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Summer 2010

A father of the fatherless,

a defender of widows,
Is God in His holy habitation.
God sets the solitary in families...

Psalm 68:5-6b

He Places the Solitary in Families

By Leslie Ludy

In October of 2006, my husband that she had been born to a Needless to say, God had our
Eric and I experienced the tragic poverty-stricken mother who attention! We spent the weekend
loss of our second baby through gave her up at birth because of praying for this baby girl, and
a miscarriage. It was a life- h e r d e fo r m i t i e s - since asking God if we were to bring
altering experience, awakening us deformities are a great shame in her into our family. By Monday
1555 Main St at a whole new level to the the Korean culture, and because morning, we had very little doubt
Suite A3-290 amazing value God places on she did not have money to care that this was Gods leading,
Windsor, CO 80550 little lives that the rest of the for her. We left the agency with though we still had no idea where
1-866-252-3988 world doesnt value. It gave us the images of those deformed the money would come from, we
new passion not only for the hands and feet impressed upon believed that He would provide.
To contact us via
unborn, but also for orphans our hearts and minds. On the We called the agency and said we
around the world. And it re- drive home, Eric began to weep would like to pursue her. We had
directed our ministry focus for this little girl. (And crying is no idea where the money would
toward these precious little ones not something that comes easily come from, but we knew this was
To book the choir... that so desperately need to him!). We asked God to give us a step of obedience God was
advocates. During our research His heart for this little child. Eric calling us to take. We quickly
on the orphan crisis, we met with attempted to pray, but the only learned that God provides for
a local adoption agency that words that would come out of his every detail when you stand for
call specialized in Korea and China mouth were, God, you are a the fatherless. Through a series
1-866-252-3988 adoptions. Not thinking that wed Father to the fatherless, and you of miracles, we received over
or be personally adopting anytime set the solitary in families. (From $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 t o w a r d H a r p e r s
email soon, we were just there to collect Psalm 68:5) As we continued to adoption over the next three information and become more drive, we felt a clear sense of weeks, and had exactly what we
aware of the needs of these Gods presence with us in the car. needed when it came time to
Check out the children overseas. But then we When we arrived home, an email make the required payments. We
BRAND NEW... heard about a newborn baby girl from a friend was waiting for us began to pray that Harpers
in Korea who was missing her in our inbox. She had no idea adoption would be the fastest one
His Little Feet Video
fingers and had deformities on that we were even checking in to our agency had ever done.
her feet. adoption, but in her prayer time
that morning she felt that God ...Article continues on page 2
When we saw a photo of her tiny, had given her a scripture for us
misshapen baby hands, our Psalm 68:5 God places the
hearts were gripped. We learned solitary in families.


