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Second Grade Discipline Plan

Daniela P. Cupples
California Baptist University



Table of Contents
Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management and Discipline
Target Classroom


Second Grade Classroom Layout 8

Rules, Consequences, and Incentives 9-13
Letter to Parents
First Day Packet


Character Education Plan






Personal Philosophy of Management and Discipline
Children are inherently good; they are born as children of God and created in his perfect
design. When children enter the world, they come in contact with their parents, family, friends,
peers, and society in general. All these external influences and forces shape the children and
often have adverse effects on them. At an early age, children are very dependent upon their
environment, they are easily influenced, and lack the cognitive ability to make independent and
informed decisions. Outside influences such as the media, peers, and bad role models can
profoundly shape a childs thinking and behavior. Children are intrinsically curious about the
world; they explore and soak up knowledge through experiences. This curiosity leads them to
experiment and test boundaries. Children thrive in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment that
exposes them to many diverse learning experiences. Children need positive role models that
emphasize that they are important, cared about, and valued.
While not all students are inherently interested in school, teachers have the power to
spark their interest in learning by providing engaging lessons and by establishing a
compassionate learning environment in which the students feel empowered to participate and
contribute. My role as a teacher is to serve as a facilitator of learning, which can only happen if I
establish an effective classroom management system with clear rules, expectations, routines, and
consequences. By taking a proactive role in classroom management and discipline, I can prevent
and address problems and create a mutually supportive and safe learning environment for all
students. Wittiness is essential to effective classroom management, this includes an overall
awareness of what is happening in the classroom at all times, which is accomplished through
diligent monitoring and movement around the classroom, which ensures that students know that
the teacher is aware of what is happening in the room at all times. Teachers need to handle all


classroom issues, including emotional problems of the students. When students exhibit emotional
issues, it is important to evaluate the problem, seek out and implement appropriate targeted
interventions to support the student, and refer the student for additional services, if the targeted
interventions carried out in the classroom were not successful.
The best way to establish control in the classroom is to institute clear rules, expectations,
and consequences. Students need to know what is expected of them. People learn self-control
through practical experience and application. To teach students self-control, we also have to
teach them how to interact appropriately in the classroom. Students should, therefore, be
systematically introduced to basic life skills, which include asking for help, following
instructions, getting the teachers attention, accepting permission, making an apology,
disagreeing appropriately, accepting no for an answer, listening, and working with others. Each
of these skills should be explicitly demonstrated, practiced, and reinforced to have a long-term
impact and create positive habits.
According to Savage (2010), when misbehavior occurs teacher intervention should be
swift and should not disrupt the flow of the lesson and the learning of other students. Often,
students can be redirected through a non-verbal warning. Increasing the proximity to the student
that is misbehaving, establishing eye-contact, or the use of signals can all serve as tools.
Reprimands and warnings should be made in a private manner to prevent the embarrassment of
the student. If students do not change their behavior, the teacher may review the classroom rules
to remind the student of the proper conduct. If students still refuse to change their behavior they
face consequences that are proportional to the offense. Students may have to finish the classwork
they did not complete during class time at recess, lose a classroom privilege, a phone call to the


parent can also be used. Discipline measures need to be consistent, need to apply to all students,
and need to be tiered based on the offense.
In my classroom, I will establish a collaborative learning culture, which thrives on the
interaction, collaboration, and tolerance of others. I see the foundation of this collaborative
learning space, where students thrive because they respect each other and their differences in the
scriptures of Matthew.

Do for others what you would like them to do. (Matthew 7:12)

This passage is often referred to as the Golden Rule. The passage establishes key
components of effective interactions in a collaborative environment, which thrives on taking
responsivity for our actions and treating others responsibly, respectfully and with kindness. I will
establish a nurturing environment that makes all students feel cherished and included.


