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Leave Policy

Date of Issue & applicability: 1st April, 2012

Document Owners: Functional Heads
Purpose / Background

This policy aims to encourage work-life balance for its employees and describes the number of
leave that an employee is entitled to in calendar year.

1. Scope
The policy is applicable to all employees of Metro Infrasys Pvt. Ltd. (The Company). For the
purpose of this policy, the following people are deemed to be employees:

Those who are on the employment rolls of The Company

2. Leave Entitlement

All Employees other than Software Team of Manesar**, will be entitled to 27 days
leaves during the financial year. However, Software Team of Manesar, will be entitled to
20 days leaves during the financial year in order to ensure that the offset of 5 days
workweek is incorporated.

These leaves shall include all kinds of leave - Casual / Sick or Earned.

The leave calculation shall be done on a financial year basis.

Those employees who join the Company after 1st of April will be eligible for leave on
pro- rata basis for the year.

All un availed Earned leaves can be cashed out on request at the end of financial year
i.e, end of march, else it will be carried forward to the next year & so on till the time the
employee continues service with the organization.

settled in the Full & Final settlement.

Maximum Negative Leave balance of an employee can be 5 in a year. Any negative

At the time of separation the accumulated earned leaves will be en cashed and

balance more than 5 will be settled immediately. All Negative Leave balance will be
settled at the end of the financial year.

3. Type of Leaves Annually

Casual 6 days (1/2 day for each completed month)

Sick 6 days (1/2 day for each completed month)

Annual Earned Leave 15 days for other than Software Team (1.25 day for every
completed month) & Annual Earned Leave 8 Days for Software Team.

Maternity Leave 90 days (upto 2 children on more than 1 Years service)

Paternity Leave 5 days (up to 2 children)

Accumulation Maximum 30 days.

Any Holiday preceding / succeeding, or falling in between shall not be counted.



i. Casual Leaves

Staff can avail half-day casual leave in a month but not more than 2 days of casual leave
at a stretch.

Casual leaves should be taken only under emergencies.

ii. Sick Leave

Staff-members can avail half-day sick leave in a month. A certificate from a certified
Medical Practitioner should support sick leaves more than 2 days. Sick leave should be
taken only under genuine medical need.

iii. Maternity leave

Women staff-members who have successfully completed one year of service can avail
maternity leave.

the maternity leave and benefit shall be granted as per the provisions of the ESI Act.


employees not covered under the ESI Act. For women employees covered under ESI Act,

Maternity leave and benefit shall be granted as per the Maternity Benefit Act to women

In both the cases, leave is allowed for a maximum of 90 days before and/or after
delivery of her child. In addition, the leave can be extended up to a maximum of 30 days
for sickness/illness related with pregnancy.
The applicability of the above extends up to a maximum of two children.

iv. Paternity leave

Male staff-members who have successfully completed one year of service can avail
paternity leave up to 5 days, before and/or after delivery of his child.
Paternity leave will be treated as leave with pay.
Paternity leave must be taken within three (3) months of the childbirth or adoption and
can be combined with other leave with the prior consent of the Head of Department.
The applicability of the above extends up to a maximum of two children.

v. Annual Earned Leave

Confirmed Staff-members can avail 15 working days of Annual Earned leave per year.

The 15 days are exclusive of all type of holidays.

The timing of the annual earned leave should be approved by the Manager or
Department at least 7 days in advance.

Confirmed staff, who have successfully completed one year of service in the
organization are authorized to accumulate 10 earned leaves per year up to a maximum
of 30 days during his/her tenure with the organization.

After 30 leaves have been accumulated, the company will en cash the unused leaves
beyond 30 days with the payroll of March every year. An employee will have to be take
use at least 5 earned leaves each year and the balance 10 will go into the accumulated
leave balance and overflows thereof will be encashed.

Earned leave will be granted only up to the number of leaves credited at the time of


vi. Availing Earned Leave

availing earned leave.

Staff-member wanting to avail more earned leaves than credited has to apply for special
approval and it is at the discretion of Functional head to approve them.

In case such extra earned leaves are approved and the staff member leaves the
organization within six months, the extra leave taken will be treated as leave without
pay and amount will be deducted from the full and final settlement.

4. Calculation of leave for New Joinee

The calculations will be done with the base as per the financial year (1st April 31st
March) on Pro-rata method from the Date of joining.
Probationers will be entitled only for casual/sick leave. But the earned leave will be
credited to their leave balance and they can avail the same after confirmation as per
leave rules.

