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Miranda Sena

EDUC 321
Title: Zoot Suit Riots: Instagram Post

Grade: 4th

Subject Area: Social Studies

Length: 1-2 Class Periods




K-4 Benchmark I-BUnited States: Understand connections among

historical events, people, and symbols significant to United States
history and cultures.
Students will create an Instagram Post, poster. The poster will reflect
how the students connect to the Zoot Suit Riots whether it be
immigration, Mexican-Americans, fighting for a cause, or any way they
can connect personally to the events that took place and the people
involved. Students can be creative with their posts, they can draw, recreate photos, make a college, etc.

Students will understand and make personal connections

between the Zoot Suit Riots and themselves.

Introduction (5-10 minutes)

Small discussion of what we have already learned in this unit to
What have we already learned about the Zoot Suit Riots?
What are the key events we have discussed?
What has really stood out to you?
Lesson will be explained and students will break into small
groups to brainstorm their ideas and what they would like to do
for their Instagram Post.
Students will write a proposal of what they would like to do and
their connection, which will need to be approved by teacher.
Whole Class Discussion (10-15 minutes)
Class will be brought back to the attention of the teacher to
discuss their connections with the Zoot Suit Riots.
Students can choose to share if they wish.
Teacher will ask the class questions to spark discussion and get
them thinking of their caption and graphic.
Why did you choose (culture, heritage, tradition, ideals,
etc.) as your connection?
How will you portray that in a graphic?
How do we caption our graphics?
Is your caption bias like we have seen with the media?
How do we adjust our caption and graphic to be unbiased?
What are some ways we can make the caption modern?
What sort of hashtags would you include?

Miranda Sena
EDUC 321

Keep the discussion going until students are excited and ready to
work with ideas flowing
Independent Work (40-45 minutes)
Students will be asked to work independently on their graphics
and "Instagram Posts.
Students are encouraged to work with other students if on task.
If students need more time to finish this lesson can be extended
into the next class period
Group Sharing (15 minutes)
Once students are done with their Instagram Posts they will
share to a small group of students. Students will share why they
did what they did and their connection.
Students will not be graded on their presentation but their poster
and their caption.
Students will write a paragraph reflection.

1. Rubric for the Instagram Post poster:
Teacher will print a rubric for each student and grade his or her
poster according to the four criteria. Students can receive a 4
(highest) to a 1 (lowest) in each column. Overall grade will be
based on total score:
4: 12 or more
3: 9-12
2: 6-9
1: 1-6
2. Reflection
After students have shared with their group of peers they will
write a reflection on the process of finding connections between
themselves and history. They will be asked to include what they
found easy, difficult, boring and exciting. They will also include
what they learned from this lesson.
Students will only be graded on completion of this.
Teacher will use as a guide for rest of Unit.


For students who struggle with reading/writing:

The proposal can be oral, the caption is still expected to be written and
created by the student but with teacher aid and the reflection does not
need to be extensive.
For students who may finish early:
The student will be asked to create either Facebook posts or tweets
about the Zoot Suit Riots to go along with the social media theme.

Miranda Sena
EDUC 321
For students who need movement:
These students can take pictures for their graphic on the post.

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