka it is
wonderful to see so many
Fijians here to commemorate this day as the history of
The first Girmitiyas
came to Lautoka and surrounding areas working in
sugar cane fields and I know
a number of their descendants are here with us today.
More than anything else
this is your day.A day in
which we remember your
ancestors with pride and
pay tribute to the sacrifices
they made to the development of this country, he

Mr Khaiyum said the efforts are recognized to the

point where Lautoka was
declared a city in 1979.
When Lautoka group
was big enough to be declared a town in 1929 it was
in large part because of the
Girmitiyas in the years before to develop this infrastructure such as the road,
the wharf, he said.
Many young Girmitiyas
passed through the port of
Lautoka when they went to
the other parts of the west
Nadroga, Ba, Tavua and
Rakiraki.They were brought
here and sent off to the other parts of the western division In Fiji.

He said the celebration

is being nationwide in recognition of the impact that
the Girmitiyas had on our
Their accounts tell us
much about their suffering
but words alone cannot fully
capture the pains of their experience.
So much that makes
much of what makes our
lives meaningful and enjoyable are found in our relationships. To lose all of that
and to be forced to live in
isolation would cause anyone of us untold suffering,
he added.

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Acknowledge the Girmityas


Girmit Celebrations at the Prince Charles Park. Photo: PAULINI RATULAILAI-FIJI SUN.

The Minister for Health and Medical

Services, Rosy Akbar reminded the Nadi
community to acknowledge the contributions of the Girmitiyas and its ancestors.
Ms Akbar made the comments during the Girmit Centennial celebration at
Prince Charles Park.
We remember your ancestors with
pride and also want to say how much we
appreciate your own efforts to develop the
town of Nadi and the surrounding areas,
Many Girmitiyas toiled in the sugar
cane fields of the Nadi area all through
the years of indenture. And when the system ended in 1920, many stayed on, just
as they did all over Fiji, Ms. Akbar said.
She said the legacy of the Girmitiyas
must be remembered, reflected and up-

In the same way they strove to build
better lives for their descendants, we
must strive to leave behind a nation that is
better than what we inherited, Ms. Akbar
She said through their efforts, the Girmitiyas laid the foundation of what is now
Fijis main gateway to the world.
In 1940, a swathe was cut through the
cane fields to build Nadi Airport. And what
started out as a small settlement was declared Nadi town in 1946, Ms. Akbar said.
She said the celebration paid tribute
to the role of the Girmitiyas and their descendants and those that have done so
much for Nadi town, surrounding areas
and the nation.

Kiwi provides for

Sai Health Centre


Staff receives timely donation at Viseisei Sai Health Centre. Photo: LUKE NACEI.

The Viseisei Sai Health Centre in Lautoka received aid from Hand Institute and Amteck
New Zealand to help with the daily running of the center.
The handing over of the stethoscopes and disposals was done by a volunteer teacher
of the Pundit Vishnu Memorial College and medical Dr Michael Cass and three students.
Dr Cass said this donation was one which would assist in everyday medical services
to the patients.
He said while he knew that the centre was perfectly providing its free services, he also
understood there were challenges the centre faced like most centres did.
This is just a timely donation and we are looking forward to having more dialogue with
the Health Centre director so that we can grow our support and provide more assistance,
Dr Cass said.
The Health Centre doctors and staffs were grateful for the aid.


We express our deepest appreciation, Ms. Akbar said.

She said it was vital for the community
to get to know their roots and know the
story of the Girmitiyas.
The accounts recorded by Girmitiyas
in Fiji tell us much about their suffering.
But words alone can never fully capture
the emotion and the pain they experienced,
So much of what makes our lives fulfilling and enjoyable is found in our relationships, our families, our friends and our
communities. To lose that, to be forced to
live and work in isolation, would cause
any one of us untold suffering, Ms. Akbar
She urged descendants of the Girmiti-

yas never to lose focus and maintain their

traditions as this was their identity.
I urge all the fellow Fijians of Indian
descendants, the youths and our future
generations that we must make sure to
preserve our culture and traditions, Ms.
Akbar said.
She said Girmitiyas and their descendants have had a major role in helping
create a more knowledge-based society
in Fiji.
Every day, their work, their values and
their sacrifices have helped build the new,
modern Fiji and bring advancements into
the lives of every Fijian so that we are all
prepared for whatever challenges and opportunities the future holds, Ms Akbar

TV trials to be launched in
Nadi and Lautoka
Attorney-General and Minister for Economy Aiyaz
Sayed-Khaiyum has said that
both Nadi and the Lautoka
corridor will have the Digital
Television trials launching
next month.
The AG made this comments while officiating at the
annual Awards Progamme
in Votualevu College.
We are putting digital televisions throughout Fiji and we
are launching digital television in the Nadi-Lautoka
corridor in the second week
of December, so please take
advantage of that, Mr Khaiyum said.
He enlightened that the
digital television meant that
the quality of the television
sound and picture would
improve significantly, in addition to the five free to air
So thats being done in
Suva to Nausori corridor. All
you need is a box and we
are giving out those boxes

Attorney General and Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum. Photo: GOOGLE.
at a subsidized cost. Those
who earn below the income
level will actually get it for
free provided for by the government, Mr Sayed Khaiyum said.
He said the advertisement
would be out soon to inform
those that were interested in
using the digital television,
but had a household income
of less than $30,000 a year of
where they could collect the

boxes from.
He urged people to participate in the process as this
would be an opportunity to
also provide feedbacks.
With the latest developments in the information
technology sector in Fiji, Mr
Sayed-Khaiyum encouraged
the young people to take up
studies in this field because
there were more opportunities economically.


Dunn ready for New arrivals

Pacific Pageant immigration area
opens in stages


Newly crowned Miss TFL Fiji Pageant

queen Ann Dunn said she is ready for the
Pacific Island Pageant contest in Samoa
next month.
The 24 year old is also the reigning Suvas
Vodafone Hibiscus Festival queen.
Ms Dunn after being crowned queen expressed how grateful and happy she was.
She said despite the time frame for her
preparation she is ready to overcome her
challenges and represent Fiji to the next
stage of competition.
I am excited for the Pacific Pageant though
it will be a short time to prepare, I am
excited to what is in store and I am ready to
make Fiji proud, she said.

This is such a privilege not only to stand

here as Miss Hibiscus 2016 but to have the
opportunity to represent this entire nation
to the Pacific Island 2016 Pageant. I am
blessed to wear this sash.
Ms Dunn thanked all those who have been
behind her success.
I thank God because a lot of things have
happened in the progress to get to this day,
she said.
I also want to thank my family who are
here especially to my grandmother from my
maternal side.
The 2016 Pacific Island Pageant will be held
in Samoa next month.

Arrivals Immigration Area at Nadi International Airport. Photo: AIRPORTS FIJI LIMITED.
Passengers arriving into the country will now be processed through the brand new Arrivals
Immigration area at Nadi International Airport, which is being opened in stages.
8 new immigration counters came online yesterday in the new area. This will eventually
increase to 14 in couple of months time when the new arrivals area is fully completed,
Khan said.
We opened the new departures immigration last week. Now we have partially opened
the new arrivals immigration. The most critical change in the immigration areas is that the
holding space has significantly increased; doubling from what it was before. We are also
replacing a number of fixed concrete walls with glazing further creating a sense of space
and a sense of presence of the new architecture. These together with the increase in
immigration counters will result in a more comfortable passenger experience with faster
processing times for our passengers, explained Khan.



Refurbished EOC strengthens

disasters response in Fiji

The newly refurbished
Nadi District Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), and
the Western Division EOC
Planning Office and Divisional Controllers Office in
Lautoka, were opened today by Fijis Permanent Secretary for Rural and Maritime
Development and National
Disaster Management, Meleti Bainimarama, today.
The refurbishment of the
two EOCs cost FJD $92,236
and has been made possible through the European
Union-funded ACP-EU Building Safety and Resilience in
the Pacific project (BSRP),
which is implemented by
Mr Bainimarama said the
new-look office will ensure
government services are not
disrupted during an emergency.
The new office will ensure disaster operations are
effectively maintained and
services to our people continue when there are disruptions. The new office will
further enhance Fijis efforts
in building resilient people
and also strengthen disaster
preparedness and management.
We also acknowledge

the kind assistance from

the European Union and
SPC, through the Building
Safety and Resilience Project which supported the upgrading of the two EOCs, Mr
Bainimarama said.
The EU Deputy Head of
Delegation for the Pacific,
Resilience is not only recovering and thriving; it is
about how to learn from the
past to make the future better and how to make your
country safer.
The refurbishment and
upgrade of the Nadi Emergency Operations Centre
and Lautoka Planning Office and Divisional Controllers Office funded by the
European Union will help to
increase safety of Fijian people. The EU is proud to support this programme to help
Fiji and the Pacific to cope
with climate change and disasters, Mr Pampaloni said.
Through the project, the
EU has also allocated funds
for the refurbishment of the
Northern and Eastern Divisional EOCs, and the National EOC. Work on these will
commence soon.
The Manager of SPCs
Disaster Reduction Programme, Dr Paul Taylor, said

Civil servants from Nadi who operate the Nadi EOC during natural disasters with PS Rural and Maritime Development Meleti Bainimarama and Commissioner Western Manasa Tagicakibau. Photo; DEPTFO.
SPC understands the challenges faced by the region
and, in partnership with
the Government of Fiji, is
ensuring the capability and
capacity to respond to disasters and emergencies in
Fiji is sufficiently addressed
for the long-term sustainability of effective disaster
preparedness and response
into the future.

