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General Task 1 question seen in Sofia,

Bulgaria, July 2011 Full response

Posted on July 25, 2011 by Ryan

(This question taken from

Write a letter to a friend in a foreign country. In your letter you should:
ask what kind of job you would be able to get there
ask what the working conditions are there
explain why you want to work there
Ryans note:
I posted a response to a very similar question a few weeks back. It looks like this question
has been repeated a few times in various cities around the world.
Dear Anna,
I hope you are in good spirits and health. It has been much too long since we last met. I am writing
to you to tell you that, like you, I have decided to pursue a career in design in New York City and
was hoping you could provide me with some guidance based on your experiences there.
Let me start by saying that I am so excited to finally have the opportunity to travel to a foreign
country. It has always been my dream to live in New York City and to experience life within one of
the worlds most multicultural metropolises. However, I am a little anxious about a few things. For
one, what kind of job do you think a design major like me could get there? How would you describe
the working conditions?
I am really looking forward to your response. When I arrive, well have to catch up over chili dogs at
a Giants game!
Bye for now,

(Model letter) General Task 1 question as

seen in Australia and the Philippines in
early October
Posted on October 18, 2011 by Ryan

Your local community newspaper has announced a competition to acknowledge a person

who has greatly contributed to your town or city. Write a letter to the editor about a person
you know who deserves the award. In your letter include:
what his/her personal qualifications are
how you know the person
how he/she contributed to the community
To the editor of the Highland Local Times,
I am writing in response to your request for nominations of individuals that have made significant
contributions to our home of Highland. The person I would like to nominate is Doctor Alan Charlsby.
Allow me to highlight why I believe he is deserving of this award.
I had the pleasure of meeting of meeting Doctor Charlsby during our preliminary medical studies 30
years ago and we have remained professional colleagues since. Doctor Charlsby, currently heading
the medical studies department of Highland Medical School, is a model citizen whose life has been
devoted to hard work, perseverance and charity. Despite being offered higher paying positions in
larger cities, he has committed his life to education and has helped our communitys young scholars
achieve excellence in their medical studies. Today, Highland Medical School is considered among
the best institutions for medicine in the country, and I do not believe this would have been possible
without the efforts of Doctor Charlsby.
As you can see, Doctor Alan Charlsby has brought both prestige and opportunity to our Highland
community. I hope you agree that he is the right choice to receive your award.
Good luck with the selection process,

(Model letter) General Task 1 question

seen last week in an unspecified
Posted on November 1, 2011 by Ryan

Write a letter to your friend apologising for not informing them about a recent move you
made to another city. In your letter include:
an explanation for your sudden move
a description your new home
in what way your new home is better than your old home
Dear Curtis,
I am writing to apologise for not updating you on my new living status. Let me explain what
You see, late last week I returned home to find my basement flooded. It appears that the cold
weather we have been having caused a water supply pipe running along the roof of the basement to
burst. Although the problem was addressed before major damage occurred, my landlord offered to
have me move to one of his other houses until everything is completely rectified. Personally, I am
not complaining about this move as the new place is much roomier and has a nice view of the park.
It also has cable TV and pool table, which will make returning to my old place difficult!
Again, Im sorry that I was not able to let you know ahead of time that I was moving. Please take
note of my new address as printed on the envelope encasing this message.
Your friend,

Recent General Task 1 question (full written response) May 2011 exam
Posted on May 24, 2011 by Ryan

An online student of mine recently told me they saw the following question on the Task 1 portion of
their General exam:
An annual event was recently held in your area. Write a letter to the organizers of this event
congratulating them on a successful production.
In your letter, include:
-the details of the event
-what you most liked about the event
-a polite criticism of something you thought could be improved
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to congratulate you on your recent performance of Shakespeares Twelfth Night this
past Saturday at the Mickelson Theatre of the Arts in Brisbane. Here in Brisbane, we look forward to
your annual displays of the worlds most celebrated writer. It was a magnificent show, and I am sure
everyone in the audience was as mesmerized as I was.
Let me start by saying your choice to cast Alice Piper for the lead role was very fitting. I personally
found her performance particularly astonishing and was the highlight of the evening for me. Victor
Kemplers interpretation of the character Sebastian made for good accompaniment, however I have
to say that I feel an older actor would have probably been more suitable. This is only a minor
imperfection, though, and one that paled in comparison to the events strengths.
Congratulations on your fantastic effort! You have left Brisbane waiting with enthusiasm for your
return next year.

IELTS Brazil General Task 1 suggested response (May 2011)

Posted on May 18, 2011 by Ryan

(This question taken from IELT-blog.)

Here is a Task 1 question as seen on the General IELTS exam in Brazil this month:
A friend of yours is applying for a job as a sports instructor for teenagers in a summer
school in Australia. He is asking you to write a recommendation letter to the principal of the
school. In your letter, you should say:
-how long you have known him for
-what are his qualifications
-why he is suitable for the position
Here is my suggested response:
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to you on behalf of my friend, Elliot Carter, who recently sent you an application and
aspires to be a part of your team this summer. It would be my pleasure to give you some
background information on him and explain why I feel he would be a wonderful addition to your
Personally, I have known Elliot for the better part of seven years as we studied Adolescent
Education together at Brent University in Canberra. In addition to graduating with distinction, Elliot
spent each of his university summers volunteering at various schools similar to your own. His
popularity with the students garnered him the favourite teacher award at each of those schools.
Following this experience, he was offered the title of Academic Director at the prestigious Youth
Melbourne Academy of Leaders, which he has held to this day. He has informed me that he is
eager to take on a new challenge, hence his enthusiasm regarding working at your institution.
I hope this letter encourages you to add Elliot to your roster of teachers. With all of his experiences
and qualifications, I have no doubt he will bring a lot of talent to you.

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