Overing and Passes Anthropology - Love - Anger

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ee The Anthropology of Love and Anger “Th dnp of Ln ond Ange provides remarkable evidence hat astho- dane dog abject in th bigly onginal dicasion the eitors ElShrSane roger papers that question he very foundations of Wester ‘lil though Ta iis examination ofthe vaca structure’ oF rater sity’ (the fone peo being nappa this context) of ndigenous peoples {fom na the South Ameren continent, the eonibtors have come 1 ‘isha Waser thought doesnot pot the vocabulary o define the ‘try fumes ingens tnoghe and practice. The rig dale of athe and privat, pla and domen,indisidual and callective, even Sleand fale on which Western anhroplogy was funded eannot be sea ape to peoes whee socialite Based upon an aesthetics of Tsing tha fll atogetber dierent erie Ti inigennu peoples ces mensared by te extent which cons aly all ats pact, harmonious and sociable) has been tained. Y {som ut coniiity onc” wich lies on love and the goa instead ino that recgnises 9 continuous ineplay betwen the constr the and deactve mons and reatoning Tei acai that depends ‘the egoation ofthe negative features of communal ving, anger. [soa hate and gree toward he end of promoting ones that are positive, ‘Wahi cogent fnovucion and cave stds ory aro Lan Ameria, anging me Galle) Bere Yanorn of Wenenela ad Braz he Emetofarauays and with dsr on ich operas the embodiment of steal, theeiayoflaughter the role oanguage and anger sa market ‘flow an even hemes The Api f Lend Angra ei “acinntiog work which should be sn by all sete abd aeademie in he stele wd Joanna Overing x Protsor and Chairperson of the Department of Seca Antropolny, Univesity of St Andes and Dizetor of the Cente fot Indigenous Aesea Sees at St Ande, Alan Parse a noelt wher and abropalgi The Anthropology of Love and Anger The aesthetics of conviviality in Native Amazonia Edited by Joanna Overing and Alan Passes London and New York bane i 1 Over 2000 rapa 20 Re Eat nh an pam reg nt Ae et ndiocdmarnnty Semorcttireirn seers OC ermevon neoprene plone. Smear neat igeyseogenneys ae eee Sauer Soe Se ‘suoatssue ian EXSY Contents Lief Pole Introduction: Conviviality and the opening wp of [Amazonian anthropalogy Conviviality as a ct the aesthetics of the ns and embodiments of community “The first love of young man: salt and sexual ‘lucation among the Uitoto Indians of Lowland Colombia Juan aLvaKo eoweveRR! Helpless ~the affective preconditions of Piro social fe ‘The efficacy of laughter the ludic side of magic within Amazonian sociallty Compassion, anger and broken hearts ontalogy and the role of language in the Miskia lament a 2 Cones 5. The value of working and speaking together: "facet of Paikwené (Palikur) convivialisy {6 Knowledge and the practice of love and hate among the Enxet of Paraguay, 7 Anger asa marker of love: the ethic of conviviality ‘among the Yanomamn {8 Homesichness and the Cashinabus self: reflection ‘on the embodied condition of relatedness 9 “Though it comes as evil, Lembrace it as good: social sensibilities and the transformation of ‘malignant agency among the Muinane Conquest and contact: the historical failure of convivial relations 10 Pretty vacant: Columbus, conviviaity and New World faces The leacy of Amazonian sociality 1M The convivial self and the fear of anger amongst the AiroPal of Amazonian Pera 12 The delicacy of community on kisagante in Mataigenka marrativedscourae a im 170 13. A woman between two men and a man between ‘ovo women: the production of jesloury andthe ‘predation of sociality amongst the Pares Indians Sf Mato Grosso (Brail) 14 ‘The more weare together 15 The Sisyphus Syndrome or the struggle for ‘convivialty in Native Amazonia Inde as List of contributors catherine Ald is sac oth Core National del Reheyhe Sear que, Pare aps Wsting Rear Acne of he Centre or Tig Sin'Ameran States apd Exchange witin the Departen of Socal ‘Nmbopotgy, Unveniy ofSe Andrews ‘isa Elen Relaunde aces Sci Anthropeogyt Durham Unive Juan Alvaro Eeheversi aces Social Anthropology 2 the Universidad acon! de Colbie {Amaro and caret reiearcher ea Programa COAMA~ Fundacion Gaia Amazonas Coloma Marco Antonie Gonsalves x» Lecturer in Sacal Antropaory atte ‘Unveridade Feral do Ride Janeiro exer Gov cache Social Anthropgy athe London Schoo of enone ‘Mar Jamieson is Lire in Scat Antroplogy at she Universi of Maacheter bere hear been award Simon Fellowship ‘Stephen W Kids» Lecturer in Social Anthropology at he University of lsje Maria Lagrow is 4 Lecture in Socal Anthropology at he Univer “Bde Felesaldo Rio de Jano, (carlo Davi Londote-Salkinis corti tthe University ofS Andrews, ere helen on tages et writing bm doctoral hes. Peter Mason ta resanc rite and ramlato, an conn on 2nd holy to the Fundacion Amica, Stag de Chile Joanna Overing is Prfcsor and Chai of Sil Anthropology a the Universe ofS Andrews ‘Alan Passes 4 novel, xeenwiter and aneoplogit, fined (0 ‘he Cone er oder Aeron Studie and Exchange (Unversity of Stare Peter Risiire i Preor of Social Anthropology atthe Univeriy a ‘Osird ands Fellow o Linacre allege Preface Dam Ronngren 4 Us iS) Anhopsony ot Gata Fernando Santn-Granre saci te Sithsian Trp ‘Research Institute in Panama, " “This book is + cilctin of papers on Nase Ameican, and especially Zann, practices, motos sing lating to everyday communal ‘and mpartclartomect the diferent way omtrcting experiencing Stiembodyngit- aye to which for reson explained inthe oedction, rota pve the overland bopeally thoughe-posoing and il, Mine uf Live-In owes it epi to 4 canerenceom the aeieis of movons fred bythe Bitch Academy and held sn May 1996 atthe (Cee for Indigenous Armensan Stas td Exchange, the departnent ‘Santropelogy at the Univer oft Anew, Seta ‘The amily prope by Jonna Overiag mbo stp the cane ferences to explore th eatin of aesthets to vires ane aetie 7 THe with aves of Amazonian cle, an inthe proce ott the berinning ef convertion that aes beyond the soo framework (hate ered rm eur ining. The wc conte elavely new do stay in Amaconi, Tei eters becoming lease nt fore pon conv aod aeshts ofcmmunity’ abe conse heh open indigenone scl eeonmie aed pltcal Me especially a5 dhe elmogrphic gate converges increasingly onthe etal, the seve ‘Shon al nd ye of eting 4nd speaking The infra ad ele {anon ucaliy of many Amazonian group tend 0 lend snropelopel| ‘Steps on tno sf rnc low do me understand people who ype to dna the “aloe a astend, sree high dere of ‘kent crfr in hile, and he ust ofits nepal el onan afletiveempbase whichis ivenespreion telecon and pat ‘aly bythe obs one that prt the reataton of conv Through the patucine capac Inherent inten relations? Amazonian [role = whith her ince he Hk the Niaraguan Misi the sbject [Urjamicna's chapter, who are Amuznta nthe wer see of psig Shula ge oils en age the scces of wc according 1 Sec tnmacy ae fry ad othe extent which consi oben and Cargo er lace within aoc wework of Eres Hesaeareaaseeetateretaeeteae eee eee eee eee nent teeters eeeaaeeeeaaeeeeaeTeSterTS wh Pree ‘elatonisjged by what they do and how they cater than ner Prete ale and wate. ‘We wish o pay mae atenton wo the ingens ef ommanity i \Vico's sense ofthe caltetive good hich has bth a plc ant ce meaning as well as an asthe ston For, ne lca there oe sesh to Amazonian wa acting, and yes of evetyay cela hn re ocaly~ and therefoe aesthetically ~ monly proper bat evil as easing: In respect of Amazonian pope, we can corel spk oe ‘inary ary the att of feeding Of syesking. af working. stat ne suring ‘Wii cating ight, a mentioned upon infigenon convivial, pie lary in dhe ares ited above he ete he sete emo ak ss sf eating and speaking) Yo date slit al esearch on the Aravonce “aesbetio commaity' has deat with hoe peoples who es harmon ‘eryay le. Ts obvi the cae that nm the Nate ppl of oe Amerie there are man sles a rlatng we therfne ree mony ‘nore work om Amerindian ates and suited virtrcemred ca ut ao on shone leo lating’ whic reply value mere lige: lor agtenive expresion and we ate conser pened time sone ‘a chaps Catherine Aleta ofthe Vana nora ei ep {ation err and warlike aresbwn ere al ont esp cond ‘td companion oles than eter, ore pac proper ‘This is more sera nerstapting of Amerindian coi tobe gene tes ‘omprative and problem ceed sais reece about ‘conviviality! “Today, noe than inthe ears yrs ov contact with them, Amazonian rope contine canny to be portrayed by ovevery ain the Eu Fran imagination, citer at ferce and tlic, a ing ves ed th ‘ge cy aed a (Chagos Yanmar ont cont % peace gee and afible eg. Hunley Reap or Colinas tea Ts arcenpal terms stark ad seemingly angele dee a: Hobbesian buts and demons verse Rewneauesye paragon The Tetrion, at well at sme ofthe chapters ena he by Mason sn SenorGranca), deal with hs diagrcment i penpecing an ret ‘chi ca pot ote backs po whch Totti the eofrence sho eae: meted with urchin to ee at some ofthe more simpli or plainy mre ‘whether for or again, ean fo etceloving etc: a ein : Nive aes) design ingin short a ements at f what we ed 8 einai. Sace thi term, together lh 9 Shin ogee memes ferhape more pein fsa if fred o by them m repet Pe wil rt by saying at om opin of ew and fr our purposes, an ee sonar ee ‘Stic in in th company of ther Le ora eve, om Saran sneer eee ee Se een ae ee eee Ssh oon ee a are eee ‘ret, ener rion of pron it act Non | EEE eee EEE gE eee eee oun OuUUU PEE SnuE UE nUUEOnEEEEEEETEE formal and ination, and an iene ethical fr an i I and sheti vaing ot Te pal ue of comin i come sion isharaeritc o> many Amato soe ed sinstan delay af. ei apos oe ea etal nena ee and tan ep ‘city tian tines mtyand ine cies Win ciel a ns smeting ote taco ba ‘hsv oman coreentind copie Howe, acon al es tts eo paced beam Danser vnknes and diharmony alo ext whether actually oF ental nde oe deal with: Conequenty sm cosas tothe nego pan, 3 tmberofcontbatn wil belching mt more mpsine ere ‘hesteing ats eg ghey dena ssl ee sto ane, eect one cod dee es Sih preci el urn ing earn gece ‘ny benadobe grote esis annette wih we notes aq eed Ld Age, wba conte range widely in terms !yproach aod spe no ls than intone of national background ‘rofeionl experience, dow ot however, adap unitary poss othe ‘ubjct~ which vast shoud be Forse eae il {© promote and welcome a feta destanngy and ites creative mulipicy of pepe, pretation ofthe top, ike not BY 8 ars ‘ion ot elogy bt tery sed concer ands beg a at ‘pology of engagement. a i Joana vein an ln Paes Ferny 20 Notes § cap si, 2 May 89 Gada 199), References ga A wma, Pe Fe Pop, New Yok Hla & Seinen 07 1909) Tasca, Ubon: Univer ies, ‘ia (6 (16) ftp Lind Raper Her Da Web K 975) 2a cmenty Ean Cees Introduction Conviviality and the opening up of Amazonian anthropology Joanna Overing and Alan Passes For many ow who work among the indigo poles of Amazonia the cen equ ee prt arsine of oder ought malted ‘Tika the brn een trough ich acvoploy a iipie “ah contived and hatch ave come a bath ree an iberating enh eth ar Mon tpt, we ae gow allowed even win he nts of arden tose heb fa thane mae open of Western ‘tilapia theory tat ve mutated gant» Wester undesanding Iroch tow apyecaon, of Ammvoian ox popes and soocated erday peice Our acne rear in bjecting major eaegre {Wesel though pec such notions a cy, cle, come imoniy an theta ncorported ade Wester tinction of [edger and wore it the very tae coor trough wich hey Metre a aneued and ends al other pe onic. Ava rot the muerte sity in Amazon has aways ben ei Feeliou even, tnor athropiogeal caegrbato ee Oveing Replan Torn Seger tt or Ree eH Ath estat gn. he atop pa of ‘vc oleae no cnprate froups oo ant oklng rope, no auton Sacre no ple and ca rar or sacra empath ‘ote dan yt dL irough wich anonymous tena itueloging to mone veramene © weve wilde de Cena 18). in bk tan the sen ning epg. pang nt inne Te nerve thersjctine soa ht, hel de Gene te ind pai), been comedy he pe tira ina dominnt ihe sade cre ofthe moderna Net Ths, the ery nereing ‘econ emai what prin do we flow to desta the toc eo Ateoian peopl whe seem so adamant ithe jecinn of he on ina dea! by Weer hay) ad who dese above ee igh ‘epee ofemaonal confor diy eer sebsaated ye pai OE 2 sours Overing and Aan ase Sereemcea ‘met thoroughly lathiome to the senile of Western seg ‘eso hae te copie afecive ls for ongena nce, ve eevee ns Sian cae nen wt et le ‘er hey tend to be st on ating Western tory ged Soa Oriana eae 2) Amazonian pepe donot en talkshow ales and aes Seepmet neous teers ‘he achievement omnia te 7 foe adage the debates ‘The title of this volume has : : Sant ons , ‘Able bison sling hla toh wh meno cespi etree ap share ey he leet SSeS" Tesnorne en enn sc tn puree rpgcfafeesdininny nop sing dl ad crdnryiereocal porate In ther