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Timoteo, Lalaine M.




The brave do not abandon their culture., a very vigorous quotation I have
read. I understand that this generation is renovated and into modernization, but
people should not be nourishing this firm concretes to forget something, people
should not be building blocks to cover up something. You might ask, what do I
mean? I am talking about culture. Culture is the way of life wherein it is governed by
norms and customs which people nowadays is setting aside. Maybe because they
are ashamed, think that it is too rooted, think that it is old-fashioned, when in-fact
culture is very beautiful.

Keeping up with the new generation is good but to escape ones memory is
not. For parents, calling their children and attending into celebrations or occasions
is introducing their children about their own culture. But if you notice, some do not
even want to go and instead they face their cellular phones, television, and tablets.
Rather than facing the computer why not face your culture and know more about it?
Some are even ashamed of what their culture is. Culture is never what you should
be reluctant of; it is what you should be proud of. It is passed on from the first
generation till the next generation therefore, as long as we exist and language,
culture will always be maintained, and modified by human society. First and for
most, without culture you are nothing. It is like a life without a heart, you do not
have any identity, you wont even know who you are and it will make you confuse in
life. Without culture, we will just be like a machine. No one wants to be a machine,
and thus do things without a need. Like love, no one can exist without the other. It
gives us group identity and gives meaning to our existence. Culture makes us
unique which binds us all together, to create common threads of culture among our

Today, I highly call all of you to love and feel proud of your own culture. Thus
it would make you believe the importance of things unless they are taken away from
you. Take out all of that ignorance and explore your culture and not just your culture
but others too. Lift up your chin, walk with confidence and be proud of your identity.

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