Seton Hill University Lesson Plan: Name Subject Grade Level Date/Duration

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Lesson Plan
Grade Level
Big Ideas




Cycles and Types of Tidal Waves

Mrs. Chonko
4th Grade
Two Weeks
There are different types of tidal waves.
There are different cycles of tidal waves.
There are different types of tidal waves and each has a
different purpose.
What are the cycles of tidal waves?
What are the types of tidal waves?
What are the influences of ocean currents?
What are the results of ocean currents?
During what time is high tide reached?
During what time is low tide reached?
NGSS 5-EES2-1: Develop a model using an example to
describe ways the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere
and/or atmosphere interact.

NGSS 5-ESS3-1. Obtain and combine information about

ways individual communities use science ideas to
protect the Earths resources and environment.

NGSS 4-ESS3-1. Obtain and combine information to

describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural
resources and their uses affect the environment

PA Standard 4-PS4 Waves and Their Applications in

Technologies for Information Transfer

PA Standard 4-PS4-1. Develop a model of waves to

describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength
and that waves can cause objects to move

PA Standard 4-PS4-2. Develop a model to describe that

light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows
objects to be seen.

PA Standard 4-PS4-3. Generate and compare multiple

solutions that use patterns to transfer information.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the
different cycles of tidal waves by explaining in the
students science journal with 100% accuracy. The
grade will depend on the amount of detail the student
gives in the journal entry.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the types

Webb's Depth

of Knowledge

Formative &

ISTE Standards
for Students

Framework for
21st Century

of tidal waves by listing the types by the Four Squares

Assessment Method with 80% accuracy.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the
influences of ocean currents and the results of ocean
currents by writing a research paper explaining the
influences and results of currents with the grade
depended upon the amount of detail and accurate facts
the student gives in the research paper.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of during
what time high tide and low tide is reached by naming
those times on a quick quiz with 100% accuracy.
Students will show their understanding of the different
cycles of tidal waves by question and answer form using
a science journal.
Students will show understanding of their knowledge of
cycles and types of tidal waves by the end-of-the-lesson
quick quiz.
Students will show understanding of the influences of
ocean currents and the results of ocean currents by
writing a research paper that explains the influences of
ocean currents and the results of ocean currents.
Students will provide their understanding of different
tides via Four Squares which is a quick and easy
snapshot of student understanding by giving the
students the opportunity for movement while permitting
the teacher to monitor and assess understanding. The
teacher poses a question or makes a statement and the
students then move to the appropriate corner of the
classroom to indicate their response to the prompt. An
example of the corner choices would include I strongly
agree, I strongly disagree, I agree somewhat, and
Im not sure.
Students will provide the times in which high and low
tide are reached during a quick quiz.
Engage students in exploring real-world issues and
solving authentic problems using digital tools and
Collaborate with students, peers, parents and
community members using digital tools and resources
to support student success and innovation.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
environment and the circumstances and conditions
affecting it, particularly as relates to air, climate, land,
food, energy, water and ecosystems.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of societys

impact on the natural world.

Investigate and analyze environmental issues, and

make accurate conclusions about effective solutions.

s, Modifications

Take individual and collective action towards addressing

environmental challenges (e.g., participating in global
actions, designing solutions that inspire action on
environmental issues).

There will be a handicapped accessible desk for the

student as the student cannot sit at the average small
The teacher will provide the handicapped accessible
desk at the entrance of the classroom as it is too
difficult for the student to walk in and around the rows
of desks.
The student will use her assistive technology and the
teacher will wear a microphone that is synced to the
students technology due to the students speech
The student is permitted to leave class a few minutes
early to arrive to her next class on time as mobility is
difficult for the student.
The student will be provided index card during the Four
Squares Assessment Method to allow the student to
participate in the assessment without having to move
around the classroom and maneuver in-between desks.
The student will have the use of a behavioral specialist
to develop strategies for the students behavioral
The student will have an assistance in writing during
the science journal time and during all tests and/or
quick quizzes.


the Learning

Students will have prior knowledge of the ocean by reviewing

the knowledge from Lesson Plans 1, 2, and 3. In these lesson
plans the students learned the different types of reefs and
where reefs are located. Also, the students learned about
types of glaciers and types of erosions. The students will learn
the concept of identifying the types of tidal waves and cycles
of tidal waves. The students will also learn the timing in which
high and low tide occur. The students will also gain knowledge
of the influences of ocean currents and the results of ocean
currents. This lesson with incorporate the PA Standards by

teaching students the concept of waves and their applications

in technologies for information transfer. The Next Generation
Science Standards will also be incorporated by teaching the
students the concept of developing a model using an example
to describe ways the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere,
and/or atmosphere interact.


