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Maths Mastery

Year 1 -4.

The essential idea behind

mastery is that all children need
a deep understanding of the
mathematics they are learning.
NCETM, 2015

The aim of Maths Mastery is to develop solid foundations and building blocks of
Maths through various visual representations and concrete demonstrations.

Prevent the gap from growing,

rather than working on reducing it
with sets and interventions later

Allowing ALL children to achieve.

No ceiling on learning!

What is Maths Mastery?

Become more fluid with their calculations.
Make connections between their learning.
Understand relationships between the
Mathematical operations.
Be able to use and apply their fluency
knowledge to solve problems.
Teaching children to think outside the box.

Problem Solving

Break down
problems and

relationships &

Rapid &
accurate recall



Why the change?

We live in an ever evolving world
therefore we must provide an
ever evolving curriculum to
prepare our children for their

Why the change?

Curriculum 2014 states that children must stay
within their band deeper rather than further
As an outstanding school we are always looking
to improve our practice mastery is something
we are taking on in all subjects, not just Maths
Research shows that mixed ability groups learn
All children can achieve raises confidence and
standards in Maths

Maths Mastery in Year 1-4

The maths taught to Years 1-4 is a focus on the
mastery approach focusing on depth of
understanding through a variety of
representations, questioning, reasoning, problem
Children are taught in mixed ability sets (allowing
fluid movement) and this will continue
throughout their schooling at JPS.
Enrichment team offer GT support and challenge
to pupils which can change on a weekly basis.

What does it mean to

master something?
I know what to do.
I know why I do it that way.
I can explain to someone else how to do it.
I can apply my learning to solve a range of
problems, represented in a variety of ways.
Ensures that there are no gaps in learning that
would hinder future progress.

What does it look like in practice?

Long term plan for the
academic year has
Instead of teaching in 2 week blocks
for each unit, we now teach the
whole unit before moving on. This
is to scaffold the students' learning
and ensure there are no gaps in the
foundation knowledge and
understanding before moving on.
Throughout the unit problem
solving skills and reasoning are
introduced rather than waiting until
the end of the unit.

For your child to reach the top,

they need a solid foundation!

Part part whole, bar model representation will be used throughout every unit in
Maths in order to help children make links between their knowledge and

Introducing reasoning skills

to the children.
The children need a wide
Mathematical vocabulary to be
able to complete tasks such as

Reasoning making links between

what they notice to help deepen
their understanding.

Now, lets look at the next unit and see where

the scaffold are built upon

Application of column

Fluency of subtraction column method!

Application of column subtraction!

Application of
addition and

Questions to develop reasoning

What is the same?
What is different?
What do you notice?

True or False?
Odd one out

Spot the mistake Prove it

Give me an example

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