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HAKKI HOCA odak akademi Edirne

1. The prevalence of schizophrenia worldwide appears to be slightly less than

1 per cent ----.
A) if schizophrenia is a relatively serious mental disorder

2009 - KPDS lkbahar

B) since it is regarded as a major public health problem throughout the world

C) because schizophrenia and other delusional disorders share certain features
D) although areas of higher or lower prevalence have been identified
E) unless people with schizophrenia occupy one fourth of all hospital beds
2. Because energy production expends resources and causes pollution, ----.
A) we depend upon nature to provide the basics of life, such as food and oxygen
B) many resources are used once and then thrown away
C) modern technical challenges are seldom met by scientists


D) scientists and engineers must work to develop energy-efficient processes

E) engineers must solve problems without even understanding the underlying theory

3 ---- while such African languages as Hausa and Swahili continued to serve the everyday
needs of the masses.
A) During the colonial era in Africa, English became the shared language of the administration and
a Western-educated lite,
B) In colonial Africa, the teaching of English literature is no longer popular
C) Modern African writers have found it necessary to adapt certain aspects of English,
D) Today, English is the official language of sixteen countries in Africa,
E) English as a second language has been taught in Africa for nearly four hundred years,

4. Smallpox was once a dreaded human disease, ----.

A) while genetic engineering can be used in several ways to make vaccines
B) although today DNA technology is helping medical researchers develop vaccines
C) even if artificial-mutant vaccines may cause fewer side effects than natural mutants
D) but it was eradicated worldwide in the 1970s by widespread vaccination
E) since there has been no effective drug treatment for many viral diseases

5. The Welsh language has changed so little through the centuries ----.
A) whose annual Eisteddfod celebration honours its best poets and writers
B) that an educated Welshman can still read the Welsh of the Middle Ages
C) as more and more English families settle in Wales, bringing their habits with them
D) although Wales recently formed its own national assembly
E) unless it embodies the kind, unambitious nature of the Welsh people
6. By 1809, Swedens military power had waned to such an extent ----.
A) as a new constitution transferred power from the king to Parliament
B) so that it could no longer continue as a great power
C) that the country was forced to surrender part of its territory to Russia
D) in that nearly one million Swedes migrated, mostly to America
E) even though the Swedes had contributed to Europes Age of Enlightenment with advances in

7. ---- since it has been described as among the most terrifying works of history ever penned.
A) The story focuses on Hitlers end in his underground banker
B) I want to get hold of this new account of World War II
C) The story is well told by one of Germanys renowned historians
D) Ive read all I want to read about World War II
E) In particular the bombing of Dresden is objectively presented
8. ---- even though shes still not prepared to forgive herself.
A) The wrong person got blamed
B) After all, she committed an error, not a crime
C) Others were also involved in the affair
D) A lot of people have forgiven her
E) She was wrongly accused

9. Having read so many contemporary American writers, I ---- to feel impatient with the kind of
fiction that ---- in England.
A) was beginning / will have been written
B) had begun / has been written
C) have begun / would have been written


D) would begin / is being written

E) began / was being written

10. The most stunning recent museums, ---- , are art objects themselves.
A) why they were designed by a Japanese architect
B) of which the one in Bilbao must be the finest
C) as the Pritzker is architectures biggest prize

DS SOSYAL Ekim 2007

D) since there were smooth glass and aluminium panels

E) since space and proportion get flawless treatment
11. Whatever Luhrmanns New York critics may think of his new production of La
Bohme,---- .
A) people had waited in long queues for last-minute cancellations
B) they claimed to have pursued creative freedom

DS SOSYAL Mart 2006

C) the beautiful side of life will have been expressed with beautiful music
D) he has certainly breathed new life into this opera
E) opera used to be characterized by unnatural, alienating conventions
12. Although Russias space technology is simpler than that of NASA in the US, ----.
A) the Shuttle is grounded for repairs
B) it still manages to work reliably
C) subsequent flights ran smoothly

DS SOSYAL Ekim 2006

D) more than one flight had ended in disaster

E) another one has flown more than 100 missions
13. As the Hubble Space Telescope continues its mission, ----.