Three months later, Harper was even know us! But he felt like God November 1, 2008, Bex called us and
home. From the moment we first saw wanted him to say those words to her. said, My water just broke you guys
her, we knew she was meant to be are going to have a baby! Eric and I
our daughter. There was an instant, We didnt see Bex for several weeks, had the privilege of being in the
supernatural bond between us. I will and assumed she had returned back hospital when Kipling was born and
never forget holding her for the first to her home in North Carolina. In spending time with him just moments
time, her tiny little mit reaching the meantime, we continued to after he arrived onto the scene.
out to touch my face and my hair. pursue other adoption possibilities, Three days later, we brought Kip
Some moments are far too precious and yet nothing had quite been the home. I will never forget leaving the
to express in words and this was right fit. We didnt think much about hospital that night, seeing the
one of them. our meeting with Bex, and assumed sacrificial love of a mother saying
that she had found another family to goodbye to her child because she
About a year after Harpers arrival, adopt her baby, or had decided to wanted the very best for him. I cried
Eric and I were praying about parent her child. But then over the all the way home.
adopting for the second time. God summer, she showed up at church
had laid it on our heart that He had again. She showed us the ultra- We had an entrustment ceremony for
another child to add to our family. sound photos of her little unborn Kip a couple weeks after he arrived
We didnt have a lot of clear boy. She said she had decided on home close friends and family
direction on where we were to look adoption, and had not yet chosen a surrounded us and Bex, and we all
for this child. We had begun doing family. On the drive home from read letters of prayer and blessing
some research into adopting from church, Eric asked me if I felt over his life. Bex wrote a beautiful
Ethiopia and Haiti, and felt that God anything significant about our letter of entrusting this child into
would hallmark a child in need for us conversation with Bex. I was hesitant our arms, and believe me there was
to adopt, just like he did with Harper. to say yes, but it truly did seem like not a dry eye in the room. Kips
After a couple of months, though, we God was orchestrating something. adoption is an open one, meaning
still didnt have a clear direction, so After praying about it that night, we that Bex will have a relationship with
we continued to wait and pray. called Bex the next day and asked to him throughout his life. What a
Around that time we met a teenage meet with her. That conversation blessing! We call Bex his Tummy
girl named Bex at our church who was amazing and God-directed! Bex Mommy and since she lives nearby,
was 18 and pregnant. She was had been feeling drawn to us as we get to see her quite often.
visiting from North Carolina. We felt adoptive parents for her baby, but
an instant connection with her. As had prayed that if God was leading Eric and I are so awed and amazed
she shared her story and her situation this, that we would approach her by how God has shown us His
with us, Eric told her, I want you to about it. It was an astounding miracle of adoption. Harper and
know that if you decide to place this moment to realize that this was yet Kipling bring far greater blessing and
child, Leslie and I would count it a another story that God was scripting joy to our lives than we ever could
great privilege to adopt your baby. in our lives. have imagined and it is our prayer
Later, when he told me he said that that more and more Christian
to her, I started laughing and said, Over the next few months, we spent families will experience the father
Dont you think that was kind of lots of time with Bex, getting to know heart of God by opening their hearts
presumptuous? I mean, she doesnt her and love her as part of our and homes to a needy child.
family. Early in the morning on

Some moments are far too precious to express in words and this was one of them. - Leslie Ludy

To learn more about the ministries of Eric and Leslie Ludy, please go to

on phase one and two

Since the Spring 2010 Footsteps Magazine release, many things have started to unfold.
Heres a quick update of where we are at in Phase One:

1. VERY EXCITING NEWS! - In June 2010, the $60,000 matching gift was
matched. If you or someone you know is interested in investing with His Little
Feet in this manner, please contact Mike Hahn at or call

2. Tour Bookings - We are about half way done scheduling out the tour. If
you or your church is interested in booking the choir for an event, please email or visit or call 1-866-252-3899.

3. Monthly Support - In anticipation of the choir childrens arrival, we are looking for individuals, groups of people and/or
businesses to consider supporting His Little Feet on a monthly basis. If you or someone you know is interested in giving to His
Little Feet on a monthly basis, please use the Donor Response Form on the last page of this magazine or visit
or call 1-866-252-3899.

4. Music Album and Choir Performance Tracks - In mid-June 2010, Mike and Christa Hahn will be recording all of the music
tracks for the choir, including an original His Little Feet song.

5. Staff Update - The Lord has brought three wonderful people into our midst to assist and support our ministry administratively
and with the overall duties of having a choir and tour.

6. Visiting countries & Selecting children - If all goes as planned, Mike and Christa Hahn will head out to various countries this
Summer to serve orphans and explore opportunities for future choirs and international partnerships in the Caribbean, Asia and
Africa. News to come soon!

7. U.S. Department of Homeland Security & U.S. Embassy in Haiti - In July 2010, we will be requesting clearance for the
international children and chaperones to come the U.S. to be a part of His Little Feets International Childrens Choir and Life
Training Academy.

Heres a quick overview of what Phase Two will entail:

1. We will be managing the arrival of international child participants and chaperones into the United States.

2. We will be officially launching our pilot choir tour.

3. We will be launching our very first semester of the Life Training Academy.

4. We will be offering opportunities for people to: Sponsor a child overseas and in need of care; Go on mission trips locally and
globally; and, Adopt a child who needs a family.


GET involved
If you are moved by this ministry and would like to get involved on a broader scale, here are a few ways you can help. His
Little Feet will provide literature, media and other promotional materials to assist you.

- Join us in prayer for the formation of His Little Feet. Join our partners from around the world in praying for
this ministry. Invite others to do the same!