Activating Prior Knowledge

Ask the students if they know what a tidal wave is and if
the students can name a type of tidal wave.
Ask the students if they know when high and low tide
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will engage the students in the lesson plan
by watching the video titled Bill Nye the Science Guy
on Ocean Currents.
The teacher will engage the students in the lesson plan
by reading the book Oceans by Peter Benoit.
Big Idea Statement
There are different types of tidal waves.
There are different cycles of tidal waves.
There are different types of tidal waves and each has a
different purpose
Essential Questions Statement
What are the cycles of tidal waves?
What are the types of tidal waves?
What are the influences of ocean currents?
What are the results of ocean currents?
During what time is high tide reached?
During what time is low tide reached?
Objective Statement
The students will list the cycles of tidal waves.
The students will list the different types of tidal waves.
The students will discuss and identify the purpose of
each tidal wave type.
The students will define key vocabulary words such as
tidal waves and ocean currents.
After watching the video Bill Nye the Science Guy on
Ocean Currents, the students will transition by moving
like an ocean current until the student is successfully
back at their desks so the lesson on types of tidal waves
and cycles of tidal waves can begin.
Key Vocabulary
Ocean Currents
Tidal Wave



Evaluation of

High Tide
Low Tide
Inter-tidal zone
Pre-Assessment of Students
During a whole group discussion, the students will show
their previous knowledge of tidal waves and cycles of
tidal waves by including a KWL Chart where the students
will work as a whole classroom to make a list of the
knowledge the students have of tidal waves and cycles
of tidal waves.
Modeling of the Concept
The teacher will first write the students previous
knowledge of tidal waves and cycles by including a KWL
Chart where a classroom discussion will occur and the
students work as a whole-group to make a list of what
their understanding is of tidal waves and cycles of tidal
Guiding the Practice
The teacher will circulate around the room as the
students work on the objectives in the lesson plan.
Teacher will write down questions the students ask
during the pre-assessment of students.
The teacher will also have a class discussion on any
areas on the lesson objectives that students are
struggling with.
Providing the Independent Practice
The students will provide the teacher with an-class
science journal entry on the different cycles of tidal
During periods of transition, the students will move
around the classroom like an ocean wave or current to
engage movement while having the students discuss
what type of tidal wave the student is interpreting.
Bill Nye the Science Guy on Ocean Currents Video
PBS Kids: Stars On the Tide Video
Oceans by Peter Benoit
Oceans by Seymour Simon
Pictures to use as visuals for vocabulary words
Notebook Paper
Quick Quiz
Science Journals
Formal Evaluation
An end-of-the-lesson quick quiz will be given to the

y of the



A journal entry question will be given to the students.
A research paper will be given to the students.
Informal Evaluation
Students will demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding of the different cycles of tidal waves by
question and answer form using a science journal.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding of the different tides by using the Four
Square Assessment Method.
Summary & Review of the Learning
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of cycles of
tidal waves and types of tidal waves by completing a
quick quiz at the end-of-the-lesson.
Students will be asked a whole group to discuss their
previous knowledge of tidal waves and cycles of tidal
Students will be asked to discuss freely the roadblocks of
this lesson and the students will list any of those
roadblocks to the teacher. The teacher will adjust the
lesson plan accordingly.
End-of-the-lesson quick quiz will be given to the students
at the end of the types of tidal waves and cycles of tidal
waves is completed.
A research paper will be given to the students to show
their knowledge of the influences of ocean currents and
the results of ocean currents. A rubric will be provided
for the research paper as to what is to be expected of
the students in the research paper.
Using the students science journals, the students will
demonstrate their knowledge of the different cycles of
tidal waves. The grade will depend on the amount of
detail the student gives in the journal entry.
I know what the students have learned by providing
different ways of assessment by end-of-the-lesson quick
quiz, a quick quiz on their understanding of different
tides, science journal entry of the different cycles of tidal
waves, and a research paper of their knowledge of the
influences of ocean currents and the results of ocean
Students would have benefited from a longer time frame
for the research paper.
Students would have benefited from having more time
to gather information on their research paper and to
provide the teacher with a draft copy before the final
paper was submitted.
Michael said that This lesson was not as fun as the
coral reef lesson, but if we did more of a game activity

he would have had more fun learning about the cycles of

tidal waves and the different types of tidal waves.

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