Planning Aspects of Kharar

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Ar. Aanchal Rawal


Master Plan
Administrative Structure
Land Use
Water Supply
Power Supply & Distribution System
Solid Waste Management

Kharar is a city in Greater Mohali Region,
Situated at 30.74 North latitude, 76.65 East
298 meters elevation above the sea level.

With respect to Kharars unique location within GMR, the medium and long-term
vision for Kharar LPA is: Kharar is to be a fully-integrated and well-connected
sustainable city complete with cultural and built heritage amidst rapid development
and competition for limited resources within an ever-changing ever-evolving
The entire Kharar LPA is 3,324ha. Besides Urban and Rural settlements, Kharar has
Civic, education, Warehousing, retail/ hotel, resort, small & medium industrial
River Jainti Devi Ki Rao, a seasonal river, flows from North-East to South-West,
bisecting Kharar LPA. Although the River is seasonal, its water edge can be
potentially developed for Sports & Recreation Use.

GMADA Regional Plan

Kharar is a city and a municipal
council in Ajitgarh district in the state
of Punjab.
GMADA is the concerned
Development Authority.

Kharar Master Plan


Land Use

Existing Land Use

Kharar is the second most populated urban

settlement in GMADA Area.
As of 2001 India census, Kharar had a Urban
population of 42,289.
No of House Holds are 8,118.
It has 15.3% of GMADA Areas Urban Population
which has 4.9% Population Growth.
The population of the GMADA area in 2001 was
711,210 persons, with 38.9% of the population
classified as urban.


The main road links to Kharar LPA is currently limited

to only Road MDR A, National Highways NH 21 (to
Ropar) and NH 95 (to Ludhiana).
Minor roads leading to the villages are typically about
2-lane wide and are usually unmade track roads.
Traffic volumes are generally low from observations.
An existing railway Station provides inter-city
transportation facility to the Kharar commuters.
Among the 6 LPAs, Kharar is one of the 2 LPA (the
other being SAS Nagar) that has an operational
railway station that provides passenger service twice
daily via Chandigarh.

Water Supply
Proposed Potable
Water Supply Main

Proposed Potable Water Distribution Main

Proposed Potable Water Distribution Zone

Water Supply contd

Fire fighting demand:

Fire demand in kilo litres per day=100p, where p=population in thousands
Water Transmission and Distribution Losses:
Total Water Loss of 15% includes 5% transmission loss and 10% distribution loss
Workforce consumption is incorporated into the respective unit demand
Recycled water will be used mainly for irrigation purpose

Power Supply & Distribution System

Proposed Power Distribution Network

Proposed Power Supply and Distribution Plan

Power Supply & Distribution System contd

Present Status:
There is an existing 220 kV overhead power line and an existing 132kV overhead
power line passing through the middle of Kharar. There is also an existing 132kV substation in Kharar.
Projected Power Demand:
Based on analysis of the land uses of the proposed 25-year (2031) Master Plan for
Kharar, the power demand is projected at 360 MW.
Power Transmission & Distribution:
Power Transmission and distribution
system shall be based on a series of
substations to achieve step-down
transformation as shown in following

Solid Waste

Proposed Sewage Catchment Plan

Proposed Sewage Network
Estimated Solid Waste Generation Rate

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