A) Edwin Hubble encouraged this idea in connection with his own research
B) Eta Carinae is one of the most massive stars known in the Milky Way, and is thought to be on
the verge of becoming a gigantic supernova
C) millions of people have already learned a great deal about the solar system
D) we tend to think of science in terms of great minds coming up with great ideas
E) it sends home new revelations about the life and death of stars and the nature of our
expanding universe

DS FEN Mart 2008

14. Since albatross have the longest wings in nature, ----.

A) their populations had already begun to decline
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B) they came ashore far more frequently

C) they can glide for hundreds of kilometres without flapping their wings
D) from time to time they went in search of new breeding grounds
E) most pairs mate for life, producing and raising one chick every two years

15. ----, yet the software programmes, or genes, inside our bodies have not changed
much in thousands of years.
A) Computer software has come down in price by half annually
B) There is a gene that tells fat cells to hold on to every calorie in order to protect the body during
periods of starvation

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C) Scientists are researching new methods to overcome the difficulties of gene therapy
D) A human gene is composed of two sets of 23 chromosomes
E) Our computers and other electronic devices typically have their software updated every few

16. ----, astronomers want to take pictures of galaxies of various ages from infancy to
A) Because Hubble has taken long exposures of small patches of sky
B) In order to get an idea of what the Milky Way might have looked like in the past
C) Even though old galaxies were smaller in size and more irregular in shape than modern ones
D) As one would expect, if todays galaxies formed from the union of several smaller ones
E) If the rate of star formation reached its peak around seven billion years ago
DS FEN Mart 2007

17. Though there were daunting technical obstacles about the Channel Tunnel to be
overcome, ----.
A) the bridge has never been completed
B) these are not nearly as worrying as the costs involved

DS FEN Ekim 2006

C) England and France were eventually linked by an undersea railway

D) an army of engineers is involved in the project
E) doubts concerning its safety were still being expressed

18. The early Arctic explorers could locate themselves by looking at the stars ----.
A) for the purpose of using the most accurate compasses available
B) that they worked out the latitude by using sextants
DS FEN Ekim 2006

C) since longitude is difficult to determine

D) as long as they could determine the exact time
E) despite matching celestial observations to certain points in time
19. Normally, the volume of sweat is about 100 ml/day, ----.

A) but in very hot weather or during heavy exercise, water loss in sweat occasionally
increases to 12 litres/hour
B) since urine volume can be as low as 0.5 litre/day in a dehydrated person
C) because normally a small amount of water (100 ml/day) is lost in the faeces
D) whereby water loss in the faeces can increase to several litres a day in people with severe

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E) so long as the maintenance of a relatively constant volume of the body fluids is essential for

20. ----,many women will welcome the opportunity to take some preventive action
against bone thinning.
DS SALIK Ekim 2009
A) As they enter middle age
B) Despite the fact that their emotional outbursts are seldom justified
C) Knowing that sports injuries are almost inevitable in the highly active
D) Unless they are told to do so by their doctors
E) When doctors forget to advise their patients

21. Because symptoms of sleep apnea occur during sleep, ----.

DS SALIK Mart 2008
A) severe apnea can result in headaches, excessive daytime sleepiness and slow mental
B) they must be described by someone who observes the person sleeping
C) snoring is associated with episodes of gasping and choking
D) most people have been treated successfully and can now sleep comfortably
E) people who snore are advised to sleep on their side or facedown

22. For any pain syndrome, surgery is the most extreme approach and is usually
recommended ----.
DS SALIK Mart 2008
A) because it has its own potential dangers and possibilities for complications
B) in case the pain starts suddenly and stays in a particular area of the back
C) only when all the other means of treatment have failed to produce a positive result
D) unless back surgery is only partially successful in repairing tissue damage
E) as long as drugs, skin stimulation and surgery can all be effective for controlling pain
23. Cancer cells are immortal they can go on dividing indefinitely ---- .
DS SALIK Ekim 2007
A) once the bodys immune system normally recognizes a transformed cell as abnormal
B) but chemotherapy is used to treat metastatic tumours
C) as long as they have a supply of nutrients
D) because this process has already been controlled
E) insofar as many tumours, luckily, can be treated
24. Although obsession with the latest clothes and gadgets is common among teenagers, ----.
A) materialism actually peaks during pre-teen years when it is directly linked to self-esteem.
B) praise from peers about their clothing diminishes their self-esteem
C) higher levels of materialism can also lead to obsession
D) boosting teenagers self esteem can help improve their performance at school
E) the must have mentality is significant in shaping ones personality
2011 KPDS lkbahar
25. With satellite digital radio, good reception is guaranteed, ----.
A) before your receiver has been installed by the mechanic
B) if you pay too much money for the digital radio
C) after you sign up for a monthly payment
D) as long as you point your receiver at the satellite
E) unless you purchase a good satellite digital radio
2011 KPDS lkbahar

