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Journal 2

Today was exercise day. In the morning assembly children did some exercise with their teachers and I
followed them. Its changed my mood, and I smiled. I get a fun time exactly when the child tries to
organize the Emirates' flag. Then after taking the attendees, the teacher tries to integrate what they
have learned in the Morning assembly. I am proud of Miss Huda because shes trying hard to teach a
student in spite of short time. Then I play with some children in the playground. Moreover, in
lunchtime, I teach the children how to clean up their place and what the steps exactly to be more
organized. After that Shoge display for us her activity about ) (letter. Teacher Huda put happy face
stuck in excellent children face during the lesson and, I did a small challenge to my kids, It surprised me
that all of them answer right. I dont like how kids were moving around faster. So In corners, I have got
a hard time because I was moving around a lot. But also I enjoyed with some of them. My teacher told
me that first level needs more time to discipline. I dont understand how pregnant teacher can bear the
students. It requires patient. Before the class ending, we listen to Mira story, and we got some nuts.
Finally, I want to know why the teachers were very strict on kids in the system.

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