Track 2

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Tita Yanez

McMennamy- 5th Period
02 October, 2016
Track 2
Source H Cont.
Citation: Fineman, Martha, and Roxanne Mykitiuk. The Public Nature of Private Violence: The
Discovery of Domestic

Abuse. New York: Routledge, 1994. 255-383. Print.

Source Validation: I believe this is a valid source because the authors are specialised in this
field and have done extensive research over it. They also include a giant section of the resources
they used.
How I Found This Source: I found this source on Google Scholar.
Intended Audience: The intended audience for this source is for people that want to learn more
about domestic violence and how this private issue is indeed a public one that should be
Arguments/ Topics This Source Discusses: This source discusses how domestic violence
differs among various cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. It describes domestic violence
as terrorism within a household. It also analyzes how the feminist movement has impacted
domestic violence. It provides various examples of how different countries handle the domestic
violence issue as well as how it has been combated by different movements.
Identifying domestic violence as a violation of international human rights accords offers a
strategy potentially more powerful than current remedies
Her approach makes visible not only the many kinds of violence used to exert power and
control, but also the strategies women use to resist abuse
By treating all communities as equally affected by domestic violence, some feminists ignore
how the higher incidence in minority communities impacts on women.
This source helped me get a sense of how this issues is present in communities all throughout the
world and how it is combated (or not combated) in various ways. I was also able to see that no
matter how private of an issue it may be, many people are indirectly affected by it through the
ideologies present in a society. This source took me about 5 hours.

Source I
Citation: "Behind Closed

Doors." Human Rights Documents Online (n.d.): n. pag. UNICEF.

Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
Source Validation: I believe this is a valid source because UNICEF is a trusted global
How I Found This Source: I found this source on Google.
Intended Audience: The intended audience is anyone looking for basic knowledge on domestic
violence and the impact it has on children.
Arguments/Topics This Source Discusses: This source discusses the basics of domestic
violence and the role children often play in this equation. It states that although violence toward
women is often discussed, and even violence toward men has begun to be a topic, violence
toward children or children witnessing violence is not given enough attention. Within already
abusive homes, children are more likely to be abused. Children that arent abused but see another
family member be abused often face serious issues while growing up that may last for their
whole life.
Some of the biggest victims of domestic violence are the smallest.
Children who grow up in a violent home are more likely to be victims of child abuse.Those who
are not direct victims have some of the same behavioural and psychological problems as children
who are themselves physically abused.
At least one in every three women globally has been beaten,coerced into sex,or abused in some
other way most often by someone she knows,including by her husband or another male family
member.One woman in four has been abused during her pregnancy.
This source showed me that although child abuse is prevalent throughout the world, it is still not
given the attention it deserves in order to bring about change. Children are often forgotten when
dealing with cases of domestic violence and the focus goes primarily to the victim and the
batterer,without any thought as to how this could affect a witness. This source took me an hour
to read and analyze.

Source J
Citation: "Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls." Inocenti Digest 6 (1997): n. pag.
UNICEF. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
Source Validation: I believe this is a valid source because UNICEF is a trusted global
How I Found This Source: I found this source on Google.
Intended Audience: The intended audience for this is someone that wants to know not only the
basics of domestic violence, but the magnitude of the issue as well as many different forms of
domestic violence.
Arguments/Topics This Source Discusses: This source discusses the magnitude of the
domestic violence problem throughout the world. It provides various examples and statistics of
the prevalence of abuse throughout various different countries. This source also lists many
different forms of violence on a deeper level than the obvious forms. It describes how culture
largely impacts the prevalence of domestic violence in a society.
Considering the taboo in most countries that surrounds incest or the sexual abuse of children
and adolescents within the family, this is one of the most invisible forms of violence. Because
the crime is perpetrated most often by a father, stepfather, grandfather, brother, uncle, or another
male relative in a position of trust, the rights of the child are usually sacrificed in order to protect
the name of the family and that of the adult perpetrator.
Around the world, women and girls suffer the harmful and life-threatening effects of traditional
and cultural practices that continue under the guise of cultural and social conformism and
religious beliefs.
Factors contributing to these unequal power relations include: socioeconomic forces, the family
institution where power relations are enforced, fear of and control over female sexuality, belief in
the inherent superiority of males, and legislation and cultural sanctions that have traditionally
denied women and children an independent legal and social status.
This source showed me various ways in which domestic violence can occur. Before reading this,
hadnt realized that things like female infanticide were included when talking about domestic
violence. This source took me almost 2 hours to read.

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