26. While immunologists are working to develop a successful vaccine and effective drugs to
treat HIV-infected patients, ----.
A) developing a vaccine against HIV has been a most daunting challenge for them
B) a vaccine would not be effective against new antigens and so would quickly become obsolete
C) massive educational programmes are also being developed to impede the proliferation of AIDS
D) HIV often infects the central nervous system; for this reason, an effective drug must cross the
blood-brain barrier
E) other barriers to the development of a vaccine include the difficulties in finding human
volunteers in whom to test the vaccine
2010 - DS Sonbahar / Salk
27 When colorectal cancer has spread and isnt likely to be cured by surgery
alone, ----.
A) chemotherapy after surgery may prolong the persons life, but cure is still rare
B) surgery to relieve the intestinal obstruction may ease the symptoms
C) this treatment, though expensive, may provide more benefit than ordinary chemotherapy
D) this procedure may relieve symptoms and prolong life
E) about 70 per cent of patients with colorectal cancer are good candidates for surgery
2010 - DS Sonbahar / Salk
28. If user demand were the only driving force behind innovation, ----.
A) the initial stage of stove design would seek to reduce demand
B) the cooking stove will have been designed in a way to minimize heat transfer
C) the cooking stove would be one of the most sophisticated devices in the world
D) three billion people nearly half the world's population would use a stove every day
E) research on the development of cooking stoves will be the first priority
DS SOSYAL Mart 2011

29. Advocates for reform of the country's political system are now trying to pressurize
the government for change, ----.
A) despite the strong likelihood that they will be unsuccessful again
B) because they have been encouraged by recent reports of low crime levels in cities
C) although they are fully aware that a dictatorship would be worse than a democracy
D) in spite of the possibility that other parties may join them
E) while their opponents are trying to undermine their credibility to govern the country
DS SOSYAL Mart 2011

30. ----, in Brook's narrative every piece of information pushes the story forward.

A) While most novels try to inspire and interest their readers

B) Although some literary narrative can focus too much on the plot
C) When the protagonist is tolerant and enlightened and has high-minded convictions
D) After each page is turned to reveal the remarkable achievement in the story
E) Whereas much literary fiction struggles to refer backwards
DS SOSYAL Mart 2011

31. When Franois Mitterrand nationalized Frances banks in 1981, .

A) he opposed the view that economic liberty had been under attack
B) he had already decided to minimize these risks in a short term
C) he had tried to avoid populist gestures


D) his ultimate aim has been to regulate Frances financial system

E) he did so because he thought the state would run them better
32. after strong winds and a heat wave started dozens of forest fires.
A) Many villages in the area will be evacuated
B) No precautions had been taken
C) The government would have set up a special team of fire fighters
D) Many fire fighting teams will have been called in
E) Last summer, Athens was engulfed in thick smoke


33. During the Cold War, even as they prepared to destroy one another,
A) the West has always sought opportunities to make peace with the Soviet Union
B) the United States and the Soviet Union had been involved in a constructive dialogue
C) Britain has imported enormous quantities of timber from the Soviet Union
D) the West and the Soviet Union struck deals and traded in energy


E) the Soviet Union contributes a great deal to Chinas economic development

34. Until China becomes the most powerful nation in the world, with Chinese spoken
A) the problems of wide variations in English may well be lessened
B) English will remain the primary language of science and diplomacy
C) many countries in the world have shifted to printing their scientific journals only in English
D) immigrants to the United States or Britain acquire English rapidly and well
E) people who speak English and another language have an advantage over those who
speak only English


35. before grapes can be transformed into fine wine.

A) Harvesting was a very costly and tiring process
B) Farmers were expecting higher prices
C) Drought does much damage to grape vines


D) The farm workers in France have protested at lower wages

E) There is much work to be done
36. Before the 21 st century has run its course, .
A) the powers of computers have expanded vastly due to advanced research
B) countless technologies not envisioned yet will be available to us


C) a great deal of scientific effort is being made to find solutions to complex problems
D) most people in developed countries enjoy a state of true health throughout their lives
E) our knowledge of the world around us has improved to a great extent
37. In general, when credit demand is low, ..
A) it is not sensible to take out loans during deflation
B) following the wrong guideline could have been catastrophic
C) interest rates measure the cost of credit, not the price of money


D) interest rates are correspondingly low

E) precautionary savings were rising at the time
38. Animals are particularly vulnerable .. .
A) when they are in their infancy
B) whether they could fend for themselves
C) as soon as they had left their mothers