Target Classroom
The student population of my target class is most likely comprised of thirty to thirty-four
students, and about half of them are boys and the other half girls. Based on the demographics of
the school I did my classroom observations at, I can expect that close to fifty percent of the
students are on the free and reduced lunch program. Furthermore, ten to fifteen percent of the
students are English learners, and up to fifteen percent of my students are on an IEP or 504 plan.
Based on the demographic data of the school I can expect to have sixty percent, white students.
Thirty-Five percent Hispanic students, two percent black or African American students, one
percent Asian students, one percent students that are of two or more races, and one percent of
students from other races are likely to be part of my class.
In my second grade classroom, I will implement a clustered seating arrangement. Single
student desks will be arranged in groups of four to five desks. This method allows for flexible
seating and easy rearrangement for special projects. The heterogeneously grouped seating
arrangement includes assigned seating and will be rotated monthly to ensure that all students
develop collaborative group interaction skills. Activity and center areas include an extensive
class library with a leveled collection of multicultural books and a comfortable reading area with
bean bag chairs and pillows. The science and math center area includes a collection of math
manipulatives, interactive science materials, and provides opportunities for students to engage in
discovery-based activities. The students will, furthermore, have access to many different types of
art supplies and props for performing arts activities. I will incorporate a writing, math, science,
art, and an exploration center, where students select a topic they are interested in.
To promote a clean and organized classroom environment, students will hang their
backpacks on a rack in the hallway and each student will have a cubby in the classroom. All


students will be assigned a number that will be used to line up, check out textbooks,
Chromebooks, and other supplies. The teacher desk is located in the back of the classroom; two
small group areas are in the front of the room, to be used for small group instruction and center
Technology will be an integral part of my daily practice in my classroom. I will use the
ceiling mounted projector to project lessons and interactive content. I will incorporate a laptop
and document camera into my teaching and integrate a Mobi so that I can move around the room
during instruction. Students will be using Chromebooks for various technology-infused
curricular activities.
To create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the room, I will include several bulletin
boards and use bright colors, such as green, blue, yellow, and orange and colorful borders for the
bulletin boards. One large bulletin board will feature student work; I will prominently display
work from every student. The classroom rules will be exhibited in the front of the room, and a
pocket chart will be used to assign classroom jobs to the students. Changing thematic bulletin
boards that correspond with the current topics the students are learning about will display anchor
charts and key concepts. A word wall with pictures will feature academic vocabulary. The
technology bulletin board above the Chromebook cart will remind students of Chromebook
procedures, the district responsible use agreement, Internet safety rules, and include an anticyberbullying pledge. Plants and the classroom pet, a guinea pig, will additionally contribute to
the friendly and inviting atmosphere.


Second Grade Classroom Layout


Rules, Consequences, and Incentives
My Classroom Rules:
1. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
2. Be kind and respectful to others.
3. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
4. Listen when others are talking.
5. Do your personal best.

My goal is to establish a safe, caring, and nurturing learning environment, where students
are honest, kind, respectful, and responsible. Safety is the utmost priority. All students need to be
safe at all times and respect others. Students need to keep their hands, feet, and objects to
themselves to be safe and to prevent accidents. The second-grade classroom is an active space
where students move about the room and interact with others and content. Students often use
manipulatives, collaborate, and communicate; this can only be done if students know how to
interact in a safe manner. Being kind and respectful to others is part of my caring classroom
environment. I expect that my students treat others with kindness and respect.
Since collaborative and cooperative learning experiences will be an integral part of my
classroom, it is essential that students know how to interact responsibly. I have high expectations
for all of my students, and I, therefore, included doing your personal best in my rules. I feel that
it is essential that all students take responsibility for their learning.