- Creatively spread the word about His Little Feet. Tell your friends and family about His Little Feet and
encourage them to donate to support this mission. Need help and/or His Little Feet resources? Let us know how we
can equip you.

- Facebook - Invite your friends and family to join His Little Feet on Facebook.

- Benefit Dinner Party Host a group of people in your home and show the His Little Feet video. Have His Little
Feet brochures available and invite your guests support His Little Feet by hosting a dinner party of their own. Need
help and/or His Little Feet resources? Let us know how we can equip you.

- Coffee Shop Talk! - Host an Awareness Night at your favorite coffeehouse. Talk about the fact that there are
millions of orphans in the world and then share what His Little Feet is doing about it.

- Small Groups / Churches / Bible Studies / Organizations Share the mission of His Little Feet with any
group you are a part of, large or small. Invite people to get involved. The more friends you tell about His Little Feet,
the more awareness is spread!

- Schools / Universities / Community Projects - Organize a day of prayer for orphaned and vulnerable
children worldwide or host a fundraiser, bake-sale, etc. to raise awareness and financial support for the ministry. (This
is an excellent way for kids to get community service hours while also spreading the word!)

- Business Support - Whether you are a CEO, an employer or an employee, you can make a difference to the His
Little Feet mission in a variety of ways. All donations to His Little Feet, whether personal or through your business,
are tax-deductible.

- Give - We are currently accepting donations for the overall ministry of His Little Feet. Please click here to give to
His Little Feet, as help make this exciting vision become a reality.

- Needs List - Currently we are furnishing the dormitory where the children and staff will reside while in the United
States. If you are interested in assisting us with need list items, in which you can ship to His Little Feet (bedding,
towels, plates, etc...), please go to: Click on TargetLists. Then click Advanced Search. Under
Search by Organization type His Little Feet in the state of Colorado. Please send all items to the following
shipping address: His Little Feet 1555 Main Street Suite A3-290 Windsor, CO 80550. Or if you are interested
in financially assisting with larger items (refrigerators; bunk beds; couches; etc...) please use the Donor Response
Form on the last page of this magazine and make a donation to the general fund. As funds arrive, His Little Feet
staff will make the purchase the larger needed items locally, to ensure that the items are the right fit for the childrens
dorm area. If you have any questions regarding the Needs List, please contact call or email His Little Feet.

Mike Hahn

The effective, fervent prayer of a
righteous man avails much.
James 5:16b (NKJV)

prayer needs
standing alongside of His Little Feet in prayer
Prayer for Phase 1 - raising funds; staff selection; finalizing Prayer for Mike and Christa Hahn - Wisdom,
organization partnerships; establishing communication tools; discernment, strength, patience, protection from spiritual
international trips; selecting countries and children for the opposition, and safe travels to and from countries abroad.
2nd choir (2011-2012); children; gaining non-immigration
clearance for all participants; production of music album for Prayer for the missionaries and children in Haiti.
choir; tour arrangements; and Friends of His Little Feet
teams (Board Members; Advisory Board; and Volunteers) Prayer for all of the churches that will host the childrens
Prayer for Phase 2 - The arrival of international child
participants and chaperones; The pilot choir tour; The Prayer, in advance, for thousands of lives to be impacted
launch of the Life Training Academy; Opportunities for through His Little Feet.
people to: Sponsor a child overseas and in need of care; Go
on mission trips locally and globally; and, Adopt a child who
needs a family.

Facebook - Join us on Facebook. Search His LIttle Feet and become a fan
walk with us today.
Email List - Encourage your family and friends to join His Little Feets Email List.
follow His Little Feets journey They can simply go to and click on Join Mailing List.