wordy thor cmon a a “eal fay cn he mange ee “Tivo poten efemal ong snd pace eben itarinmuitipa soja esate ete pce Sicily vette enemys pect pts Sg eaten buds seme) dea gay pe he SERGE ctige tne peed ny lo pe wich tl! hf ee Ale co, Saat einen represen one mop Se Earn SST in te tampa gece tere Aten pi vend grat ey sn et SRlatrspetch ote ce oes pec incr antrum pen eel nprane tking anc vibinigen mer ntsc pie sags Pert hcpenaghsetesend ci cos po, tr docanon cn een asconenoae hrs eu myo Stetchowadsreconng» pee abet Ween pe ea Sesicaara Stes Pets oon nti pie Tier soatoa pt foe leached ath ‘Sooont and nm fom te comtngent oman the domestic (tbe ot ad “feisgce cpa ly nlp seed ud he rey ‘anisopliae ps SSMS in Deh a he pot ang tng ‘ae aponsat unos ees rena sb the wei ot SED tte Atte cee tong eon a “Stop donee etl dnarperainsoie i we iasliponsys penton ow oftedonti aia siren ke mr Rae 1 Rober stants oh Ss bance oe deo pee: ‘ora i pee tt ha nt rene SU SCSRSAET IS fl eco t a e e GaSe oa, Te limite aan heh Si tr helo eg Singapore Oveig TO) Fo eo he Pa ora wth wich the hie operate trough means of police Dematneticiaelet mea allo ep icbnarae Sere Swaine hoch etn he perisitel 4 ona Ovaing nn Panes “The debts the nt couple of decade, expec he nied by tennis eras ars the dipies witha te hua enc et tron the ops of te prea everyday iin misogynist. eave ‘racer et Ginn Int Bea 1982 ae 195) Tost gy Seater lve (188 94-3) aboot such Weer en otc ‘ri iat he luge nol the conan, calc lee SStcoucde wiht pac dan me, whieh ornate ‘Suing, nl in fhe oc (and amor dome raed {Drom and tropical aed aceite Sheaves tha 2 {Feder dneson beeen pen pve ours cms [opts de undctending indian lie remove gre opis f donee gee domes recat eg EEDSS tent nt the mes ceo ae ected tad ‘Sie pdt af dmc Kp growth tod rity concern Tome Gen op ce p31). The ae hers ca be mae {Belaigene ppl Anas Ovring 15 ad Ales, Base eves, Lagu, Lodo Sli, Overing th velome ‘urd, tnd tar arp debt roses ont he scpcine alas Ughrcented sod accented art syten {Scoot anthveploy in that Amazonian pis the? feavinaecense a! thet primary ened pon thes fe {pod He wich engendered though the il procs and lof ‘Soe wo penal diay erat vray le Ther SS Tamnaolan mort hs centr upon nes det {ee Eke sau) cont the dominant wen in omrmp eymoraplnopy nce Kast econ lt har ben pry ‘Metter an See e Gada 17 35-9 arr he eo Sonalthe mal donsn st cene otal es pen sna Jace andteghe an sgn deg ot weno npn rons the aidan Ae ee Bae ha ae ii, 18-14, Lo} teovery cmv escort ae Shlain ghee ny ne neh tosh ae» ‘leant ebedne, andthe caso of econ hen rs ‘rate Tha the moral cocena apn Bsns sad no (Beit op.) Mach mana sacl ther, sig al Secon idee om the snc ratoa falta ot Toe fa mporense’ ew fsa. 1 Sasding Agua the wnveni, Toman and canal of “phe tet, the cso vwecented ae, Da of hse ae eins ope the inter of moral tery that ee fied heyy trcne ita see eos ha rine concrae ih te ce 2d reponaty Torte ring f che, Such fencer layed it rial prt in decensing the comarca sce aii within ernat socal cory. ta retling the grand maratver of Weer socal ‘owghcone alien ass Deshabi op st p50) apy pres ttn to ithe conception o the moral pot of ve’ 256 eine te vive queion of the gud Hand thus the imate ‘nna eae wate Weer dons fhe moral = and theeoe However, the problem of endring domain nest be farther cone sited Guise ot anthoploys he ini debate ha lary Ben pur ei'tom 1 Wenern nanipome, where the concer fr ete and tt weet be pina mar offender oer o eas but not tte The gener ae thou to fave deen moral ewok, hat iy “Thc contemporary ten ede prae morality in tee of ion com Tht and jc [a een of ter own concen with persona ane Sei tpendency, women are noe mets, being Os ‘Socered wits vtucceted sora flat 10 the binging of {tren and egendenng of le cae it and operation. Howse, ifomacro-ltural pnt few aptrpsogy an arg, ash Strachere {opr ct) for Mlancay and Oveing for Amazonia (199, oe Al, th ‘has ian neni tt mateo erty ha init Trandate cones not sway pes of Seve Flatlons A Senet ects thle a itn ee nd Cooperation are equal evan agement of acto of en eee ne ow 1H, 199, McCall 1969,Beunde 198), Like, The'agh prom sutonony im Amazonia is more en than ota ened valve Andopsogy bs ot been epecalyprpicacos ni igh ign or orl ter, athe mara es or i thats dominant sand Western wal they, fom wich anbopalony ittotexemp:dss enced mesh, eraily a might rate 104 isons psa autonomy Tey however, with the every relatos of ‘Dcondintey mora agent, alec el, hs Amazonian ociaiy sully owt : = “Tres abo an argument ging om pent within Amazonian debate wich when supped a ale resor peeily over the even of {ise one pond nara cscs oa snc andesandng ‘Sindgenos Ammann sce. Wha ths mano te wa? A ‘hed not fur combo who cee te dicson vpn ndigenoe on acai, whch mane he Wester parton "pu othe pense the foal ver th frac ls is volome) the ‘Emeic createed ayer aigcnton whch ate tea othe Western ingey of ciety ~ dary otro hk ‘Tae oton that ne ten ioe the ier intercom, etal and Conic relatos, and overs, wl he ee feat ad ies, ‘Seneatve yan ef ange bec aa str, slong with he wep enna Oncing an ln Pes npn ning a of wh pn severe tee ce ec Sar tae dt a Rimes pete ne tate rn see yk Serra mitre hte rhein reenter Sempra recog es og SoieneeSiepeen ots ampere ment oc Crake a ASA mere mma en onratieie sats Sel na pl sicarp vim cen eta enc Scorcho Seas pe Een ieateyrormassGnew wes Seren cnc a omen ten ol Ta rn ee mtn an oe ge Tietewctec thems acter a sy Set: Te mm ew ee nai ricci ne er Soares na tr he cereal men ee AUTEN pemetare nae para Seacegh Secale tenors See tee eareen cat PERT Team sae Snes Sema Ean mts gaat ee Secateurs Stearman i es ehhnivaasl fatten omen pe «(iil et Urry le Se an ya nat ts ie eee a Se Srtbcanee ct occ ee eS Sam “derive comtton, then become geet fiat andthe ye of Saeciveecte eases of wc haran fing, and man bigs lone, MIEGRIMC (ee Bente, Con, Landoto Sin, SatorGranero, his ‘Siam: McCatum 10%; Overing 198), However, Beas the sure of ‘eoations fo the pscfl, erie sal fe that hears can achive brn n vnc te ltr reac ever pote, ring athe ‘eof the cil dup he scaly pecutywrenched fo the irene ound, wm) Tas one expat forthe immense ‘Sisrthat Amazonian propler set on the amplify o hail Mea Spon aly often ing ey heya mich “Rendon ep the posi pon onda amie pace, a ae tear ete enon toch ange and red. eet indigent oe, wl) be mp thi a wc sy eben’ as Veto de Ca ogg 192), bY Their res of ata combs lence ~ a sl emai ‘ca IAeRiieeotperes ths volume) the une of pesca elation ‘Mprafconmaniy ets thar ey exon fom inhi pce ee fuels ale amet sere and nfrma: he aie vee to ter Ths human able wold fen understood as divine all ther genial werd the comon. The nk of xt with ode fre rly sraghforeatds and the (nigenun socological hrs cate ely tty te oo! agen te exon ae ened ws mal of cay una warformains prow others Thar aug eres eh tothe en that Amazin saity spp llow an et iw of she aos an ate anf Tere 9 ony ake itccen the ney pope ens! he nares with aha a he wr they tet eer laf ngs nthe ies oe Gow om the Pa Ti comes Tht oul be impose nce ang wo ae enge cope inant of theme of way The nelle scaly can ‘ented beaut ronan bigs re not govered by he oer ‘suring ie nicha ouster inbicoape, arak op everyday ‘Slates, For Pe pool Lnyeople ict eer an ineraetoe ‘eulipy ih animes fr ter bgse te wee ‘An anthropology of the everyday ‘Our questi to eg the proces of cetingan“anpolgy othe ver ‘S27 Brough whi a enone, with reste sigh he “comray” way ‘Amaconian sont where the moral vice ap the sete fer {ermal eatin od ot ute ae the overriding coor Tif om the everyday metal or niger, for it aim cape the ‘Rigen rm whith of eoure the eit ofthe exerci. Te an again {he Ameidion nas ih gar tbe wr the wil po the ‘Sal itoring together coma tiny we monet 1 nig ie foe paeen aterm itemise ith Arora say. ped rt TSS Se cen eee reer rere irri ee gee rere en pei ge Ses as Fore lech rn os {Fld ech wesc pratt ny tere rr oe) Ther cane ‘ey sb tt ar Wen se Sei Std cay i a sti ts) Them ange fe ay ae el scoveignyy Reva alesse py cae wich tn tach oii ol he Se srr ei, oe and pracce, While te Various ‘See apache ops es ‘ten mae an it pi ea ‘Sips rn nde ng oy ese Solan img sb taco ea smn he es ch ncn So yen co sna hry tel esse Sen el en ap Po) Sp Rl ar ea set eh wn adn tra ie Hed Sarees Stes citer tone te mea a oo as hs tings eon Paes Ree Sey er SGrno and ancora hap a ‘hee Ina t one me doy cha a ‘tess ah hres anni ‘ob oconrbue the proc ala enone in tert wie TEP Sthing the ankrpangeal endeavour eyond the simp Terao othe soil "Th overall stance of our book Integrative, incopoaive, spe nmaaelin igh ofthe fea the sadeic clog ntion xe? eit mca Amarone pple mst ae iad ao exper sreesh do an obcrvatan ech psbay bl atin elie deer ‘eee te pale inte mond Tet tha abo for Soy ae halves hse the of experienc oping ed sng loving and hing. of caring and eg, thee is the aking ‘Bulan lg the sig od paying, be gtr wary he a lst of nepenscraldeting and he ingen ad eke Soar cemen acon the ran dracon ‘hc bau and Methanol eatin ef te veya, “ch are te pinay concen lt Aon eles, wich Sake up mt fe ie ad ener, Teed we ose ‘ory plas ao she ong tl eveyy along ith 8 Sonat a poste soe sce boda, and imo the (tiny, ‘Shorinat| domi te doesn hs beyood the ple ie wi ious We on dade he ped udarer he tent eneeour (Saturn fro mere foes and eto heaping experienc feu ede Ceca, op. yp 6 The maint noton of we vd meray tava eyo sete, pheonmenal, eave eat {la fro sy flag aed ral oer of crm lowed ‘incl ect parameant ong concern In Amazonia th presi Towever wba ie isorat iether al fi Roane one of thetrcure of madera scopic theory wile are ou de Sntlog As Roy Wages hs psa (1990, hate Po Tehitchuclpsfanneolaytweimaroweremetbee ttl. ‘Sst heh ha hla mee eae ted) Serves deat “domo mot ae nereame or dency dvr hey. Wests prfanl stheplogi, ened owe te acer he ‘Mendy tedious nd elena ae terre pred weg recites and expresons but mere piphenomens of rand and more mre schemes Orn aeay ted above we inp + wal Dtweee “hep andthe nat te ny he arc conse Be wey fate ane Thre awl he alr thee Ah Teicher a: We ong ne he removable, wie we Fea he mel of (Srevernyasmrennrhale ad tinge Go ts vam) Cri, {fom ic cepnt ofmanyanopslogy shananineracing with ca ‘igats woman topping othe hefner a hanes cooing wi prcery ih mrs car are ch more exc prnect han rope prpuing commana mea ining a ering chen, Aa See ees geese ee eee eee eee 10 josmna Over nd Aaa Paes ret the atropoagt has beome beter trained in eapring he Aiply of aken mind an sears hn in epreing the sie the ‘normal sis of everyday behavn. Besse me pecene sd tmany mater of dai ie weend up stay rene oe tee. fons Mao says tor piso (Mee 18825) otf untopg oe tenga eng te et Th cv {0 al abut the ways in which indigent peoples ofthe Amare Powel pilosa i hei refeetonr at mate of eer frm Ii ny by paying che atenton ote deta ot ecys that we can bein to undetand the lation Beween ter stn vss ‘teveryaay iad ther eataron pratense jes a Ss, and hiking ofthe cape theaccomplchent of everyday sca ‘edhe bel ‘The conscious everyday creeper sactecriSearee casita SSS ey ems qos tla a ENS LEpig sagem nies Baereatl item talc cl Sa Pounang ca ae canna te (Samra et tata web ree iesincehocts seein emma toe eSignal fi ac cho tat mete pe a a ae rgb ye ene ol an nde ey woe i ee ln hs ies leche knowledge reston aed ere. Masui as ae ea ladda, le. Mason's pit i thatthe clot "ha perceived interpre itatanculy. Though bts lose te Amecindian was cased a er on hese of ea oF boning 62 ‘Sen’ age tar was lone to nature, both onions bing vee tthe site ae Seied Earopear Noble Savage or age Canis, ye ee Sui Saty rice p10: 31) ove td the sme pron decribed by ‘ttherer nwo nes min By cota the Barocas were ale {hy Pouce revon,wchalogal adsscemens he wedge fetes wed eoeyr ao, nite he Nate had onal mame farmed sits eli Ge Pagden 1982 Toro 16; Fle 1905, Meson 1%: ‘ort and Lene 09; PalenccRoth 956 "Th appre ravparecy vee peed pine symptom’ of lack ease which comeyed and compbunded th same esa of pi shes snc ann sym oy rae reine Sing tat was ot eadytrown or ued Suc Europese rag {Sree Word peoples had pie ret he sent evry a aloe fhe of densi, exon conquest ad the clas endevout (rot 96 Humes op. Maun, opt: Pen, op cit). What ie (ume tat hy eld oy ue ser een im Western Uhr, where the gael safest eo create Natives who te fron eden stout the imligenc, reve ne tengaga cnr “Eotrewoning As sea Shere the supper commun betwee ‘Bielaincennty European and Natvet and by inference between ‘suetcenuryanopagts d nienous Amazons oleae Bee tats European monaage, wren comivicomering Fe ‘Sm could pontiy bees "There ha een very long history to Europe’ creation oi imaginary sword ct Amacoin aes accompanying cous om ack, ado te ca “iat