Failure to follow the rules and expectations will result in the following consequences:
1. Verbal warning
2. Teacher choice: This may include loss of recess or removal of a privilege
3. Parent phone call
4. Parent-teacher conference
5. Referral to the office
By providing and displaying clear and consistent consequences, I will enforce rules and
expectations and provide the necessary structure for a well-functioning classroom environment.
To offer opportunities for students to learn and practice self-monitoring skills, I will use
ClassDojo, which can provide continuous feedback to the students regarding their behavior and
work habits. Weekly reports available to parents through ClassDojo will further reinforce rules,
expectations, and consequences.
Students earn positive reward points in ClassDojo throughout each day for positive work
habits, behavior, and participation. They lose points for areas that need improvement, such as
off-task behavior, lack of participation, and out of turn talking. At the end of each week, the
students have the opportunity to spend their weekly points on rewards. Students accumulate
points they have not spent and can redeem them at a later time.

ClassDojo Rewards:
5 Points
25 Points
Drawing Time
50 Points
Extra Recess

10 Points
One piece of candy
30 Points
Change Avatar
60 Points
Listen to Music while

15 Points
Use a fun pen
35 Points
Choose a Brainbreak
70 Points
10 minutes
Chromebook Time

20 Points
Be a messenger
40 Points
Show and Tell
80 Points
Lunch with the


Long term behavior goals will be implemented through the ClassDojo Points Clubs. Students
who reach one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, or four hundred points per month will
participate in special activities. The rewards serve as positive reinforcement tools to encourage
students to maintain or improve their behavior.
Procedures and Routines
1. Entering the room: Please enter quietly and politely, remove your hat and do not interrupt
other students, follow appropriate procedures for each time of the day.
2. Lining up: Stand up quietly, push in your chair, take all required items, line up in number
order without touching others or talking, face the front of the line.
3. Leaving the room: Raise your hand for permission to exit the room, take the appropriate hall
pass, do not run or play in hallways or restrooms.
4. Morning Routine: Enter the room politely, hang your backpack on the rack, put your lunch
in your cubby, and hang up your coat. Please place your homework in the homework basket
and sit down at your desk and do before-school work silently. Table captains report absent
students when I call attendance.
5. End of the Day: Clean off your desk, leave out your work notebook, pick up any trash on or
around your desk, stack your chair, collect your mail, and wait quietly behind your chair to
be dismissed.
6. Supply Routine: Place all group supplies neatly into the supply basket, share the supplies,
and recap markers, paints, and glue.
7. Participating in groups: Listen when others are talking, take turns, do your assigned group
job and assignment, participate.
8. Asking for help: Quietly ask the students in your table group for help, raise your hand if you
need additional help.


9. Handing in completed assignments/homework: Make sure your name is on your paper,
place your paper in the "finished work" or "homework" basket.
10. When and how to use the restroom: Use the restroom at lunch or recess! In an emergency,
raise your hand and ask for permission to go to the restroom.
11. Using the drinking fountain: When I am not teaching the whole group, you may get a
three-second drink. You may bring a water bottle and keep it on your desk.
12. Sharpening pencils: The desk monitor in your table group will sharpen all pencils that are in
the needs sharpening can at the end of the day and will empty the pencil sharpener as
needed. If your pencil brakes during the day take a sharpened pencil from the supply basket
and place the broken pencil in the needs sharpening can.
13. Classroom jobs: Classroom jobs will be assigned on Monday, check the classroom jobs
chart. It is your responsibility to remember to do the job every day of the week.
14. Using the classroom library: You may check out a book during independent reading time.
To do so, select a book and sign it out on the sign-out sheet. Please take good care of the
book, return it when you are finished, and sign it back in.
15. Preparing assignments: As soon as you receive any assignment paper, write your first
name, last initial, and the date on the top of the paper.
16. Getting ready for lunch: Wait quietly at your desk, when your table group is called, get
your lunch or lunch money and line up in number order.
17. Getting a tissue: You may get a tissue from tissue box in the supply basket any time you
need it. Please throw the used tissue away immediately and get back to work.
18. Throwing away trash: You may throw away trash whenever you need to if I am not
teaching the whole group, do not play with your trash, make sure all trash lands in the can,
and pick up trash.


