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Why the sun is brighter than the mom


The people




In the beginning, the mom was as bright as the sun. and because the moom would rise as soon
as the sun had set, it never got dark.
This had or bad effect upon the people. Because they could not tell when it was day and when
it was night, they work all the time.
This will not do, said the sun to himself. The people must have some rest and sleep. If they
dont theyll kill themselves with work.
The sun finally solves the problems by getting the handful of mud and throwing it full in the
face of the moon. That why there are dark spots in the face of the moon, and the people no longer
work at night.

Moral Lesson:

People should work and do not sleep so they can solve their problems.


The Sawer






Behold a sawer went to the farm to saw his seed. And whilst he soweth many fell by the
wayside and it was trodden down and the birds of the air came and ate them up.
And the others fell down upon story ground, where they had not much earth and they stop up
immediately because they had no deepness of earth, and when the sun was up they scorched, and
because they had no roots they withered away.
And others fell among thorns and the thorns grew up with it and chocked it and it yielded no
fruit. And some fell upon good ground that grew up and increased and yielded fruit, one thirty,
another sixty, and another a hundred-fold.

Moral Lesson:


The sawer must good so that can get a good harvest.

Why people die young

Character : The young people

The old people



Along time ago when the world was young, people used to live for a thousand years or more.
But when they reached old age, they could no longer work. And the younger people had to support
But by and by, there are so many old people that the young people found it difficult to support
all of them. Finally, the young people began using the old people as garden fences. For there did not
seem to be any other use for them.
Kabuhian, the ruler of the sky world, saw these. And taking pity on the old people, the short old
their lives.
Thats why the people of the earth no longer lived to a thousand years. They rarely lived to be
even a hundred years.

Moral Lesson:

Live a happy life until the end.


The Greedy Mouse






The little mouse was very hungry. He had not eaten for a day. Then at he saw a basket of corn.
Weak as he was able to make his way into the basket. He ate and ate. He ate until his stomach was
very very big.
Satisfied, the mouse decided to go home. But then he could not go out the hole, he used to
enter the basket. He was to big to go out the hole.

Moral Lesson:

Love them and give them a food.

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