pathological ter Ferteror chs been amipengy thence rake persed tha ta prvi he ete pied ages She ech oegogetheogh ih al tae pope who ere Seed anced ye Wer tate coe ere wand deprecnte ya suprenare Esa metal romeo ‘lacey unre oe he ro he lee 66 sit igen scl pion and tha it indienon mrp Tedow mam elm et wa he poche ano renee Thetacentoe north fet wots (an mbartaing nen’ ave ake Sere he the hope expr tha it woul be taken fr rated. “Ree sad nd pila of entre sold a the very lest the Fenppropraton of guage by 0 spe witout whl to convertion wih te her (meron can begin ede Caen, Gh ct pil From Anerian peeves, ther capac ‘Ehving scat shave ther Sry they can by fr a, he ‘etc of pete oop hppeting ra bra hia fhe presoca tags ne Ecert, Coes, Lalo alin, Ove, enero Samer Crone ths slume). Bec o i past ad he SE ee eee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee 12a Overs An ase violence a remnants fit the presen sociaity today never agen oa {Bc emnt bedily and precarualyahseved though che cael asa ‘soning. pacing homun beings: inelecisa clonisaton osm tre cant ith juni reduce this Amazonian sai =a hs lee ur bitin the past wen communication wat more ofa monolgeb Westy ‘onmumpio oly ~ to stature of Lnhip and ate rt ah ay edocive pinpen ab exchange, reciprocity apd berarchy. To od Understand am ibdgenos metaphysics oscil, we mst tke athe oad for when it eames oexpiaations, thei i loi that expe “Todecloise Amazonian ethnopraphy, we mut famiians cule with indigenove poet, and thir aces ting Bure sro ie ‘et chapter thir sole) Tere re ll shine eal orate 2a eatied artic ~and Beau tehavoure We hay wel, xb ‘uch sues among Amazonian peoples upon the beauty of the eer ‘An, how do we a anhvoplogt go about studying it? How ao we “seo the denon a canoe pale atasy ina eater hess. And the bensy of word orf onure? Wagner suggest op. ‘at vhat we matt brome te pote ete aad naw ote or ‘seeping aie supie tweed the cn asepe epi he esta what bout there” de Certeay, ape pi = Ceti ‘lai the Amerindian sre pon the ma fr bat nthe ever ‘mu undetand the vere of he cating nd the pico hie eee ‘meh hear wie opus, alley, noun eases and pone "sndeand hes humour and ry, andthe ral, comples words ‘Ale Echever,Je mien, Kid Oerng Passe, th lane lene ie strong sense the alle ef extene, ie min of necoone ‘hin an animated vnivene,tmbiguits and dangers a ys for beauty. At the reader wil see, Aronian scaty achieve at | ‘lr st cami background af danger and fly ace Basan Eatever, Gow, LondosoSltn, Oveing, Rive, Rosenem, St Gane th ume) ‘oe maleic to po fallen inden iki iether cual ere a cee is fon oon! in egg nanan Senne ae Sroby ecient ef mteetaonicn Speco te antes olen oop intame steppe oer nico ert ei (excretion tsrone onesies Fie enaanecon e cai pre wea ral pay de cs (Wher nd Pen) ura bothers ‘shes wvnay rating tesa pn i meng (ale We roduion 13 one with Amazonian peoples, od not hover oer them, Bey a Seay pense sanyo metal Topp.) “The Western monologue on society and collectivity Se pn neh ni dig sftaeery nama ee Ss rae ip ene teint is ethno tt aoe res hee cnnen rete eng Satchel cocked maker Sect Samer sakes Sauce ae nh 2) nae WAP teen cet ch ne tet ann TS atari at aaa eee eat ail caer Soiey eigenen oe ae ‘sieht ten curate Se yea te ty Serial wht me star sae oe ter dae a snes SRE aan eben et Sahara ms tap Soe cet o w'd re sy pn ot css ly peat Stee ghee svete Saas Tem EE TDtotg thik fy onto wee eet Or Cad eis aman we = CTS he cy Sse me yn pte wach tela Se or Series itaen facvnman rc ‘enonal autonomy is encompassed by a principle of collective solidarity Some tate terres Sebyhant ines tr meed 14 Jonna Overing and An Pe rot of the social practices and penpecives of ingemn ‘Amazonia ham ag al the oter aster tern that have len ery ntroplogealdiepte such assay "elute community an she india “Toundertand the diferencebetneen Westen theory and the Anson vison and practice the datincton must be made betneen callin Iight be exprened through sotlatractral ipersinee ough ke Sauer and Jurca rules} andthe collective a ache famong) the people whe flow specie ealtral ad ual may fbn ‘Many indigesous peoples of Amazonia ace sony. lata, feds "hc om cltaral ad saci way of deg things a the pole is whom they share them, but nt Nesey Hingeatcs of soil sce se Coleivity (€ Overing 1999). Agno, we necd to find the puts ely thee hate se oe flowed orien {he mays and wheres Amazonian people aah coool ta for them ate thecondons for baman sib? Why convivi ey? ie tars cence dee menage Sch re a A eee ten ean tec pet ineree ae et (Sey e hies Syteriar es Sateen 2 sas ance Taso iene cg sre escent Sera ces atyrepce ter aser, ‘Slee en aca Syria acag arm tn Sperciatedegete Sect Pcterremntben maleate cece Nels iat St Scenery ee ste tance ees “jivelaonipsare not convivial then hte it nosey Bele, ae fe begun awever os assent Place that we are alain te erm conaiy othe ol Engh ses, tht ing ‘RCE Neon and waaly nce gn nein the company of EES a tn Eng meaning that Rite (hie ele nade ot being ie eo characterise Amaoninn soca, whith [mA cette ie and tebied, One mater o conser Seite ng o'r ety An er ae popes noma jovial a rnc dey eterna fo inane SSiPitbesbwene (Panes ths volume) and the Yaroman (Al hie TRADE TEESSTem an conte ober perception be sar tothe ange ot behaviour ote reales over itera Ter te cftepaten Teo ce repectively Ovesing, Gow, Riv, hi Pema tegeesymeesting that he qieloving Tie eal iting elmer af soy, the tape once sive and the aly ‘im angst every, ee nae ep a ery ow ee ‘Et fei (ed fr tat acer, angi) ay vey wel vary the dang ef thera he eval and hei eee ie Toplie valv! f mrmal tract re prbabl fog by xt ofthe Iatgenu peoples of Amazonia eg ace Kd and Rove hole. reed a he pete ome eer Earoean engage come cnt sw enter we econvvayn thi eame and e fins otter tat he Eaglch obstermeaningo soy” armani tothe Spahr oS aie of ole pi stared ‘ho cderes the reef Eas TOA: 28,38 on theta fy trie ongumy sce peronal latons and The work tha enced ough te i coe, approche Hum’ tan of he cota EERE anche tht sates totone vil apace ht cot she gut fee at ph $9 Antapo hs Bh a feroegectd thereat hur loge ply mania ae Ths lef Hobart 105; Overng Yin, nd thi vole. The ao aly I der bus been my demoted a one a the anal race, ‘hie temo safes to he rao the epee ‘hein hc ti jodged a be levan and aria ec ocean ek Shere 900 9) In const, t Amaro people ea Sem ob ad Hot op. it) hve so ae since, he sigan par tha plays inthe tinment fof Shut, anther ten, sc. For thee pee Hrour i cottiv ofthe sci Sher (op. city pF) Bas nd te Fbwing oe Lowland Ames people th Kos Humor sient and cera feture f the Kuna wor fact he Inercton of apeth lay writ andor Peneaten every sss eee erage See eee ee eens aaeeeeeeeee ee eeeeeeegeee ee 16 ean Ovaring an Alm Pe aspect of Kuna soci altar, nd pecially vera Me. Se Biyinvtveshanoy sed nb tbe andee {yin fhe Kia an ey, ivr an acalsaion fvarur etnias sec ay {mong he Kanal aoe compet - 1s ia nag pt ough hi humour that Ames th tape tee shore soma later he eae chert As She oo rte Kunst une son secre autor ad finan nen wal Simon on ha app el nis nee poe 7 2r vor empin) Pao insta rete ve hie ‘echo e Pekwet wes rehab yee an Frocveinit ow sg Ants Onting rena shat the Pe at Esse st uke vr none ‘Paton, nse afve tanta sentence Seman he comin sty af Lola Ne Ri cl pimp at erg wea shed se res fen tay iio ey sp rewire the vue eta aprenden daily life. a a ‘ong he Farnham par ay whine pr sic ef creyay sai breed a ee hear incon iy wc sis gen ee fl pron an shane ms Ov le, hte ominous 5 wn he npr es Been Ee tage Fac ype ne cov oa trove tentials ore ice tea dr th opt mt on en ‘gt oan ges pee afte me hc sy adi eT aa le Orig, Pass so enc nnd pn ete sae sed wrayer Ae Gomes Sane sateen dere aadeompunion ie es Coe Jamon ‘ae el ins Sain, an oe gees sa ha © ‘Eencrative of a convivial mutuality (see Ales, ‘avo, Com, Janie Fld age Rv, RewopentnlSunecrssay sehtmet tects ocan sli he o-egenve d e pcs han on i rene ea eee ea {ncn pope of Amazon plc up pal hau ser coi td's sable mua te ca oes nty Sing The ay Na pe spittin ee “The affective conditions for Amazonian sociality The art of socal living: the good ifeond ts moral ‘The mos obvious thread joining the pope diced ia hi volume te ied so ofthe go i’ eng te achicvement of high velo afl {Te contentment ar Rie, thi slum, prac this value forthe TH) ‘Sg tone wheter nity The scl defined a nmin humo pace iteration nd jgeen: of eee eed award te sucren of eave fe, ae the comfort oA we wl So'CharT ped mathe avtnmest of compan ad congei ‘Mealy hat engendering 3 tral everyy vec, OWED INGR Belden forthe AvP "ood en poole ca be ined ean Rid enplaie o the Ene hough which ren an Be Wied have gooibentel wart (ei afetiecopte capstan ‘hte stoma wae arb commenty , Tapine= wich of cour athe see of pyc comfort ee cocina has nll patent asl fo fel common Signin Ammonia os igh morale As Lao’ construe Ceoaidkta nse tara tpyelage one ee many babe ae Dor Te ‘cher wd Overinghavouaetd sewer (19), indgeour xia ‘Renton sbwt be as fn an a of tae Set propery Thetmphaneapomcreatviy for bsnl is 2 See He have thie Dena generative ad productive poet et ‘Greig 1969 ands vel lo Blonde, Echevers Lago, Lamloo- Shin, Pane ths vl) n “Theresa wets othe ingens crphas pon happiest Fenn ee ea ofthe Eee tsk) Testy. happy community one where fs members ave the embed ‘Ail wimeres appropiaey rough the practice ove i a fod Renuufl ways whe te Po (Gow; ths volume el of the importance of (he proce ef gwdten ve, thought ad memory to he cation insnceaod forthe health tar alow them to ive wes An the “ere amma toyed re fo they 300 year he ang eset ie pak ot consegue ml reach nua Sa gu al muro whe the inte, tong rato 1 ona reign Aan Pie Fee ae eet se epee erent mugen semanas Patera ein cat ee ae Parente nistee ener ne iis ac has tho se amacrwenpinterc eseernerte tae Seca vem rate eno aera Te rata roratontatetbocen taht Sintec ndukonmrtaheal yates Etowaneia rattan se bean ate ai sted ae el Seem umm ne Ri aioe tiie isang ee Soe Senaccppatn tne ere enone tt ae tga en Se oases a ‘een a sc nl ie sie iaeny dene Seton te Seren amen sere iy alg ei eho na as See felt recta es ae ey crete ma i rami peo nd inormaity in Amazonia (he walled ones of stracae of ‘atonal if) ot enya tx poe, prsasve tent, bot 3 ROMP canes well To ner th pst requis wt compre= Peer Scialsene of Arsarinn people, thatay ther ese ofeommunty ‘The embodied community and ts aesthetics Thi ie tnguage of affect a intimacy that inked Amazin ints otto be misao rience af prising of eresons vet eee fer ttee the pat Ley Bah (1960), ho provide a cretre Re atecine-mystea, sd terete pelea, naar of “pine Senay op fr ween theca hat Aan ie ‘Zope te cone copies ce Overng 163 ean 198 Scarab to colume. eva mater of tet portance Siete pe theese thatthe afecive conn of comes ein ‘athe nn mae of cro, nd at such Te mov soup ‘ier te tee kt so baowdge amd moral var, a erie tha ype af sony tha oily demand econ pom the mera ecto pce ne mow onibtn)- However, ao the “hea eden ef Aneta coe at i coe oy secset gute aod ameeve apace are embodied, Dut ao ta She thecpaiywfies mot soi existence ria that hr be ne ‘Pir betecn top and feeling mind and bay. The Amann von Tinesoal node prcce rer avanesclent ance w Weer grind thine oni tee cn mosh ate poston of be emotions ‘athe adetarre, with king tenet onthe ie cae Shas The sea tha tee a asthe inven Belonging 02 ‘Smut reno ht cps thought a ales wired ‘Shasta sgven sen moto he conto hit item amthopoopca erate at een been reo the carl const emai Soh tingle ea coe {ethene and perio he bty alone Buidingo Maes coneee “oo seute by ech aus 99), antbroplog chm Hess (190), Lae (a8 ger 17, Row (168) and many ther have ay esablied the ea of a ocd ad sated body Stchenteshure ones comiersble way toward overcoming tbe blog trove hat Ra fong cpied od etd amreploy capac dy sock an amprtnt spt ofthe scat of aman Bigs. Hecate [eive Bic har cen ben defined ss owtde she range ofthe Buran ‘Secs by nue ofthe Corpo ematns bone fama ame, {eoUSg Sone mi wea tno ities ace the creat ‘Seryny soci fe Ths har eens toga incur omdestndg Geesetsee sage saeeeeaeeeEEgEEEESEE CEST eee eee eee eee Eee eee aeneeeSeaEeeSaeeEETCeam Joana Overing ad An Pass “Thanks wo the recent work inthe anthropology of emotion thy ake body at om regi! ben es wel ar he ands ino great leven to Amazonia where we find bey eet ak ‘be Echever, Lagos, Londo Sutin, hr volume) atthe ee bodiment ado the masa of silty fre mow contr butens hy ‘elume sed pial Go, Jaton snd LomdoboSalinon he ted the cmiedtmtehjetity of community) The emovona. Henk Should no more be en sll tert of al sven hn tse eal, a te see eno mh eat ar. nsreing he ultra ntectal spect enn, se ‘ola weting within he ntopsogy eect he cme ie ‘eid