D) so that their offspring will survive

E) unless every effort has been made by the parents
39. When the feminist movement came into being, ..
A) a major issue is still the right to vote
B) the aim had been to combat oppression
C) women were seen as constituting a single class
D) discrimination against women still continues in the workplace
E) the professional class working mother is another exception


40. .when the occupancy levels in the hotel fall off steeply.
A) There are no profits to be made during the cold winter months
B) The hotel regained its five star rating in 1996
C) The rebuilt Star has retained the original

shell, but scarcely any of the fittings

D) Training schemes were receiving even greater attention

E) Outside temperatures reached 50C


41. While children in their early years are learning about the world around them, ..
A) they have always been warned by their parents
B) he makes use of his previous experiences
C) it is obvious that child care ought to be a

DS SOSYAL Ekim 2009


D) there are some diseases that have no effective treatment

E) they often confuse the real with the imaginary
42. After Dali was expelled from art school in Madrid in 1926, ..
A) he had been much influenced by the earlier Spanish painters
B) a number of paintings depict unusual landscapes
C) especially mentally disturbed people had interested him enormously
D) he joined a group of painters who called themselves surrealists
E) today his paintings still amaze but also entertain many people

DS SOSYAL Ekim 2009

43. .. until the Europeans began to settle there in the 18th century.
A) Anthropologists believe that aboriginal people in Australia initially arrived from Asia
B) In Australia, various aboriginal tribes had inhabited the region now known as South Wales
C) Australias leading city, Sydney, has experienced alternating periods of growth and decline
D) Australia has always been inhabited by the aboriginal people
E) Sydney is a modern cosmopolitan city that has a distinctive cultural identity
DS SOSYAL Ekim 2009
44. When we enter a library and glance at the books on the shelves,
A) the readers are expected to classify the bulk of the books
B) we are at first bewildered by their variety and quantity
C) the first thing we did was to look for the book we needed
D) the shelves are tidied up at the end of every working day by the librarians
E) some libraries offer online services while others dont

DS SOSYAL Mart 2009

45. When people are faced with terribly long to do lists,

A) we began to feel hopelessly discouraged
B) it might be an unnecessarily exaggerated concern
DS SOSYAL Mart 2009

C) they might have been motivated

D) it is easy to find reasons to put off doing them
E) they dont want to feel it was wasted

46. when it was conquered by Scipio Africanus.

A) Spain, originally inhabited by Celts, became a part of the Roman Empire in 206 B.C.
B) From the 12th to the 15th century, Aragon and Castile were the only Spanish states
C) Off Spains east coast in the Mediterranean are the Balearic Islands
D) In 711, the Muslims under Tariq entered Spain from Africa

DS SOSYAL Ekim 2008

E) Today Spain occupies 85% of the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with Portugal

47. When a rise in civil servant numbers resulted in economic problems in Tanzania,
A) newly emerged leaders often offered civil service jobs to their supporters in Africa
B) the payment of civil servants is still problematic
C) a painful cut in pay would be inevitable because of staff numbers
D) the IMF forced the government to cut the total wage bill
E) holding civil servants to account is another problem

DS SOSYAL Mart 2008

48. Even before the Walt Disney Company signed an agreement with the French
Government to open Euro Disney, .
A) the park would employ thousands of people and attract a large number of tourists
B) Disneyland Paris has more than twice as many visitors as the Louvre
C) certain attractions are introduced to cater to French tastes
D) critics began to refer to it as a cultural disaster

DS SOSYAL Mart 2008

E) the French are the largest European consumers of Disney products such as comic books
49. Whenever attitude researchers ask participants questions,
A) researchers would have probably needed to demonstrate that the scientific benefits of the
research outweighed the possible ethical costs

DS SOSYAL Ekim 2007

B) this is especially so when a persons attitude runs counter to a prevailing norm

C) researchers have devised several techniques to overcome such problems
D) the techniques often raised questions about research ethics, especially if participants did not know
their attitudes were being measured
E) there is the possibility that participants will be reluctant to reveal their true feelings

50. ..since the break-up of the Soviet Union.

A) Millions of Ukrainians have gone abroad in search of a living
B) Ukrainian migrants often took on menial jobs
C) Many Ukrainian women had been tempted overseas by promises of glamorous careers
D) There were Ukrainian immigrants in Western Europe working on farms
E) From time to time Ukraine felt threatened politically

DS SOSYAL Ekim 2006

51. ..before he became a filmmaker.

