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Odesk Test Answers Excel 2003

An Excel workbook saved in HTML format allows Internet or intranet users to have
access to workbook data even if they do not have Excel installed
Ans: True
Once the chart is created, data can only be changed in a chart located in the same
worksheet as the changed cells
Ans: False
Certain chart elements automatically inserted in a chart created by Chart Wizard
include a chart legend, labels for the x-axis and y-axis, and a chart title
Ans: False
You can double-click a chart element to display the appropriate formatting dialog
Ans: True
Time in a cell in Excel is stored as a decimal fraction representing a portion of the
The PMT function is used to calculate a loan payment based on a variable interest
rate, payment, and the time period.
Ans: False
The gridlines that appear on your worksheet will print as displayed.
Ans: False
The FV function is used to calculate the future value of an investment based on a
periodic constant payment and interest rate
Ans: True
If the text you entered into a cell does not fit, Excel will display ##### to indicate that
the text is too long
Ans: True
By default, data in a cell is centered
Ans: False
When a new row is added into an Excel worksheet, by default, this row will be
inserted just below the active cell.
Ans: True
To insert a row, click Insert and then Rows
Ans: True

The Split option causes the worksheet to be split into two window panes.
Ans: False
To select nonadjacent cells, columns, or rows, you must
Ans: hold down the Ctrl key while clicking column, row header, or specific cells
When copying selected cells to a new location, you must position the mouse pointer
on any border around the selected cells until it turns into a(n)
Ans: arrow pointer
When data is linked, a change made in a linked cell is automatically made to other
cells in the link.
Ans: True
Selected cells and cell contents can be moved or copied within a worksheet but not
between worksheets.
Ans: False
What Function does the Compare Side by Side With command on the window
menu perform?
Ans: It allows you to scroll through two or more workbooks simultaneously
Which of the following functions would return a value of 8?
Ans: round(8.4999,0)
What will be the output of the function IF(ISNA(MODE(B1:B4)),0,MODE(B1:B4))
when it is applied to the data series given bellow?
Ans: 0
Which of the following date and time function will you use to return the serial number
of the last day of the month before or after specified number of months?
Which of the following shortcuts can be used to insert a new line in the same cell?
Ans: Alt+Enter
Which of the following function you will use to find the highest number in a series of
Ans: MAX(B1:B3)
Which of the following statements regarding the QUARTILE function is not true?
Ans: The function MEDIAN(array) and QUARTILEarray,2) will return different values
when applied to the same array.
You have entered 4/6 as data in a cell without applying any formats to it. By default,
Excel will treat this data entry as a:
Ans: Date

This question is based upon the figure shown below

What will be the value in the cell C2 as shown in the figure when we use formula =
Ans: 120
What is the quickest way to select all the columns on a worksheet?
Ans: Click on the gray rectangle on the upper left corner of the worksheet where the
column headings and row headings meet
What does the NOW() function returns?
Ans: Returns the serial number of the current date and time
You would like to restrict the values that can be entered into a cell so that only whole
numbers between 1 and 100 can be entered. Which option in the menu allows you to
accomplish this?
Ans: The setting tab under the menu Data->Validation
You start Microsoft Excel and you do not want it to automatically run a macro upon
starting. What will you do?
Ans: Hold down the CTRL key during startup
How does the AutoComplete feature in Excel help you save time?
Ans: It automatically completes abbreviated words
The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the
button marked by the letter Z?
Ans: It copies the formatting properties from one cell to another
How can you select all the blank cells in your worksheet?
Ans: This must be done manually as it is not automated through any built-in feature
The figure shows an Excel worksheet. If you want to F the row showing the months
(row 1) and the column showing the products (column A), what should you do?
Ans: Select the cell A1 and click on Freeze Panes under the menu Window->Freeze
The figure shows a view of the Drawing Toolbar. What function is performed by the
button marked by the letter X ?
Ans: It inserts a Diagram or Organization Chart in the worksheet
When using Document Workspaces, you cannot work directly on the Document
Workspace copy, but you can work on your own copy which you can update
periodically with changes that have been saved to the copy on the Document
Workspace site.
What will be the output of the function IF(ISNA(MODE(B1:B4)),0,MODE(B1:B4))
when it is applied to the data series given below?
Ans: #N/A