teeing de fale i Less 00), oe, oa hatin ig onc heinereting marie nding te poem our dency tsp he es prs A Ls Pot ot it an enon sent ogi an Fl, tt mt oe more than he ter Arssonin ppl: ape nhs this view. A our erage sate, Amazonat emotions a eta though are soca cata eprint ested and epee ah ah inthe diy proce of penonaltnerctone ‘Anger, grief and jealousy: the other side of the coin Mac tare ny nese ‘tea tats sonielcoen cenit Se asa suis peeewmie Bee aienehcyfe aes i cert nay ae Seemed nen Rea Sener aa Aran ine nt nen ites iene ee ne prota eae cc em Mf Sect teysvEnmnt tee do isaac tae ele em carase ece ‘Kidd, Londofo-Suikin, Overing, Rivé nh The aol ste sehen ey et SS eet aenemcamta at ‘teh aretrsed egy nthe ee eet tN Se ae te eg ee ats me reat fabe garct copaas iter areety sat oa ei carataens terse vor inay SESE talent Sieg tine pooke reaah taal ele i te tant com a epee cau Oo fo tc ssn en wastage aatet irae tbc ne Ros sees ra art spa encom, ike acura ge steht gee iy ee Sree Gare aa ogy Bitlet cahgoraccavermoion init omnes wea fern nanan sees i i es ng Cot Samet sO wy dn Tahar oe Weston gta tem wage nett tepor baepie na ata a Se ae ciAtagentN ve somite SEE eeee sag ee eeE Eee sgOee eect eee nT esaee seen eeReeCCeaaaazeaseeeEECEE 22_ Jonna Ovring snd Alan Posie take the day-byrday maintenance of wcible ad esiyitrpenond ‘laonnipra uma beings scetngy ie. The prado sack Siruptve oes ae a he ae ine as ted eae. he Soar for al ie within te man commit. and Reh A ene Common 6 many the peoples thi lun ta he os ring ‘uch rope ress upn he niu To ther word the efor Sono dangerous, derive clement of he conn into dea fees hat allow fr the health and rity of he community ene ‘ential proce atthe aormation of th ioe cements oe ie fod, beau om that ae condcrve to human fcundy ie Beane ever Ki, Lorin). ‘While anger might in origin be diabaial monster om oie 5 remain a momtow re within ony ot suicenty anor y te tive wil and work ofthe inva. Thi one obo reson te ‘Amazonian htc wpon the mpetace pron viglnce ga oe ‘Sen ange Ae Base gue slab hie th br ‘ier although cool, inte mater, fr dagen, iene {get aay arto fom mihi tough angen ho a ten the repay or eonverng the come ce whine inte the ehh man fear can, An! Lon Shin tl att among the Mane he proce of erg the sas of ‘nd jeouy sth the ac of work te basing ome he ‘ga oe Though hc elo i bam wok log fret for afective dior become trasorme into the POP ‘ipo beathand We ang ofc namereexivetnl moe Gow obese chapter hat rhe i 2 fo many ether Amaonian peopl, one inorant mean for kein antagonism cst bay though walang neta ‘aii. Ti recy wy the pat qulet He so aed Tha stale tot Meera tn ete every ot h imental bt af aa ew ofthe peop the hgh ave fie aleve nate of xnete Aw my ton em ceo et ‘a governed by eer kind a en aed hich inves Po pope ih rama even femetonal exsemiy. Thr ving well bere ‘ey valu wnnenetiofscale t whch muey eth making sks tha fa ay eet at te of Pho The sernae fo oing nothing te a "aed a an into rae visting oP eet tle tan ney ‘he ie af ne en oc otosart asthe race wthineun antamel mus ome uch sod se tes upon the neyo agi ofthe aes xe wih he convivial iy, and edges ete Sra Sf pci, ivtved wen it wil erp Sense Gran, the ft 20g wie 181) on he concep ee aaa pin! Imrotuction 22 Stn pit wsdl angi (tae) sees tnanety ten i coed ee rt ody) aie apace eee nn ep dean ming Cre te a beeen cgay ed here are various ways, however, through which Amazonian peoples ae ene eater umeeiance wee Coa a ones mel gang adhe er oid ilon eh ee cape a ie sazmil th een pee mee opr ne Rees eer den none ig eee ee aly tte wc Rv and Ree RES SiSRY “Iaes teu in se ce ith which indian oe ame, The a eon ae ton in ats Srna Smet os SSNS Wim cafe een ct, Carn tat mn acest Saar mete pve ae Sor inter samere Se ee cian mye ea eet cai fr Amani but aati se ch ng ou eer etme, Sa a eel thee he Fecal woement eerie tort ar Eee sme he Pel ad Soe \ i | RacaeReReReReRercnc i ere eat tate eth tht h then thet entrar arrerererererec ee 1H_ Janos Ovriog sd Alon Passe withthe Vana (oth inthis volume, the expectation bree eciv init terme omanpuine tat can mai hse rae, ‘he mon vlnerable and penal vsen oa Weashone otha, ‘A-Pi andthe Vanomamy, that vielen too haste en a Iriya oe raion. Inthe former cae the vel ang {aa arfrm intoenmity, wl among the later tithe depen, ‘in that leads to vnene witout (Belaade and Als topes ag ‘olune) Inala thsecte, the nrucural unease comes Reeth ‘ionhip iti, and ot rm the aoa eaonshpwitat Evens fui for alec comfort es withthe anal elaonip the one $e dear fo, for example withthe Par ‘Overig Kaplan Spe eure el dior isthe ane within, sd not wit tah te Mine warsormed ito a conanguine.Uismay, the assent og ivi sity prove to be tbe very frees through which tise ‘hee are at toch the afetive he rata condone oucas the peoples of Amazonia recogni these matter oe que ssa work vigilance a even suring to nai, Notes 1 OE Rie a4, STREP ae rts 1 irSesaels see atc ne ham GE Lat (10) ce he Td ier Fe ee Se eterna Sieraeeti tae neh eee Scere reer omrwamewarty cp ‘oh moraticy that wa total men and women ee hol Se _ oaaemmscae : el San Deion ste wee ee tie mtn a he ot ara gcc te nt Sarai ree di ee ane tape ie Tees els coe ee twa eas Sei ign Ss ede oy mer 8 Se eae eros 41 empiricivn of Jackson (1989), the apthrepo- Gm eli no 0. teas iy eh Ae at aren i Dena ersten uae ln Ce gue a ete aera sekorom ciara ae oe eee See icc Regt a ity "Hig wen hy mown renee faa tana Sei ieee oe Breet rae ca Somme es sa SE RTGS oc omy, ner 1 ir fe et ec ect Se irre merioar Soe tea cre see sped See ve cee etaae Sethe vrtaanionn tea ae Cesta echt ams Et 26 Yours Overing ad An Paes een niga) nie ty such specs Wenn rely pet fr coer saben a hoeigy ees 3 impones, opposes ad ot a a era 1g Tumut sn xB iy 197.2 16 Wigan stp that an one aan Hoban cement (1985) sler a eee ene ef pre 17 Ace Ut td Whe 6 ae Nh, oon ‘sess: ‘emi A) (196) Mace, Tidy end Sa: Trane Tait, Catan Unery cigs Pos ‘Auge M9 (1859) hace te Tle Vere = Be A 8) Mea tn etal 1 (1990 ‘Gender cna acon Seri: Unni Loin eee etait (8) Sinan, Commani ed Praline ieee “i, Canta Pay Pre se a eg Samed. | on {ety inA Kuper ed) Gretcig Sy, Londra) New Vk Ret BSNL (8) Fenty, dmom on Nay Lon Ror & Kees on J900 z ly Baiada {oto tte iF Carine ie, oe le: Wad Pros, EEE U0 Hacoony and argent tinggi the aif in» {att dug Pw, Sage, ds Rowman Lith MNS. td Rewbcg HY fe lon) Ca I Bose ‘Cmte Pay Pew Seg 8) Tacit opening op of antroplgy’ ne dR 5 oS, Imotuction 27 nd Leen) (191) Aer, ny Inge Se onde a Susy encom so tan OaRab st et Te Pe xp Le Bere Univer ain pe, tracing mae: ye egy ad cil prac’ in kal tol GPa) hat al Soy pp! Pept, rR oe nes a, ompad FeD drain, Une (ES yoy nor nen on om a oy Teed Oe Hoe Aig Ma Ot. New Yor ca re ung nt Ou mt Ra a Le ang! Ow sti sty age Mil Se er Bi ar tt is Sct i i a nt ASTI OF A dR an Hata Prien Amit, Ont were rents te Bee SES met ide See ee icc ate Re ine wn canto: nyt tes poe Ene sn a Chat Rk pnt i EES oo “tn se ee See ees eee aetna aaegSeeeeE Ee naaee eee am 2_Jomna Oven nd Aan Pass oie (8 Je evel metal ae ain a ral en Ey Meal DoS Ps Hae lit ty On Rae ade cna te Rr Lago 8) Cahn Ermine pach oy “hey, ups PD ern Uae anon, eat) 1085 Mensg sd cng inthe shen of eats Big 03% sss (80) ey a Tiss 810) the Nae Th, New Yon Washing See at CA. (98) Uva Ente ey Sinn Min oe tr Tr Che: Viera oa Pe ‘Snipe Cane Unease Eo Lass and Wie 980) The anos oe moti hd Rane “tabaping 8 036 ‘Meal (19) owe gone a a ogiation among Cain teat epi Po sven, Une enann, i et and te rig ay ote ite Sgn Pest Go ei) Sd Vales Rr we En, Macnee.) tn Pons, Nowe Dam, Ind: Note Dae Uney Pe ‘Mace itt Bmore den apt, Lnto Reve Mac 197 (109) yg, Said ede: Rowdee Kean oe Male, 5) ne roms on a0 perception, mL, Heras Pein Ptr Cn Leen 7B ro (990 etna he i ery pend nd pin nos Pat Ari Be 7407 Ottan 1980 Tic impcn eeopnnadintgeon ean an Fro he Venn son’ wpe Pa aren bse Pi den Ur Onin 1958 Theresa endow ay ices an fale __AD Fuki cd) Te py of Ea One Ba Bink Felt) Tnvodacion’ i} Oven a) Ren and vay, La TBS Tae sta in “Ay nai eno Fh 00, Teves iain, vice ad domination in 9 “sien ENGR RS tT de Lao ha eh "sin 5 Oveing (oh) Rm aR Sr pa oom a me cs hon Goodman ihe Ama’ Men eet maa tem ea eae ear Eee eae ne ese Tt eaten ee ant nm a9 h iraduction’ in J, Overing Kaplan, og. Social Time and Social Space yn) Ss ey gers gona ltl een SRT aymnne cae eer gt as wr a nt Od tr eT Cea are ae ae sical tornateeta nar oS Oe eae eats eo Soe pn ncn ry Eee nde eee anc aan a Ee ae a, can nd enero Harvard Univers rc lo mien Siren te ae yt I Ett 30_rans Over ad An Pes Part | li ell M50) Toe a eps on aR So lik ot Sa a” ‘Ee Mint, Sif od Es Conviviality as a creative Seyret eters — PROCESS i ram Ty Was € nis CA 162 Aer Dunne Prasguits, The aesthetics of the passions and seprA Ghia Kad Vis Cae Ec 07) Acaamgoa embodiments of community {i i Frposmas oxides indigenas Besa (The construction of persion a | st a fea ae I inher iee maaan | ee aac jews \ | | | Pay 4586 SAPS so tt tat mage a Teal Pit tWinnst ‘hsb reer ‘Urea Use lis Pea ef ee ef \, { Tel (8) Th Cut An, R Howard New ar Hart i ‘TeV. and Bre Et i Tepe NH Mme stp ie En tn ay nt iis Sacre met hen Seed ttn atte er (i Sa tte emg tomo, ie yng are enon 197 fear dts ee Cao one i ‘inn Chapter | The first love of a young man Salt and sexual education among the Uitoto Indians of Lowland Colombia Juan Alvaro Echeverri ia de ii Lani XIX, i ath 192 57) “Te Uitte a other neighbouring groupe fom the Colombo Peroviae [maton wed otto conan neta lsd ally Na. They hae Teme ea since the idle of he eweneth cena allowing har Tenorpwatonntomarketslaonsoga eb rbber indy a ates {Catt Mion education and permanent contact with nonlin Fore they exacted sls om plan, mainly pals an ey contin things tay, To obtain thee vegetable sl he pant ater fhe tak) buon, water tered hough the tes leach ou tbe trots andthe veting rine toed dowa nil he sae deci Tse eget als ate pons sl ery Fh icon Has Tete my at a sane tare for tobacco paste (te)! a well a Tesi nd foment esinary consumption ‘Vegtti oale havetoenextaced by many geoples thoughout de sof the Aran of Cental Aes (Pin 1000 9443) ad the Ange {peaking erope of Popa New Goines, manly the Baay fr who at Biren cf naoey (Ge 1962; Lemmons 84 Inthe Ames Extopean cecpaton of the we vegetable salts owt art anecdotal bnethcyscem pinto wieserad sation, which ota ‘efor um meal alt any hese ros ang 57 a ‘hurl oues) and which in nce oe cacy aad ith ‘Stun purpose The prodacton abd conumpein of wesabe a lingeract cong many te groupe tat mary sed them ta Nort rmeoia they af il tobe od maily among the Eastern Takao ‘peaking, ltapeaing, Bora Mituspeaking and Andoavespeains troupe no occupy a continunsn aes the border ofthe Colman, Ferrata Braran Armas bse they comin tobe acivey rode hun Ana feevere and eu ated mnt or eer and i sa ta conumy is intaton es ad heat __tthoorphic eer of thee gr ‘ociated with them in niges {Whe tua vance 1 ‘eicinal plants, br als ono ak ote refer but summary och not vegetables slow toteney nou thought. Much stenton hastens ha bccn coe, hallucinogens ptt to have gone smote are Yaa mong the Easern Taney 2nd pepper aed cringe it Hood. Not onl ee od obra te ra wl rlein cnn Sena ily miata by tee author str bs our groupe Tht has be "esearch hus become lear om ae poropae or see seal ls ferthem eaten subaane nos one asia set ' Uioa an ter nih 4 numberof years of Tete te eave man I Cronin commncain’ wasted Faas wh a SESS Leese a gem et se Inne Over ote ten) a hl se te Epiatnncs wie osm wm se ton presses oe fede moi hme Fadpeeen re remeron oe er potent mage shu est nite rca Whe rash beter wna FECL sStetecm and ingen een estan hos ‘ee ache sac sos mon ln showed th a TIRES ESate ted tel ames er” Fores, when ap TERS U pee neo ce ok mh forma ee artic Recor experienc f mineral sat" "Ar they gave once, 1m Shey vee keep rng oa something T have beard for eer ‘Tada ie apna saa metoncn of white people's ta ae Christ epeal see sharing bods Hue semen. mh treats bond ‘Slave? Soe had gingee ofthat woman's vagina, ad we want (re, Enkakabde ar: we dort now where oop That hyn ‘hams sotospea else unemfortatie td pointed in tei dealngs ‘inten thelr ae readers hang money and ale "be comely Inia aves shown non-odins ther own agin thas her nal veces thersrery erode abot te forest {iu mtu, and thr shame oer ad kl. Beebe we imped that ‘fim withew preparation, we ten want ore: we waot frase, we Wat ‘teu We ts tw how so deal with he dian al Inne comer {url el cat mw inn dot eat dem on ai et a ha ‘hey want tongue ao mater tat are very rate and ese, mS ‘eemingy ang to understand them bio Tor Enka the wine ras thr a question of vex rane how regulate dee how wn he it Thi sexual education =. help ture aren rats into prsictive