02 Rotatory Vacuum Dryer (English)

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Bureau of Energy Efficiency, (Ministry of Power, Government of India)

Video Name : Rotary Vacuum Dryer

Rotary Vacuum Dryer
Less Energy Consumption,
Saves Money
(A pilot project showcasing usage and benefits of RVD technology in the Dyes Industry)
In the Economy of our Country, Chemical Industries have played a very important role.
And today the size of this Industry is approximately 145 Billion US Dollar.
If we talk about production volumes, then our country stands at the third position after
China and Japan in Asia region.
Our small and medium scale units have contributed a lot in this progress of Chemical
Industries,. MSME chemical cluster situated in Ankeleswar of Gujrat is a big hub of
these industries.
More than 600 units situated here produce Dyes, pigments, Insecticides,
Pharmaceuticals paints, etc.
One such units here is PANCHMAHAL DYE STUFF Industries where mainly
synthetic and Organic Dyes are produced. Here 5 Processes are followed to make
products, which are :-

LIP SYNC : Mr. Vishal Aggarwal
Coupling and Metallization are essentially, reaction processes in which different Dye
Intermediates and Metal Salts are mixed at a desired Temperature and Dye is prepared in
a Slurry form.
The wet cake which we get after filtering this slury has around 50to 55% moisture in it.
This cake is then dried and sent for grinding and blending.
In this whole process, drying section is one such area which has high prospects of
Energy saving. But before that, let's see which Drying Technology is being used in this
LIP SYNC : Unit owner
Currently for Drying we use Tray Dryers and this is a very old technology. These days
competition has increased a lot in the market so there is lot of pressure on pricing of our
products. We can not keep increasing the price of our products whereas input cost is
increasing, Energy Cost is increasing, Labor cost is increasing but still we have to
reduce our product cost. The problem in this is, that price of Raw Material is not in our
hands so we can only reduce costing through factors like Dryers, Labor and energy.

In this unit, Tray Dryers is used for material Drying. In this process ambient air is heated
till 135 C with the help of Hot Air Generator. This hot air is sent to Dryer through
Ducts where Material is kept on trays for Drying.
LIP SYNC : Mr. Sachin Verma
During Energy Audit we found that to dry 1000 Kg material in Tray Dryer it was taking
24 to 48 hours and in this process 8 to 9 SCM per hour Natural Gas was being
Besides this, because of improper Air circulation in drying chamber, the material was
not getting dried evenly. It was required to flip the material time to time because of
which both time and Energy was getting wasted, A big portion of total energy
consumption was being wasted to heat chamber, trays & trolley.
There are more than 100 such chemical units in Ankleswer were Hot Air Trey Dryer is
being used. To solve these problems faced during the use of Hot Air tray Dryer, Bureau
of energy efficiency and SIDBI executing under Jeff World Bank Project Financing
Energy efficiency at MSME`s found Rotary Vacuum Dryer as an appropriate alternative.
For this, advice was also taken from technical Expert of Indo-German Energy Program.
LIP SYNC : Unit owner
Rotary Vacuum Dryer is being used by the pigment Industry since long time, but it is
going to be a new step for the Dye Stuff Industry.
Idea is good and could save both energy of time. lets see.

Rotary Vacuum Dryer is a Cylindrical Jacketive vessel which has a agitator in the
middle and is operated through Motor & Gear Box.
The Blades attached to this agitator continuously rotate material in the Vessel because of
which the material gets more surface area to dry up, & the material gets dried evenly.
Steam is used to heat the material in the vessel. Vacuum is created in the Dryer shell
during heating because of which moisture of the material starts evaporating even at low
temperature. The vapors produced in the dryer are passed through Dust collector and
condenser and are then finally stored in a receiver. In this process both time of energy
are saved.
English text : Few weeks later
Finally our dryer is installed. Now lets see what are the results.
English text : After 8 weeks
Few days after the installation of Rotary Vacuum Dryer the team of experts studied the
working of this new Dryer and found that there are different results for difference Dyes.
Like in the case of olive ABGL there was not much difference in the cycle time but there
was 33% reduction in the total energy cost.
In other products like Orange G and Yellow GL the Drying cycle time has reduced to
half and energy cost has also reduced by 65-70%.
Management is very happy because their production capacity has increased that too with
less requirement of manpower and better working conditions. Even the Green House
Emissions have reduced.

LIP SYNC : Unit owner

We have benefited a lot because of this technology and our process has also got cleaned.
We hope that other Industries like ours would incorporate this technology.
DG VO :Rotary Vacuum Dryer Technology is a technology that is used in this Country for a long
time but not in a Dyes of Industry. The examples have shown here, show that 30%
decrease in Energy Processes. This make very advantages. We will work with you. It
cluster cross the Country to bring this Technology closer to use that it can be adopter.
We will also work with all Stakeholders to see how volumes can be decrease and prices
can be decreases. This effects you, effects your bottom line and makes you more
competitive. We at BEE will work with you to make Energy Efficiently.
By undertaking these solutions of energy efficiency, save energy and be a part in
development of nation.

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