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Rizal is novel writer who wrote a NOLI ME TANGERE and EL FILIBUSTERISMO
Story of Rizal is about a Filipino who have no power to their own country they was poor In
EDUCATION, they dont know how to fight against Spaniard they was afraid to fight for their
life they died with out any mercy they suffer a not equal treat, Spaniard plays a nationality of the
Filipino they kill are own country men they treat as like a lowest animal in the word they are to
devil, they kill with out any reason they make a decision by their own weather it is right or
wrong. Rizal is the movie that gave me I knowledge about what is life before and who is
Filipinos before I cant imagine are country men the day when we are on the hand of Spanish
and when the day that priest is are president or head of all Filipinos and Filipinas, they treat like
a bitch are Filipinas before, they do what they want they kill are babys they use are lock of
knowledge to do what ever they want they create a monster inside of are heart they was like a
god that led are way of life, RIZAL is also a life of ( Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonzo y
Realonda) whos came from the country of the Philippines in CALAMBA LAGUNA whos
fight again Spain and he never fight with a sharp things or a gun and not also with a blood but
using a pen and a ink, writing a words making a story of what is Philippines in the hand of a
priest. JOSE RIZAL is the who wrote about who is Filipinos he is a writer of the novel


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