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Toc GI UN BUDGET AT A GLANCE 2016-2017 aoe & ant eae organ a we gt A aie we cRefta fea ore & af aoe a arert 8 wre oT bl ae wearer afte ee ara ote woes Te, wast sores ae wd efi ere at eater Bl ge we anf & atch atte sate preheat sage at ote are & mem & eq aren FA oh 81 gee sfeea, sea wear 8 are othe oat ardor aera the a cards oe aah ow omer PET 2. eornher erer eves sa AK BOA GA Hen Gal ara, Aha ar skew else aA aa @ aOR AA He Tae eek sraecetT HY eee 1 eTET eT sei ora wife a) gear A nes ara sitter ear 1 srl era rere re aa Are onl Bh GI 2 fey sigarel & Ata opr sree OL reer ere ah as sree were eras are et ATT TA 3. 7He 201647 Yo she ph, arate da sade oie dome gor 4 Fda meat weg aah ah aOR wg staan ote que sie wer A we ToT etoer art we se ws a aeien el aaa Pe ator ware 15.99, TS Sore ote ete TTT (2015-16) a arr 4 2016-17 # ratory after om WK THIMT TE a FET 3.5% HF TTT MTT we Fae él gee afte, oad aes orn aH Roel ote wn Fae te ae tes & oraaad a Sree at ger ae ory Re rte BH Ta A are aE el 4. 5%, (2015-416) ¥24,77,197 ats a sea aR I, (2015-16) & 811,920 a saftey tT PrH # areeit weet & (2015-16) ¥ &13,08,194 ats: AH, (2015-16) 8 7,914 as si LI TEGAN 3.9% aana or? a wea as. sae 9 ara aRRara 3 eka fay whe waar a FB maT Bl 2016-17 Pee He chor afar & 550,010 a aff arate A Re $14,28,050.45 aS 81 Budget at a Glance shows Budget estimates in broad aggregates to facilitate easy understanding. The document shows receipts and expenditure as well as the Fiscal Deficit (FD), Revenue Deficit (RD), Effective Revenue Deficit (ERD), and the Primary Deficit (PD). The document gives an illustrative account of sources. of receipts, and their application through suitable charts, and graphs. In addition, the document contains the Central and State Plan Outlays, and allocations on major programmes and schemes, 2, Fiscal deficit is the difference between the Revenue receipts plus Non-debt Capital Receipts (NDCR) and the total expenditure. This indicates the total borrowing requirements of Government from all sources, Revenue deficit refers to the excess of revenue expenditure over revenue receipts. Effective revenue deficit is the difference between revenue deficit and grants for creation of capital assets. Primary deficit is measured by fiscal deficit less interest, payments. 3. Budget 2016-17 reflects Government's firm commitment to substantially boost investment in Agriculture, Social Sector, Infrastructure and employment generation on the one hand and simultaneously sticking to the fiscal consolidation path. This is substantiated by a huge 15.3% jump in Plan outlay and 9% increase in Non Plan outlay in 2016-17 over RE (2015-16) while simultaneously conforming to, the fiscal deficit target of 3.5%, Besides additional allocation to meet the obligations of 7th pay commission, recommendation and implementation of one rank one pension (OROP) in Defence have also been provided. 4 In RE (2016-16), the plan outlay at €4,77,197 crore is more than the BE (2015-16) by 11,920 crore. ‘With minor reduction in Non-Plan, the total expenditure outlay in RE (2015-16) at €13,08,194 crore is 87,914 crore more than BE (2015-16). Accordingly, the Fiscal Deficit target of 3.9% has been achieved without reduction in expenditure outlay at RE stage. The total plan outlay for 2016-17 is %5,50,010 crore and Non- Plan outlay is €14,28,050.45 crore. 5. aH 2018-16 8 ae A aoe RB sie A as a) a0) rd gat dated A ang gure Bell a ge TT a) ord ad ge ase BaF ard ga GaETT Fra a 4 aoa & fe a sige, oreo of onto seperate aig eat sem one Pata et & asi, (2016-17) # F 9,11,330 ats & oh esr. (2015-16) a gern € 99,846 ats a surat oie areafte (2014-15) & 82,43,093 arts ate 213 ea Rone weoTe ray cen oe ToT Rot ae & sage ear & 3 Rar ea ew wee ah al 6. 