Given the Western Divisions geographical location,

which makes it more vulnerable to natural disasters, it
was key to have a standard
EOC where operations can
be effectively controlled and
managed at district and divisional level during emergencies and disasters, he said.
The refurbishment work
in the Nadi EOC included

the Operations Room, Planning Room, Communications Room and the District
Officers office and briefing
In Lautoka, it was necessary to refurbish the Planning
Room to fully complement
the recently-refurbished Divisional EOC. The funding
also enabled the relocation
of the Commissioners Of-

fice to be nearer to the Operations Room and includes

the EOC Planning Room for
easy access and forward
planning during emergency
and disaster operations.
Furthermore, the Commissioner Central Division
has also been assisted with
the purchase of equipment
to upgrade the Central Division EOC in Nausori.

National disaster awareness New Gym Fitness Equipments

for Biausevu Youth
week launched

Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management Office Hon. Joeli
Cawaki. Photo: SUPPLIED.
The National Disaster
Management Office along
with its partners will soon
begin broadcasting disaster
preparedness information
via radio and television on
cyclone categories one to
five, floods, storm surges
and tsunamis.
Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime
Development and National
Disaster Management Office Hon. JoeliCawaki while
launching the National Disaster Awareness week said
that Fijis cyclone season
is approaching rapidly and
everyone must be fully pre-

Every person must take
the time to discuss with
their household and their
community whether they
are ready for the next few
months to face cyclones and
floods. Now is the time to
check whether you are fully
prepared, Mr Cawaki said.
The National Disaster
Management Office will
open the National Emergency Operating Centre to
school students during its
Open Day this Friday so they
can learn and appreciate the
work of the National Emergency Coordination Centre.

Mr Cawaki said NDMO

would also roll out educational material and practical
drills on tsunamis and tsunami response in order to
be prepared for such natural
disaster risk.
Early next year, NDMO
with the Disaster Preparedness Committee will also
address the preparedness
needed for water shortages.
Being prepared is the most
important part of surviving a
He added that Fijians
must also ensure that people who cannot cope by
themselves are given assistance that they need such as
persons with disabilities, the
elderly and children.
We must accept that climate change is here to stay
and will bring with it a range
of disasters and we must
take extra steps not only preparing for cyclones but also
to be aware and prepared
for other hazards such as
storm surges, earthquake
and tsunamis.
The National Disaster Awareness Week was
launched today with the
theme: Live to Tell.




Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimara at Biausevu Village after handing over new gym fitness
equipments. Photo: DEPTFO.
The Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama handed over gym fitness equipment to the
youth of Biausevu Village at Korolevuiwai in Sigatoka.
Mr Bainimarama said the donation worth $14,063 will help promote sport and athletic
activity amongst the youth.
Developing habits that keep us active at a young age can yield benefits that last a lifetime. And it is a key priority of my Government to encourage our young people to get moving, so that they reduce the risk of being affected by the Non-communicable diseases that,
unfortunately, affect far too many Fijians, Prime Minister Bainimarama said.
He urged the youth of Biausevu to use the gym equipment to train hard so they can
maximize their athletic potential.
They will have the sporting infrastructure to be the best athletes they can be and participate in the athletic activities that help impart the values of teamwork, camaraderie and
tactical thinking that will guide them in becoming productive members of Fijian society.

Hard work pays off

for Atishma

Fiji Mission congratulated


President & First Lady at reception with FIJIAN Community. Photo:DEPTFO.

Atishma Devi who scooped the Dux award during the Votualevu College Prize giving ceremony.
The early morning bus ride and the long
waking hours for studying has finally paid off
for 18 year old, Atishma Devi who scooped
the Dux award during the Votualevu College
Prize giving ceremony.
I am happy with for what I have
achieved, she said.
She said the free bus fare and education
scheme benefitted her and her family.
I was able to successfully complete my
high school education with excellent results
though the governments assistance, Ms
Devi said.
Her mother Anjula Prasad was also present at the event to witness the success of her
She was so emotional with her daughters achievements.
I happy for her achievements. She
has done everyone proud. I always stayed
awake with my daughter when she does
her studies and that has finally paid off, she
Atishma was the top scorer in the Fiji Year
12 Certificate Examination. She attained 373
out of 400. She scored the highest in computer science, 89, English, 92 and computer
She also received a token of appreciation

from the Commerce Department and a Certificate of Appreciation for Senior Prefects
Meanwhile, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum congratulated the Votualevu College committee, parents and students for being able to tackle
the challenges in education through their
He said the school played a pivotal role,
being on the borderline of rural Nadi and
suburban Nadi.
More than 60 Year 13 students graduated
from the college yesterday, with more than
70 students receiving academic, sports and
special awards.
Other awards:
Overall Excellence Awards Scoring Marks
over 350 in (FY 12C Exams)
-Atishma Devi
-DivashniMaharaj 366/400
-AvrilVerma 366/400
-Shivneel Singh 360/400
Sports Awards
-Sportswoman: Rejieli Fifita
-Sportsman: Paula Waqadua
Junior Dux
Shivashni Kumar (Year 10)

3 in a row for
MET Service

Fijis diplomatic mission

in Ethiopia has been commended for rapidly establishing a strong presence
just five months after it was
established in Addis Ababa.
The President His Excellency Major General (Retd)
Jioji Konrote visited the Fiji
chancery where he was
briefed by the staff on the
role and responsibility of
Fijis newest mission on
the African continent. He
commended the staff for
quickly securing a chancery
in Ethiopias capital and for
ensuring that the mission is
operating adequately.
Fijis Ambassador in Ethiopia Mosese Tikoitoga briefed
the President on the role of
the mission as it works to
strengthen relations between Ethiopia and Fiji as

well as with the twelve other

nations that the Embassy is
accredited to.
Ambassador Tikoitoga
briefed the President on the
socio economic and political developments taking
place in Ethiopia as well as
potential areas that could
boost relations between the
two countries. This includes
developing relations in the
areas of agriculture and industries.
In commending the mission staff, the President also
congratulated them for establishing strong working relations with the people and
Government of Ethiopia.
I wish you well as you
work to build relations and
at the same time promote
Fiji here in Ethiopia and in
those countries that you are

accredited to, the President

136 diplomatic missions
are based in Ethiopia. The
headquarters for the African
Union is also based in Ethiopia. Fiji is the only South Pacific island nation that has a
diplomatic mission in Ethiopia.
The President also met the
Fijian community living,
working and studying in
Ethiopia at a welcome reception last night.
His Excellency is visiting
Fijian peacekeepers in his
capacity as Commander in
Chief of the Republic of Fiji
Military Forces (RFMF). En
route he is visiting different
Fijian diplomatic missions
before he returns to Fiji.


Koro Island to be engaged

for New Zealand RSE
work scheme


The Fiji Meteorological Service won the

Fiji Business Excellence prize for the third
year in a row during the Fiji National University Business Excellence Awards.
And the Permanent Secretary for Local
Government, Hosing and Environment Paul
Bayley, has commended them for their tremendous work.
To add more to that pride, the Fiji Meteorological Service was yet again awarded the
Fiji Business Excellence Prizes 2016.
Mr Bayley said it was the work of the employees which needed to be commended
and also the stakeholders of the Fiji Meteorological Service.
Its now the third year they have received
the prize.
Just like to acknowledge a very talented
team which is recognised internationally.

Many may know that Fiji is one of the only

six regional meteorological services provided across the whole of the Asia Pacific, Mr
Bayley added.
The Government has invested significant amounts of money and I would also
like to acknowledge the international partners for example the Japanese Government
which has invested about $30 million and
make FMS what it is today.
Mr Bayley acknowledged the Director for
Fiji Meteorological Services Ravind Kumar
and spoke of him highly including of his
work at the international level.
FMS director Mr Ravind Kumar said they
were grateful to be acknowledged.
This is a very great journey for us and we
are grateful of our staff and our line ministry
for their supporting us, he said.

Ten workers from Koro Island yesterday received their pre-departure orientation and Life Skills Training certificates
from the Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations Hon.
Jone Usamate for deployment under the
New Zealand Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Work Scheme.
Minister Usamate highlighted that
these ten workers will be employed with
Provine Limited as horticultural seasonal
These workers are the first ever group
from Fiji to join this company Provine
Limited, Minister Usamate said.
In farewelling the workers, he reminded them to maintain their focus, grasp as
much as they can and save money for
their family back here in Fiji.
Your tireless efforts, commitment and
hard work will encourage more RSE employers to consider recruitment from Fiji
as a source of excellent labour force for

seasonal work in the future.

