EndoSilenceStudyQuestions 1

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Endos Silence Reading Comprehension Questions

Prologue through Chapter 5

1) What is the connection between Christovao Ferreira and the three new missionaries to Japan (Francisco
Garrpe, Juan de Santa Marta, and Sebastian Rodrigues) that led to the three volunteering to go to Japan?
2) What are the types tortures used by the Japanese against the Christians recounted in the book. What is
the water torture used by the Japanese against the Christians Mokichi and Ichizo from the village of Tomogi?
3) What was the role played by Lord Inoue in the novel? What was his personal own background related to
Christianity in Japan?
4) Briefly describe the character Kichijiro as he appears in the first part of the novel, and then indicate how
his status seemed to change. Which apostle(s) does he seem to be most like, and why?
5) Briefly indicate the meaning of trampling the fumie in the novel. How do the missionaries understand
this action? Why do the Japanese converts not wish to do this?
(Chapter 6 to Appendix)
1. How did Father Garrpe die (under what circumstances)? Which New Testament figure does Garrpe most
closely resemble, and why?
2. When Ferreira first meets Rodrigues how does Ferreira explain how he passes his time that is still of
some help to the Japanese? Why is this so important to Ferreira?
3. When they first meet what disagreement do Ferreira and Rodrigues have over the prospects of
Christianity in Japan? Does this disagreement resolve itself over the course of the novel or not?
4. While imprisoned in the magistrates office shortly before his apostasy what sound is it that Rodrigues
mistakenly thinks is a drunken guard snoring? What happens when this mistake is rectified?
5. While Rodrigues is in prison Kijichiro comes to visit him and asks what favor or request of Rodrigues?
How does this request relate to Rodrigues own self-understanding of his identity as a missionary and/or
6. What does Rodrigues imagine that Christ is saying to him when he (Rodrigues) is finally asked to
trample the fumie? Does Rodrigues follow, or disobey what Christ tells him to do? Why?
7. What inner feelings does Rodrigues have for Ferreira when they meet after Rodrigues own apostasy?
8. What favor or request does Kijichiro ask of Rodrigues shortly before the latter leaves Nagasaki for his
exile to Edo? How does this request mark either a continuity or a discontinuity of each individuals
character and their particular relationship?

9. For what purpose do the Japanese officials consult Ferreira and Rodrigues when they (the officials) have
certain questions?
10. What are the circumstances of Rodrigues eventual death?

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