Formative Assessment: Four Corners Game: Reminder: Student Has Multiple Sclerosis Grade 4 Volcano Lesson Plan

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Reminder: Student has multiple sclerosis

Grade 4
Volcano Lesson Plan:
Formative assessment: Four Corners game
At the end of the lesson, I will read off some questions and give the
students four different choices A,B,C, or D. Each corner of the room will be
labeled A,B,C,D as well. Students will then answer the question by going to
the corner they believe is the correct answer option given.
This will be very helpful and help the students remember important
concepts by refreshing them with the correct answer. Some questions I will
ask for this lesson include:
1. What is a dormant volcano?
2. What is an extinct volcano?
3. What is considered an active tornado?
4. Which part of the volcano does the lava exit from?
5. How does baking soda and vinegar react to each other?
Accommodation: I will assist moving Rebecca to her corner in my desk chair
if she is having trouble walking that day. I will use large print to label each
corner. The questions and answer choices will be presented on the board for
a visual aid.
Directions: I will ask you as a class a list of questions and provide you with
four answers a, b, c, or d. As you can see the corners of the class room have
been labeled A, B, C, or D. You will have 20 seconds to go into the corner
with the right answer.


Tornado Lesson Plan:

Formative assessment: Roll the Die
At the end of class, each student rolls and briefly answers aloud a
question based on the number rolled:
I want to remember
Something I learned today
One word to sum up what I learned
Something I already knew
Im still confused about
My favorite thing we did during the lesson
Accommodation: Big lettering will be used on the dice. Teacher will walk
around and hand off the dice to students.
Directions: We will pass around this dice that has six different questions on it
and each student will role the dice and answer the question they roll to the
class about our tornado lesson.

Earthquake Lesson Plan:

Formative assessment: students will work in small groups of 3 or 4 and fill
out a KWL chart before, during, and after the lesson.
Accommodation: Allow student the opportunity to get up and stretch during
small group time and throughout the lesson to eliminate spasms.

Directions: Working in small groups of 3 or 4 fill out the following chart.
What do you already know, what you would like to know, and what you
have learned during our earthquake lesson.
What I already know
What I want to know
What I have learned

Tsunami Lesson Plan:

Formative assessment: Exit ticket
At the end of the lesson have the students write a brief 2-3 sentences
about what they have learned for the day about tsunamis.
Accommodation: If student is having trouble with motor skills that day I will
walk over to her desk and have her answer her statement orally.

Directions: Write a brief 2-3 sentences about what you have learned about

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