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Lesson Plan
Grade Level
Big Ideas




Types of Glaciers and Erosions

Mrs. Chonko
4th Grade
One Week
There are glaciers that can be found in the ocean.
There are also different types of glaciers.
There are different types of erosion.
There are also two different types of wind that causes
What are the types of way erosion happens?
How is abrasion and deflation wind different?
What are the different types of glaciers?
What effect does erosion have on reshaping the Earths
land surface?
What ways does water erosion effect the reshaping of
the Earths land surface?
What types of water erosions effect the reshaping of the
Earths land surface?
PA Standard 4.1.3.E. Identify changes in the
environment over time.
NGSS 4-ESS2-1. Make observations and/or
measurements to provide evidence of the effects of
weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or
NGSS 4-ESS2-2. Analyze and interpret data from maps
to describe patterns of Earths features.
NGSS 4-ESS2-1. Make observations and/or
measurements to provide evidence of the effects of
weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or
NGSS 4-ESS3-2. Generate and compare multiple
solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth
processes on humans.
NGSS 5-ESS2-2. Describe and graph the amounts and
percentages of water and fresh water in various
reservoirs to provide evidence about the distribution of
water on Earth.
SAS 5.D.1.1.1 Differentiate between abrupt changes in
Earths surface (e.g., earthquakes, volcanoes, meteor
impacts, landslides) and gradual changes in Earths
surface (e.g., lifting up of mountains, wearing away by
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of what a
glacier is and why glaciers are important by asking the
students to summarize or paraphrase the important

Webb's Depth
of Knowledge

Formative &

concepts of glaciers. The grade will depend on the

content of the information the student gives that is
correct. The students will do this orally during the last
five minutes of class.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of how
abrasion and deflation wind differ by the teach a friend
method. The students will show their understanding of
how abrasion and deflation wind differs by teaching a
friend the concept. Students will need to think about
the knowledge and skills needed for understanding and
include that information in their teaching. The teacher
will pair students up and have them teach their
partner about the how abrasion and deflation wind
differ. The teacher will circulate around the room while
the students are participating in this exercise to assess
how the students knowledge is of this topic is accurate.
The teacher will take notes as each student is partaking
in this exercise and will grade the students on their
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the
different types of glaciers and different types of
erosions by having students write in their science
journals by answering the following questions: What
was the most important thing you learned today, what
was the most confusing topic covered today, what
important question remains unanswered? Students will
be graded on the amount of detail is put into answering
the questions and the depth of information the students
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the ways
water erosion effects the reshaping of the Earths land
surface and the types of water erosions effect the
reshaping of the Earths land surface by listing in a
quick quiz some examples of each with at least three
examples for each question posed. The students will be
asked to answer the posed questions with 100%
accuracy of the examples the students provided.
The students will write what a glacier is and why
glaciers are important by paraphrasing the important
concepts of glaciers.
The students will use the teach a friend method for
students to discuss how abrasion and deflation wind
The students will write the different types of glaciers
and different types of erosions in their science journals.
The students will list in a quick quiz some glaciers and
how glaciers effect our Earth and environment.

ISTE Standards
for Students

Framework for
21st Century

s, Modifications

Engage students in exploring real-world issues and

solving authentic problems using digital tools and
Collaborate with students, peers, parents and
community members using digital tools and resources
to support student success and innovation.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
environment and the circumstances and conditions
affecting it, particularly as relates to air, climate, land,
food, energy, water and ecosystems.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of societys

impact on the natural world.

Investigate and analyze environmental issues, and

make accurate conclusions about effective solutions.

Take individual and collective action towards addressing

environmental challenges (e.g., participating in global
actions, designing solutions that inspire action on
environmental issues).

There will be a handicapped accessible desk for the

student as the student cannot sit at the average small
The teacher will provide the handicapped accessible
desk at the entrance of the classroom as it is too
difficult for the student to walk in and around the rows
of desks.
The student will use her assistive technology and the
teacher will wear a microphone that is synced to the
students technology due to the students speech
The student is permitted to leave class a few minutes
early to arrive to her next class on time as mobility is
difficult for the student
The student will be provided with printed materials of
the notes for the lesson.
The student will also work with a behavioral specialist to
help with the students behavioral disturbances while
developing strategies to help with the students
behavioral disturbances.