AutoFilter drop-downs are automatically added in the header row of a list when the
list is created.
Which toolbar is shown in the figure?
Ans: Forms toolbar
When you clear the contents from a cell, the formatting of the cell is also lost.
When the AutoSum button is clicked, Excel first looks for a range of numbers above
the active cell.
Ans: True
A relative cell reference changes when a formula is copied or moved to other
Ans: True
If cell entries are changed, the formula will automatically recalculate the values and
insert the result in the cell containing the formula.
Ans: True
The Merge button on the Formatting toolbar will merge selected cells and right align
data within the cells.
Ans: False
To make the image taller or shorter, use the middle sizing handle at the left or right
side of the image.
Ans: False
Which of the following is not a tab on the Chart Options dialog box?
Ans: Patterns
This chart is the default chart
Ans: Column Chart
Which of the following displays the contents of the active cell?
Ans: Formula bar
A worksheet is an individual page or tab in the workbook.
Ans: True
You can copy cell formats from one cell to another by using the
Ans: Format Painter
Donelp you do this?
Ans: Select the cells, open the Window menu and click on Hide

The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the
button marked by the letter Y
Ans: It adds up the values in the selected cells
You define a print area in your worksheet, but later you select a smaller range of
cells to print and then click Selection under the menu File->Print->Print What>Selection. What will happen?
Ans: The selected area will be printed
By default, how is text horizontally aligned inside a cell in Excel?
Ans: Left aligned
When using the AutoFill handle to quickly fill a range of cells with the same or
consecutive data, the cells need not be adjacent as long as they are within the same
Ans: False
This question is based upon the figure shown bellow
The figure shows an Excel worksheet. What does the read triangle in C2 signify?
Ans: There is a comment associated with the cell
You select the row headings 10, 11 and 12 and then choose the menu option Insert>Rows. What will happen?
Ans: 3 new rows will be inserted after row 9
A smart tag will be removed from a cell when.
Ans: The data in the cell is changed or deleted
The figure shows the AutoFit Selection menu option. What function does it perform?
Ans: It automatically resizes the column height and width to the minimum necessary
to fit the contents of the selected cell
You have created a worksheet which consists of confidential data. You want that
these values, although present in the worksheet, should remain hidden and as a
result the cells containing this data should appear blank in the worksheet. Which
method will help you do this?
Ans: Select the cells, open the Window menu and click on Hide
Which of the following Date and Time function you will use to return the serial
number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months?
You define a print area in your worksheet, but later you select a smaller range of
cells to print and then click Selection under the menu File->Print->Selection. What
will happen?
Ans: b
figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the

button marked by the letter 'Z'?

Ans: It copies the formatting properties from one cell to another
The multiplication arithmetic operator is represented by which of the following
Ans: *
To apply page numbering to a worksheet page, which option in the Page Setup
dialog box should you choose
Ans: Header/Footer
If a function is included in an argument within a function, it is called a
Ans: Nested Function
If you want row and column headings to print, which tab do you click from the Page
Setup dialog box?
Ans: Header/Footer
A new workbook initially contains this many sheets
Ans: Three
You can change the size of an image by using the white sizing handles.
Ans: True
The question is based upon the figure shown
The figure shows a view of the standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the
button Marked by the letter Y?
Ans: Its adds up the values in the selected cells
You have entered test in a cell which is too big for the cell. You want the text to
appear in multiple lines inside the same cell. What will you do?
Ans: Use the wrap txt option in the Format->Cells>Alignment Menu
Which of the following errors appears when an invalid argument is passed while
converting a number from one number system to another system?
Ans: #N/A
Suppose the value in cell A1 is John and B1 is Smith then which of the following
function you will use to get John_Smith in Cell C1?
Ans: = A1&_&B1
The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the
button marked by the letter A
Ans: It is used to add a hyperlink
Which of the following options would be used if you need to insert a
77889867810070809 number in a cell?
Ans: Apply the Text Format to empty cells, and then type the numbers