one, allowing 0" mato raring ad feding may open up wat he calla ayo’. Bee Such exchanges are regulated st maintained. Thos walt tame ree EEEETNIIIINEUENEERGGI han Aer heer Ns chilren and grandchildren, At the same time, acco ajc wat 3 sor of laboratory" in which o pros sod cae ee od management ouch asexually charged ploygrants ge ‘BE of aac, space fechang,leting pace, brsees poet eatin = turounded by dangers ins, gut din oe rocesing ad ransormaton oe Endlaksiodo' inital aim was to seach beter undersantng 8 Penott and groups, dled onthe ioe sedi tater beween ial contingent ‘tearing in eh mi rete cmon Sct gota concanea me mg es Thoth voting cn a -a enh nmepmaes eget ‘Rayrod "Thaw chace sation nea Ze mein ove, atthe eo ths proce of tration fase A young man's basket et focus our atetion ‘ket. Go ats young Utow man begining wo weie> bunch vines he ret ge th ou which re to imsers ea, a es by shite thi wy shat o> trees ona it amy work, Tawe baste have frewood? “Thine orga ‘tibe attove Sayoune ma, ote be Father Bana veal ‘hie ‘Who can warn his face away Whevcanay Ten’? Noone cansay that Tn ha bake, many former generations sie fees, teeny pron th fae, ‘Tiere nowhere et, there no wter path ‘parent oe ies the path through which wecame fh Thar we ar tering the moment of yng tt ive m1 bring srr agit avin What rted may neces mate ake oran eempe to nl Me na wonan's wom othe work of the Genre ge fom othe wri Sty ono sane ht ‘iat sig devcrted are teflon to wate seme suston open papehoowledge—"tnowiedee’ a ft atempt to Wandate he Urore erie niu aguas af a rs, mer, af excerpt sips bedi, bur Knowledge ht bast be made to ‘crayon it word nd pce tne ts bake, eed, the ft toe a a young mat Hae reesei to wos or things, Du fo he civ troogh which word ate oe nto ang the noses om the ‘ied tie rough time Te two tha compo the erm te, sing an meting pen) sya tht mover. ‘Mec cca fr Enso, Hs dice om tat abo fr, Raber than an explanation stem meaning 4 proces of ton. ‘hae tout the ean of wal eapropitin bythe rer rete eames fing shout he aterm epeton asd elie experiences ‘Out of wearin, ot fering esas epics ope Beceesee ee ec eca cere seerseeeH ee eeetetee eet sete cee ne ee nee eee eetteetee rere eer ener y ee ae 38_ pn Aare Ebavr Si latpced nme ghee Soe esr po ete tt tcl te etc ts “ttn atcha Ti ne SE an i sect na smeared tn fron ee tec a ei Spiel ee op he ae Sree apeclau fie ite See cc ona atm Serena Teena a Sieh ea Tis ion larly depicted nthe flowing 80 ‘Serf ofialtinrpee ofthe et echcee, my focus her so he rn ‘Tins the hake of mamheng coe, this the baer oho, ‘his the ae of endarane ‘tia ” Sthebaet ofa wom Wistar ‘that holdng he hata, ket of emanation: ithe ake oflove, chibe Word thsi te baer fore “The rafuecn rafue and the ground’: the path ote . oun man beginning 0 weve kt is bat one afr Deca ete maser nor ft cso ote won. The Geton kc cryh pr iesheryor oan ese narrate poe on snd power seas ng cepts mae mere enn cemmatn escent, sk cure One wou pel fo secede maton os pthc sone ind ef nail oer Sine eat oles nen win carat rm ch Shek wishes oto ssn of whom a th Fant mh eaeye pee Theat al ofc es ‘Siircces yell never tamparen. The mate aeas al tne apere nrmaive acre peel bang mel ‘tel hy at romp devalued ste 1 wl oe 2s tnmen fey oes na cote 8 tin hee sory conse gun sin ie isu a etn. Pater Bin, the Great sung Heb ued Ht cas acon kis in ses eerie ie pond He eben ep a ihe fertilises 50 as to give form to this "ground’. He then edu ooch pcg he ph thane eo. “Retaowing een arate at jo Snes: Now then, former Father einai bars hen that lace, ikerocotsale ie planes, solmpregaate ths grounder, frie nee generation of tox ta bein tofision ‘caine [the potlaton the ron stands inthe way, Father Daaima proces, he proces Sigurd ole, Ue wboleeanhot bird cee eee Cece creer eee reece rere eee 1 han Avao cheers Inisai hata cha momen, rar then tere Word comes orth ‘elt em eng hh pe haga SR momen SU orate meses Shecugiet mrt eee Suey woken ecemncnenens Eyota oat Sein cor ee ee metered ie Wri pe yu ln Sectecpecanreaienesease di ae Seca Pts rh Be eect blame separ nates ‘ith cassava (the proper way to eat), ta food aoe Sheerness “Tepe oa ea ‘chat rr a ‘ee ing pede wae hr Fite pie pun anny hens Te pepo arth eat pc ef pron, ns wee sf the weed andy ‘he ene maar werd any i mance peal rt antguiic othe wir of ban oom piensa Ths pet Semoun ide sah om he pth mes a wie per are Wit fom te oa pvr ae se Thesis tenon Facer A be glean cpt “Thefiaclove ota youngmn 4! he Word cme for What Tanita Teng hat a that moment we et eek Fass the ae and power ofthe word, she {el Taner eiring Th enti poe eres he aural be sume oes ees speech ~ advice, cout or many. TERRE faa andthe owiedge fr amare w actin the worl Tis Be sear Creat, what the human ac," ture geeraton come Reoenesinordrto have oot hile “rcs gueson or burs naraing the cele ering of Father ‘ns hs epening ofthe path through Boring ad procesing the PaRSTEhN i cnr stering dicoven burn, proces When fe tne ima a ia gery hin ho a od Hel Then he fall Sh wah he mos fandamenal fie: aria be wal ofsemen he ss his breath, be esha ek Bgony. He vetoed te sure of coding. After urging with Toca be putt ow the mucs fom hs one and throws it away He then Tere wha he hs ren out andi tle That mca sa ly ‘hog at was bing the Father i now a mel He bre ity et ‘nnd ap Sythe was maling mel ba now, i mothing no ‘ioe twl i e for arare generations ‘er thi Father Baa aga at agin fl wih all Kinds of ‘mses and problera he el paar, hem he priced by doa thee Mire uly all oveef meal dese or dls be belive he realy grow up, be sated o momen who want to devour hi, federy by es aye wae to ta hinge and bo on. The proves coe ‘hws in 2 sma nhion su before: he endures a. problem, Gicover (eto mays mnfexaton, br i anthem aes » pied dict which he fenves avs power a coun forthe coming man {Sovran He lean up the ath humanity, he tens up the ke Staniybe fs op hbk with words a fa Each ills Be home urbe» te an animal or eo natural leet which ean ‘nan the emery of the Fathers pasticaar suing. each repreening ‘myetvegeablel . "hs pce of creations replicated bythe actual proce rating veer sale burning down the vegetable mater, ing ‘Serf searte he incre an bing dow the bine vo dy the wl ‘These sls consin ely the mineral eno te Uvig plant Ene a sisowmsaineandiee struc anda memory ofthe event of heen ahs jotmatenal aimee a bmance Edhaboae weal conta repeat to me Th sal procs replat wht gs wih te ‘sire alchemy, nat what ie itended wth he proces of tas Semon ater the aera ofthe operate or ee “The ceton proce ds aot ed there The vas of Fates Bais sn his eat etme many inset the ft eye the prs ‘ich were bed under hie eh happened i ater plane a 2 join Avaro herr das ike to say. We ave aot yet arrived tht wr ie rth th geveration ll he Beings which the Father threw ot Sein hin becomes he kf the Som ofthe Father elied Ae | Thm hee ei yet agin and arrange this world in pope ee Te Aocent wor sl hve powers wer rampant they mete pt ose tewedaye serie sl ebb forthe new genera hema Tndtaeiodo constantly reiterates conceoing thi: "Dea be ek ettape you bce we ar tating stow hing tat happened gp Seawall ctaied rej materia, uta subtance™ he sn {Seaton inj ny The a opr ft ens hepa ‘erie cme afl hough the pes of cern rg Frocringadcomdenang hes enperenc, ome ot ‘The sexual education of the Mother Tes hs rmomuting power of re whch acompls he great ed raion, he tho hy soma er. Pe ahr oso mach the ag of reson athe pret lhe sb feebich he dco natn telly nme ihe Mor “Ths fire ithe tee Mother, ‘hither ‘home, Freafabundance, fr ofan, Byte eles, hs re fede me Whatever comes thie fire “Tiss poceing Si, eit, isnt wo kaow, iste Mother wh poceses iithe Meter no dure, the Mother knw how to deve Tomuttnon, : Tock omer beat, Tel awww tc fm er est ‘On the Moder tap on this Tedowe, maa ‘Thefine lone atayoungman 42 Sein poet een a soar cetera tenmrem cae iiepaeatanten ie cmere ine wpe hetuintses peter eeioy coe icine bere tres wot! cas Sir armtaceatscw nae metas : ceed rea ceteris seagate news eos Poort any Soci Sir ccoreeemnnenee uae esos mieeeierec noe nt sree naa tecthateoeee Sages cueerteae momo fyi te is ray een =e metering emus Ceara rsa arate ere crests Orb hse antec Ee arte pe mae wana Reena ini el ipa sing ey an Souciiertecvarietee egies Saleh teas etter rte ae eater Se i ae me cam Sons imbeseea reve anit sane otiny cca nant oe cg ie ee toes respon a le ath rate 1m ara Eee women danced witha prot perches on thee shoubdes actualy.’ Ue meaning ef te nme Enkakuiod- These parrots epee power thei emblr, thir power rock thie "Theft lnc ol young maniea mont dangerous momen, he cisvn fam indviuality tat som as wo be eared, Soplce. eles i {he mys of Gren, se omer of man a momentary len sh fant be tsned. The ground contanty placed and const ing consumed by fe. What contracted sob fetus tase hy rourubing that moving round "Than whysperhap the dcourte on steals constantly modig > cmmecheence own nse Always pice costntly appearing feoing, what teraiy ie mineral salt, ml om the beet oh Mower recover here Hee tae of he saline reside Acknowledgements Research fr this ate wat fondo by the COAMA Progam fir de (Contidason ofthe Colombian Amazon of Funlacin Gain (olnhn the Instat Colman de Caura COLCUTURA ofthe Colon ‘Government and hz Earth Lave Pun (UK), The des ths chaps st She ret of a onguing proces of work and resarch ith the A nila (Ox Reman) sd hsm Sn Roma. Tam ined (Gros Lt Sain and Alan Pas forthe generous etl ‘in the preparation ofthe fal mantaript, and o Joanna Oren feourgement nies, Notes | Tac itn pein ver rated Nain South Ane it ‘canteen of Lae Marcy the osx Tis ‘oor, Ota se, Hina Bre andr he ee SNe cama Mr Gao the os san Soa ‘inn peo 8 Bren Manan ye fom Ca 1 fe Plo (98 th, wn cen repr ofthe we of eae ih ‘Ani ap tom i heh ty tauth he spe so 19 het wes yea ebony, td = ‘yeh three ee aorta + Visca Gael mid he Caen chaating. ms ese tiniunnomctetototes 5 trig re Seat fe ey sar seme To ‘a ete nd a ned hae te sae ied Te wel" * (ting acing during sco eter ak aber, ‘edit Avoca donc tgs ong References Paes nmap ute rena ea att Seige Ce og Sem aagene eens cree ee trace oe tae ena make LSS NSS SES» rn imca nn ine ng Fann Spee nay Tt ne mar rae Hagh-Jones. C1878) Frum te Ml Ba: Spl and Tomer Pr x Nee aera ocean ‘Ra 6 i Bipot maemo End inden, Bogota Seay See Ss yn Te te ee See re a ee tpi gem Feet tant ts as a etd once taoreearta To er near neath atime Ne mannscemee ‘Aidh‘O'F Liar Fgey. Sept ad M. Haye) Topo Fov Meath at reer ommib tees es a eerie SESS eae ye aw Scie EE ad Ral RF 10) Tur Haag Fc Mia nd Ts Pt es he at eo Ginee ster SE aaa nner Chapter 2 Helpless ~ the affective Preconditions of Piro social life Peter Gow Oveting ine wort on the setts community |Oreing 858 “emotional sates can we tak about? , ee a np aces es Bere ence of these phenomena, and the fieldwork experiences of bse wh Cetin npc ope ving slong the Bajo Urubant ic hit ht Tey te erates and my account here ete exe ot and oer gg ati ie frm aboot iy wo Une hums pte espana ut repli the ype ease the miion of EX Ros eset a yd fr ee Iving on hing ng, ting Majer gael worn lmbering and tes Seine se Maipean (uncon language. All Fro people are involved i reaione with nomPiro prope sich as, the Bajo Urobamba iver ae ‘Campe-Aihininea, Matsguenga and mst far fale account muy be found inthe bok, O/ tnd tet ow To Tobe helpless and to bes sn to be helpless Tae em te er oma ol en’ ad “tev, tobe sad sulle, tobe cto be cold: Tos epee tite ec, in the, petzanane ove the ie sadne,selen, ‘Smauais have,a eat oth Engager, hein tie encom rope thse he gl ie inte oma sere that tera onthe Spun doer Siar 1 twanite prams to compastonse in the sera see that hier shares withconasny Then oad tha hese are my ‘talons Pro people ben peaking hele Vnya dae! of Spay sully ase tr i,t he ad for nema at de fs, fe ‘fr fo ptr ‘Gaal these English nd Spanish rantaton of mine cary a heslogca leading ey to beaten diferente ieee, Indeed Trg that ‘heimerpay between te sate bgp and cresting a the aectivepeconion of Pro Burman a tne wily and tet atin Jaan. Christian comcogy, precondition a marty te ‘pdf aneneshuman dv Tine babies momo, are helped ei in thers ena ompanion’. Why? Becne they ate alone Tiny are hammaswh Iek Linpeople When a Pro aby hon, the fst ques tat ty Toithaman (sare)? Ths question abe he ly orm of che baby ne ey fh ay te nym. ch fem have potato be Linpepl the te epee ote so space ino the elmo terns the river or foetus baby ied fn placenta, ad nly he iscent iexpaed rom cal pace. Sch ‘aby hs the poten tobe aime, bt it at Knpron 1 fyone yet To become 3 inp mat eel el fe, an pend ‘within ems (o Belaane, kia, Lago, London Sum, Over hs Mooring, ade summit, ‘are belle’, and. ce aber ‘enon