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Umar Ibn Khattab

Umar (RA) was feared of his quam (Quraysh) and he was 27 max
when Mohammed (pbuh) achieved the (nubuah). Umar (RA) was well
respected in (Quraysh) because he was a businessman and he use to
travel a lot with his own caravans and his wealth up to the northern of
Sadie Arabia and he earned a lot of his wealth. At his young age he
was wealthy and feared from his power. So when Quraysh needed to
show and reprints their power they to send Umar (RA) so he was
named the safari Quraysh which means that he (RA) was the word of
Quraysh and an ambassador that they use to send to other parts of
regions or other parts of the peninsular. So one day Umar (RA) got so
angry at saiudona Mohammed (PBUH) that he wanted to kill him. So
on his way he meat Naiam Uben abed Allah and said where are you
going then Umar said today I am goanna execute Mohammed then
abed Allah replied youre a man, you are intelligent, you are strong
man Quraysh respects you. Umar (RA) like I dont care I am goanna
end this problem now. And abed Allah like why dont fix your family
problem why dont start with them. Your sister Aumo gamil Uben
Qatabe why dont deal with them. Your brother in law Saeed Uben
Zaied he is Muslim he is openly Muslim. They believed what
Mohammed (PBUH) have come with. Then he went to his sister and
his brother in law and beaded them up then he asked them what were
you reading then they gave him the Quran and he opened on Surat
Taha by accident for him but not for Allah (SWT) and read the opening
verses of it and he was shocked and amazed. Then he said take to
Mohammed (PBUH) so they took where rasool (PBUH) use to gather
with his companions and the people on the door allowed him to come
in and he took shahada but the rasoul (PBUH) made a dua that the
companions were aware of which says allahuma azza alslam be
ahade alomarien which they are Umar ben qtabe and abu jhal. So
Mohammed (PBUH) said if a prophet after me it will be Umar. And he
always use to say if some of the monafekine did something wrong he
will say o messenger let me deal with him with my sward and the
rasoul use to say relax relax take it easy I was sanded a mercy for
mankind. So when Mohammed (PBUH) passed away Umar (RA) start

saying that the rasoul (PBUH) have passed away I will execute him
until abu Bakaier explained everything he calmed down.
The things I liked in this companion is that how is he so kind on
Muslims and strong and tough on the monafikin and merciful on
Muslims too and also that truthful eman and waraa on the mharam of
Allah so I will ask Allah to make like Umar.

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