A) The director of the Titanic now plans to make a film of the sinking of the Bismarck
B) He is best known as the director of the film Titanic
C) The director of the film Titanic was a scuba diver and wreck diver
D) The films director has always been fascinated by wrecks

DS SOSYAL Mart 2006

E) He is interested in why the Titanic sank

52. When your anxiety affects your family life and job performance .
A) this would have suggested that medical advice was called for
B) some people seem to be natural worriers
C) it may indicate a serious mental health problem

DS SOSYAL Aralk 2005

D) which should have been given first priority

E) it has taken a long time to effect a cure
53. As soon as the possibility of their joining the European Union arose .
A) a great many young Norwegians came out strongly against the proposal
B) several of the member countries are not even trying to hire their disapproval
C) politicians everywhere have awaited the next stage with interest

DS SOSYAL Aralk 2005

D) there is still a strong lobby among young people not to join

E) Norway is now the only Scandinavian country outside the Union
54. almost as soon as the two countries gained their independence from
Yugoslavia in 1991.
A) During World War II, Germany invaded Yugoslavia, which the included Croatia and
B) Slovenia and Croatia became part of the Austrian Hungarian Empire in the mid19th
DS SOSYAL Mart 2005

C) Slovenia was able to separate itself from

Yugoslavia with relatively little violence

D) The border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia began

E) Economically, Croatia and Slovenia are remarkably prosperous and maintain a high
standard of living

55. Unless governments take action to control population growth, ..

A) a great majority of our environmental problems will be solved
B) population control can be possible through strict policies
C) the natural resources in the world will soon become insufficient
D) sustainability policies were formulated by developed countries

DS FEN Mart 2010

E) thousands starved to death in the poorer parts of the world

56. Experts fear that, unless significantly higher yields are achieved with genetically
modified (GM) crops, ..
A) genetic engineers are determined to continue to work on crops that can grow in a shorter period of
B) these trends led to economic development and a significant reduction in global hunger and poverty
C) certain circles are concerned about the possible negative effects of GM crops on human health
D) massive environmental degradation will be the inevitable result of trying to feed the worlds
increasing population
E) the impacts of climate change on agriculture will not be fully understood in the years ahead
DS FEN Ekim 2009
57. Physicists have established that, before the universe existed in its present form, .
A) the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the universe
B) astronomy attracted many high school students to study it in depth
C) all of its matter was concentrated in one mass

DS FEN Ekim 2009

D) they knew what to look for

E) their existence would not have been questionable
58. When the first transistor amplifiers came along,
A) there were a number of design deficiencies
B) the engineers identified these problems and fixed them
C) people would have been astonished by the magic of it all

DS FEN Mart 2008

D) Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain developed the transistor in 1947 and 1948
E) the extent of their achievements will never be appreciated

59. As soon as scientists realized the power of DNA technology, ..

A) early concerns focused on the possibility that they might create new pathogens
B) the Human Genome Project has yielded many other unexpected results
C) they claim that these proteins could be tested for their ability to cause allergic reactions
DS FEN Mart 2008

D) they began to worry about its potential dangers

E) one safety measure is a set of strict laboratory procedures designed to protect researchers from
60. Shortly after the Golden Gate Bridge was opened, ..
A) some aesthetic and artistic concerns may have dominated the visual design of the bridge
B) it has been an enormously successful bridge by most aesthetic and functional criteria
C) its roadway proved to be overly flexible under certain wind conditions
D) the design of the bridges towers was tested on scale models, and construction of the bridge

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E) a number of such structures were acting similarly

61. when they are exposed to higher than normal temperatures.
A) Recent climate warming is associated with genetic change
B) Recent global warming might already be driving such changes
C) Researchers compiled data on chromosomal polymorphism covering periods of 13 to 46 years
D) Some organisms undergo genetic change

DS FEN Ekim 2007

E) Weather records for the same periods and locations are studied
62. Once the wind had reached the critical threshold of 94 miles per hour,
A) the anchorbolt systems have already weakened
B) it took only about 30 seconds for the bridge to collapse
C) a basic problem is that of corrosion

DS FEN Ekim 2006

D) but the order of collapse was related to the complex and changing wind directions
E) it is possible to protect structures against the force of an F1 tornado

63. When the womens Vitamin D serum levels were divided into four groups,
A) the researchers found that the lowest levels of the vitamin were associated with the highest risk of
hip fracture
B) a low serum level of Vitamin D emerges occasionally in postmenopausal subjects who
live in fear of hip fracture
C) the women who had hip fracture were recruited as part of the eligible study population
D) the study has highlighted the importance of maintaining good bone health to the fullest
DS SALIK Mart 2010

extent possible

E) the lowest ones have traditionally turned out to be the patients with the poorest profiles of


