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Willow Brook

Into the Woods

On November 12, I attended Into the Woods at Thompson Valley High School. Before the
show, I saw one of my best friends and fellow education students at the University of Northern
Colorado who is student teaching in theater and helped with the show. I saw Laura LightKovach on my way in and she sat behind me for the performance. While waiting for the lights to
go down, I looked through the program.
This was my first time seeing the show. In this musical, many story lines are happening at
once. The stage opened with Cinderella at the far left singing to some birds surrounded by her
evil stepsisters and stepmother. The center stage was a mother and her son with their cow, and
the far right was a baker, his wife, and a witch who had promised them a child if they followed
her spell. The characters proceeded to go into the woods and meet each other in different
scenarios. There was no lack of scandal, as usual. There appeared to be a variety of ages in the
show with some great voices. One scene was especially uncomfortable, which is how it is written
to be. After debriefing with a theater friend, it is clear to me that choosing a play for high school
is a challenge to stay true to content while making it appropriate.
The drama and enthusiasm in these students was striking! I suppose my second period art
class is more asleep than theater students on closing night. High school is still an interesting age
for me because I dont feel that much older than them, while also feeling like high school was
ages ago.
I thoroughly enjoyed the show. There were moments of laughter, discomfort, and
appreciation. The week after the event, I recognized students around the school. If I had known
the actors it would have been a great thing to connect with students and show my support while
appreciating the arts. It is valuable to know what other programs are doing and working toward.
It is valuable for students, but also teachers. To have other teachers attend my events would be a
complement and demonstration of their value in my work.

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