compas, Why? Becase they at alone They ae borat ‘ho lack Mnpeape Here the mining kitaperson pec how ded Fear Gow enon. Aaocevng hnsperion ha did, nd le the sung penn ‘one whois alone’ Fr people do ot mourn alasiey or inane ee ‘ovpe of mourners. They mourn alone, bectse each eto ass themueiver. Thisis because hin relatonchps areas his ees panel sumer oxcations by Rivire, Overing and Vireo de Cato sg then, radially egocentric im Amatonin stems suche ise ‘ach ink in she chin that establishes a eon a4 hnopeion ole the"eg rather shan on broad clases or groupe Jt 2 Po Fp oe en hemos with other Knpeple in dene the pte ‘cations, they do not Meni themes wth ster knee sens in tclations are uamade in the ontogenetic proces deh. Ns laude, Jain, Lagrow thi volume! {On bearing oe of my eater accounts of Pico experience of moning Melansinist ethnograpter of psychoanalytic bent desl om “Sureme marci’, an questioned the veracity apd plas count, While T stenvonly defended my material shana Metaeianis was making an imporans pom For elspa pe ‘wenably fr Melanesian people thence, ee preticse te ué-arcusofexchinge and ethnography afer ehmography devote bor, in hat region i exchange that onrcomes the eee fe bropl (Wagner i967; Munn 1998; Satern 198) There two teamorms efocratsic emotions into aaincenine actin Atay Pe ‘ropl, nd mare widely in Amazonia, whee elated ifr te ig e0 the peo stands revealed fay at'» psc, a hee es Indeed rome one ofthe manifold pulse dries wate bn st (The Melanesians was right tine ue thatthe ge of mt ‘lange Pi pope ato comiion eg elec ve migh ecg Eastin tems of he devastating honey mith which they hab E.Baifwe thik about he nana marc and the hf Mc IGRns ne ein the iro lived world Uatte Naren ERTS efetin, Fi prope are inive wth her mae he SNE That Fo peopl are not ‘exten martin esse tn the UNS reflestns they ove, bt heir gy Lei espa nt sro te tr ‘mupeoher se om Joanna Oxevog’ cie ine am Hed wore provides a exctem ft with op be Prot nr ae ree ri is there the prediction o humanity at tinal male = fon os am dei iad of the bolder ei the Po fats oi = ‘Gate mind ove ewmery thought Loker he ne mages haat i icisealy malt, Pi, the eee Fe ese’ and yn, ene he 5-4 ‘ural’ but hi no ron ant ake winger, 0 wot a emp em ha re, den) ar the sigharston x hat wate ee FA ‘Gemalto sry uranyl arena ae tem “dogamos group, the nis Pio pete ny te anes ee ‘Bred ne aod hich ex toay as suranes (Ge 191) A ee ‘eine’ labs ino, sch sr Hots hte many genta, Coe ference, “Cont peso ee, ext singular ema ht ma Purine woattain muti Thecame uel oer ents Tee, fie humanity mle, td roa. rsh, uie de mater Western coe iloms of inhi, wich wren rofund and rginary es between aly erae ent, uc ta ‘ample owondualseanbe omangunes) the Pro coeioretaahip. ‘eee te malian of ental Ente The Fo tere ean a ‘Smpeop haste rot ml hich ean Yo ered wae ape ‘cheap atch fi gy ae Merete ong her a cements which ate separately alike Into» macy itencl semen “spol ng nme erat ads. Knope, sme, ty Kisperwnt doc a erat wot ‘peal elatnship betwen go and ae, bt oan ser oon seni ni mp ei, i ee fevon i rlated in spe ade 10 any fen ther (as Sow ate reer and won) ut aneach cent of hemp ee ang thee sitwent tegen stan pei esis to taco tae ta the aps Lam ung era drm fom mathemnas nt atop itp dco eee ee seal cana the cally I hte term Pho Fee Tn ut ‘coma theo rms re itrhangese sl eee rope re "human ance ess Three however key momen ee the become separated such br tate akog ef in staan, et. Fr example in ith ital. the umbialcrd atte cat lyse who not + ispron to the pants Bat el ue pole ate kipeope to each oe, the ther mu sen ete ita Pm’ ant moe, my fle the coder becomes hs # hema to nota ‘ispeton* Siar, when people myo marly now aan eny, chat Kind of deer or pl etter ts Sama there no implication of ih hereto he spear enry int a opecicly shawans dncure where dca ‘ter eo dere es to compan rane in hs of nine ‘mlipiciy of hunan and “peop when thee coe. When Pie epee the “elennenfslonenc ef ante, thr ova eee er Samaniy a itil multe lead them oily he rgd ft hy hat otter peron ef Als Jaminon, Ki, Lagrou, Lond Si iver hiselume) The person who's eps sone othe Fs pet Arup slves and mused compasion. They soe he et the oe who rani, Belge, ad 90 sist om thet Ome sad conproene ‘rom te star from the momen ha the people seed ath i, tage decided tacit ban, the neonate tte objet fete fompasion Usa thi cmpassin nexpresed bythe tab’ pra ieee uncommon fr anther at to do. One woman le sinthehd, When she was orm she war so sal! ut ty! kod a ead “This oe wl nt beable tse” My father said "Oh. me dae ‘ow can tht on survive? She's fatto mall?” But my olde ue ‘a, Tee ry for ber, she DeautfaLe' ae f we eam mae ve! Soimy daughter breastfed her, had no mak then Me dhe Sednerwml my mil came. les Because afer ler ster thal ir ughter salve now. i acter cv, marin couple ited that a mentor bby be neo ‘hem onthe bs tha they Baden one chile moter ha an at ‘caren, andthe had no shad Pes argument ced ee ak ihe vilge, bur the mater ete, ang "No want okep his Heb bea ie boy, Tel sory fr him Lite Samo stave wit be ‘mote, ad ilage opinion sited to an ara oeance fh he ‘Ohder aes are ajeted te a cease team of tention a thy calle to cron the silage, ated wath aed che pal layed wih ‘vig tay, siting om ie moter hip wl lien be greeted bee = ‘he ad when inthe ear of perhape bred older sibling lhe sh ‘else it the sao ar thers he wry est 0 Sed oar ee aing ates, and a 8 sill for warm but dy dipping ry of Waaaaa lind aught. Thi atte wards abe the elation of het i sete ee ge rer Th serene ene ea ‘action fom he baby W alte! on Talay Hele loves" “eta co iia Wo cmpasiont eds the pron olin one who menu, hp. Gilsne mean ¥o mil ‘erember wl ole wel weet ins combination os {sh grand wea, memory, ve, tought, tiking aes. De fire, se “helen of 2 singular aman lade the le 6 ‘afin to crmpainate and then ering hh love wll. 0 tl 2 het This oaslaton int asp acta might bem Wee ‘ole but a inesaton fhe General eal tate" eles 51 Fro vlage Me, Imofr a relatos betwee vages ate by defn n ‘loon dsr akin reli orgeate nan ss compasion {Stn somelaton of his sab. ro vileg Me wa manele fected form of-compsnion apd ondaton everyday form he ‘Etta recoguion of low lagers hanger and the conquer on atgame,Heve, hunger the cvergdny elec the mor exe ttc of hpiennest' i at ie bi oman ha al io people may ‘Sesence ny day Gove 385,128 unde cn be lated eons lve, tog ike ing Bot canot be spy rtd fro come a bly imerinr tte ater the manner ofthese Engh word ian med wei pemeple in sot poson sch thar Fre people do noted o ‘pret whether an ahertemember lave thiks abu Gem. Tis Ste a med thve he sopene manetation of kinda co ‘ceca on poem hy ao ach te by fone togetes inte se illoge, and by sharing game with each othe [tense wo pple mane ir ack of wiintand 0 each ae by Ting apart ndifereeillges, an by ese sharing game wth ach ter Piro pene who lve apart ae il Kpople to each aber, bt they ae fer bad inspec wo each tera Bo pope are awa quick io polt Cine Gow fat for hw sch elation ae neoited). ‘igh be aged say man ein ad inet ego-cened Tse ath whom one Ter ao whom one laxly “te mere not haw he. Tab he cig ek thr Peo people tiene themaies er own pragns ef ie in th rented epoca web {angen fou of bach ad hey arya ote ns bbw them, Thor they camer he rg Cp pol hn eo ‘Shan wi white popesdsiasc mkt, though {el without mila aloogh ets isionares and athopalgts| chime andcareflbndngdestops cetain dere whiten). lowever although wieden rads egrcenteed, is ako rally ssc tee my aly oe “ie mitant develope in» shld hough the ete receives om ‘Mert it mania ins jontanrvs ef kin mst ade we ‘ihe Siar anained and ann the woe © {reid mh aber Sipeopesoch hat tence a etr ofoman matty cae hnhip es in the ene Xe hi tr ere, a rds finer suet, te tutes fly trae nice, the ted ‘Gre tivugh ofa e erect ren okt. The bn ‘Sinthe rants iehpand she rae of 4 ern, oe, Stree art iscoiaed te aru vl expenence feted pion. 2 Fearon ‘mutes that nda tbe body exterior ofthe pee, bt me stn meter, he avaabliy othe other pron oe evry eeepl expec’ A sent sot! here se ely ce CRETE utcw of te hey amtormainal prcene sat pc ‘Mintowit "The edly iter not salable cal ipetion ‘ihers andi an only ener the ream ofthe interbjecire he Segre on by eqn when viewed walla ste y thou ‘Renita reveald long afer death the mie dem Telow). Asan by contest, rwha ouse, ean ince lap i, what you see what you gt® As my comer Sata pce pt ‘ering ore frig women, Fanaa te moms, or se erste anit. Menga iw maybe not eae, She oly ser ren de {Sold sckjlgensnt, Pro pope sve land ade» ply tinge in diye "There acter posible wandaton of ane, "repec’ Pi pele are and sek to be wept ofeach her (Rie Rive Se ‘olume) Tia general value, but mie in prc ‘cr That iy te sel pect depen cey othe mr ‘anhip between the two rple nvled, whe they stand ‘te fitter and vo, rete tnd tater motrin Son, When Bro pope my hey are apne eer tert tcicarfl mua teton othe mi othe When they sy that ite prope are itt, see here» the thcingy drag manner ch whe flea ch Sa everyone se: A they sy," the mh mas ose ‘ili ou! Tha here ou wl earn hw ova We pose Aonet nce ter people bung or they done and doe ‘osc es the ongoing resation he iit e> sound ef tenon towards oer as Kapp, Thin pls © {Be tupreme Fo valu f gate, ve well Lira te ‘oreadeand do oting ele ee wothe day-to-day amity oie Me, were mo grande o dtc lea pron 0 move wire. tis bed onthe orchestra Heconres of ep ifereat ge and ex inthe pdm of wages we = fant ‘iing wel otha oe meld het ene it Ferro people ne ie : Alone 2st tune te dynamo pts Pion an ‘aecao!. Tobe beget mean toe eo feocalied muta atenion of ving well to'ompemorate es _stutber mh i isch a condion and ‘const wo mcs ae Halse 81 soar the one who it eile to rig them back imo ving we. Bait the are the dynamics "helene "carpio! ad “conlto’ in Frroecal i what ae the oer damien’? What dorsi nea for Pio people, ob alone? it io people experience thie conan a social humane 28 & mai fetation ofan "ind, menoy, lve, hough then thee ‘a noms coniton ies withthe tama The tented titer frevny ato, Sling Pio people own tends of he em ae Teal Span a ae, bot witout whing to mply any apse rego aatet othe tern Now U woul peter vo raate atti he See te radial experince of personal wage, At U have been dng Es Bo peopl the sl thin radeal expres a personal unc e thebeats on sch mi emer, oe, ‘ough, acly generated by bers Ui however athe ba of ch Conmlogieal son ne Pod wo, anda pala, the expe “The most common everday experience of umm fr io people tia reaming inpraet) Teal to experencer an at in eam he Sen Dusing lp, a pros sam wanders around, expereacig ‘hg What faces te ftae ut ma metaphorical cme Fre people rom a ae of standard metapior for tandating Sram experienc predictions ofthe fture, although ot all deans are canto anal Dreanvanapsiieacoleive ac peopl lhe dean tates ad ack Seriterpcation: However during demi, andi he ter emerbeing ‘the dream for clleive salva, Fro people experience themes at Samat unique Al ne am pt At nigh, seme awe wander Sowden nl so dices thing Teo ret Wee ut thee Inga et Th aes an nporeant peo al cept experience of Cheam fm the pi afew othe wera wang ae he rea ture asst of area npr cvet In deional fen rather than twill be. For example a young an ans recoum ‘Bathe har dre that is ene body war evered Ia extern with Imsotr snes saying Ie was revoig, aod ma very gene!” Making no comment his expres emovons which were deuorl td hence do not mater, bs people spcsat ato eter ths ean be willie ong ime he catrilar pte ae ge ike the aio ery od people) or wheter al hi heen wil be dai gba Tog ai ite the caterpillar Opinion are expend but no cones sou The Young man cals deve The mech experienced a dream sate, has am ogi and fue Comission ote sfc he sme wl lp epi te mata Chlplenne san experenal state Po peopl re born wih nr, ‘ih inate pol rine. Ide al he chil develops ‘ Pewee Sateen i ieeleaetioe teen na ei Sipaane ea eh net shut em om asa * Hatt int of ew f ter people, the mourn ait ilo, abandoned by the {ead pion. But fom the pita ew fhe mourning aay he thes tor alone, ore o she oubjected the cotati e the dead pet “mah calls to them being the o het sempany Here the ‘Sri nhoirblpenanonut andthe earning slo's com Favionat grtomoas,towards te However at hve dace eshere "Gm 191) such compan dle sel tends to eat ‘Here the ‘companion ofthe ling hsp ad te goo hing, leas them co ney hei soitode forte mourning aut searing ‘hem oa, ping them compa, and aise ately epoca the proence othe dead sme inthe experience ofthe mouring xl ith {he proence af themes Eventual the mourning ada ere the ‘aren hich heres cess to act. Throughother peopl lant “inking well conan” he ina fone who aman hep ter brought tack