19. Turning in lost items: Ask the students in your table group if they lost the item you found. If
you cannot find the owner place the item in the Lost and Found basket.
20. Locating lost items: Ask the people around you if they found the item you lost. If you
cannot find the item, check the Lost and Found basket, if you still cannot find the item
report the missing item to me at the end of the day.
21. Signals for attention: When I need your attention, I will ring the bell, when you hear the
bell, stop what you are doing, look at me, and listen for directions.
22. Organize your desk: Return all items from the supply basket to the basket. Place all books
on the right side of your desk tray. Place any unfinished work in the front pocket of your
work notebook. Place your folders on the left side of your desk tray. Collect any trash and
throw it away.
23. What to do if you are done with your work: If you finish your assignment, check your
work, then work on any unfinished assignments in the front pocket of your work notebook. If
all assignments in your work notebook are completed and turned in, you may choose to do
your classroom job, read your independent reading book and take an AR quiz if you finish
the book. You may write a story or letter, illustrate a book, do math challenge problems, or
pick a challenge activity from the challenge basket.

Through a gradual introduction of clear, step by step classroom routines and procedures, I
will streamline daily tasks and activities and set clear expectations on how these tasks will be
accomplished in a timely and efficient fashion. The goal is for students to internalize procedures
so that the classroom runs more smoothly. Having routines and procedures reduces the number
of required directions and leads to increased on-task time. According to Hulac (2011), teachers
maximize students comfort level and productivity by providing a consistent and structured
routine (p. 59). Furthermore, routines and procedures also reduce behavior problems because
students know and practice what is expected of them.




Letter to Parents

Dear Parents and Students,

I am looking forward to this exciting new school year with lots of

new things to learn, new friends to meet, and new places to see.
My goal for this year is to support your child to be an
independent, caring, and respectful learner, as well as, to show
him or her how to make responsible choices.
To accomplish this goal, there will be regular homework
assignments; and we will be making the most of our class time.
My expectations for all students will be high; the students will
need to work hard and try their personal best.
Please, read and review these pages with your child. The attached
first-day packet will outline the classroom policies, procedures,
expectations, and discipline, and also answer questions you may
have about the school year. Be sure to talk about this packet with
your child. Both you and your child need to sign the last page and
return the signed copy to me. This ensures that both you and your
child understand the rules, consequences, and expectations for
this year.
Please feel free to contact me per e-mail, or through the ClassDojo contact
feature. I am glad you are all here and cannot wait to meet all of
you and get started.




Mrs. Cupples
First Day of School Packet
What do you need to bring to school?
Please provide a backpack to carry items to and from school. I will supply the
students with a work and a homework folder and pencils. Many students
enjoy having their own markers and colored pencils. However, these are not
a requirement. Please, do not bring toys to school.
Technology-Based Class Management System and Class Website
This year I am using ClassDojo to encourage critical skills, like working hard
and participating.
I will also use it to communicate with parents and instantly share messages,
updates, and photos. To join ClassDojo and to receive a weekly behavior
update through the system, please fill out the Classdojo slip at the end of
this packet. After doing so, you will get a personal invitation to join our class
on ClassDojo. You can access the application on a mobile device or any
computer through
Our class website is located at; here you will find
announcements about upcoming events, book order due dates, homework
assignments, weekly spelling list, handouts, and assignments. There are also
links to educational age-appropriate games and activities. Please join the
page to access grades and receive updates on announcements and
homework. The grades link allows you to monitor your childs progress
anytime. Grades will be updated at least once a week and will be current
every Sunday night.
Daily Schedule
Opening/Word Work
9:40 -10:00 RECESS
10:00-11:10 Writing







1:30 2:20

Social studies or science

Monday and Friday 1:30

Tests will be taken on the last day of each week. Tests will be returned the
following week. All tests with 69% or lower have to be signed by a parent. If
you have not seen a regularly assigned test by Wednesday, please e-mail or
check the grades on the website.