the Learning

Students will have prior knowledge of the ocean by reviewing

the knowledge from Lesson Plan 1 and 2. In these lesson
plans the students learned the different types of reefs and



where reefs are located. The students will have previous

knowledge of the concept of identifying the types of tidal
waves and cycles of tidal waves. The student will also learn
the types of glaciers and erosions. The students will also gain
knowledge of the influences of the types of water erosions and
how those water erosions reshape the Earths land surface.
The students will also learn about the two different types of
wind that causes erosion. The student will gain knowledge of
the different types of
Activating Prior Knowledge
Ask the students if they know what erosion means and if
the students can give an example of types of erosions.
Ask the students if they know what a glacier is how big
glaciers have to be to be considered a glacier.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will engage the students in the lesson plan
by watching the video titled What is Erosion?
The teacher will engage the students in the lesson plan
by reading the book Icebergs and Glaciers by Seymour
Big Idea Statement
There are glaciers that can be found in the ocean.
There are different types of glaciers.
There are different types of erosion.
There are two different types of wind that causes
Essential Questions Statement
What are the types of way erosion happens?
How is abrasion and deflation wind different?
What are the different types of glaciers?
What effect does erosion have on reshaping the Earths
land surface?
What ways does water erosion effect the reshaping of
the Earths land surface?
What types of water erosions effect the reshaping of the
Earths land surface?
Objective Statement
The students will summarize their knowledge of what a
glacier is and why glaciers are important. The students
will do this orally during the last five minutes of class.
The students will discuss how abrasion and deflation
wind differ by the teach a friend method.
The student will journal their knowledge of the different
types of glaciers and different types of erosions. The
students will answer the following questions: What was
the most important thing you learned today, what was
the most confusing topic covered today, and what
important questions remain unanswered?
The students will take a quick quiz listing their


knowledge of ways water erosion effects the reshaping

of the Earths land surface and the types of water
erosions effect the reshaping of the Earths land surface.
After watching A Look at Glaciers video, the students
will transition by swirling like wind until the students
successfully back at their desks so the lesson on types
of wind erosion can begin.
Key Vocabulary
Water Erosion
Wind Erosion
Abrasion Wind
Deflation Wind
Temperate Glacier
Cirque Glacier
Valley Glacier
Calving Glacier
Piedmont Glacier
Ice Field Glacier
Ice Cap Glacier
Hanging Glacier
Pre-Assessment of Students
During a whole group discussion, the students will show
their previous knowledge of erosion and glaciers
including a KWL Chart where the students will work as a
whole classroom to make a list of the knowledge the
students have of erosion and glaciers.
Modeling of the Concept
The teacher will first write the students previous
knowledge of erosions and glaciers by including a KWL
Chart where a classroom discussion will occur and the
students work as a whole-group to make a list of what
their understanding is of erosion and glaciers.
Guiding the Practice
The teacher will circulate around the room as the
students work on the objectives in the lesson plan.
Teacher will write down questions the students ask
during the pre-assessment of students.
The teacher will also have a class discussion on any
areas on the lesson objectives that students are
struggling with.
Providing the Independent Practice
The students will provide the teacher with an-class

science journal entry on their knowledge of the different

types of glaciers and different types of erosions.
The students will express their knowledge by using the
in-class teach a friend method by demonstrating their
knowledge of how abrasion and deflation wind differ.
During periods of transition, the students will move
around the classroom like a gusting wind to engage
movement while having the students discuss how wind
erosion effects the Earths land reshaping.
Science journals
Quick Quiz
Notebook paper
Pictures to use as visuals for vocabulary words
Icebergs and Glaciers by Seymour Simon
All About Glaciers for Kids: How Glaciers Form and Erode
to Create Landforms Video provided by FreeSchool
A Look at Glaciers by Patrick D Allen
Erosion: Changing Earth's Surface by Robin Koontz
What is Erosion? Video by Billy Blue Hair
Evaluation of
Formal Evaluation
An end of the lesson quick quiz will be given to students
regarding the information they have gained about of
y of the
ways water erosion effects the reshaping of the Earths
land surface and the types of water erosions effect the
reshaping of the Earths land surface.
Informal Evaluation
Students will demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding of what a glacier is and why glaciers are
important by asking the students to summarize or
paraphrase the important concepts of glaciers. This will
be conducted at the last five minutes of class.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of how
abrasion and deflation wind differ by the teach a friend
Summary & Review of the Learning
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of ways
water erosion effects the reshaping of the Earths land
surface and the types of water erosions effect the
reshaping of the Earths land surface by completing a
quick quiz at the end-of-the-lesson.
Using the students science journals, the students will
demonstrate knowledge of the different types of glaciers
and different types of erosions by having students write
in their science journals by answering questions
prompted by the teacher.


A quick quiz will be given to demonstrate the students

knowledge of the ways water erosion effects the
reshaping of the Earths land surface and the types of
water erosions effect the reshaping of the Earths land
surface by listing in a quick quiz some examples of each
with at least three examples for each question posed
I know what the students have learned by providing
different ways of assessment by a quick quiz, science
journal entry, and a teach a friend method to test the
students knowledge.
Students would have benefited from having more time
to gather information on the complete lesson as a whole.
Lauren said that This lesson was a lot of information but
I liked the videos on erosion and glaciers.

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