Journal 3

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Journal 3

This morning I organized the queue for my children to go to morning assembly, so they followed me
and walked in the green line to be more organized.
Moreover, I was happy because one child of my class participates in the morning activity for the first
time. I oversaw on the student during the breakfast period. However, I was confused what to do with
two children in my class Maryam and Abdullah pollution them clothes by Adobe, and I thought that
teacher have to deal them, but it shocked when teacher Huda say that children have to deal with this by
themselves. I didnt put so considered. I took Maryam to the toilet, and I clean up her clothes. After
teaching the class, teacher Huda took some kids to learn them individually, and I took the other. She
asked me to read with them Al-Falaq, so I worked hard to memories them, but I didnt see any respond.
Is it because they are tired of teaching??? I felt tiredness so that I stopped education and played with
them. Is it right what I did? I corrected the book with teacher Huda and cut up some paper. Although I
helped the child and did my work us a teacher the child still didnt accept me as a teacher, I dont
understand why. For example, they asked me where is teacher Huda and some of them didnt call me
teacher Marya. It made me sad because I felt invaluable. Might be because I am too nicely than teacher
Finally, Abdullah gave us chocolate after the story, and before they went home, I helped teacher Huda
to organize them.

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