Suppose the value in cell A1 is John and B1 is Smith then which of the following
function you will use to get the John_Smith in C1 cell?
Ans: A_B
You can select the current row by pressing
Ans: Shift + Spacebar
A column is inserted immediately to the left of the column containing the active cell
unless you choose otherwise
Ans: True
To delete a specific cell as well as the text within it, make the cell active and then
Ans: click Edit and then Delete
Which of the following is an absolute cell reference
Ans: $B3
How can you select all the blank cells in your worksheet?
Ans: Choose blank in the Edit->Go to->special Menu option
State Whether True or false.
Ans: True
This question is based upon the figure bellow
What does the purple triangle at the bottom right corner of the cell signify?
Ans: Smart Tag
You have created a worksheet which consists a confidential data. You want that
these values, although present in the worksheet, should remain hidden and as a
result the cells containing this data should appear blank in the worksheet. Which
method will help you do this?
Ans: Select the cells, open the Window menu and click on Hide
A document created in Excel is referred to as a
Ans: workbook
Use this handle to automatically insert the next month in the series, January:
Ans: Fill
Which of these operators are in the correct order of operations?
Ans: ^,*,To move the insertion point down to the next cell, press:
Ans: Enter
The cell range A3 through G3 should be keyed in as:
Ans: A3:G3
Do you pass the test? Check some links below for the other odesk test answers.

Odesk Test Answers MSWORD 2003

To find the answer press CTRL+F in your keyboard and type the word(s) you want to
How can you create a box around the text that is placed on a web page, as shown in the
Ans: Draw a rectangle around the text using the rectangle drawing tool.
A documents having many paragraphs, the appearance of the documents can be improved
by increasing the spacing between paragraphs. Where in word, is the built-in option that
allows you to add such space?
Ans: Click on Format- Paragraph; go to the Spacing section and change the Before
and After fields.
State whether the following statement is true or false.
Once a macro is running, it is not possible to stop it.
Ans: False
What is the tab stop in Word 2003?
Ans: A position you set for placing and aligning text on a page.
Where is the mail Merge feature located in the main menu?
Ans: In the Tools menu
How can you insert a sound file in a Word 2003 Document?
Ans: From the Insert > Object menu option
Which font effect has been applied on the text shown in the figure?
Ans: Emboss
When you right-click on a cell of a table drawn in a Word 2003 document, you can see
the properties and options and figure. The Split Cells option has been highlighted in the
figure. What is the function this option
Ans: It allows you to divide an existing cell of a table into more rows and columns.
Can you give a 3-D (3-Dimensional) effect to your text and, graphics using Word 2003?
Ans: Yes
Which feature of Word 2003 allows you to use information from two different files for
the quick creation correspondence and other documents like interview letters and
Ans: Mail Merge

If the word trick is displayed on the screen, with the cursor between the letters i and
c and the Delete key is pressed. said word appear on the screen?
Ans: trik
How can you create a non-breaking hyphen?
When you left-click on the Insert menu option and click Page Numbers, a pop up window
opens. Which of the following is/are available in the pop-up menu?
Ans: Position
What does the CTRL+B shortcut accomplish in Word 2003?
Ans: It makes the selected text bold.
State Whether True or False
You can open the Find and Replace dialog box by pressing the CTRL+F key combination
Ans: True
Can you insert a new table inside a cell of an existing table in your word 2003 document.
Ans: Yes
The figure shows the edit tab under the Tool >Options menu The Enable click and type
Options has been checked what does the this potation performs.
Ans: Its allows you to quickly insert text, graphics, table or other items in a blank area of
a document.
Which of the following functions is used to replace quotes () will smart quotes () in the
text documents.
Ans: Tools> Auto format
The figure shows the Margins tab under the File > Page Setup menu. The gutter margin
has been set at 0.1. What is a gutter margin?
Ans: Some extra space added to the right margin of the page required for cutting the page
into even sizes at the time of binding.
The title bar is present at the top of the Microsoft Word 2003 window. What does it
contain at the left corner?
Ans: Maximize Button
Which of the following are valid sources for storing the addressee information required
for Word 2003 mail merge?
Ans: All of above
What are sections used for in a Word 2003 document?

