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Conta Contie

BANG BANG BANG as I knocked him out, I am

Conta and I am the world heaviest title. By
the sudden the judge banged with his
humongous hammer as telling to be quiet.
What made us successful just have read
about our life story in the next paragraphs.
As all we know that God is the best planer for
our Destinies. Our tragedy aims and goals
that attracts the south and the north pole.
Conta and Contie have been grown together
and became more than brothers. So by the
time they started to relies that they were
kicked out, cruelly treated in their school, jobs
and even their community and after
experiencing racial and religious racisms. But
they knew there was a place which they
belong to. Its the Black Negros Worksite.
Every night That Moroccan city (Meknes)
symbolized their way to escape from pain,
being refused in their community and the
worst of all is that feeling that made them
forget that there is still hope in life. Were
been touchered, forced to dig tunnels to find

gold or valuable things and the individuals

who refuse to attend even if they were sick,
theyll never see anything accept touchier
until death. The bosss name is net nikakogo
miloserdiya which means no mercy in Russian
which we also experience that from him. If
someone fell in his hands, we want see him again
because his apparently went to the hell fire. Day
after day touching after touching we lost hope and
life became hell. So one dark night we thought in
plane without expecting what will happen the
driver that pick us and drop us in the work site
seemed in extremely angry mode so he stair at us
with a flail he started to WAK WAK as he slapped
we started to scream PLEASE STOP PLEASSE but
our screaming became hopeless because he
waking constantly. By the sudden he stopped after
the pain that he caused to us. My skin was
extremely red with blue sings Contie couldnt see
with his right eye. As we arrived we escaped from
the guards then we started running directly aiming
for the gates, we were happy like kids going to the
Luna park and by the sudden our happiness
couldnt be completed an extremely high alarm
went BEAB BEAB BEAB we realized that was the
alarm. I looked at the gates and by big smile was
drawn on my face and said Were nearly their. A
two giant guards were waiting us at the gates then
BAANG they knocked us on the flour with smoke
on their faces they said Going somewhere no you
not going anywhere with Russian accent. They
called the boss and spoke to in Russian language
and also they sanded us to him the covered our

eyes and they also handcuffed us before we enter.

The boss said See this place even the UN wont
save you as he laughed. This will be a lesson for
all fool nogoers who tries to play with nikakogo
miloserdiya. He turned the electric shocker on
Please no please no please as we screamed with
first shock WOSSSSSSSSSSSSSE Ahhhhh STOP we
shouted out loudly from pain. We prayed to Allah
that to make it easy on us. Once again he tries to
shock us suddenly RING RING RING it was the
manager calling all the bosses for immediate
meeting. He turned the shocker off and went for
the meeting. By that our blood everywhere like a
river. I realized [Conta] that I had a knife in my
pocket. I tried hardly to get it, it fell from my
pocket into the chair then after a while a
succeeded of getting it. I pulled it out and got rad
off the handcuffs. Harry up Hashanahsas I said
[Contie] to Conta. Conta released off my handcuffs
and the clothe that was covering my eye and
wrapped it around my abs which I was bleeding
from. At that time since I saw my blood I fainted. I
[conta] wrapped the clothe so tied to stop blood
from none stopping. I picked up contie as if I was
holding a baby and escaped to a doctor but that
time the whole guards were having a break. At the
doctor house was guy looked at our extreme
miserable way and the blood were dripping from
both of us. Meet me tomorrow in the city at 8 am
exactly as he whispered in my ear and replaced
some money in my hand. That money that I had I
paid for him to treat my brothers painful wound.
The treatment was finished I took my brother home
and started crying because we missed the boat

that could send us to meddle east where we can be

treated as humans. I raised my hands up to sky
and asked Allah for mercy and said O Allah you
love more than our mothers do Vulva us where we
are in. The next morning RING RING my phone
was ringing. I answered it was the big and bough
that I meet yesterday. He told to come to Defense
make for you big Fence the language was in French
so I just went. when I arrived I found two giant nice
and kind men welcoming me to the gym. Im sorry
but what do I have to do here as I said then he
replied You will train boxing to defend yourself in
a world were all peoples hart became harder than
stones and by the way my is CAPTIAN ALI then I
said From where do we start From now he
replied. He gave me all the equipment that I
needed for boxing. I jumped on boxing bag and
went PAPAPA PA. Day after day I realized that my
skills were improving. Rounds after rounds I never
stopped. At that time, I placed Contie in private
school and the bills were paid by Allah mercy and
my rounds that I won. [Contie] I was trying my best
even that was every one use to hate me but I
always knew that if you have dream you believe to
active. The [Conta one million dollar of the fight
will be mine and I will change the world from
racism to fair treating world. I became the world
popular layer for human rights. Always remember
if you have a dream you rich it one day doesnt
matter what situation your in.

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