othe ony pace where ith meaning il fay, thelonmetinte word ot ivng Wipe. Dead or dying “This par of comalation explains tno featrs of Pio sxailty that {rminely sacked ne bythe een iferences am my ow ons of otnsy. The re what Thee term eut-hror marae dtd counts gven 0 those who were bret fm a eet of death fea ow that psn ded, ad thesecond ae jokes abot ded pope. The ‘ppaled me with thie hoe one, whe the scond applied me by Retr in 1095 0 dhe wile of Sana Car aera absence af seven yea Tas tld ofthe death of my ope Arent Fa during te {pede cholera, This nes wat bad enh, ba wa ot py tk ‘el exactly how he had died Thee accounts mmbed eo ding neve pleasant nd death by cholera particulary Fighting Thad m0 ‘dest eres othe Thestne happened with ther people ad own well and who Rad dnd daring my long aber, hie Arte ee ‘Ste Lach and is tera Pato, Boe the ine war eat rethatthe survivors waned eta he ere deta of he deat, even seemed el hat had soe tog tow they But ed rottnow hy. ‘have oer been able o xing nel vo dicen hina with io prope bat ny see meta the deseo nareatvrare athens, mote of contain directed atthe who have returned ae» og "sence Beet suche hate nt actully withesed he eat thy ‘igh be tempted to dsheve that bad ely happened: Po people > ‘egal aout thee mater 0 humors eect Wee the eure 6 Par Gow imagine tat the deaheewaraves wee id hat he da ‘rein nd wt nt cere iy wold te dager pen Cpecton ef i end pry i ea he Seer ant ering here eal ig Geog seSe osae cou he nate dnd pon el operas n he ane Upon mo acne ar te dence eae eebearaefoe hehe tect ey tte den a one torn the inl see the noming ware Ar na ona espeenee native hh mein he Sa ded Uateerier te cei tthe acount My enenece an ng Setofconng om a ro wheel pope aad o ae pean Soar “ir ton ere of Fr iy wich If shri hr enna es er Pow pl wile jes coe et ‘Tilpeep cc edo een porate. Fr crane va {TEMG Tou frm een of ana lang ah at ‘rom may bpp tne Fao sh she lt She men Pc SiPuRed etka Shoo sgl tee ow The ste Fok ned ih eprom toe tat theresa ch sot Tonya cy demon Bre pope hase hve eas Acta aus’ and own ave word ad ate Tmt dns ht ty se aly dena Spur maa amply the tener sane asc Tent sa cle gh ee al amp ‘rope wremancopate canis pra he timpeple ogists ns gs ent fepon come epee talng and peat kg oe {expe withthe oro nwa chara ste ‘rome near hehe of lenses te Sthebuman comic naey acy easy Treo Meneame Pi pei oa a sar to ry eng ind Te mr 1 yet en of Kara et “lier ve, pape Tey how hi ob ee shove chivae nan lea te 8 ‘io live in a good village im harmony with all one's clove kinspeople. And thls tao a etetegh er compason re es ‘that lens andthe companion einer ate eae recondition of rosa Consotation ign ‘Tern however an exception: pod shane asked why thy ‘ent the gros raining and coninoe te ander the ssa Motion practice, shamans give one wereorypcl response, The shaman carer Spite the ubearabe gre expres fae a gt ‘hd weil. Telos aa chld provokes parcel nee wanes inmany men ice men end oven he lage oft whey a ee %odepend on thir chen as mete to relate the coeent The ‘esto hl and he stent nates, ee tee to fhbvert the hey salve of ving wel ach mere Peal fora maha a {voman. Women ko become dma, bt hey dn omy toned Sogaeinlongshamanic appetite, Wie his wa never nade emp {otne, Ihave the impreston tht moten attain terse sharanry Through mcr fonts nd children whe ded infancy, A frie or: son female hamanryw marvage 0 ae shaman and te ubequen Tacoma over the ls of beloved chil, sme men ibaa er scl remaining intensive he sata otee. They al ae, {ingle "king, loving, remembering oe who Seno dead The salvo young children are by mo mean a fared thw a ala hey {Som coimulate an epsially ine wenn props he see ‘the chi tral beignets ine condone ead tee. Sach en Broan heir wm nly vo protect hr tren’ ve, ad fn ha ‘hires chitven wl dito “Gonemiaing icone ian man acne od ‘den br eher chien and ober pple, To dos however, me esking a age pat othe plestres of ie for shamanry means cig ser ne much w pombe ot eating many thing od pecially inolvee {te frequen consampson of hallucnoget Apprentice shamane mat "ik er with ser Wspeoply nave the emp "Shaman inves» progresive nese in cotactbeomeen he appre sce shaman and poet Brings. Enremnghy, the shaman begin fo ve snochof the ine ins hallacnstory state of eonaouies. Thee be egies Sher cial Menthe perf beings gin tLe? (all) hm ad ‘eck out hs company. He Becomes 2 to speak a double n,n here inthe vile ard amaltancony of tere wih perl eig “This dupcationte more than xmetapbor or ro peng Ain person ho wat orn one of wo am nmate shaman Only oe win an ve Po pane say, One woman feel the mater sina rare another tld, ofthe ut ier este eep oth alive ‘hen both of them wil dies Te ving twin shaman feo bith rd slrady in permunent stat ofa onions: bor seca onset Thefture, bur abl wo desnbest othe “heshamanry of wins lrgely pane, ut hat often who ave ned as shamana ave, Bese they vere the god thinking fer ‘event iepeopiy and enc fined te cone bythe ener 58 Peron soot frm ofp, hat of he mutes owe ap itso ste latalcinstory sate se powerline ‘evr to tenon phe umn and rn hey teste ha J's heman The aman there bomen he seen ‘ality of gen power bene of pera eng Ts mae fication ofthe shaman wat vid expend Yo mes flows ty Din ancl Fst, 'A man who tales drops no longer seep Te hg rene do tet po scp The ng pou Low se wn send Sis hey wont eyo get deep any more’ For soronnn ‘Soins comedy ange andlens obey boing nore Peope who ate faraway ot den. Shamans. by coma fp te ata geet by be mulupenon tthe bing show ee ured cri “Ticdobling ofthe shrtan make him a meme eothrwn den charan lpn, ss pte dar contest ce {festamanse eon in shaman the cer fm a thei Cube Linppl va wy ovo non-human aba ‘ihe momhunrn pce he ver and fe te hows ig the power brings thse now’ pros ard re St Linpeople a the woubded prey animal of powerline Shaman Ad should be nein he eldomvoed ep langnge forery vbr emerge ot iepeople ober lg Por {pee animals one shaman. the em setae ob govern by th se aos wich ate up very ie Ba tere neh eee he com> Dot governed the ying eps emp’ anon ‘eh mae wp eveyay toa There mo sgn in shane {Be shaman are ompunnae inthe “biplanes by te pve ‘els tra thy are ped cae he wel be ek ono them How ined ould the power beng ompacions: the shan? Forte fre ar mora, and, knowing moshing of sth sco ‘oahre the nial eonion which nvr aman tebecome san ‘The jtiano many, relation with ther ep, mee “Sompanion shaman eure beau they “compasionte’ thes ‘They teens pa bck pamary moran P= sheng et eu fete anes pat una {5 ate ate wet ars ht ey eterno ‘ii iy iu, al nwshamae Le at coms ead» ey an hace cannot ecaily be tse Aer al is wtely Moet ‘Sebrey cheer olearoancurig andi by mone ‘ata heheh ny tty, py a ‘weit Tis why Piro poplesay, witha igh ened wnt" ‘obeshamany tha who know te thing ‘The nee af shamans in the Bote word bingy wo the ae 1 raised at te being the Po conception fhe buna comition, se of {heplace of humanity the coumor Ps hia ao have sain ‘ally mull, and relations between prop re gverted by whale nnd, ove, eset thot memory Anon va tempol phen, or, Jenny the pring child a responds totter ad ag ‘hedenth af the person nthe memoria cies, The emperety fe Iie ea product fa hey fc of he uma clon: moray: Soca fe ‘only poblebecatse rope ae orn sd dri peered the ‘elation people develop asa onoeuence othe eneeces The enone aby andthe mouaiag adult ae chlpensens other people om [Patina at coms’ tho,andso make he Pr scl wor facets fag them isa comme bated on very diene primer ever realy impinge on their Iv, at whose etsenalinpestons are Coy ‘impede dreams, in ilps anna. A plateau of consolation When Twas singin Sata Car, the wound of shaman ing the dug ‘snp woald make he airs std upon my rn Out ofthe tel danny And rom a cacophony fretting, omitig and ping, oa ome te tinsourd othe white eto os dro song. To sharma wn no ale ‘inating very stony, and hea beng the ce foi he da ‘pi people tough the entrancing sanyo hve Then fhe shaman ‘ould tar wn the strange moro tae tong coming om oenges ‘ody here spea Thema wa fly shoo, teen hep fave realiy Using ali courage anal hs scouted bowled thesbaman was mow dogg perl she sug to pul ete Fiagery casating over hint icing up the eret he nde oc Inder to caress sk pon. Ont of thie companion fr hi, other people woud join in, worlenly accompanying the shaman’ son in an thr couterpaator they woul sng iron ange therein generat Ingapectcslas harmonic comegences which chased xc her oh he tight sr And wen Uhad an the dg to, thse ones od fev el to bean extraordinary opera, payed out by mits of teannycteatues om an enormous sage of a compen T would be mpl oversee Daly ein Santa Clara by cone, wat fen ery bring Noshing mach scxmed happen bejond the vans roof people gedening hing, tig ‘Seling od, retingfreood, cing tating eipng sso oI ms A pec lea, Bt T fen longed fr someting, jt anything. app. t would grow rin and perv, ted by every hon’ polite apne oesery stor mig aa hi cnr ate Sng 2 FarGow tothing’ Hom very a, mol cent tet ma al we ‘nde ry lc pope ome cote ith Oooo Syl nena mh nha aed by ty sno trina unworthiness that twa wo we ‘Sih au ou tny. A cota cnston vo men how won ‘Letnany fine to char asm Peer Resta) ote Toxics dl ond and Lis dl ud I Wel he tag ‘Thirvere of he naiing boredom ff in ingens Anan amis not reacted Rive ou myst as Neen wed by the een ey are slam wing comment 2 wie pale ei HcCat rare on» vu Sona Clan Gosh the pe cep shen bry Tey stays dng things, Casinos po pt tear al ay dng ring ws om bt tr de ‘Canibus pope ar capt having even es agen i lg than Bro people Other Europeans have commented time om exe ‘eum that they haven arpa sige ain Varian igo the perm seca ute general Awe Femi sen to have fel be ‘enol crea sla nthe moring “hs boredom ot cealy an ctmgraphic et abr son Amazonian prope snce inca ce he rman s European Th te kn dvb es much about aspciemidlecles uropean ase ‘linia ie, mnie ing thing sony oe pe Poe ‘hvvlume), Events ontcrvent sate European onsen des shat be eareaymased, tthe very minimum, byte at ‘ching dlevon’ Tha howe therapies rut pel ‘hei wort by tending tthe mismatch berwcen tir own pos 2 ‘aviation adhe he pope thy ar ayng on pa pee ‘iam semen her in op beset hat Pro peopl openly mer tha hey aed ie? Tinga testenent Tm big othng atin ttre owe sing the str hat he hig sendy apg {2 the al atenton fom the mand plesres ofthe a, eingwte. Bat more than thi we ave en hatha ete 9 Se at aur th company sin ae sl eae Propet ‘dng hn when vitor comer nothing more porta day ecb Of cure, vita can be sinly end to ane Fe rpetie ohana iw mire ner to it ‘ty etough hie ay bet or actiy tha they weal twa Ho PERS eis edi commen pete te ved onsen var ‘ng ine the wae eon fhe hoe ut general, Po age anni erties openly in the ean an ray fr ieteracon wih anyone wh apres As he eo ding hin they are oheneffvting she irtan Merten 61 Th tying ig! es pe tera omy ey sent in Sint Clr, wos conte my om non eg ee “that wasup when they ated me dou are ha Fea Soaks Tm hinting sour iyo Twenge eh en Lime, were not accpable Pro Fp, Sock ences eae aca Sete tem. Some omy rope nee peumaly ney sa the bear bat some ey angry ho enn to Sarg Pe Ieper the auction, “What ne you dnt So aun ke ‘jing hes am ying the an aence tate es rendering exacymigh Be wong. Sch ann co rad ‘anton The aeatveo dine nting nsdn setesey ‘Sh. the something tat dct not happen nhs silage peers suesng The tne of everyday li trot be fly netesah Iruhesement et won m2 camo at spree pesado ‘vn. and which ine Pro people Ive wil dre eo ‘resol xem Ibe er sth sent Bio popt tno esa tobe eye, fr they knw themsves tobe aly pone echoes thegen recurs eumen nich wa eater te oe ed ‘chi ally inleret to te fate Koowig the pope kane ‘hey melpeach her Pro people Know hat they hve eee ate Iepen Te se the helpless ahead hs compton ea hes ‘aeighen hi socal ear or them, tsps of cml te very, wen things ae going wel, thing besa ae ims nthe none pss ae aed compan hat ao flecisog wel ‘hing wel be ey value sets iin wich mastery sath making re that nothing eer happen fe ie every pte ek one sree ol eb up dens nr ey eet ere Ted to fd bring, and lone he igh shamans ne he tate show woud be peor epee] wa in lean Tew hat he mcr oprs fhe sama wee died tig test be ure, bor hd sor seled tenets pce oie ‘tine eos faring, nor how thee ng wich cl ae eo thse places ch terwory beauty, wees eouagensonnerenton tite ige meus len pln Acknowledgements My fldwork on he Bajo Urbamb between 1580 and 1299 was fan by "he Social Science Research Cou the Bh Mac, the Naeld Fou atom and he Bish Academy. Thi chaper was write athe bean ‘Anne Chriine Taylor the eon Mid, Ac athe tne af ‘he Sei a the Treratonal Congres af American in Qt fl 1807. and I thank her, Joanna Overing