Ans: They are used to divide the document into parts so that each part may be
independently printed when the print command is given.
What does the CTRL+U shone accomplish in Word 2003?
Ans: It underlines the selected word
What is the function of AutoSummarize feature in Word 2003?
Ans: It summarizes the statistics of the document into a report, such as total words, total
characters, total pages, total paragraphs, file size etc.
How can you resize the width or height of a picture in a Word 2003 document? Select all
of the answers below that apply.
Ans: By right-clicking on the picture and, from the Format Picture floating menu, choose
the Size tab.
What does the CIRL+I shortcut accomplish in Word 2003?
Ans: It applies italic formatting to the selected text.
What is the method to disable the Reading Layout feature and open documents in the
default (Print Layout)?
Ans: Click the Tools menu and choose Options; when the Options multi-tabbed dialog
box appears, click General. Uncheck Allow Starting in Reading Layout. Click OK.
You want to view a document in the Reading Layout view. What will you do?
Ans: Press ALT+R
A paragraph can be made to stand out from the rest of the document by giving it a border
or shading. How can you give a (selected) paragraph a special shade?
Ans: Select Format > Borders and Shading. Select the Shading tab. Select the Color and
click OK.
What will you do to print an A5-size (148mm x 210mm) document on A4-size (210 x
297mm) paper?
Ans: Select File > Print. Under Zoom, specify the paper size in the Scale to Paper Size
list as A4.
Can you change the background picture of a Word 2003 Theme that has been applied to a
Ans: Yes
What are bookmarks used for?
Ans: To quickly jump to a specific location in the document.
Normally when you click on the File menu, Microsoft Word 2003 shows you the names
of the last four files used. How can that be increased?

Ans: Under Tools > Options: click the General tab. Increase the number on the Recently
Used File List option.
The given figure shows the reviewing toolbar. What function is performed by the button
marked by the letter X.
Ans: It allows you to highlight the selected text or graphic in a document.
The fiqure shows the Save As dialog box under File menu. The Save As type has been
specified as XML document and them apply transfrom option has been checked
(selected). What does this mean.
Ans: It allows you to change the author name for the XML file.
In Microsoft word 2003, you can easily created bulleted or numbered lists of items. What
is the method for removing the numbering.
Ans: Highlight the number list choose formats > Bullets and numbers from the menu and
click none click ok.
State whether the following statement is true or False.
It is possible to add custom words to the dictionary that Word 2003 uses to check spelling
errors in document.
Ans: True
There are over a hundred predefined formatting styles in Word 2003 to choose from.
However, only a small number of them are displayed in the default list of styles. If you
want to see all formatting styles (both predefined and customized), you could:
Ans: Press the SHIFT key and click the arrow on the Style drop-down menu button on
the formatting toolbar.
Wrapping Styles can be used to modify the layout of text in relation to a graphic. Which
style wraps the text around a graphic in a irregular bounding the actual image? (the
graphic will move as text is added or deleted.
Ans: in line with text
Which word 2003 toolbar is show in the figure?
In Microsoft word 2003, you can easily created bulleted or numbered lists of items. What
is the method for removing the numbering.
Ans: Highlight the number list choose formats > Bullets and numbers from the menu and
click none click ok.
Which word 2003 toolbar is show in the figure?
Ans: Picture toolbar
State whether True or False.
In a Word 2003 document, if the formatting is restricted, the commands and keyboard
shortcuts that apply formatting directly not available.
Ans: True

You are required to prepare an essay in Word 2003 consisting of only 250 words. What is
the most convenient way for you to count the total number of words in your document?
Ans: Choose the Word Count option under the Tools menu.