I trust that you will all be returning
workers in the future to lead and empower other Fijian groups from your Tikina
and other Tikinas in Fiji.
Minister Usamate acknowledged the
employer Mr. Kenneth Prouting for his
trust and faith in our people following the
engagement of these ten workers from
Koro Island.
Also my sincere appreciation to the
vanua of Koro for their commitment and
dedication towards the new Tikina based
recruitment and selection criteria, he
The Minister lauded the hard work,
commitment and team work of Fijian
workers who have successfully participated in the RSE work scheme last year
and the Ministry of Business, Innovation
and Employment, New Zealand for their
tireless coordination for seasonal work
employment opportunities of Fijians un-



Building Industry plays key role


The building and construction industry

plays a crucial role in the development
of our country, says Minister for Industry,
Trade and Tourism Faiyaz Koya.
He highlighted this during the second
Samma Aluminum Industry night at the
Trans International Hotel in Nadi.
The construction industry has a major
role in delivering the build in infrastructure in an innovative and cost effective
way, he said.
It makes a vital contribution to competiveness and prosperity of the economy in
the modern and efficient infrastructure is
the key driver of productivity.
He added: With the increase in
amount of investment in our infrastructure project rehabilitation after tropical cyclone Winston the building and construction Industry is operating full capacity.
Local and overseas investors have
announced several multimillion dollar
projects within the Tourism Industry and
other different industry and even con-

struction for homes.

Mr Koya elaborated on Governments
official efforts in the building and industry
The Government is committed to investing in capital works in terms of road
and energy, water, sewage and major port
of entry to improve living standards in the
country, he said.
What we build here on must be category 5 Cyclone proof and I take my
hat off to Samma for taking the lead for
bringing in innovative products that are
category 5 cyclone proof. It is not about
bringing in cheap products anymore, the
origin of which we donot care so long as
the standards are good enough to stand a
category five cyclone.
In reviewing those Fijian building material standard it is extremely important
for our country. This will improve the
quality of building material imported and
manufactured for the Fijian market.

Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism Faiyaz Koya at the Samma Aluminium Industry night.
Photo: DEPTFO.

New Korolevu fire

Fiji International
recognises students station commissioned


Fiji National University catering students with their certificates. Photo: LUKE NACEI.

Sixty four students from the Fiji National University campus in Namaka were
recognised for their tireless efforts at the
Fiji International Golf Tournament that
was held at the Natadola Bay Championship Golf Course in October.
In recognition the Fiji International
awarded the hospitality and tourism students with certificates at the University for
volunteering during the event and contributing to the tournaments success.
Fiji International Event Manager, Harmony Thomas thanked the students saying they wouldnt have done it without
I know it wasnt easy to have the 64 of
you come to the Fiji International and volunteer your time and commit yourselves
despite the hot sun,
Fiji International 2016 was a huge success thanks to you guys, we want you to
feel that you were part of that success,
Ms. Thomas said.
She said they looked forward in continuing this partnership.
The partnership with FNU has been
a great one hopefully we can grow that
number next year and absorb the students into other areas of the tournament,
I know a lot of you were working outdoors and we can look at some service

indoors during the tournament in future

years. I hope that you all enjoyed it giving
you a chance to learn and identify rooms
for improvement, Ms. Thomas said.
Meanwhile, FNUs Head of School for
Hospitality & Tourism Studies, Eric Jioje
thanked Fiji International for engaging the
school and this University in the event.
When they first approached I was a
bit nervous as this is a first time project at
this level. I happy that the school of hospitality has taken this opportunity especially
after receiving a lot of positive feedbacks
from the students, Mr. Jioje said.
I look forward to continue this partnership with them.
Meanwhile, Sairusi Bulai a student said
he would love to be part of this annual
event again n next year.
Fiji International Tournament is very
interesting. I get to meet alot of people
and I got to know the game of golf better. It was over whelming to meet some
International Golf players and some of our
Rio Olympics Gold medallists in person.
he said.

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The National Fire Authority can now extend its

reach to the people of Korolevu and the Coral Coast,
giving this communities
access to emergency response services that can
save lives, property and
livelihoods from the ever
present danger of fires and
other emergencies.
This comes after the
commissioning of their
new Fire Station by the
Prime Minster Voreqe
Bainimarama yesterday.
It is a great pleasure
for me to be here with you
all today to officially commission this, Mr Bainimarama said.
Mr Bainimarama reminded those present at
the event on how effective
fires can be on the lives of
the people.
In a moment, a fire can
wipe out homes that have
stood for generations,
or enterprises that have
been built and sustained
by hard-working Fijians. In
a moment, a fire can set
families and businesses
back years and leave our
people destitute, homeless
and with little hope for the
future, he said.
We all remember the
Korolevu Resort and Paradise Point Resort both

destroyed by fires which

were located just opposite
from this new fire station.
Crises that both could have
been avoided if NFA services had been more readily available.
As recently as 2012, the
Warwick Fiji Resort and
the Naviti Resort also both
suffered fires, again showing us that the risks posed
to the homes and businesses in Korolevu was
unacceptably high.
He said after the tragic
incident in 2012 the Fijian
Government had now then
decided to build a fire station along the area.
It was due to these repeated incidents that my
Government sought to
establish this new station
and bring the fast-acting
emergency response services of the NFA to the
doorsteps of the families
and businesses here in Korolevu and up and down
the Coral Coast. And while,
hopefully, the vast majority
of you wont need our fire
fighters coming to your
rescue, the NFAs presence here will give you the
knowledge that help will
be on the way should you
ever require it.
Mr Bainimarama reminded the villagers that

it was vital to make the

response services provided by the NFA available as widely as possible
throughout the country.
Fires can strike anytime and anywhere not
only in our cities, but in
villages, towns and settlements as well. For too
long, these services have
been restricted to our urban centres, leaving our
rural communities vulnerable but that was not a reality that my Government
was prepared to accept.
The peace of mind that
this new fire station will
bring to Korolevu and the
Coral Coast community is
truly priceless. Not only are
you all safer, but this new
station provides a measure
of protection that will catalyze future growth and development in your region.
To our fire fighters who
will be working in this new
station, I ask that you serve
these deserving communities to the best of your ability.
You will be relied
upon to provide life-saving
services, and that is a responsibility that should be
respected at all times, he



Zip Line in the Pipeline

for Waterpark

We might expect more

thrilling activities at the
Big Bula Waterpark on Denarau Island in future.
Opening its new extension in July featuring six
permanents waterslides in
addition to the initial inflatable waterslides, the company also has zip lining as
one of its future plans.
Operations Supervisor,
Timoci Saubuli said every
business has plans to keep
We look forward to
expanding the park but
thats not something that
we might be doing right
now since we just opened
this new extension, hopefully we will bring in new
features and zip lining
is something that weve
thought about as well, Mr.
Saubuli said.
He said they wanted
to provide something
new and exciting for their
guests now and again.
Meanwhile, Mr Saubuli
said the new addition of
has brought in more customers from all age range.
Initially when we only
had the inflatable waterslides people had the idea

Big Bula Waterpark. Photo: ANA SOVA.

that the park was only for

children so we decided
to bring in the permanent
waterslides which is made
especially for the adults
and much older children,
Mr. Saubuli said.
He said now the park

provided good fun for

adults as well and the
whole family.
Weve managed to get
a lot of locals to come in
as well and enjoy what the
park has to offer, people
traveling from as far as

Due to its location we
manage to attract a lot of
tourists as well and because of the climate here
in Nadi we are also able to
open throughout the year
unless theres a natural di-

saster that could affect us

here, Mr. Saubuli said.
He said although business was a little slow at the
moment they were looking
forward to the school holidays.
Thats one of the times

a lot of people come in,

parents brining in their
children and its also a
time a lot tourists come in
to escape winter to enjoy
the sunshine here in Fiji,
Mr. Saubuli said.



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WAF wins achievement AFL undertakes

in business excellence $4M Project
award open soon

The ATMC Voice Communication and

VHF Radio Communication Systems of
the Airports Fiji Limited will be replaced
by Harris C4i Pty Limited.
This was following a contract executed
this month by AFL with Harris C4i Pty Limited (Harris) with the project to cost AFL
$4 million.
AFLs Executive Chairman, Faiz Khan
said AFL was going through a modernization phase of its infrastructure.
The $4M replacement of voice communication system represents one of
many key projects AFL will be undertaking over the next few years, Mr. Khan

According to AFL, the project once

completed will achieve greater operational efficiency between air traffic controllers and aircraft in the six million square
kilometres of the Nadi Flight Information
Region (FIR) and the domestic airspace.
This will be achieved through providing
modern Internet Protocol (IP) voice communication solutions at industry based
ICAO standards.
Managing Director of Harris, Peter Harrison said Harris looked forward to extending its long term relationship with
AFL by providing modern industry leading
voice over IP communication systems.

The Permanent Secretary for Infrastructure Mr Paul Bayly and WAF CEO Mr Opetaia Ravai centre
with WAF staff during the awards night. Photo: WAF.

