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Republic of the Philippines


Sixth Judicial Region
Branch 39
Iloilo City


CIVIL CASE NO. 123456,





I, ROXANNE MERCEDES ACAP, of legal age, single, and living at Iloilo City, a
witness for the plaintiff in this case, state under oath as follows:


The person examining me is Atty. Maria Lorena Tomulto with address at Door 21
Zerrudo Commercial Complex, E. Lopez St., Jaro, Iloilo City. The examination is being
held at the same address. I am answering her questions fully conscious that I do so
under oath and may face criminal liability for false testimony and perjury.
This Judicial Affidavit of the witness ROXANNE MERCEDES ACAP is being offered
as evidence for the Plaintiff to prove the following:
1. That the respondent has executed a promissory note evidencing a loan of
One Million Pesos from the plaintiff;
2. That she had received the said amount according to the companys loan
release sheet; and

3. That the respondent failed to pay the loaned amount even after a demand by
the plaintiff has been made.
Questions were propounded by Atty. Maria Lorena Tomulto and questions are
numbered consecutively and each question is followed by an answer of the witness.
1. Q:

Please state your name and other personal circumstances for the record.
I am Roxanne Mercedes Acap, 36 years old, residing at Lot 4 Block 2
Queen Palm St., Villa Las Palmas, Jaro, Iloilo City.

2. Q:
3. Q:
4. Q:
5. Q:

Are you the same Roxanne Mercedes Acap who is named as a witness
for the plaintiff in this case?
Yes, maam.
What is your position in Panay Finance Corporation?
I am the Head of Finace at Panay Finance Corporation
Do you know Ms. Althea Julienne Acac?
How did you come to know Ms. Acac?
She went to our office in Zerrudo Commercial Complex and asked me
about the companys loan services.

6. Q:
7. Q:

Did she avail any of your services?

What kind of loan service did she avail?
She availed of a loan through a promissory note to serve as collateral and
evidence, and receipt of the amount was acknowledged by the

8. Q:
9. Q:

corporations loan release sheet.

When was the promissory note dated?
It was dated March 28, 2014.
What were the contents of the note?
It stated in summary that Ms. Acac borrowed One Million Pesos (Php
1,000,000.00) from Panay Finance Corporation and promised to pay

10. Q:
11. Q:
12. Q:

the amount on or before March 28, 2015.

Who signed the note?
It was signed by Ms. Acac.
How did you know that it was Ms. Acac who signed the note?
The signature was placed above Ms. Acacs printed name.
If I will show a document, will you be able to identify it?
Yes, maam.

13. Q:

(Showing the promissory note to the witness) What is this document, Ms.

14. Q:

This is the same promissory note I mentioned earlier.
I am marking this promissory note as Exhibit A and I am attaching

15. Q:

Exhibit A to your Judicial Affidavit, do you confirm my action?

Yes, maam.
I am marking the signature on this promissory note above the name

16. Q:

Althea Julienne Acac as Exhibit A-1, do you confirm my action?

Yes, maam
You mentioned a loan release sheet, what does it show?
It shows that Ms. Acac received the amount of one million pesos as

17. Q:
18. Q:

loan from the bank.

When was the loan release sheet dated?
It was dated March 28, 2014.
What does that date mean?
It means that Ms. Acac received the amount of the loan on the same day

19. Q:

she executed the promissory note.

How were you able to identify that Ms. Acac herself received the


She signed on the loan release sheet with her printed name and

20. Q:

What was the appearance of the signature in the loan release sheet as

21. Q:
22. Q:
23. Q:

compared to the signature in the promissory note?

It is exactly the same signature maam.
If I show you another document, will you be able to identify it?
Yes, maam.
(Showing the document) What can you say about this document?
It is the loan release sheet that I am referring to, maam.
I am marking this loan release sheet as Exhibit B and the signature
above the name Althea Julienne Acac as Exhibit B-1 and attaching it to

24. A:
25. Q:
26. Q:

your Judicial Affidavit, do you confirm my action?

Yes, maam.
What happened when the due date for the payment of the loan arrived?
Nothing. Ms. Acap did not pay the amount, contrary to what she promised.
What made you say that?
There was nothing in the records of the company that Ms. Acac paid or

27. Q:

even offered to pay the loan.

What did you do to collect Ms. Acacs loan?
I sent her, on behalf of the company, a demand letter for the payment of

28. Q:
29. Q:
30. Q:

the loan.
How was the letter sent?
I sent the demand letter through the LBC.
When was the letter dated and sent?
It was dated on March 30, 2015, and I sent it the same day.
How did you confirm whether Ms. Acac received the demand letter?


I checked with the LBC and they showed me their receipt records which

31. Q:

was signed by Ms. Acac herself.

How did you know that it was Ms. Acac who received the demand letter?
The signature in LBCs receipt records was the same as the one that was

32. Q:

affixed in the promissory note and the loan release sheet.

What date did Ms. Acac receive the demand letter according to the LBC

33. Q:

It was received in March 31, 2015, maam.
What happened from the date of receipt of the demand letter up to the

34. Q:
35. Q:

point that this complaint was filed?

Nothing. Ms. Acac still did not make any effort to pay the loan.
What is the status of Ms. Acacs obligation as of this moment?
The loan remains unpaid, maam.
Did Ms. Acac make any attempts to communicate to you regarding the

said loan?
A: No.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25 th day of April,
2016 here in the City of Iloilo.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, a notary public in and for the
City of Iloilo and the Province of Iloilo this 25 th day of April 2016. Affiant personally came
and appeared with PRC License ID No. 0112021 issued by the Professional Regulation
Commission on October 21, 1998 and valid until February 13, 2018 at the City of
Manila, bearing her photograph and signature, known to me as the same person who
personally signed the foregoing instrument before me and avowed under penalty of law
to the whole truth of the contents of said instrument.
ATTY. Kendal C. Gestuveo
Notary Public for Iloilo City, Iloilo
Until December 31, 2018

Office: 88 Commission Civil St., Jaro,

Iloilo City
Roll No, ________________________
IBP Roll No. _____________________
PTR No. ________________________
MCLE Compliance Cert. No.________
Doc. No. __________
Page No. _________
Book No. _________
Series of 2016

I, MARIA LORENA G. TOMULTO of legal age, Filipino, single, with office
address at Door 21 Zerrudo Commercial Complex, E. Lopez St., Jaro, Iloilo City, on
oath depose and state that:
1. I was the lawyer who conducted the examination of the witness ROXANNE
MERCEDES ACAP at my aforementioned office in Iloilo City;
2. I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions I asked and
the corresponding answer that the witness gave;
3. I nor any other person then present or assisting her coached the witness
regarding her answers;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25 th day of April 2016
at the City of Iloilo.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, a notary public in and for the
City of Iloilo and the Province of Iloilo this 25 th day of April 2016. Affiant personally came

and appeared with Professional Drivers License No. F0610003602 issued by the Land
Transportation Office on March 28, 2012 and valid until July 17, 2017 at the City of
Iloilo, bearing his photograph and signature, known to me as the same person who
personally signed the foregoing instrument before me and avowed under penalty of law
to the whole truth of the contents of said instrument.

ATTY. Kendal C. Gestuveo

Notary Public for Iloilo City, Iloilo
Until December 31, 2018
Office: 88 Commission Civil St., Jaro,
Iloilo City
Roll No, ________________________
IBP Roll No. _____________________
PTR No. ________________________
MCLE Compliance Cert. No._________
Doc. No. __________
Page No. _________
Book No. _________
Series of 2016

Copy furnished:
Atty. Vivien Villa
Villa Law Office
General Luna Street
Iloilo City

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