64. Ever since scientists learned how to manipulate genes, .
A) doctors and patients have pinned their hopes on this knowledge being transmuted into readily
available medical procedures
B) advances in gene therapy are expected to be announced by research teams in Japan and
Argentina in the near future
C) all gene therapy rests on the idea that the patients genes can be manipulated in such a way that
DS SALIK Ekim 2009

the organism fixes itself

D) various other therapies, such as bone marrow transplants, have proved inadequate in making
headway against the rare disorder of severe combined immunodeficiency
E) no clinical trial expects to get ultimate approval in the near future by health authorities in the US
and Europe
65. When two or more drugs are taken in the same time period,
A) some drugs must be used despite their having a very narrow margin of safety
B) people should also consult their pharmacist
C) they have been enormously beneficial in

relieving suffering

D) they may interact in ways that are either good or bad

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E) patients are advised not to take them

66. Once the pollen season starts, .
A) in most people, allergic conjunctivitis is part of a larger allergy syndrome, such as seasonal rhinitis
B) the different types of allergic reactions are generally categorized by what causes them
C) antihistamines or decongestants are the usual initial treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis
D) people who have severe adverse effects from taking drugs should consider allergen
E) the nose, the roof of the mouth, the back of the throat, and the eyes start to itch
DS SALIK Mart 2009

67. When the mother contracts German measles during the first trimester of
pregnancy, .
A) it is impossible to repair intracardiac defects while the heart is still pumping
B) the same defect has been known to occur in identical twins and in succeeding generations
C) congenital defects of the heart are also associated with other congenital defects of the body
D) these complications may affect only the pregnant woman or both the woman and the
DS SALIK Ekim 2008

E) this often causes the development of heart defects in the foetus
68. Even when a cell becomes cancerous, ..

A) antigens released into the bloodstream by some cancers are sometimes called tumour
B) it is a cell whose biological function has been altered

DS SALIK Mart 2008

C) a fully functioning immune system cant always destroy all these cancer cells
D) the immune system may regard these cells as foreign
E) the immune system can often destroy it before it replicates
69. Whenever doctors consider prescribing a drug,
A) infrequent headaches or muscle strains can be relieved with over-the-counter drugs
B) they must weigh the possible risks against the expected benefits
C) infants and very young children are at special risk of adverse drug reactions
D) its necessary to accept a higher risk of a severe drug reaction to treat a life threatening

DS SALIK Ekim 2007

E) potential benefits and risks were seldom able to be determined with mathematical precision
70. Once people have been diagnosed with cancer, .
A) therapists could have used relaxation methods to assist them in coping with some of the
negative aspects of cancer treatments
B) they will affect their survival time by adapting a fighting spirit, having strong emotional and social
support or attending group counselling sessions
C) attempts by their partners to protect them from the reality of their illness were not helpful
D) at least half of those treated with chemotherapy had experienced nausea, fatigue, depression,
sleep problems and loss of appetite

DS SALIK Mart 2007

E) family history and ethnic background are factors in many types of cancer

71. As soon as books became available and literacy increased in the 15th century, ----.
A) the economic situation continued to deteriorate at an alarming rate
B) markets for overseas trade would collapse
C) the invention of the printing press had already become useless
D) regional dialects were often diverse and unintelligible

DS Sosyal-Sonbahar 2010

E) people came to see the world as operating according to its own laws

72. Illegal aliens in America have been a problem ----.

A) when the early regulations encouraged immigration
B) ever since the first immigration restriction was imposed
DS Sosyal- Sonbahar 2010

C) if necessary precautions are not taken

D) because it was virtually impossible to maintain control over them all
E) although the use of false IDs increases at an alarming rate

73. ---- when the atoms in substances rearrange and combine into new substances.
A) The speeds of molecules in a gas vary over a range of values
B) Atomic theory is central to chemistry

DS Fen- Sonbahar 2010

C) A chemical reaction occurs

D) The first metals used by man were probably those that occurred naturally such as gold
E) A metal ore contains varying quantities of economically worthless material

74. ---- before calm can resume and a stable new order can emerge.
A) The country has a long way to go
B) Mobile phones continue to spread news
C) Liberal voters wish to win an electoral victory
D) The latest unrest may die down
E) No one can be sure of a new order

2011 KPDS lkbahar

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