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Lesson Plan Title: Solids, Liquids and Gasses

Daniela Cupples
Grade Level:



Science Objective
After the lesson, students will be able to describe the
nature of water in its three states of matter.

ELD Objectives: What do you want students to be able to

NGSS Science Standards for Grade Level

Students will be able to write about the different

properties of matter. Students will apply oral language
skills to present their stories and express their ideas in
a small group.

2PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter

Different kinds of matter exist, and many of them can
be either solid or liquid, depending on temperature.
Matter can be described and classified by its
observable properties.
Common Core Language Arts Standards
W.2.8 Recall information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a

do as a result of this lesson? Include academic language and

vocabulary objectives. Objectives must be measurable .

ELD Standards:
1. Exchanging information and ideas
Contribute to conversations and express ideas by
asking and answering yes-no and wh- questions and
responding using gestures, words, and simple phrases.
Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels:
Level 2: predicting, cause/effect, make observations

- Three snow balls for each table group
- Felt and construction paper
- Rulers
- Science journals/pencils/color pencils
- a plastic tub for each group
- computer/projector

Pre-Assessment: How will you

determine prior academic learning?
Through the use of a KWHL chart, I will
assess students prior knowledge.
What do the students know that
prepares them for this lesson?
Students have previously practiced
making observations; they used their
skills to describe what they see around
How will you build connections to
what students have already
The use of the KWHL chart helps the
students share their previous knowledge
and make connections through a class

What do you know about your

students personal, cultural
community assets?
Ten students are on the free and
reduced lunch program. Seven students
are English learners. Three students
have an IEP; one student has mobility
issues because of cerebral palsy. Half of
the class is performing at or above
grade level. Parent and community
involvement are very limited.
Motivation Strategy: How will you
catch the attention of students and
focus their minds on the learning goals?

Research Based Learning Strategies

(provide text chapters/reference)

Introduction of Lesson: Each table group

will have a snowman visiting today.

The lesson helps students make

connections with different objects they
encounter every day and helps them
understand how they see the states of
matter in their daily lives.

The following introductory video serves

as an anticipatory set for the lesson and
gets students interested in the lesson
and helps build background knowledge.
3 States of Matter Video

KWHL Chart (Teaching Science for

all Children p. 186)
Flexible, heterogeneous grouping
(Elementary and Middle School
Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally p. 67/68)
Real World Connection: How are
learning goals relevant to students

Central Focus Important understanding in core concepts that students will develop in lesson/unit:

To explore the three states of matter by observing an ice sculpture snowman through the frozen form, melting
and finally evaporation.
Guiding Question
What do you think will happen to the snowman as time passes?

Language Demands
Key Academic Vocabulary: matter, mass, volume, shape, liquid, gas, solid
Language Function: (Active Verb i.e. describe, explain, question): Students will be able to apply and use
the key academic vocabulary when writing their stories.
Syntax: (i.e., graphs, tables, structure of the function) a visual word wall will be integrated
Discourse: (appropriate language forms to accomplish the function)
Whole class discussions, small group collaboration activities, and small group presentations will provide multiple
opportunities for discourse.

Students with identified needs

(Include at least 3 different types of

Number of

English Learners: Have a limited

vocabulary; students often struggle
to participate because they lack
confidence when using oral
Students with special needs: one
of the students has physical
limitations; she has difficulties
grasping objects tightly and uses a
walker. Some of the students have
learning disabilities, which make it
difficult for them to do tasks that
involve multiple steps.

Gifted students: These students

love science, they perform science
experiments at home and get often
bored during instruction and may
become disruptive if not challenged.

Instructional Strategies and Lesson Steps

(includes language and content objectives,
comprehensible input, strategies, interaction,
feedback. Use bullet points in each of the three areas
The teacher introduces the concept that each group
has a snowman visiting them today.
Students make a prediction of what will happen to the
The teacher plays the video about states of matter.

Describe required
English Learners:
- Introduce academic vocabulary in a small group
- Provide sentence frames for story writing task.
- Use a word wall that includes images
- Pair students with a student that speaks their
home language to provide additional support.
Students with special needs:
- Use flexible, heterogeneous groups and assign
supportive partners to the students.
- Provide a worksheet that breaks the tasks down
step by step.
- Provide additional supports, thicker color pencils
and a pencil grip for the student with physical
Gifted students: challenge students to think
about other items they are familiar and what
different states of matter they are in, students
present their ideas to the class.

Students: Engagement, Practice, and Application

Note meaningful activities, interaction, strategies,
practice and application, feedback in each of the three
areas below.
Collaborative (engagement with others)

The whole class participates and collaborates in

the creation of the KWHL chart.

Students collaborate to dress up their snowman.

Students share and discuss their observations in a

small group.

The whole class participates in the creation of the

KWHL anchor chart.
Students build and decorate their snowmen out of the
three snowballs and use felt and construction paper
to decorate them.
Each student draws a picture of the finished snowman.
Each student writes a detailed description of how the
finished snowman looks and its state.
Students observe the snowman in their small group;
students think and talk about how and why the
snowman is changing.
Students draw another picture and write a description
of how the snowman changed.
Students measure the snowman and use data to
support their observations.
Students draw a final picture showing the changes of
the snowman.
Students write a third description of the snowman.

Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of

written and spoken texts)

Students compare the three different snowman

pictures and describe and contrast the changes
that occurred.

Students take notes during group observations

Productive (creation of oral presentations and
written texts)

Students predict what will happen to the snowman.

Students share their prediction in the small group.

Collaborative (engagement with others)

Students work in small groups to discuss their


Students present their stories and drawings in

a small group.
Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of
written and spoken texts)
KWHL chart
Students take observational notes in their journals.
Productive (creation of oral presentations and
written texts)

Students write a narrative which includes their

observations about the snowman.

Students draw three images that show how the

snowman changed during the course of the

Students share and present their stories in a small

Review and Assessment: What specific assessment
tools are being used? Describe clearly how you would
assess student performance in this lesson. Can this
objective be assessed and what will the student be
able to think, say, or do when the objective is
1. Anecdotal observational records will be used to
monitor student progress and small group
participation. I will use a log to record my observations.
2. Formal assessment: student stories will be evaluated
through the used of the project rubric.

Teacher Reflection
What do you anticipate to be a problem for specific
Some of the groups may struggle to collaborate. The
student with limited mobility may become frustrated with
the project. Some of the students may struggle using
descriptive language to describe the change of the

Student Reflection: How will you provide for student

reflection on learning?
The KWHL chart provides an opportunity for students
to share and reflect upon their learnings. Since the
chart will be completed as a whole group activity, it
also serves as an anchor chart.
Students share their favorite parts of the activity with
an elbow partner and as part of their group

Lesson Extension:
Based on data/evidence, what are the next steps for future
lessons? Provide evidence for your answer.
Students continue to explore the concept in different


ELD Objective
Students will be able to share their stories orally in the
small group.

Students use the computer to complete the following

states of matter activity.
Students think about and explore instances of different
states of matter in their daily lives.

Content Objective
After the lesson on states of matter, 2nd-grade students
will be able to describe the different states of water and
explain why they occur.
What would likely go well? Why?
Students will enjoy building and decorating the
snowman; they will get excited about the project because
they can see, touch and feel it.
Students enjoy working in the small group and sharing
the changes they observe.
In what area(s) would you like to develop more
Writing descriptive paragraphs is still challenging for the
2nd-grade students. Students need additional practice
creating such paragraphs.
What theory or theorists would most strongly
support use of this strategy?
The constructivist theory supports learning through
observations; students construct an understanding of the
world based on their observations and experiences.

A copy of student work is attached.

EdTPA Commentary:
1. How does your plan help students make connections between skills and the essential
The lesson plan helps students build upon previous knowledge and background information through the
use of the KHWL chart. Students have multiple opportunities to interact with the content through visual,
auditory, and tactile approaches. Student use observations, small group collaboration, writing, drawing,
and presentation skills to demonstrate their learning and from active connections with the content.
2. Explain how you considered the variety of learners in your class that required different
strategies or support.
The lesson includes specific adaptations for English learners, students with special needs and gifted
students. Examples include explicit vocabulary instruction and the inclusion of a word wall with pictures.
The lesson also provides multiple opportunities for students to interact in a non-threating supportive
small group environment.
3. Describe and justify why the instructional strategies and planned supports are
appropriate for the whole class and students with similar or specific learning needs.
Hands-on activities increase the engagement of all students; the activity has many different
components that keep the students engaged. The use of the KWHL chart is appropriate for all students
because it serves as a tool to assess prior knowledge; it helps students share background information
and supports the shared creation of knowledge through the exchange of ideas. The chart also is used
part of a reflection that helps the class share their learning. The KWHL chart also serves as an anchor
chart that provides a visual summary of the learned concepts.
4. Describe how your students were provided opportunities to use the language demands in
the lesson plan.

The lesson product, the snowman story that summarizes and describes the students observations
about the changes the snowman underwent, provides an opportunity for the students to share their
observations through their writing. Students demonstrate a clear understanding of the learned concepts
by applying them in their writing. Students show the connections they made as they apply the
knowledge in their story.
Students have many opportunities to share their observations in a small group, students share and
present their stories in a small group and talk about their favorite parts of the activity in a small group.
Students collaborate as a whole class to create the KHWL chart; they share their background
knowledge, and things they want to learn and reflect upon their learning.
5. Describe how your planned formal and informal assessments have accomplished the
central focus/language function of your lesson.
The informal assessment is an integral part of the lesson. Through the use of an observation list, I will
use anecdotal records to support the instructional goals by providing opportunities for targeted
intervention based on the specific needs of the students. I will use the observational records to adjust
the flow of the lesson and to reteach concepts in a small group as needed. I will reteach academic
vocabulary as needed and provide additional support for students who struggle with their writing.
The formal assessment, the final product, is assessed though a project rubric. The rubric provides a
deeper insight into the students understanding of the concepts, the rubric provides an opportunity to
assess the different components of the project and clearly communicate project expectations to the
students. I included multiple forms of assessment to gain a better understanding of the students
progress towards mastery of the content.

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