2016-17 % smtory oar ay fy # aaa ge afral & wHagg a fret we visite Pitas tet ol A Be ira 81 eR Pela segue “yea A sega" aa Faas eae & ater Pitas tet at aay Sear a 81 gs HAT aA GM sige @ A oer 7. ah etal mr Pert ed, oD edt Rees wer afar 8, & fare dex ale aoe dhe a Re 60:40 (6 gifs rol afte 3 Reeth ual Fee gosto) ee ga vai) a gph sig A aie 81 aR get GE 3 aay een wT 60:40 8H oa Pi tes &, ah AT Aart tet one ee 8. ardent ote eat ay arene afore arene aster he raha & fag ger genet or arg Seer “aftften aed & fee eh sora ote Peart at eto te chor wae oh grees ary a sears a arg EY Rivera Oe a Rare stage oda tte aii a oRon smarter sre aortanal tke eae grr Rear ra bl gett an area ae sift Sra aH 3 fe arate fonat ah wir alee seer A eis ag warmer one ar ar rt re wT ag Harerdi/ae @y eae & ara A sifener aden a8 9 eeruaT BL 5. Since 2015-16, the devolution of States’ share in taxes has witnessed a major jump in total resources, being transferred to States. Continuing with this trend, the total resources going to States including the devolution of State's share in taxes, Plan and Non Plan grants/loans, and releases under centrally sponsored scheme in BE (2016-17) is Z 9,11,330 crore, with a jump of % 99,846 crore over RE (2015-16) and %2,43,093 crore more than the Actual (2014-15), These facts reflect Government's firm commitment to co-operative federalism and strong belief in the Principle that the Nation grows when States grow. 6, The Plan estimates of 2016-17 have to be seen, in the context of the revised funding pattern on the recommendations of the Sub-group of Chief Ministers set up in NITI. As per the decision of Government, the existing funding patter of schemes defined as ‘core of the core’ have been retained, Alist of these schemes. is attached at Annexure A. 7. The funding pattem of ‘core’ schemes, which also. form part of the National Development agenda, will be shared 60:40 between the Centre and the States (90:10, for the 8 North Eastern States and 3 Himalayan states) A\list of these schemes is attached al Annexure B. In case a scheme/sub-scheme in this list has a Central, Funding pattern of less than 60:40, the existing funding, pattern will continue. 8. For effective outcome based monitoring of implementation of the programmes and schemes and to ensure optimum utilisation of resources, an exercise to rationalise Plan and Non-Plan schemes of all Ministries and Departments had been undertaken. The existing programmes and schemes have been re-organised into outcome based Umbrella programmes and schemes to avoid thin spread of resources, The rationalized set of schemes will further Pave way for merging of schemes/sub schemes, reflected in the respective Detailed Demands for Grants, of the Ministries/Departments, for a more compact framework, This will help the Ministries/Departments gain more flexibility in Budget management and ensure effective monitoring of the implementation of the schemes, que &1 ae Budget at a Glance (ets 79) (In crore of Rupees) 2014-2015 2015-2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 ‘Actuals Budget Revised ~—_Budget Estimates Estimates Estimates 4, rere fa 1. Revenue Receipts 1101472 1141575 1206084 1377022 2 we ames (oa a 2. Tax Revenue Pray (net to centre) 903615 919842 947508 1054101 3. weft HRT 3. Non-Tax Revenue 197857 (221733 (258576 322921 4. Yi feral (546+7)8 4. Capital Receipts (5+6+7)$ 562201 635902 «579307 «601038 5 seat a aRolt 5. Recoveries of Loans 13738 10753 18905 10634 6 rrr sf 6. Other Receipts 37737 69500 25312-56500 7. ane he 90 7. Borrowings and other dey liabiitios* 510725 