The Water Authority of Fiji (WAF)

was awarded with the Achievement in
Business Excellence on entering for the
first time in the Fiji Business Excellence
Awards (FBEA) that were held at the
Sheraton Fiji Resort and Spa convention
centre on Saturday.
In receiving the award the Authoritys
Chief Executive Officer, Mr Opetaia Ravai,
acknowledged his staff and their family
members for their efforts saying, This is
a tick in the box in continuing to work towards service excellence.
It is a great achievement for us, as we
progress as an organisation with continuous improvement and being recognised
by achieving an award is something great
for the Authority. We look forward to all
kinds of evaluations that keep us in check

and help us improve our services, and

that is what the awards are all about. To
receive this award is a bonus to each individual at WAF; the full time staff and the
project staff who contribute who we are
by providing the service for the people of
Fiji, said Mr Ravai.
Mr Ravai said WAF will continue to
work towards its goals and will also continue to serve the people of Fiji with clean
water and sanitation.
The award recognises the continuous
improvement in looking at our processes,
in documenting them well, and with everyone at WAF following this. I wish to
congratulate everybody at WAF and their
families for their support and we thank all
our stakeholders who helped us achieve
this award, said Mr Ravai.


Harris C4i Pty Ltd Managing Director Peter Harrison and AFL Executive Chairman Faiz Khan.
Photo: AFL.

Once Upon a Time

teacher about this by the way, what
was it that you didnt do?
The little girl replied, My homework.
The students were lined up in the cafeteria for lunch. At the head of the table
was a large pile of apples. The nun made
a note, and posted on the apple tray:
Take only ONE. God is watching.
Moving further along the lunch line, at
the other end of the table was a large pile
of chocolate chip cookies. A child had
written a note, Take all you want. God is
watching the apples.
Physics Teacher: Isaac Newton was
sitting under a tree when an apple fell on
his head and he discovered gravity. Isnt
that wonderful?
Student: Yes sir, if he had been sitting in class looking at books like us, he
wouldnt have discovered anything.

Teacher: Why are you late, Joseph?

Joseph: Because of a sign down the
Teacher: What does a sign have to do
with you being late?
Joseph: The sign said, School Ahead,
Go Slow!

Two factory workers talking:

Woman: I can make the boss give me
the day off.
Man: And how would you do that?
Woman: Just wait and see. She then
hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
Boss comes in: What are you doing?
Woman: Im a light bulb.
Boss: Youve been working so much
that youve gone crazy. I think you need to
take the day off.
The man starts to follow her and the
boss says: Where are you going?
The man says: Im going home, too. I
cant work in the dark.

The teacher of the earth science class

was lecturing on map reading.
After explaining about latitude, longitude, degrees and minutes the teacher
asked, Suppose I asked you to meet me
for lunch at 23 degrees, 4 minutes north
latitude and 45 degrees, 15 minutes east
After a confused silence, a voice volunteered, I guess youd be eating alone.

A man talking to God:

The man: God, how long is a million
God: To me, its about a minute.
The man: God, how much is a million
God: To me its a penny.
The man: God, may I have a penny?
God: Wait a minute.
A little girl came home from school
and said to her mother, Mommy, today in
school I was punished for something that
I didnt do.
The mother exclaimed, But thats terrible! Im going to have a talk with your


Isnt the principal a dummy! said a

boy to a girl.
Well, do you know who I am? asked
the girl.
No. replied the boy.
Im the principals daughter. said
the girl.
And do you know who I am? asked
the boy.
No. she replied.
Thank goodness! said the boy with
a sign of relief.
Teacher: If you had one dollar and you
asked your father for another, how many
dollars would you have?
Vincent: One dollar.
Teacher: You dont know your arithmetic.
Vincent: You dont know my father.


Nadi In Pictures




5-Time Award Win for Vodafone Fiji

Vodafone Fiji chief executive officer Mr. Pradeep
Lal commended his staff
for their efforts as he received the Presidents
award during the Fiji Business Excellence awards
that was held at Sheraton
Fiji resort & Spa on Denarau Island.
He said It is a great
honor to accept the prestigious Presidents Award
from his Excellency.
Mr Lal said: To take
the triumphant addition to
home of Vodafone which
has only been possible because of all our heroes, the
members of the Vodafone
family and our staff.
I would like to congratulate and thank the
dedicated brains behind
our great achievements
for the transformation of
Vodafone Fiji into a World
Class Organization and Im
humbled to receive yet
another token for our Business Excellence Journey
this evening.
Our recognition today
as being a 100% Fijian
owned company will inspire other companies in
Fiji to set in motion their
own business excellence
journey, he said.

I would like to acknowledge FNUs National

Training and Productivity
Centre for their part in our
quality and business excellence journey. The training
through the Fiji Business
Excellence framework has
worked in our favor in instilling a continuous business improvement environment.
Vodafone Fiji has won
the prestigious Presidents
Award for Business Excellence for a record 4 times
and tonight we take home
the 5th award.
With the fostered good
practices, Vodafone has
been recognized on the
global front as a World
Class Organization; being
the only company from the
Pacific to be recognized
with theesteemed award
in Singapore.
The Presidents Award
for the Fiji Business Excellence Awards is awarded
to an organisation which
has demonstrably been a
world class organisation
and Vodafone Fiji Limited
has won an award for the
fifth time this year.
Our recognition today
is an added boost to the
Vodafone Fiji team. We

Vodafone Fiji chief executive officer Mr. Pradeep Lal with his staff fwith their President award during the Fiji Business Excellence
awards that was held at Sheraton Fiji resort & Spa on Denarau Island. Photo: VODAFONE FIJI.

are proud to be recognized

as home of quality organization with exemplary visionary leadership, strong
management and organizational culture delivering
the highest level of quality
service to our customers.
Results for which speak
for itself.
Mr Lal also said that Vo-

dafone has grown leaps

and bounds to become a
Fijian business icon and
employer of choice for
many aspiring and career
minded individuals. It is
the preferred mobile communication provider to
more than 760,000 Fijians.
Our appetite to do better tomorrow then today

is unrelenting. Over the

last two years, Vodafone
has gone beyond borders
in search of new business
opportunities. This is to
ensure sustained growth
for the business, more opportunities for our staff to
work in the region and expanding the industry and
management capability in

the region, he said.

Vodafone Fiji won the
Fiji Business Excellence
Presidents Awards in 2004,
2007, 2013 and also received the Achievement
in Fiji Business Excellence
Awards in 2000.

Ministry pledges greater Chief guest farewells

Year 8 graduates of
support for Pinktober
Nadi Primary

Seated in middle Minister for Health and Medical Services Hon. Rosy Akbar during the Pinktober
celebrations with the Women in Business at GPH.

Early detection and treatment is the best way to fight the increasing number of cases
of breast cancer and to save lives.
This was reiterated by the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Hon. Rosy Akbar while speaking at the Pinktober Fundraiser Breakfast Program organised by the
Women in Business network in Suva today.
Minister Akbar highlighted that cancer is the third leading cause of deaths in Fiji as it
accounts for 10 percent of all deaths and its almost three times more in females.
These are alarming figures and while the numbers are grim, good news is that early
detection of breast cancer allows most survivors a good quality of life after treatment.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women.
The Ministry of Healths record shows that for 2015, there were 270 confirmed tests
of breast cancer cases, thats an average of 22 confirmed cases per month. For January
to July 2016, a total of 115 confirmed breast cancer cases were recorded, thats about
19 confirmed cases per month.
There are many other unreported cases and its through such partnerships that we
hope to intensify awareness programs and reach out to as many communities as possible, Minister Akbar said.
The Health Ministry is advising individuals to be proactive in terms of getting medical
checks done early.
Dont let this month go by without taking extra care of your health. We must push for
early detection and there are health centers and hospitals that provide health checks
and information on Pinktober. Most of the time people dont go for tests because of the
fear but they need to understand that its better to have early detection done rather than
waiting to present themselves at the hospital, at very last minute.
Everyone needs to work together to raise awareness on Pinktober, we need to
strive to save lives because when we lose a woman to breast cancer, we know the
impact on the families and the nation, Minister Akbar said.
Funds collected through the Women in Business Network Pinktober Fundraiser
Breakfast will be donated to the Oncology Unit at the CWM Hospital.


Year 8 graduates of Nadi Primar School. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI.

Nadi Primary School
which is located at Narewa, Nadi had their first
ever Year 8 graduation on
Thursday, November 17.
The school management, parents, teachers
and distinguished guests
of Nadi Primary School
gathered in numbers to
experience and to farewell
the year 8 graduates.
The Chief Guest, Mr. Ruveni Tuimavana,a lecturer
in Education at the University of Fiji, Lautoka Campus was pleased to be part
of the graduation.
I am deeply honoured
to be invited here just to
give a small pep talk on
your graduation night, he
He acknowledged the
students for the work well

done for the eight years

spent at Nadi Primary.
I want to congratulate
you for the work done
throughout the years and I
know it is not a small feat,
Mr. Tuimavanasaid.
The lecturer also praised
the teachers, school management and the parents
who were behind the students success throughout
the years.
The management, it is
not a small task to run a
school and I know they are
hell bent in providing the
best for you, he said.
Mr. Tuimavana also
reminded students that
spending eight years at
Nadi Primary is going to
be sad as they are going to
be in a new environment,
new school and new

It is a bit sad that you
are leaving your home
for the last 8 years and
going again to look for a
new home for the next
five years and when I say
changing homes, I mean
changing school, he said
The Lecturer further
mentioned that they, the
Year 8, can make their parents proud just like what
he is experiencing at the
Remember your parents are the backbone of
your success, its not only
you who will reap the
fruits, and ten percent of
the people present here
this evening are vouching
for your success.
Do what you love and
passionate for, he said.