Homework will be handed out in a folder on Monday or the first day of the
All homework needs to be turned in on FRIDAY.
Book-bags go home nightly and come back to school EACH DAY.
Homework should take no more than 30 minutes per night. This should
include reading for 15-20 minutes, assigned math sheets, spelling, and
math facts practice.
Parents need to review homework daily and sign the homework cover
sheet for each night.
How Parents Can Help
Listen to your child read EACH night, and support their reading.
Check your childs work. Help them become responsible for the quality of
their work.
Determine the best place and time for your child to do their homework.
Break up the assignments throughout the week.
Make-up Policy
If homework cannot be completed due to illness, just turn it the day after
your child returns to school. Tests will be made up the day after the child
returns to class.
1. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
2. Be kind and respectful to others.
3. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
4. Listen when others are talking.
5. Do your personal best.
1st offense: students receive a warning


2nd offense: students receive a consequence, such as loss of recess, or loss
of class privileges.
3rd offense: Parent phone call
4th offense: parent-teacher conference.
5th offense: referral to the office, punishments at this point can vary.
Incentives and Rewards
Students earn positive reward points in ClassDojo throughout each day for
positive work habits, behavior, and participation. They lose points for areas
that need improvement, such as off-task behavior, lack of participation, and
out of turn talking. At the end of each week, the students have the
opportunity to spend their weekly points on the following rewards. Students
accumulate points they have not spent and can redeem them at a later time.
5 Points
25 Points
Drawing Time

10 Points
One piece of
30 Points
Change Avatar

15 Points
Use a fun pen

20 Points
Be a messenger

35 Points
40 Points
Choose a
Show and Tell
50 Points
60 Points
70 Points
80 Points
Extra Recess
Listen to Music 10 minutes
Lunch with the
while working
Long term behavior goals will be implemented through the ClassDojo Points
Clubs. Students who reach 100, 200, 300, or 400 points per month will
participate in special ClassDojo activities.
Getting Home
Please, circle the way your child will be getting home. If he or she goes with
someone, write their name on the lines below the choice.
Ride the bus

Picked up by:


If there is a change in where your child goes after school or how he/she gets
home, please call the office or send a note.


Thank you for reviewing your students packet. Please remove this page from
the packet, fill it out, sign, and return it to me.
I have read and understand the rules, expectations, consequences, and
rewards that my child will be held to in his or her classroom.

Student name (print)

Student Signature

Parent Signature



Character Education Development Plan
To foster character education in my classroom, I will corporate a monthly character
education theme, which will be aligned with the Habits of Mind character education program.
Each monthly theme will consist of a continuous implementation throughout the month and will
include multiple interdisciplinary activities that support a specific Habit of Mind. According to
Andersen (2014), the sixteen Habits of Mind include persisting, thinking and communicating
with clarity and precision, managing impulsivity, gathering data through all senses, and listening
with understanding and empathy. Further habits include creating, imagining, innovating,
thinking flexibly, responding with wonderment and awe, thinking about thinking
(metacognition), taking responsible risks, striving for accuracy, finding humor, questioning and
posing problems, thinking interdependently, applying past knowledge to new situations, and
remaining open to continuous learning.
The goal of the Habits of Mind character development program is to systematically
develop character traits that disposition students to be successful in diverse, adverse, or
challenging conditions. Since education can never prepare students for all the challenges they
may face in the future, training students to develop dispositions that thrive despite adversity can
open constructive pathways for students to excel beyond the bounds of their education and
condition them to seek out challenges and become life-long learners. This powerful character
education program trains students to feel empowered about their life and helps them develop
positive habits that will give them the authority to control their destiny.


Anderson, J. (2014). About habits of mind. Retrieved from
ClassDojo parent letter. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Classroom Designer. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Hulac, D. M., Terrell, J., Vining, O., & Bernstein, J. (2011). Behavioral interventions in schools:
A response to intervention guidebook. New York: Routledge
Murray, B. P. (n.d.). 30 Classroom procedures to head off behavior problems.
Retrieved from
Savage, T., & Savage, M. (2010). Successful classroom management and discipline: Teaching
self-control and responsibility (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE

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