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PDP Professional Development Plan (1)

Goal 1
(specific and

In this teaching practice:

I want to present a good picture of myself as well as a good
picture of HCT student.
I want to be professional.
I want to build a good relationship with everyone.
I want to develop my English language.

ion of previous
practice (what
led to this goal?

The reason why I set these goals was because when

I did them in my previous practice, which was at Al
Bra Ben Azeb school, everyone appreciates me and
they respect me very much. More importantly, I was
able to get the benefit from being there, and when I
faced some problems, they helped me.


To achieve my goals, I need to:

Come on time.
Respect everyone.
Take more initiative at the school.
Ask politely for help.
Help the teacher all the time.
Follow and observe the kids all the time.
Participate in the school events.
Use the English to communicate with others.

Evidence of Progress towards goal

I find some difficulties in
asking my mentor teacher
for help, I felt really shy,
especially, when I was
asking her to check my

lesson plan or to sing for

some papers.
I dont know why that
happened, but I tried my
best to be confident and to
talk with her comfortably.

This is an attendance form, which shows

that I came to school on time every day.

Here is a picture from the flag day, and I

helped the teacher in organizing the

This is a picture from the school trip, I

went to Banyan Tree with my students.

New or modified
goal (s)

By the end of my teaching practice, I was able to

achieve my goals, and for my next TP, I will work on
my voice, I need to make it loud, and I will be more
confident when I speak with others.

For this teaching practice, I set many goals for me to follow,
such as being professional in order to present a good picture of myself
as well a good picture of HCT student. I also want to build a good
relationship with everyone, and I want to develop my English language.
The reason why I set these goals was because when I did them in my
previous practice, which was at Al Bra Ben Azeb school, everyone
appreciates me and they respect me very much. More importantly, I
was able to get the benefit from being there, and when I faced some
problems, they helped me. So, to achieve my goals, I did a lot of
things, like coming to the school at 7:30am and leaving at 3:30pm, and
respecting everyone such as the kids, the teachers, and the parents.
Moreover, when I was needing something, I asked politely for help, but
sometimes because of my shyness, I faced some difficulties in asking
for assistance, even when I need a help I stay quiet. Thats why, I need
to be more confident when I talk with others, because there is no
reason to be shy from the people who suppose to help you or have the
answers for your questions. In addition, I helped my teacher in
preparing different activities for the kids and with decorating the
classroom, and I observed my student all the time, even in the Arabic
or music classes. That, helped me in building a good relationship with
my teacher and my students. Further, I participated in the school
events, for example, I helped the teacher with lining up the students in
the flag day, and I went to Banyan Tree with my FS2, and I really
enjoyed. Finally, being at Rak Academy school gave me the chance to

develop my English, since everybody was talking in English, I learnt

some new words and it was a pleasure doing my TP in this lovely

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