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Daniela Cupples

California EL Standards Review

Common Core Content Standard:
ELA-Literacy/W/3/6 With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish
writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
Key Concept:
Production and Distribution of Writing: Students use technology, to produce and publish writing.
Primary Learning Objective:
Students will plan, write, edit, proofread, illustrate, and publish their personal narratives on a
computer. Students will collaborate in groups to peer review, edit, and present.
Content Objective: Students will use technology to publish and illustrate a personal narrative.
Definition of Academic Language Skills connected to Content Standard:
Writing: Students need to know how to successfully write a personal narrative. They need to apply and
incorporate the elements of a narrative: character, setting, rising action, conflict, denouement, falling
action, resolution. Students need to apply the concepts of the writing process: prewriting, writing,
revising, editing, and publishing. Students need to apply basic grammar and spelling skills.
Reading: Students need to proof-read.
Listening: Actively listening to other group member presentations.
Speaking: students need to present their narratives in a small group setting, participate in a small
group discussion and ask questions.
Definition of Content Specific Language connected to Content Standard:
Writing: Students need to produce and publish with the use of technology.
This involves keyboarding: students need to proficiently key narratives into the computer and
manipulate and format the content. They need to apply basic word processing skills and apply wordprocessing related academic vocabulary.
Word-processing Academic Vocabulary:

Line spacing

Spelling/Grammar Check



EL Standard Competency:
Emerging Collaborative Ability: The student is struggling with the academic language skills.
Providing peer reviews within the group is challenging for the student. The students emerging
collaborative ability, which allows him to ask and answer yes-no and why questions and his ability to
answer in short phrases limits his ability to participate. The small group setting of the activity could
serve as an excellent opportunity to provide scaffolding for the student. A heterogeneous group of
supportive proficient English students could provide opportunities for the student to participate in
the group and feel empowered to communicate.
Expanding Interpretative Ability: The students expending interpretative ability is an area of
developing strength within the academic language. Being able to demonstrate active listening skills
will serve the student well when he listens to the presentations within his group. The expanding
interpretative ability will be an asset when the student works on peer reviews as the student is able
to read closely and understand a variety of texts. Providing clear guidelines and modeling the peer
editing process would provide moderate support for the student.
Expanding Productive Ability: The student demonstrates many developing areas of strength in his
productive ability. The students expanding ability to deliver brief oral presentations is an area of
developing strength in the academic language area. The student is able to retell a story, which helps
him present his narrative. Furthermore, his expanding ability in writing longer literary texts
collaboratively and using appropriate text organization is an academic language asset. His ability to
use a growing number of general academic domain-specific words increases the students ability to
successfully express his experiences and ideas. Proper support, such as providing word list
glossaries further strengthens the students writing development.
Bridging Expanding and Enriching Ideas Ability
An area of great strength is the students bridging ability in expanding and enriching ideas. The use
of a variety of verb types and tenses, adverbial and prepositional modifiers, and noun phrases
provides additional academic language tools to enrich the meaning of sentences the student
constructs. This allows the student to add detail and express his own experiences in the personal
Emerging Structuring Cohesive Text Ability
The students emerging ability in structuring cohesive texts is an area of academic language
struggle. Through proper guidance by the teacher, the student can understand the proper text
organization, which will help the student write his personal narrative. Further developing his skill of
cohesion; understanding how events and ideas are linked will help the student in successfully
crafting his narrative. Providing connecting words and phrases can support this area of academic
language development.

Bridging Connecting and Condensing Ideas

The students ability to combine clauses, make connections, and to express ideas such as cause and
effect is an area of strength. Condensing clauses in a variety of ways enables the student to write
exact and detailed sentences when he writes his narrative.
Action Steps to Prepare the Focus Student for SBAC assessment:
SBAC assessments offer designed supports for English language learners, based on identified need.

1. To provide the best support for the student, I collaborate with the ELD resource teacher to identify
the specific needs of the student. Based on the students English development, the identified
need for the student is: Student needs extra support in the area of Structuring Cohesive Text,

which affects the students ability to cohesively answer constructive response questions and
performance task items.
2. Based on this need the following designated supports may be available to the student if the
need can be properly documented and established.
a. Translated test directions for mathematics test.
b. Translations in the glossary or stacked format are allowed for math items.
c. English glossary, provides grade and context appropriate definitions of specific terms
in English.
3. Once applicable designated supports have been approved, I need to provide opportunities
for the student to familiarize himself with the test interface and the designated supports
that are available to the student.

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