5. Special Leave
The CEO/ GM Operations will be the deciding body on granting special leaves to staff
member on case- to-case basis.
Special leaves include bereavement leave, wedding leaves, study leaves, etc.

6. Leave without Pay (LWP)

Employee may apply for leave without pay in case of negative or insufficient or no leave
balance, with approval from the Functional Head or HOD.
Leave without pay up to 3 days will be approved by the Functional Head/HOD, for LWP
greater than 3 days the request will be forwarded to HR with recommendation from the
functional head / HOD.
Leave without pay is applicable in case an employee proceeds for a leave without


or HOD.

approval or incases when a post facto leave is not approved by the Reporting Manager


As Mentioned earlier in this document Metro has three different sets of work types therefore
the work hours, weekly offs, Leaves and Holidays are different for each work type teams.
The classification of work type is:

Project team and MACs.


Software, Product Management and Software Support.


All other functions

Due to the nature of their work Type 1 and Type 2 have to work on Project deadlines that
involve working without weekly breaks for several weekends in a year.
This policy has been instituted to ensure employee benefit for Type 1 and Type 2 Teams only.
7.1. General

Covered employees working on their weekly offs with the approval of their Supervisor and
information to their Manager, GM Operations and HR can avail Compensatory offs in lieu
of the off days worked.

7.2. Guidelines:

The weekly off that you work on must be notified by Mail to your Manager, GM Ops and
HR. In the event an employee does not have email then it is the employees managers
responsibility to send the mail within 72 hours of the weekend that a person has worked

HR to keep a record of all such days off entitled weekly offs

Concerned employee and his/her Manager have to give them the compensatory off on the
very next free day/ days available with less workload.

Manager to ensure that compensatory offs are given in a way that they minimize the
Manpower spend.

HR and GMOps to advise the managers. For example: On Project sites there cannot be a

All Compensatory offs need to be taken within 90 days of the off day worked on.


no work day and no compensatory off pending situation.

8. Festivals/ Holidays
In addition to the Leaves, there are 10 Holidays (7 fixed and 3 restricted), observed by the
company for National holidays and Festivals.
The list of Holidays and festivals is published at the start of the calendar year.
The Restricted Festival Leave can be availed by every employee in a calendar year.
This is to enable employees to avail leave on their chosen festival. To avail the same
Reporting Manager approval is mandatory.
These 10 holidays lapse at the end of the year and cannot be carried forward and
enchased by an employee.

9. Leave Application Process & Rules

Employees should apply for leave pre-approved by his/her reporting manager. The
application of the leave should be forwarded to the reporting manager at least 2 days in
advance. For leaves more than 2 days the same should be approved by the respective

Leave shall not be availed till it is sanctioned in writing.

Any holiday or weekly offs preceding/ succeeding or/ falling in between the leave period
will not be included for the purpose of calculation of leave.

Leave without pay may be approved, depending on the exigency, by the sanctioning
authority in the event of an employee having zero leave balance.

In case of emergency, the employee shall inform the Reporting Manager / or HOD over the
telephone same day, the same should be approved in email or in writing within 7 working
days of resuming the service.

The company reserves the right to refer any employee to any doctor to ascertain the
genuineness of sickness. Also, in the event of long sickness, the company can ask for a

No employee shall take up any employment whether part-time or otherwise or any other
vocation, whatsoever, while on leave. Misuse or wrong information provided for leave can


fitness certificate from the employee

be construed as fraud and pursued with legal action. All leaves are subject to the approval
of reporting manager / HOD.

All approved leaves should be intimated to HR within 7 days of availing leave without fail.

Employee can opt for a half day leave (First half =Pre lunch or Second half =Post lunch),
same will be calculated on equivalent day basis i.e. 2 half day leaves = 1 Full Day Leave.


- Please refer to annexure for the List of Holidays.


Sl No.


Sl No.


Sl No.


National Holiday
Festival Holiday
Restricted Holiday (Opt MAXIMUM three)

Note: An employee is entitled to all the Company Holidays and can avail 3
Restricted Holidays from the above list. Total holidays in 2012 are ten.


**Holidays are subject to change based on business exigencies at the discretion of

management except for the national holidays (Jan 26, Aug 15 and Oct 2).

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