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Elyse Casillas

Some research has looked at how teacher preparation influences teachers practices and
student outcomes. For example, research as early as the 1960s found that teachers with
greater methods training in science teaching were more likely to use laboratory techniques and
discussions and to emphasize conceptual applications of ideas, whereas those with less
education training placed more emphasis on memorization. Furthermore, teachers coursework
in science education was significantly related to students achievement on tasks requiring
problem solving and applications and science of knowledge (Perkes, 1967). In a later review of
sixty five studies of science teaching, Druva and Anderson (1983) found that teachers
effectiveness, defined by both teachers rating and students achievement, was positively related
to the teachers course-taking background in both education and science. More recently,
Welglinsky (2002) examined the relationships between teachers training, teachers practices,
and student achievement using data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP). (149 words)
Function Words -necessary words for

Content Words- information, meaning-

grammar- pronouns, conjunctions,

prepositions, articles

Noun, verb, adjective, adverb

Some has at how and For as as the that

with in were more to and and to of whereas
those with more on Furthermore in was to
on and and of In a of of that by and was
to the in both and More the and from the of

research looked teacher preparation influences

teachers practices student outcomes example
research early 1960s found teachers greater
methods training science teaching likely use
laboratory techniques discussions emphasize
conceptual applications ideas less education
training placed emphasis memorization
teachers coursework science education
significantly related students achievement
tasks requiring problem solving applications
science knowledge later review sixty five
studies science teaching Druva and Anderson
found teachers effectiveness, defined
teachers rating students achievement
positively related teachers course-taking
background education science recently
Welglinsky examined relationships between
teachers training, teachers practices student
achievement using data National Assessment
Educational Progress (NAEP)

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