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Grateful to Big
Bula Waterpark

For Timo Tuinasau the Big Bula Waterpark on Denarau Island has been the conduit for a chance at employment.
Having reached only high school level
of education, Mr. Tuinasau found getting a
job almost impossible.
The 29 year old said he was more than
grateful to the largest inflatable waterpark
for giving him a job as a waterpark attendant.
I left my village, Nasolo in Bua to come
to Nadi in search for a job two years ago
and I was really lucky to have found one
here at the Waterpark, Mr Tuinasau said.
He said being a waterpark attendant
may not seem as much of a job to others
but to him it means being able to feed his
I left home in the hope to find a job
to support my family back at home and
Im happy with the job I have especially
because Im our familys bread winner,

Sweet Tweets:

Mr. Tuinasau said.

The Vanualevu lad said working at the
waterpark is something he enjoyed.
You meet new people every day from
all walks of life and various age groups
not only locally but tourists from all over
the world, it has been fun and exciting,
he added.
Mr Tuinasau said it gave him satisfaction helping and guiding clients at the
waterpark and seeing that they really enjoyed themselves.
Meanwhile, Operations Supervisor of
Big Bula Waterpark, Timoci Salusalu said
more than 90 percent of the people they
employ were locals.
Not only do we want to provide employment to locals and help them provide
for themselves and their families, we also
understand that this strengthens our local
economy, Mr. Salusalu said.

Musket Cove Fiji donates

$10k to Fiji Red Cross

Westin Wellness Ambassador Rachael Finch. Photo: THE WESTIN.

Musket Cove Island Resort and Marina as owner

operators with forty years
in experience in Fiji are always committed to giving
back to our community.
And by doing so the Resort has made an effort in
raising $10,000 in aid for
those people affected by
Tropical Cyclone Winston
which struck Fiji earlier
this year.
Many people were affected by Cyclone Winston
for which we asked our
guests to open their hearts,
and wallets to donate to

Fiji Red Cross in assisting the many thousands

of people who lost everything, Resorts sales and
marketing manager Alex
Raicebe said.
We can proudly say
that a total of $10,000 was
raised. Half of which was a
pledge from our owners to
match every dollar raised
by our wonderful guests.
This is not the first for
the Resort as it has been
sponsoring and supporting events that help in the
growth of our community.
Giving back to our

community is ongoing at
Musket Cove. In 2012 we
jointly established and
maintain The Western divisions fist Kidney Dialysis
Clinic in Nadi, he said.
Other community initiatives we are proud of
are, Buy Fijian made. We
are supporters of the buy
Fiji made initiative and as
such you will see items in
our Boutique and general
store that are made, grown
or sewn in Fiji, and many
that have come from, or
support rural craft groups.

How are you adapting to Daylight Saving?

Etika Tukana

Matelita Kurulo.

Ratu Alipate Vuniyawa


Veniana Latidreke

Safaira Lomawai

Jay Varo

Good. Especially when u do

day shift u have more time to
do other things at home .

We will get to a point in

which we have to blend into
the time intervals.

Daylight saving is fine. More

sunshine hours and more
work is done especially in

Well ! Daylight saving has

been so far a good impact on
us since it encourage us too
work with time & use our time

It wakes me up early in the

morning preparing breakfast
for my kids to school.

Day light saving enables to do

us other activities after work.



ATS workshop participants

grateful for Uni-Fiji
Twenty ardent participants from different sectors within Airport Terminal Services (ATS) attended the three-day intensive
workshop conducted by the University of
The Professional Development for
Career and Business workshop was received and acknowledged well by the
participants as well as the facilitators.
The facilitators of the workshop Ms
Manpreet Kaur and Ms Sanjaleen Prasad
were quite excited by the success and the
delivery of the workshop. The workshop
allows workers to identify their zone of
proximal development and see beyond
their existing potential, said Ms Manpreet
Kaur, workshop facilitator.
This workshop was organized purposefully for the growing needs to up-skill the
personnels at the corporate sectors. The
main content covered during the workshop are the four communicative skills
namely, listen, speak, read and write. For
each of the skills, myriad activities, handson exercise, practice and content coverage was carried out comprehensively.
Workshop facilitator, Ms Sanjaleen
Prasad said that they were quite im-

pressed by the willing response from the

participants. We have realized the scope
of the Professional Development Workshop and the desire from the workers to
up-skill themselves professionally and
also for personal enhancement, she said.
Participants really acknowledged participating in the workshop and are already
looking forward to other courses.
Aman Ajay Kumar, a participant said
that he really liked being part of the workshop. It was a refresher course and it enables me to recognize that listening and
speaking are important components even
in a corporate sector, he said.
The other participants shared similar
sentiments and they are looking forward
to the next stage of this Professional Writing Workshop.
Also, ATS Human Resources Manager,
Mr. Richard Donaldson, also appreciated
the content delivered by the facilitators.
I am confident that we have made the
right decision to invest in the companys
human resources, Mr. Donaldson said.
The University is ready to deliver this
workshop to the next interested client.

Gregan to attend Mana

Coral Coast Sevens

ATS Human Resources Manager Richard Donaldson reciving his certificate from Uni Fiji workshop
fascilitator . Photo: SUPPLIED.

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Australias mostcapped Wallaby George Gregan has confirmed his attendance for the
Mana Whey Fiji Coral Coast Sevens in January.
Gregan who played 139 Test matches for Australia between 1994 and 2007, will be the
Ambassador of Fijis premier rugby sevens tournament and become the latest to be included on the Rugbytown Walk of Fame in Sigatoka.
Joining Gregan in this experience will be his wife and family who are all looking forward
to their Coral Coast adventure.
Founding Chairman of the Mana Whey Fiji Coral Coast Sevens, Jay Whyte says they are
thrilled to welcome a living legend like George Gregan.
Previous inductees on the Walk of Fame, which includes a plaque on the main street
of Sigatoka are David Campese, WaisaleSerevi, the late Jonah Lomu, ViliameSatala, Ben
Gollings, Karl Te Nana and LoteTuqiri.
The Mana Whey Fiji Coral Coast Sevens will be held from 1821 January at Lawaqa Park
and brings together 16 mens and 12 womens teams in a champion of champions format
and also features the Uprising Youth Sevens.




No more 20 mins finals

Therell be no more marathon Sevens finals in 2017,
with World Rugby announcing a series of law changes.
With injuries more prevalent in the second half of
finals during the World Sevens Series tournaments,
with those deciders going
for 20 minutes instead of
the usual 14, the governing
body has opted to keep the
games the usual seven minutes a half.
As well as that change for
Sevens, World Rugby has introduced a number of minor
changes, including adopting
one of Super Rugbys recent
law changes.
If a penalty is kicked into
touch after full-time without
touching another player,
teams will be allowed to
take their lineout, with play
continuing until the the ball
goes dead.
Contact with the head
in Rugby will be dealt with
harshly by the game officials. Photo: Getty Images
Other tweaks include allowing team captains to pick
the most beneficial penalty
spot when an opponent infringes during an advantage
period, uncontested scrums
requiring eight players on
each team and penalty tries
automatically being worth
seven points.

Sevens regulations have

also been changed, with
strict time limits to be introduced for teams to prepare
for set piece.
The amendments, which
will be introduced from January 1 2017 in the Southern
Hemisphere, come after a
World Rugby conference,
that also included a recommendation for referees to
crack down on head contact, with an increase in
concern over concussions.
The past few years have
seen increasing concerns
regarding the potential impacts of concussion, with
new forms of in-game
head injury assessment introduced to try to prevent
players returning to action
too quickly when they have
suffered a damaging blow
in what is, at Test level, an
increasingly aggressive contact sport.
World Rugby said it had
instructed match officials
to be strict when it came
to tackles, charges, strikes
or kicks that make contact
above the shoulder line and
to favour firm sanctions for
offenders, up to and including red cards for severe examples.
By taking this strong
approach, we are saying
to players that tackling an

opponent above the shoulder line will not go unpunished. - Anthony Buchanan
World Rugby match officials
selection committee chairman Anthony Buchanan
said: World Rugbys No.1
priority is player welfare and
the laws of the game clearly
state that the necks and
heads of players are sacrosanct.
When it comes to foul
play, the game is cleaner
now than ever before but
referees must constantly be
alert to head-high hits.
By taking this strong approach, we are saying to
players that tackling an opponent above the shoulder
line will not go unpunished.
In addition, while striking or kicking an opponent
is never acceptable, it is a
more serious offence when
it involves contact with the
head or neck.
He added: Even ballcarriers must be careful that
they fend off tacklers legally
and do not strike opponents
with forearms or elbows.
World Rugby also said all
national coaches involved
in the November internationals had already been informed of this re-focus.