585649 535090 533904 8. ga snfetat (144)* 8. Total Receipts (1+4)* 1663673 1777477 1785391 1978060 9. Sirhan are 9, Non-Plan Expenditure 1201023 1312200 1308194 1428050 10. tea ard 10. On Revenue Account 1109394 1206027 1212669 1327408 rept & of which, 14, am aA 11. Interest Payments 402444 486145 442620 492670 12, go ean) 12, On Capital Account 91635 10617395525 100642 43, smi ara 18. Plan Expenditure 462644 © 465277477197 550010 14, are eo 14.0n Revenue Account 367597 330020 335004 403628 15, fof ed 416.On Capital Account 105047 135257 142193146382 16.75 wa (9413) 16. Total Expenditure (9+13) 1663673. 1777477 1785391 1978060 17, RT BT 17. Revenue Expenditure (10+14) (10414) 1466992 1536047 1547673 1731037 19, fst ot 18. Of Which, Grants for oReratrat creation of Capital gor eg ager Assets 130760 132472 ««132004 «(166840 19, oh err 19. Capital Expenditure (12019) (12418) 196681 241430237718 247023 20, ea BET (47-4) 20, Revenue Deficit (17-1) 365519 394472341589 354015 (2.9) (28) (25) (2.3) 24, seat TH TET 21. Effective Revenue 234759 268000 209585187175 (20-18) Deficit (20-18) (1.9) (2.0) (1.5) (1.2) 22, erorenéta eret 22. Fiscal Deficit 510725 555649 535090 533904 (16-(145+6)) {16-(1+5+6)} (44) (3) G9) (35) 2s, smut uTer (2241) 23, Primary Deficit (22-11) 108281 99504 9286941234 (0.9) (0.7) (0.7) (0.3) wi ants & al 2014-48 & ana aa $. arary Reta thoy F stevia me st wrgwe! Excluding receipts under Market Stabilisation Scheme, 2. sa amta 8 gaaqea we gates & rer she. ote 8 Aa 7 oT eer ree a A se TT Ge eTPIer EL Includes draw-down of Cash Balance. feearai: +. Sasi eT TT 2015-2016 3 sie aTTETAT (@ 13567192 S41 BL Deviation in BE 2015-16 is due to Detter caption of information aay) a ge S119 Ge ATE gy 2016-2017 acre segars A wes aeepy £15085010 HAs A HL WRIT Al Notes: 1. GDP for SE 2016-2017 has been projected at € 15065010 crore assuming 11% growth aver the Advance Estimates of 2015-2016 (€ 13567192 crore) released by CSO. 2. Individual items in this document may not sum up to the totals due to rounding off, STM sie & Rupee Comes From (aa Budget 2016-17) (at Budget 2015-16) ep. stp. sore oe ee ste arr Sa m Borrowings & Other liabilities wep nee 2148p. saor fo get fat Non-debt Capital receipts 34p. efter wa Prrnare Non-tax Revenue Corporation-tax 134p 194. p. ar ae atte ara oe Service tax & other taxes 94 p. ara a Income-tax 148. p arate gemreyer Union Excise Duties einer 124p. Customs - 4p. ap. snfa Receipts a ‘gare Borrowings ee, er saa A et ote eat A eat wr fe wa &, fork pe 4 re eo & wer ar er] Notes: Tota receipts are inclusive of States" share of taxes and duties which have been netted Inthe table on page 1. Sua vat = Rupee Goes To (ae Budget 2016-17) (ase Budget 2015-16) S4.p. 94. Nap. 204.p. ree site via wow ata at aeart tte. aot oncttorar ft wea Non-Plan Assistance to State & UT Govts. ant atte goat stp sree site er eon Qt a arora oat ar fee were ‘States share of Plan Assistance to State & UT taxes & dutios 98. p. 238, p “ aba seta Central Plan 124. p. HE TTT AAT BET Other Non-Plan aaret srererht Expenditure Interest Payments 128. p. 198. p. ‘woul site eer erow stat Bh sierenr snl rere Transfers to States & Subsidies urs 104. p. war a7 4p. Defence 108. p. Rotors. ge ae ator afore enfra ae ¢ fore ear cere stat atte wore are elem @ get lve TET el 2. Ba are H are fte ent A roe pr fe eet &, fr gee te ereo A et A eer Re ae 1 Notes:-1. This does not include Pian outlays met from interns tra budgetary resources of public enterprises, 2. Total expenditure is inclusive of the States’ share of taxes and duties which have been netted against receipts inthe table on page 4 O wh.

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