FOOTSTEPS MAGAZINE Summer 2010 From the Founders
Mike and Christa Hahn
Over the past couple of months we have seen miracle after
miracle from the Lord, reminding us of His power and favor
towards furthering His kingdom and purposes. By no accident, so
many impossible details have begun to fall into place for His Little
Feet. All glory goes to the Lord for His mighty hand of direction
and provision. As we celebrate these miracles, we also grieve the
pain and suffering of the millions of children around the world
that are still in need of love and care. Daily we are compelled by
the urgency to take our strength in the Lord, and stand on behalf
of those who are weak.
We cant help but think, as we sit at our desks here in the
United States planning the choir tour, that there are millions of
children in need now...not 6 months from now, but today. Instead
of being too overwhelmed by the need, we encourage each of you
to prayerfully consider what it is that the Lord desires for you to do
to impact one orphaned and vulnerable children now. Today, some
of you might be ready to begin sponsoring a child in need
overseas. Or maybe today, you are ready to go overseas and serve
orphaned and vulnerable children. Others of you have been
waiting a long time to start the adoption process and just havent
taken the first could be the day.
The Lord is looking for His people to reach out to those in
need, in His name, not only meeting their needs but also drawing
them to Himself. Colossians 3:17 reminds us, And whatever you
do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord
Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Be
encouraged to live a life worthy of the Lord, for He truly is worthy
to be praised by the lives we live today.

Stepping Forward
Upcoming Events
June 19-25, 2010 - Hahns record the first His Little Feet Music Album
and Performance Tracks.

Mid-July/Early August 2010 - Hahns overseas to select the His Little

Feet Childrens Choir #2 for 2011-2012 tour

August/September 2010 - Hahns in Haiti for Final Choir Preparations

Fall 2010 - Target Arrival Date for 1st His Little Feet Choir from Haiti

October 2010 - Choir Tour & Life Training Academy begins

October 11, 2010 - Ellerslie second 10-Week Training begins

October 28-30, 2010 - HLF Board Meeting, HLF Advisory Board

Meeting & Friends of His Little Feet First Annual Celebration in Windsor,

May 2011 - Choir Tour #1 concludes

More dates and details to come...

Visit His Little Feet

Email us at if
1555 Main Street
you are interested in visiting His
Suite A3-290
Little Feets headquarters in
Windsor, CO 80550
Windsor, CO.
1-866-252-3988 toll free
970-686-7099 fax
Donor Response Form Date: _______________________
Primary Contact Person
Last Name: _______________________________________________ First Name: ______________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________ State: __________ ZIP/Postal Code: ________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________________________ Preferred Phone

Business Phone: ___________________________________________ Preferred Phone
Mobile Phone: ____________________________________________ Preferred Phone

Preferred Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Email Type: Personal Business

Please select your method of payment:

Credit/Debit Card
For monthly recurring gifts with a credit/debit card:
I authorize His Little Feet to bill my credit/debit card on the 5th of each month with the recurring gift amount of:
$25 $50 $75 $100 $200 Other: $_______________
Card Type: Visa MasterCard Discover American Express
Card Number: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________________ CCV# ____________
Name on Card: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature authorizing recurring monthly giving: ______________________________________________________________

For a one-time gift with a credit/debit card:

I authorize His Little Feet to bill my credit/debit card for my one-time gift amount of:
$50 $75 $100 $200 $500 $1,000 $10,000 Other: $_______________
Card Type: Visa MasterCard Discover American Express
Card Number: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________________ CCV# ____________
Name on Card: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Check - Please makes checks payable to His Little Feet
For monthly recurring gifts by check:
Please have His Little Feet send me a 12 month supply of monthly recurring donation envelopes for me to mail a check
with my monthly pledge amount of:
$25 $50 $75 $100 $200 Other: $_______________
Note: Along with your completed Donor Response Form, please include your first months gift by check, made out to His Little Feet.
For a one-time gift by check:
Enclosed is my one-time gift by check, made out to His Little Feet, in the amount of:
$50 $75 $100 $200 $500 $1,000 $10,000 Other: $ ________________

For gifts by cash:
Enclosed is my cash gift in the amount of:
$50 $75 $100 $200 $500 Other: $_______________

Once form is complete, please send with your method of payment to: His Little Feet, 1555 Main St., Suite A3-290, Windsor, CO 80550.

If you have any questions about your donation,

please email OR call toll free to 1-866-252-3988, ext. #2 to speak with a His Little Feet representative

All gifts, less the value of any product received, are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations and will be used in the collective ministry of His Little Feet.
His Little Feet is a 501(c)(3) organization #27-1258258, gifts to which are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. HLF-FOOTSTEPS/ID01

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