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Upgraded Departures
Immigration and Air New
Zealand VIP Lounge open




You Think It We Bake It

Nadi International Airport will open the
upgraded departures immigration area to
passengers next week.
AFL Executive Chairman, Faiz Khan
said we are opening the upgraded areas
of Nadi Airport Terminal Modernization
Project in stages.
The upgraded departures immigration
area will be more spacious; will have 4
dual view X-ray scanning units to enhance
security functions (with the capacity for
further expansion in the future); and will
have 12 immigration counters compared
to 8 in the past. After passing through immigration passengers will go up the escalator to the duty free shopping; food
and beverages outlets; and lounge area,
Khan explained.

These changes in departures immigration will increase our passenger

throughout capacity by 50% from 600 to
900 per hour. Passengers will spend less
time queuing up and more dwell time to
enjoy our shopping experience in the departures lounge, Khan added.
Infrastructure upgrade is but one aspect of our modernization project. However, as there are different stakeholders
such as airlines, immigration and security
involved in processing passengers we are
working with them to ensure seamless,
compliant and efficient processing, stated Khan.
Khan further explained that Air New
Zealand opened its new VIP lounge on
Thursday 3rd November. The fit-outs done
by Air New Zealand are truly exceptional.






83rd USP meeting concludes

USP Council meeting at Holiday Inn in Suva. Photo: USP.

The 83rd Council meeting of The University of the South Pacific (USP) successfully concluded at the Holiday Inn in Suva
on 4 November 2016.
USP Council is the highest decisionmaking body of the University, and meets
twice a year to discuss the affairs of the
University. The two-day meeting, which
began on 3 November, was chaired by
the Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council,
Mr Winston Thompson.
The Council comprises the Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council, the ViceChancellor and President, representatives
of the 12 member country governments,
staff, students, and community and business leaders. One representative from
Australia and New Zealand and a member of a Council of Regional Organisations
of the Pacific (CROP) agency are also part
of the Council. A representative each
from the Asian Development Bank (ADB),
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs &
Trade (DFAT) and New Zealand Ministry

of Foreign Affairs & Trade (MFAT) also attend as Observers.

The Council meeting was officially
opened by Mr Winston Thompson, ProChancellor of USP.
On the first day, Council members attended a half-day workshop on The USP
Convention, facilitated by Munro Leys
and USP Council and Senate Secretariat.
One of the key objectives of the workshop
facilitated by Mr Jon Apted of Munro Leys
was to familiarise Council Members and
senior legal officers from USPs member
countries with the Universitys legal processes that need to be followed to get the
Convention approved as the University
would like to implement the new Convention across its member countries in anticipation of the 50thAnniversary in 2018.
The Council received reports from Mr
Thompson, the Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Rajesh Chandra and Committees of the Council being the Executive
Committee, the Finance and Investments

Committee (FIC), Senate, Audit and Risk

Committee, and Federal Students Association. The Council also received reports
regarding the Regional Campus Development and from 50th Anniversary Steering
During the meeting, the Council was
updated on the implementation of USP
Strategic Plan (2013 2018), noted the
third quarter update for 2016, approved
the 2018 targets for Undergraduate completions as the University erred in its baseline assumptions, and also approved that
the Knowledge Hub Key Performance
Indicator be removed as the original assumptions are no longer valid.
The Council also approved the following:

Proposed changes to the Terms

of Reference for the FIC as well as a minor
addition to the Terms of Reference for the
Executive Committee;

The University Risk Register;

Proposed Annual Plan 2017 and

its financing with a proposed total income
of $196.1m, a proposed total expenditure
of $190.2m and a projected operating surplus of $5.9m; and

Re-zoning of selected pieces of

lands at Laucala Campus for commercial
developments. Council was requested to
approve this for management to negotiate
the terms and conditions with third parties and final proposal to be presented to
Council for approval through FIC;
As part of Regional Campus development, the Council endorsed the finalisation of a Deed of Assignment for a new
learning village in Nauru, and also endorsed an application to secure the Grant
Instrument for USP ownership of Lawson
Tama Campus in Solomon Islands.
USP officially signed the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loan Agreement of
US$15.4m for the development of its new
Solomon Islands Campus. Representa-

tives for the signing of the loan documents

included Professor Rajesh Chandra, USP
Vice-Chancellor and President; Mr Robert
Jauncey, ADBs Regional Director South
Pacific Sub-regional Office; and Honourable John Moffat Fugui, Solomon Islands
Minister of Education and Human Resources Development, who represented
the Solomon Islands Government (SIG).
The Council resolved that the University will implement the recommendation to
increase face-to-face non law teaching on
Emalus Campus from 2017 provided that
it is covered by the 2017 Annual Plan. For
courses not covered by the 2017 Annual
Plan, the University will undertake an assessment for resourcing needs.
As part of academic matters, the following programmes were instituted by
the Council:

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts

(Applied Linguistics & English Language

Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics);

Certificate III in Small Business

Development & Management;

Certificate III in Patisserie (Pastry

and Baking);

Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic

Accounting and Fraud Investigation; and

Diploma of Counselling (Level 5).

The Council also resolved not to revoke the Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Teaching programme but to leave it
for 2016; however there will be no new
enrolments in 2017 while USP examines
the alignment of the programme to Fijis
Qualification Framework.
It also approved the re-organisation of
the Pacific Legal Information Institute as
an Institute of the University.
The next USP Council meeting will be
held from 24 to 25 May 2017 in the Republic of Marshall Islands.


Child abuse cases,

a challenge

Ministry to introduce
Guava farming in Fiji
next year

Child abuse was the most talked about

topic during the two week workshop that
was held at the Hexagon Hotel in Nadi
and was funded by the Australian Federal
Police and facilitated by the Fiji Womens
Crisis Centre.
Police officers from around the Pacific
attending a training workshop on gender,
violence against women and laws against
gender-based violence have talked of
some of the challenges of dealing with
child-abuse cases in several pacific islands. The training workshop ended on
Friday November 18.
While many challenges remain when
it comes to eliminating violence against
women and girls in the Pacific, many of
these challenges had to do with lack of
resources and training, as well as specific
legislation to deal with such cases.
Some of the officers spoke of their experiences and the difficulties that they
had to encounter when dealing with such
cases. One officer spoke of the challenges
when it came to interviewing vulnerable

The Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with

the Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) will launch a
new variety of guava in Fiji
next year.
The Research Division
of the Ministry and TTM officials recently organised
a field day at the Sigatoka
Research Station, to put up
a proposal to farmers living in Valley Road to plant
this new variety of guava
as well as to specialise in
commercial farming in the
Principal Research Officer Horticulture, Shalendra Prasad said they have
been working in collaboration with TTM on various
fruits and vegetable research and development


witnesses, especially children in sexual

assault and rape cases. Children often
found it hard to open up about the attack
because they feared the perpetrator or
not being believed, the officer said.
Another officer said that when it comes
to interviewing, we have to be fragile.
Interviewing child survivors of violence
requires time and sensitivity, the officer
said. He further mentioned that even officers in sexual-offence units would struggle to get a child survivor to open up.
Officers also described the emotional
impact of dealing with child sexual abuses
cases. They shared similar stories about
cases where the father was the perpetrator and showed little remorse about the
immense damage done to young lives.
Police officers said they feel helpless
at times, even when they know the risks
and dangers for certain children, but are
constrained by lack of empowering laws,
processes or institutions.


TTM has been in the
country since the 1970s
and the Ministry has been
working closely with them
on some research activities and now our focus is
to also include fruit production in research and
development, Mr Prasad
The Ministry and the
TTM have introduced a
good variety of guava and
conducted research for
the past 10 years.
Mr. Prasad said the
field day was organized to
gauge the interest of farmers in growing this new
variety at the commercial
Currently there are no
commercially organised

plantations of guava and

we intend to release this
new variety of guava for
commercial production.
It will be targeted for local markets especially in
supermarkets and hotel
industry, he said.
He added that the new
variety of guava will be officially released next year
and the Ministry will facilitate farmers with planting
The Ministry is also going to organize training for
extension officers and the
growers so that they are
fully aware of the production packages that are involved in the production of
this high quality guava, he



Find a noble reason

to be Queen - Begg

Find your noble reason to be a queen and use this crown to serve others, says Zaira
The former Miss Fiji Pageant made this comments before handing over her crown to
the 2016 Miss Fiji Pageant Anne Dunn at Lawaqa Park in Sigatoka.
Ms Begg reminded all the queens their value and told them to keep on striving for
She said her being the first Fijian woman to represent Fiji in 2015 was a pleasure.
Your worth is dictated by how you look. Wining this crown is only for one reason,
No its not about dispelling lies I was on fire to win the first ever Miss Fiji crown because
I wanted to create a new truth for young girls from communities which are often overlooked at, Ms Begg said.
You can be anything you want to be. It is with immense pleasure that I take off this
crown to give to someone else this incredible journey the second Miss Fiji,
Wear this crown well for it is not quite an experience you dream off. To all the young
ones of this country, show up, dress up and stay up. The world is yours for the taking.
Meanwhile, the 2016 Miss Pacific Island Pageant will be held in Samoa next month.

Former Miss Fiji Pageant Zaira Begg. Photo: ZAIRA BEGG/FACEBOOK.

