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HIAD 7510 & 8510: Overview of Adult Education

Self-Directed Learning Project: Proposal

Questions for this form drawn from:
Knowles, M. S. (1986). Using learning contracts. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Name: Iqtidar ul Hassan
Project Title and Information:
Learning How to Create PowerPoint Presentation
Project Goal:
Learning various functions of Microsoft PowerPoint
To be able to demonstrate proficiency of PPT.
Learning Objectives:
To be able to use multiple functions of Microsoft PowerPoint.
To be able to prepare PowerPoint Presentations
o Applying animations
o Using shapes
o Inserting pictures
o Adding art
o Applying various designs
Learning Resources and Strategies:
Primary source would be YouTube PowerPoint Tutorials.
After watching tutorials I would apply the new functions.
Each function would be learned separately and then it would be applied before
proceeding to the next function.
The prepared sample would be then compared with the standard samples which I would
find online.
A critique of a friend would be an additional tool of evaluation which I would use.
After completing all the functions I would prepare a comprehensive PPT and then
compare it to the sample PPT.
Criteria for Accomplishment:
A PPT would be prepared demonstrating all the learned PowerPoint functions.
MS PowerPoint 365
YouTube tutorials

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