Odesk Test Answers MSWORD 2007

To find the answer press CTRL+F in your keyboard and type the word(s) you want to
Which feature(s) should be selected in order to find and remove hidden data and personal
information in Office documents?
Ans: Document Inspector
Which keyboard shortcut is used to make the text size smaller?
Which among the following options will you use to add a command to the Quick Access
Ans: All of the above
Which option(s) should you select to remove a chart or axis title from a chart?
Ans: To remove an axis title, select the Layout tab. In the Labels group, click on Axis
Titles, click the type of axis title, and then click None.
Which of the following two paragraphs is/are true for Word 2007?
(1)To show or hide formatting marks in your editing markup on the Home ribbon, in
the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide button.
(2) The Show/Hide button will not hide all the formatting marks in the document if you
selected those marks that are to be displayed at all times (such as paragraph marks, tab
characters, hidden text, optional hyphens, object anchors, or spaces). To turn off any or
all of these selected formatting marks, follow this procedure: Click the Microsoft Office
Button and then click Word Options. Then Click Display. Under "Always show these
formatting marks on the screen," clear the check boxes for any formatting marks that you
do not want to show at all times in your documents.
Ans: Both (1) and (2)
This question is based upon the figure shown below
In the given picture, the "Washout" option has been selected. What purpose does it
Ans: It lightens the picture so that it does not interfere with the text.
The default installation of Word 2007 includes several built-in character styles. Which of
the following is NOT one of the default, built-in character styles:

Ans: Special Emphasis

This question is based upon the figure shown below
In some cases, when lists are combined into one "List," the formatting is not updated.
Refer to the picture given above. Which among the following options should be used to
update this formatting?
Ans: D
Which among the following charts do not have axes?
Ans: Doughnut charts
Microsoft named two styles that work in Word 2007 as both character and paragraph
types as being ______ styles:
Ans: Linked
To enter a symbol or special character into your document (to where the cursor is
located), which of the following methods could you employ in Word 2007?
Ans: Open the Insert ribbon. Click Symbol in the Symbols group. A menu will appear
with a small selection of symbols. If you don't see the symbol or character you'd like to
insert, click More Symbols. Choose the special character (or symbol) that you want and
then click Insert and click Close.
You are editing a figure using the Drawing Tools > Format options. Which among the
following Shape Fill options in the Shape Styles group adds a solid color and
transparency to a shape?
Ans: More Fill Colors...
State whether true or false:
When you save a document as a Web page, the textures and gradients are saved as JPEG
files and the patterns are saved as GIF files.
Ans: True
How will you set the default font so that every time you open Microsoft Word it will use
the settings that you had selected?
Ans: Select the Home tab, and then click the Font Dialog Box Launcher. Select the font
style and size. Click on Default... and then click Yes.
Which of the following line-spacing options sets fixed line spacing that Word does not
Ans: Doubled
How will you change the author name in an existing document?
Ans: All of the above
State whether true or false:

Microsoft Office programs store some additional information within the digital signature
automatically that might not be visible in the current view document.
Ans: True
What does the command "Winword.exe /f MyDocument.docx" mean?
Ans: This command instructs Word to start and immediately open a file named
Which among the following is an invalid character to include in a file name?
Ans: All of the above
State whether true or false:
Gridlines do not print when a document is printed.
Ans: True
Which keyboard shortcut inserts a hyperlink?
Which among the following methods would you select when you want to add protection
to parts of a template?
Ans: Go to the Developer tab, click on Properties in the Controls group and then click
any of the Locking options in the Content Control Properties dialog box.
Which of the following is/are true about phishing?
Ans: All if the above
With the help of which view will the Watermark not be seen?
Ans: Web Layout view
Which of the following types of charts are not supported by either Lines or Bars, as
shown in the picture?
Ans: Area charts
Which among the following features could be used to create a connection to a Shared
Network folder?
Ans: Map Network Drive
Edit tracking changes are typically formatted in the following manner: (1) deletionsred
strikethroughs, (2) additionsgreen and underlined, and (3) formatting changes are made
bold in almost any other desired color. Where in Word 2007 could you set your own
custom formatting options for tracking changes?
Ans: Select the Review ribbon and then select the triangle by Track Changes. In the dropdown menu, select "Change Tracking Options" and then set your formatting options in
the Track Changes Options dialog box.
This question is based upon the figure shown below:

Refer to the given picture. Which of the following Line Numbers should be used when
each page has to begin with the number 1?
Ans: Restart Each Page
Which keyboard shortcut could be used to switch to Draft View?
State whether true or false:
The "Add Assistant" shape option in a SmartArt graphic is available only if an
organization chart layout is chosen.
Ans: True
Which view(s) could be used to view the Equation placeholders in the Document Views
Ans: All of the above
This question is based upon the figure shown below
Refer to the given image. Which option should be selected to convert a professionally
formatted equation into an equation on one line?
Ans: C
Which of the following is not a Content Control?
Ans: Chart
This question is based upon the figure shown below
Ans: Numbering
Which among the following options should be used to number the cells in a table?
Ans: Select the table cells that need to be numbered. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph
group, click on Numbering.
Which of the following options repeats a table heading on subsequent pages?
Ans: Repeat Header Rows
Which keyboard shortcut could be used to check the spelling of a text file?
Ans: F7
Which among the following is not true regarding the use of a pie chart?
Ans: A pie chart should be used when there are more than seven categories.
This question is based upon the figure shown below

What is the maximum number of columns that can be created in the Columns dialog box
as shown in the picture?
Ans: 13
This question is based upon the figure shown below
Refer to the given image. In Picture1, axes appear on the left side. Which setting should
you use to make them appear on the right side, as shown in Picture2?
Ans: Select the Axis Options tab in the Format Axis dialog box. Set the Axis labels: field
to High.
Which among the following macro settings is meant for developers only?
Ans: Trust access to the VBA project object model.
State whether true or false:
A building block can be added to as many galleries as you want.
Ans: True
Which of the following is/are true about phishing?
Ans: It is an online fraud technique used by criminals to lure users into disclosing their
personal information.
Which among the following options is the reason of text deletion at the insertion point
when you type a document?
Ans: The "overtype mode" is turned on in Word options.
What is meant by Enhanced ScreenTips?
Ans: Enhanced ScreenTips are larger windows that display more descriptive text than a
ScreenTip and can have a link to a Help topic.
State whether true or false:
Any changes that are saved to "Normal.dotm" will be applied to the documents that you
create in the future.
Ans: True
State whether true or false:
Changing the Author property in the Document Information Panel of an existing
document has no effect on the User name setting in the Word Options dialog box.
Ans: True
This question is based upon the figure shown below
How will the Message Bar alerts be enabled as shown in the given picture?
Ans: Select Word Options from the Microsoft Office Button. Click on Trust Center, then
click Trust Center Settings, and then click Message Bar.

Which among the following is not a Bookmark option to sort the list of bookmarks in the
Ans: Author
This question is based upon the figure shown below
Why is the "Different First Page" option used in the Page Setup dialog box as shown in
the given picture?
Ans: This option allows you to remove the Page Number from the first page.
Which among the following is a correct way to make your file "Read-only?"
Ans: Click "Save As" from the Microsoft Office Button. Click on Tools and then click
General Options. Select the Read-only recommended check box. Click OK. Click on
Which among the following options should be used to start a bulleted list automatically?
Ans: Type * (asterisk) and then press spacebar or the Tab key.
Which of the following can be the reason for the appearance of the red X, as shown in the
Ans: All of the above
predefined list styles are available when you first create a document in Word 2007.
Ans: False
What steps should be followed to replace a shape with other shape?
Ans: Select the shape to be changed. Select the Format tab; use the "Change Shape"
button in the Shape Styles group.
Just as in Word 2003 or prior Word versions, the default standard view for Word 2007 is
the Draft view (and is still also called the Normal view in Word 2007):
Ans: False
Which among the following options could be used to turn off the Office Clipboard?
Ans: All of the above
State whether true or false:
ASCII-formatted text contains no formatting information such as bold, italic, or fonts.
Ans: True
State whether true or false:
New text animation effects can be applied in Microsoft Word 2007.
Ans: False
State whether true or false:

Once a bullet is removed from the "Bullet Library" and it is no longer available in the
"Document Bullets" area, the bullet cannot be added back to the Bullet Library.
Ans: False
This question is based upon the figure shown below
How will you insert text boxes for a printed form?
Ans: Select the Insert tab, in the Text group, click on Text Box and then select Draw Text
This question is based upon the figure shown below
Refer to the given picture. Which of the following options turns off Enhanced ScreenTips
but keeps the ScreenTips still visible?
Ans: B
This question is based upon the figure shown below
What is the purpose of the "Demote" button as shown in the diagram?
Ans: It increases the level of a selected bullet or a shape.

Odesk Test Answers Adobe Photoshop CS3

v Changing units on the Info Palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.
v Which of the following Filters cannot be applied to a Smart Object?
v Pattern Maker
v With which of the given options does the Signal Strength Meter appear?
v It appears when you choose 'merge to hdr command'
v Channels can not be added to which of the following image modes?
v Bitmap
v Which among the following Modes does not support layers?
v All of the above
v Which of the following is not true about Filters?
v None of the above
v Which of the following is not true about the Curves dialog box?
v The Curves dialog box lets you adjust up to 14 different points throughout an image's
tonal range
v Which of the following Slices is created with the Slice Tool?
v User slices

v Which of the following features is supported by the EPS file format?

v It supports the Grayscale and Bitmap color modes
v Which among the following blending modes is available only for the Apply Image and
Calculations commands?
v Both a and b
v What is the use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths palette ?
v It can alter the shape of a selection
v Which type of information is not displayed by the Info Palette?
v It does not display the opacity of the current layer
v Which among the following is not a right option for selecting a web-safe color from the
Color Palette?
v Choose Current Color from the Color Palette Menu
v Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to close a Path?
v None of the above
v Anti-aliasing option is available for which of the given Tools?
v All of the above
v Which of the following options displays the Spot Channels in the Channels palette?
v What happens when Use Legacy is selected as shown in the given picture?
v It is used to apply proportionate (nonlinear) adjustments to image pixels
v Which option will you select to open the Levels dialog box?
v Choose Image > Adjustments > Levels
v Which type of images are resolution-dependent?
v Vector images
v Which Liquify Tool is used to reconstruct a part of a distorted image?
v In which Format will you save your file to preserve the Alpha channels?
v All of the above
v Which of the following is not a kind of text type?
v Line type
v Which option will you select to convert Types to Shapes?

v Both b and c
v The mask created by the Replace Color command is permanent.
v Which of the following Layer properties can be animated?
v All of the above
v Which View will you choose to display a Histogram with no controls or statistics?
v All of the above
v Which of the given options displays left indent in the Paragraph palette?
v Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to group Layers?
v Control + G
v The Rotate Canvas command does not work on which of the following
v All of the above
v Which of the Saving commands is available for an image that is managed by a Version
Cue Workspace?
v Check In
v When will the Dynamic shortcuts appear in the Character Palette Menu as shown in the
v All of the above
v Hanging Punctuation controls the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific
v Which option will you choose to select all layers of a similar type?
v All of the above
v Which of the following is not a Color Adjustment command?
v Adjustment command
v By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are linked to Smart object layers. .
v A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color in Adobe
v Which option will you select to remove the existing profile from the document in the

given image?
v You cannot change the order of the Vector masks or working paths in the Paths palette.
v The Color Replacement Tool does not work in which of the following Image modes?
v All of the above
v In which of the following Modes can you draw while working with the Shape or Pen
v All of the above
v The Out Of Gamut option works only on RGB and Lab images
v Which among the following QuickTime Video formats is supported by Photoshop

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