Tourism Industry
shortlisted entries

Tourism Industry Proudly Bounces Back

from TC Winston as Shortlisted Entries Are
Applications for the 2016 ANZ Fiji Excellence in Tourism Awards officially closed on
Monday 7 November, drawing an impressive
group of applicants for this years awards
Industry operators are to be commended for their collective show of resilience and
positivity after Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston ravaged Fiji only 38 short weeks ago.
Such perseverance is a clear reminder of
the determinable spirit within Fijis tourism
industry and the Awards are set to be an exciting night for many operators.
A key highlight of this years applications
was the marked increase in applicants in the
Sustainability category.
Ms Olivia Mavoa as Trustee and Chair of
Organising committee of the Awards noted:
With the wide of range of challenges
that the tourism businesses encounter ranging from environmental, socio-cultural most
of these businesses have invested more into
adopting sustainable practices.
This is a good reflection of the industrys
capacity in ensuring that Destination Fiji remains competitive in the market and for the
long term good of the country in adopting
these practices.
Fijis tourism industry stakeholders have
in their own ways invested and ingrained
into their business practices, a sustainable
approach to protect the natural and sociocultural fabric of the local communities that
hosts their businesses. The sustainable outcome of these approach is that our natural
environment and local communities also
derive economic and cultural benefit from
tourism. This is the unique and proud aspect
of our tourism industry.
Sustainability has been a growing area
of importance to the industry and many operators are now investing in programs that
seek to protect Fijis amazing natural environment. A growing number of travellers are
looking for destinations that respect the environment and proudly invest in sustainable
business models.
Additionally, the Trustees have been encouraged by the strong number of applicants
within the Individual category this year.
The Trustees introduced the three Individual Awards in 2015 with the deliberate
intention to recognise the commitment and
outstanding achievements of talented front
liners and those involved in the behind the
scenes operations through the Fiji Pride
Ms Olivia Mavoa also noted the Trustees
also believe in bringing to the fore and the
continued nurturing of our young talent who
will eventually lead our industry in years to
come through the Emerging Leader award.
Our industry will not be in its current position without the hard work and leadership
of our industry leaders whom we recognise
through the Tourism Leader award. These
awards are by nomination only and it is en-

National 7s Mens and

Womens 7 Coach

couraging to note the increasing number of

nominations for all three categories.
As Fijis highest mark of tourism distinction, the Awards is an opportunity to recognize and reward the excellent contribution
of Fijis industry operators and players, who
together provide an amazing holiday destination for travellers and in doing so contribute to Fijis economy.
Shortlisted Nominees are:
Smugglers Cove
South Sea Island
Uprising Beach Resort
Malolo Island Resort
The Palms
Tropica Island Resort
Wananavu Beach Resort
Castaway Island Resort
Musket Cove Island Resort & Marina
Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort
Intercontinental Fiji Golf & Spa Resort
LikuLiku Lagoon Resort
NanukuAuberge Resort
Sofitel Fiji Resort & Spa
Yasawa Island Resort
Rosie Holidays
Sofitel Fiji Resort & Spa
Tour Managers
Tourism Suncoast
Port Denarau Marina
Pure Fiji
Vuda Marina
Captain Cook Cruises
Rosie Holidays
South Sea Cruises
Castaway Island Resort
Maqai Beach Eco Surf Resort
Ahura Resorts
Sky Dive Fiji
Discover Fiji Tours
PADI Diveaway Centre
1808 Restaurant - Castaway Island
Navo Restaurant - Intercontinental
Hotel & Spa
Ivi Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort
Kanavata Restaurant & Bar Nanuku
Auberge Resort
Port OC



Newly appointed Vodafone National Mens 7s Coach. Photo: SUPPLIED.

The Fiji Rugby Union Board has confirmed the appointment of Mr Gareth
Baber as our Vodafone National Mens
7s Head Coach until the next Olympic
Games in Japan in 2020.
Mr Baber has a wealth of experience
as a 7s player, playing and Captaining the
Wales National 7s Team in the WR Series,
two Rugby 7s World Cup and two Commonwealth Games.
Mr Baber also has an extensive Coaching career both for the 7s and 15s Codes
having being the Assistant Coach for the
Wales National 7s Team from 2005 to 2006
and the Head Coach for the Wales National 7 Team from 2006 to 2008 prior to taking
up different coaching capacites including
Head Coach for the Cardiff Blues.
Mr Baber is a World Rugby Level 4 Accredited Coach and has academic qualifications in Economics, Social Studies and
International Transportation.
Mr Baber who is currently the Head
Coach Hong Kong Sevens (Mens and

Womens Team) is required to give three

months notice, as such will commence
work with FRU towards the end of January 2017.
In the interim, Mr Nacani Cawanibuka
who is the current strength and conditioning coach of our Vodafone National Sevens team will temporarily hold the coaching appointment through to the Oceania
7s and the first leg of the World Rugby 7s
Series in Dubai and South Africa. Mr Baber will begin his reign as national sevens
coach well before the second leg of the
WR 7s Series in Wellington from 28-29
January 2017 and 04-05 February 2017 in
The Board is confident that Mr Baber
possess the relevant qualifications, skills
sets and experience required to ensure
we maintain our leading role in the abbreviated code.
The FRU Board has also endorsed
that Coach IliesaTanivula will continue to
coach the TFL Womens Sevens Team.


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Fiji secures three-year super

rugby agreement
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
has announced that Fiji will welcome
back the Gallagher Chiefs and BNZ Crusaders for a Super Rugby rematch hosted
in Fiji on 19 May 2017 at ANZ Stadium as
part of a new three-year agreement to
host Super Rugby matches in Fiji.
Under the terms of the agreement, Fiji
will host one match annually for the 2017,
2018 and 2019 Super Rugby seasons, subject to certain approvals obtained each
Fijian citizens will also be offered
discounted tickets to attend all matches
played in Fiji.
The long-term agreement was secured
following the success of the Investec Super Rugby Match hosted in Fiji in July 2016
that was broadcast in 14 countries and
reached an estimated television audience
of over two million.
The Prime Minister welcomed the new
agreement as an exciting development
for sport in Fiji and an excellent opportunity to showcase Fiji as a world-class tourism and sporting destination.
At last years match, we showed that
Fiji is more than capable of hosting high-

calibre sporting events, and we are very

pleased to continue our partnership with
Super Rugby to host these matches over
the next three years. Fijian rugby fans are
the most enthusiastic in the world, and
I know they will share my excitement
in welcoming the Chiefs and Crusaders
back to our shores, he said.
Fortress Information Systems Limited
(Fortress), is the promoter of the match
and works with a number of Super Rugby
teams in New Zealand. Fortress, a company incorporated in New Zealand, is a
premiere event services and ticketing
software development company which
provides business solution to venues
across the region for a wide range of concerts and sporting events.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce a long-term partnership with the
Government of Fiji to bring Super Rugby
back to Fiji for the next three years, said
Matthew Davey, CEO of Fortress. The
support from the Fijian rugby fans in 2016
was nothing short of incredible and we
are looking forward to more great rugby
from 2017 onwards!

Gallagher Chiefs. Photo: SUPPLIED.

Rusivakula signs contract Ba qualifies for OFC

with Northern Star
Champions League

Fiji Netball will soon set

another milestone in the
sport in Fiji through national rep Afa Rusivakula.
The lanky 24-year-old
shooter from Namuka,
Bau, Tailevu, from next
January is expected to become Fijis first netball professional when she joins
the Northern Stars in New
She will be part of the
new New Zealand domestic netball series, the ANZ
The Stars, South Auckland-based side, coached
by former Fiji mentor Julie Hornweg, will include
Silver Ferns Kayla Cullen,
Maia Wilson and recently
retired international Leana
de Bruin.
The big surprise in the

Fiji Netball National Rep Afa

Rusivakula. Photo: SUPPLIED.

10-member squad was

the signing of Fijian international Rusivakula in the
import spot, reported New
Zealand Herald. She will
be joined by the return of
former NZ under-21 star
Emma Iverson following a

stint in rugby.
The Northern Star club
has branded Rusivakula as
a versatile shooter.
Rusivakula says this
could be an opening to allow more girls from Fiji to
play at this level in the future.
Rusivakula played in
the last two World Cups in
2011 and 2015 since making her international debut
in 2010 and she was also
part of the Under 21 team
that toured to Scotland in
Northern Stars line-up:
Kayla Cullen, Leana
de Bruin, Sulu Fitzpatrick,
Holly Fowler, Faamu Ioane, Emma Iverson, Malia
Paseka, Afa Rusivakula,
Courtney Tairi, Maia Wilson.

Nadi Defends Title

The Nadi Football side
has successfully defended
the Rams Cleaning Service Pacific Cup.
The hosts beat the All
Star New Zealand side
1-0 and walked away with
$10,000 while the runners
up pocketed $3000.
Versatile Nadi goalkeeper Vereti Dickson was the
hero of the side after he
stopped a penalty to give
them a win.
All Star New Zealand
football side gave Nadi a
good run for their money.
It was a tough encounter as both teams tried to
break the deadlock. The
side had equal opportunities of scoring but neither

could as the momentum

of the game grew stronger
till half time.
It was a survival of the
fittest contest for both
the sides as the tempo
increased in the second
half of play. The sides both
wanted a win.
The Jetset teams kept
on the pressure and got
a penalty which Mataiasi
Toma scored from the
spot kick. Dickson made a
brilliant save in Brian Kaltacks attempt.
Nadi coach Marika Namaqa was happy for his
I thank God for the
win and his guidance. We
began our buildup from

there and we worked as a

team, he said.
I would like to thank
our families and friends
and the supporters for
cheering on us.
All Star New Zealand
coach Junior Bukalidi
said: End of the day, one
is going to lose. We tried
our best and we fought
on. I would like to thank
the boys as they came out
fighting and they fought
well but luck was against
us, he said.
In the semifinals Nadi
beat USA All Stars 2-1 while
New Zealand All Stars defeated Suva 3-1.



Ba soccer team. Photo: SUPPLIED.

The Ba Soccer team has qualified for

the OFC Champions League next year after beating Nadi 3-0 in the Vodafone Premier League.
Ba now has 31 points and are leading
the standings.
Ba now needs one more point from
their remaining matches to win the Vodafone Premier League title this year.
Saula Waqa scored two goals for the
men in black while Maciu Dunadamu
scored the third goal.
Meanwhile, Rewa beat Labasa 3-1 at

Subrail Park.`
Sailosi Rayaqona scored two goals for
the Rewa side while Simione Tamanisau
scored a goal.
Akuila Mataisuva scored for the Labasa
Rewa now has 25 points and are second in the standings.
In another matches, Nadroga beat
Lautoka 2-1 while Dreketi and Suva were
locked nil-all draw at Subrail Park in Labasa.

To Advertise Here:
CALL 9360047

Heartland Fijians relish tour

Fijian born New Zealand Heartland
XVs backs Maleli Sau and Nete Caucau
were delighted to be part of the campaign
against the Nadi team.
Winger Sau is originally from Nawaka,
but moved to New Zealand five years ago.
It is a special thing for me to represent
a New Zealand side and it makes my family proud.
This is my first year to play wing and I
just cant wait.
Caucau, shared similar sentiments.
It is an honour for me to be part of this
team. My old man had played for Nadi as
well. It is going to be a tough game.

Heartland XV head coach Barry

Mathews said they are pleased to have
two Fijians boys in the side.
It is really good for them to come
home and meet their family, he said.
Nadi was very tough. Any Fijians team
is physical and love to run the ball. It is
not as hot as we had though which is very
good. I have been here before it is pretty
hot and we are very lucky.
Meanwhile New Zealand No.8 Lumelume Turuva led the Nadi team and was
assisted by first five eight Tavita Gusuivalu
and Sunia Vosikata who also play their
rugby in New Zeland.

Heartland Fijians. Photo: WAISEA NASOKIA-FIJI SUN.

Doors still open for

7s boys rated Best
National Team selection
Male Team

The Vodafone national football side

has started with their preparations for the
third stage of the World Cup qualifications.
National team director Tarunesh Reddy said they still have rooms for more
players should they found to be impressive during the upcoming Pacific Cup and
the remaining Vodafone Premier League
We have already reduced the squad
to 30 and would be reducing further in
our next camp, he said.
We have the Pacific Cup coming up
and again the coaches will be keeping
an eye on the players who have already
been named and also other players who
can make it to the national team.
If the coaches find that there are players that have impressed them during the
Pacific Cup and remaining national league
games, they will be given a chance to represent the country.
Reddy said they have come up with a
national team planner and they will be
working on it accordingly.
He said the planner will be given to the
respective districts so that there would
not be any leave issues when it comes to
national team camps.
The squad, who will break camp this
week, will march back in the camp on
November 28 for three weeks followed
by a camp in Sigatoka from January 9-21.
They will move back their training camp

to Fiji FA Academy in Ba from February

6-11 before their second camp in Sigatoka
a week later from 20-25. This will be followed by a 23-day camp in Ba in March
where they will be playing their first home
and away qualifier. The final two camps
accordingly to the Fiji FA planner is scheduled from May 8-15 in Sigatoka before
rounding off with camp from May 22 to
June 13.
Reddy said they are negotiating with
Myanmar Football Federation for international friendlies which are likely to be
played in the third week of December.
There are only a couple of things to be
finalized that is the dates and the number
of matches we want to play. They have
also shown interest to play Fiji.
There will be a tough competition
among the players as only 20 will be selected to travel with the squad for the international friendly.
We will be carrying 20 players to overseas for buildup matches, so it will be a
huge task for the players to prove themselves and be part of the 20 member traveling squad.
The Vodafone national football side
plays New Zealand in its first qualifier on
March 25 next year at home before traveling to Wellington on March 28 for the
away match.
The final squad will be named before
the playoffs.

The Olympic gold medal winning Fiji

7s team has taken the Association of National Olympic Committees Best Male
Team of Rio 2016 Award.
Captain Osea Kolinisau received the
award on behalf of the team and FASANOC.
The awards ceremony was held at
the Qatar National Convention Centre in
The award comes days after missing
out in the best team category at the World
Rugby awards and Fiji claimed the prize
at a ceremony in Doha after winning the
nations first Olympic medal in Brazil.
The team has come out best in a competition that saw 11,544 athletes representing 208 countries, competing in 42
sports and 308 events.
This is the third year the awards are
being held but Fiji 7s is only the second
team to win the best male team award,
the first being the French handball team
for their performance at the 2012 London
Disappointment over World Rugby
Award Snub
It was quiet surprising for Fiji that none
of our rugby nominees received an award
at the World Rugby Awards night held in
London earlier this month.
Especially after our Fiji Sevens team
winning back to back World Series titles
and a first ever Olympic Gold medal in
Rio, Brazil.
The Olympic gold medal was not only
significantly first ever for Fiji but also in

the South Pacific.

Fiji was nominated for the Team of
the Year award, Ben Ryan for Coach of
the Year and Captain Osea Kolinisau for
Player of the Year.
The Fiji Rugby Union had released an
official media release on November 14,
expressing its disappointment that none
of their deserving nominees had received
an award.
It said that while the FRU respected the
achievement of the All Blacks during the
year, they strongly believed that the impact of the Fiji 7s Team winning back to
back World 7s Series titles and more importantly winning the gold medal in Rio
Olympic Games had far greater impact to
the game of rugby globally.
We believe that our 7s team with the
merger resources available to them have
outperformed any other team in 2016.
The Rugby World expects All Blacks to do
well every time because they have all resources available to them.
The Union also stated that the impact
Captain Osea Kolinisau has on the game
of sevens in the last two seasons far out
class any performance by Seabalo Senatla and they were disappointed he was not
awarded the 7s Best Player of the year.
The FRU was in the process of expressing its concerns and disappointment to
World Rugby.
The awards had gone to New Zealands
All Blacks, their coach Steve Hansen and
South Africas Seabelo Senatla.

Fiji Sevens Captain Osea Kolinisau. Photo: ZIMBO.



Page 22
Ba qualifies for OFC
Champions League

Page 23

Our 7s boys rated

best male team



Aviators Champs

The Nadi Aviators Senior Team after winning the 2016 Fiji National Rugby League Vodafone Inter-Zone Competition. Insert- Nadi Aviators under 20 Team. Photos: ANA SOVA.

The Nadi Aviators have been crowned
pioneer champions of the 2016 Fiji National Rugby League Vodafone Inter-Zone
The inter zone had replaced the Vodafone Cup competition where Top 8 clubs
in Fiji competed whereas now it is a battle

between district teams.

During the final that was held at Cakobau Park in Nausori earlier this month,
Nadi Aviators beat Suva Eagles 38-30
walking away with a cheque of $2,000
prize money.
Its Under 20 team had also beaten
Nasinu Titans 19-12 coming home with a
cheque of $1,000.
The Nadi Aviators team is made up
of players from rugby league clubs, Ravoravo Rabbitohs, Sabeto Roosters, Nadi
Eels, Navatulevu Heron, Momi Tigers, Savunawai Storms and Malawai Sea Eagles.
Despite limited resources, players traveling from remote places, juggling training with their jobs and harsh weather
condition these did not deter the Aviators
from achieving their plan.
Nadi Aviators President, Joe Gray said
this was an enormous achievement.
Its something that weve planned

right from the beginning with the executive committee drafting our plans together
with our constitution and the game plan
that was set with the technical officials,
coach and the trainers, Mr. Gray said.
Today was achievement day.
He said he was proud of the efforts and
sacrifices the players made throughout
the preparation.
There was unavailability of transport
at times and some players lived in remote
places while some who were working
and couldnt get release from work to attend team trainings and meetings but Im
glad that they found their own time to
commit to their individual training making sure they were up to par with rest of
the team,
And this showed in their performance
in the field today, Mr. Gray said.
He said they wanted to glorify God in
their win.

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In every aspect of our trip that weve

done from when we started until today
weve always declared it to the Lord. That
was a spiritual intervention that can only
motivate the boys and actually guide them
through the proper track of discipline, being humble and also to have confidence,
Mr. Gray said.
Meanwhile, Under 20 Captain, Timoci
Namotukula said the team went through
a lot of hardships but they did not lose
hope nor give up.
We wanted to win and we knew we
had to work hard and make a lot of sacrifices, Mr. Namotukula said.
The 20 year old dedicated the win to
all the players, the coach, technical team
and management not forgetting their families and supporters.

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