and alo ry pees he Bish 2 Parco ‘choo of Amazonian or tee perceptive comment 304 gestion ad ‘ise Posen fr is excelent ein, Comments fom Chrsna Ten Heo Kon, Edwasd Schein and Olivia Hare sede ne ey sen tn comvenaion with Chie Jenkin allowed me ohn conn ‘ee a very speci debi to Apazecida Wag, who fst eed me ‘out Pro debi aerate 2 Wehbe gen ei ee ae ‘Sona tn em Soe cons Cee ee eke ‘hae pope Tale Meg ee ees ee ts i ye Fee TR Tonos: ¢ LETTE ee tenia en 2 Fg em ui Sects Ss ca ath 1 Head wy trp eer ogy ge ae i a ve Rithoui it eateton owen References ‘an 05 A Maia in ft Cr: Kalpal Mh od i Prin uni: Univey of Ryn Pea llth Te Ct ona Se rl Hit, Asin: Ue Taube ‘Gon (58) The pene hi: deien » Nsive Aman Seem Manse a egal ign ing geo AT Get Rp ePrice ‘Stand Catal Atopy Ost Uae Ps Heian 0 “e Hut aN "Thoma et) Skea oy ade Sup Nisa) ‘Land. people and paper Wesern Amazin E Heh and 3M. OW Thr of Lm: Pe Pt es “ee See etter yc E19) Te an EB te ee fie cs ha he Mnf og Man, RD. 1985 The Pm of ae A Sa Sof Ve Tein Mae Papa. Cat Saty, Catan Camtge Univer Pn cng} 10) oe sett pred he me ements th "Gant, Bl ae 8 See Eta: ca ia ile one DL i lon t Mal imc dae sea Tend ff Pint Hanne Pinney Toe Ac 93) Remeag tee sen: emey ed eing Be Tasty anti ‘eng ama jon hott ena 1, ‘reir Peseatit str NOs Py We R87 The ano Sau Pei of ah Cla ef a ni Sea, Cg Unni Chinn ee KPa eyes Mesto te Grae tape Ta AP of Set Onc, Ont Chapter 3 The efficacy of laughter The ludic side of magic within Amazonian sociality Joanna Overing “Theta olagheiital tote veya i fan Amazonian aman “Te wl many Anasayfa ir Remora sy foo intgecd ner any yen! My cee eater a he Pare, inigepnie Cees wh del sng bras he Oren Sect thngher Ara a tat app hen with ln a [hd together winter of age como Sch tne, wiea tc howe wa fled wth ppl ugh ed he Teancng of he wl the fet ound te The yale sie selves af apc and af ity uageos play on woken | edt tem i aso even gh chang were ye {mags tee gtr eas ns ht TE Siento snd wararone wh em "he Patna nt soe song maonan pope hi bard te slp, tla te tnd aot agro ferthanour baer ree The expec he ns epee ‘heVanomamt etiur teParn Ved Catv ‘thera ond pint rime Coal fea Hea thatthe Arent ae mf andpysea cen csp ‘ne demonstration f etna Bs so of he et ihtoagie aed coant nthe, vrata a ese “ght and the te iy gays age par tse He sh pe mocks hat bcos afta 0 he 8 ‘timer tay . ‘Why then hve we pi ote anon to the leo he a ‘nai Why inde arth ow winamp ha ‘eet wh epee rmo™ We oy ase gt ee thre isi. Jamer Boon mitt ef he Baie ‘erie (4: et), Mart Hobart on he ue pry sy 19 1 hat he at uw fen Banc comes wane! = ge a tn wee te her's” hing 8 Mow ey ook hoa neon ofl sore ea" ‘eset te rayon athe ay eon a Ibi). This lack ofa seme af humour in our work an be 4 very serous seer to understanding. and the maton nro pricaneet ll would forthe ethnographer wo take ss ena aels resins ironic commentary onthe ward sy tht ovn Caan ck Bees foo 12} Tam catain that many analyses o myths th ne of sts parvculary shen examples ofthe genre ave carly ened he ‘extulined ext ascot onthe ten page rey example of mth ling that | mined among the Par was & piece af drama, a perfomance tha sche of ialry al paras meee ‘ped with heavy doe of ony. Far fo bing solemn atl wee es ‘goa omnipotence and ommurieace thew performances erate teed fettaience delight impo boner, ands peswae wend a Uheabwrdity ofthe human ediament The tehaour lhe Paroneesor fadt was deeded indeconoin. Brothers quaied while yng wk ch ‘ther over which could vu the non ad he san he igh ia th ae fone eps wo hard to pes be moon higher shat he bged shed sing Server acl npn, wlth there shoved eth bring inthe ire af thes the restr peopl grabed a wandering penis one Ingabovehimtogivefrm oman; theerento oe and apie cara, ‘astound al round nce, made mad by the potency ohio pes “hich came fom the rest the an 4 ga eed to ay mah Be ‘band ad che intend lend aie ald promt She Sd nes revenge aguitt her ceo od othe wh add hero bers ot lyst bores matches Bron sop citp. 169) ze bref he aie an cptenolos tty anata othe worl ha the Paros cla share, Something ot Importance i bviowly going om inthe myth neta, flay. Wemay well si, why Paton mth centre upen here ‘he rai and the obscene? Or eer pu, wy do they andi the ate legal aod hlanour side of goly behaioue? Why a ther strongest ‘laces and mos cloul ity ods abe ne sured language ‘han Tal rete later 0 stop the ac ayy el 0 ‘he lad and the social, bt fr ow sie nprtat to nt tht thes oe ‘atomhie barely touched athe eratere "aac shedding gd ih fa anthoplogel pengcacy, or the capaci to keep umes re ‘ial. Ths a word ects tobe id onthe delopment ef sein Western views of auger, and heir nforeeat ect upon theo hese that The banality of laughter, or the ‘authority isa serious matter’ approsch the preface to their eecenly publ A Cal Hes of Hoe. renner and Reodenburg, note (1987) hat 6 na Over Finorians have come tose humour ata ince he ocala cea ensbiles, They seeve that hitoran have dspayed Sei cd Inert inthe top ef tor abd ha for Ue mast pat he iar ag foheontnt ofeach not been presoly teated. The ihre Uh lope by demorsating how anodes toward nughter 9nd he ae hive fen changed though the course of Western htry od a ty ve doesn ne with ftoences fm the church ad sate, he rut Science ae the ind revotion ad the vlted scl Charge th ‘ong or ch develope Tet noted thatthe sis ange the Wea have changed over tie, lng wth tities tard ange Sealy pracice (Le Goff 100.4261, Thin a history hated conser gh spon shy soit attention hat peso Bee pid baer oo aly by she bison, bt byte antropologis a we Tomah early modern Esrope we fd an crease in the paige frontier oles and comic domainn, wich brere coer eed ‘ton were the ocr a loaleewheze Laughter was allowed Be oar: 2) Byte wlth emury the church, lays pic ae reached soto codieation ofthe practice of auger, by sigue dmb fom nadie rbd} way of laughing (Le Oo op. {Al}. Laughter, nan extaordinary Cystianphysiloy, wa ded to have dangerous slason with the Boy. ae the wort plain ‘mouth With Calne laughter Became coped alien 1 word (Chiian behaviour (Beene 1997; 22) tere increasing unten boa prctin igh of ileness ad Ick of hum nate tucoteontlbehaviout of he non-Christian ~ ad meet ft org ‘dae (Le Gof op. cep 8-4). There of decor alowed wi iit ‘hedamain of proper cemeration rade aed gesleren tt 0 the bug. The court fa ade set to da he rd ise ‘he iced bulfon af the Enlh connie Bremer aod Rowen 169M) Thain the eal wader ped the alae ety 25 ‘ned he uper hand (bi pp 6-7, he ew bei that ween a Wie, parally thon dealing with the authority af the etch aod ‘ete aking mater (Ke Thuma 197), A the ame ine [Fomth india sxe) and ke developmen the profession ‘ame uneelywothe seriou pecs ofc sity rom a a8 Is) vt iw (187) the Went Began with vengeance tower "ea fr comiviiy' at iereningly overvalued tho of prs Fos. i humanscences havea cure ben feted by these ec The Sctsha beso ofthe dangerous lfc has ren so ese fw ingortance elected in anthroplogy peaks ftir ec. The ‘expe in ter people relies, pial and econ ile. Or re ik cmidered Banal, ina ~orinappropite» te eatieey meer Fivatydocotelong othe workplace ppt, he paca comme nd the veadenic manage Wkincreing at eon ennat cee tres the bnoroor hasbeen amropooialy wel docreted that a al play or itance hough the apr way ihe sort ato (1955) and Tone eg 150 tk se eran 108, ide ‘Tomer 82), orone depres wih hsvew vai were ayn ee serene inl lth can pene ace ean ‘Sforliicon Lasers ores n vey wan las ‘ibang eating, dering cogent Gury oh hen v0 mer itgher a recoded inthe og fina ery {SMa oh bung ohn pore lige nein ‘The play of work and collectivity, face maione plyennin Ama pve frac vig, andi eomaerd essary by gen peopl o many ‘pecs oflvng vce nile Th te frgen elle Tig valued by many Amasoian people, tt tbo underood sb 2 fam of nity hat cam oly Be saed wih ica. The conta caletiy enatting of heath and weltrng mut be ead though neonate ich opi? wich mnt ever sharpened ae honed the memes os commny (x mow he ete chop tat took ao sre. Tit fr gu renantat oe he man des of pod {amp 4 sc Gln 1963 onthe Caen: Oveing 190 on the ron The leaercanno onder pope abot, fr th rle wot cosce oe ‘Amatonin pope do noob. bat rap low oon es Lev Sts 19; Overing Kaplan 197%, 195; Clee 197%; D Thomas 82 Rive 1884 Lavra nan tine moment of cal aeuenes whe ying ‘@ undertand te rue for an Amazonian che among veh earch ‘ope nots ofthe Nanibwar leader tat eh od ge and Aimer a merryake alway eay cer wp the band 86738) ee iy argument hati preity rough th als that he ede nt caletvy among an eherwse vehement are peopl Whe er wha nag par tough bails for merriment ating clown ‘ngand dancing prove te tpt anc chen psa, thes pope ‘thi de for aleve tgeierne or tion, Not tat speak othe leader il for coma. These na 19 rerrinen in Amazonia, ich mt the sane hing a heat the pe. Sener nour Ween eae where erfrmane hats esate, mal sie Inman heaps pv an arp ing etheig, he pepsin of fon, te ulin fa oe, OO forms Oveent : fel Comiviity a nic tia a Tele umer spat othigh wl woth Th wriSdtaecliate octamer tha anyone ah wth ‘Teninpeert eegenering a opin tbe Mar Paces onc hoki ae paved pencrn pene cc tngrige wt lene bing the itt mst rape Teh Stealer rth cht anu arte hd he MMe ofr and rao hong tse pei hat etpbor oe entered th seca. en snes lor wongh hetero aie Tir the sor Beit caning eharteoe a a a pt fenena Sian: me rpg Te tr ratre wil rt (here cove engaage mee ap ted je ak Tigsinanner tothe quran ne ey foo wan Gong ining The erwin ha th ana 6 haere which won deh sare a inant wo bum onl te ame mod Pani? 4 (Fe the specter sould iy hgh ot the Ares Cereal pace of a nt Hoda ae cats y= arin Para odnaryangsge ‘ort an play net ft dno acti AH tenets thepchots Paes se ‘Hern scene honing sod gtr ep a tw ‘rhe try wee gece The we toned the pam mth be Terbach ad witht ln teeny tt wr ‘a cermin. contest 8 Prim, rly ed nt iw. bi ch eH hs me ot jn rt ght cen, nr sy hat sl ‘ere nr than theta et el bn os {hey inhge sen, wh omen aren theme ot he > ‘tooo eyed by he ter een he coms ‘Morgen te Paro igy pare coniia ne iho ty woke bye ser dai sts ln Pr “elune):Hacands ad wier engage in gb oer the ar sh ‘Rim, sho might per hor inthe day wensng nes of Th ni terete jungle pri. hike cht "Othe ing tripe with a congenial grandmother, wh be moe bets Stier mone et Ns Secterin ta, eave me do not banter wth th sor Sooeccnce ass 0 hing sea nee ‘Theiotaw cclatonsipbemcen men oot aerate terse ‘hie ap thas brothersiaw may well misnepet what meant Be lghcheavedjoing and reprise Nomen, however een ten peters svih-a seria, have company they jy sont sma Sit Sten Alou he content of daly wor ote genderapect, en ad ‘omen do carey coordinate th ky and compere in any othe the prepaing of tame for cooking, the making ui tat or vege pene ‘One ofthe wos teing examples inthe thong of Amazonas David “Thamar decripson ofthe jting of men sad women among the Peon (a people wightnurng onthe Pare) Thons le hw dey banter tet ‘tho war more important tothe prsactve poem ne women ‘Thedscusionstatedout with the bother soning that ment was really Important food an tha ve, ae al the en who rwght the tment But who, his ster sot back him, pcp them aks Sod cach [ter] that give the men the sagt ogo cut ad hee ‘And noth rode ele intr ct the es tat he mac am be plated? and who the ster aed ber sinclar the pot a tht the mano ml mt be swamped wth weed al Twigs it home and grate sgucenen and baker? Roseland ound ewe fr the space aha an hwo i finaly the con et ‘fina few joking arts and the grin admin on bath erat ‘ne thing septs anther. of Abate (D.Thamns198:91-2) na thehumour ofthe repartee tating Thomas opt 92), and itoutcome Noone could be tp There nat nays a comedack, Pere ieanedge o much ofthe humo the nigenoueGuanas wheter on ‘hetiatnor the neighbours, the Pemon at the Yanmar “eran fr the Maron, thre ae georal but coil, gideline 0 he ‘xprenion of tmoue and laughter A pero only wor th hoe wih ‘om one can have am easy batering Flash. Thee teeta th {eed for oat Beeneen pares fam atny, and two pope 39 oat toto tat each ater they wil ot wally work tage eb Ala, {Misvolume) Als cathy tamer vor ely appropriate with pen of aencivaw, and his paps eras ha young sen fat ake {aren work another labour that demands the company of tei es Krntecome ly productive when hey hae thei own deen so are af fan age themselves fo maser the ale sl for ving al tere canbe ‘ul with ether em her mark, Ke the that hey 3m eno weet ‘nln i mith cu play. There Sipe requred a the we of amour fora enon mute cae about the context of hao, ad be Suneudaniau™ 70_oana Over seine o whether bane wil brig enjoyment or ene. Tae ‘de of decorum to ser humour, and ths laughter cd ee iran o exci. The rawous laughter chen may nn ‘acre mounts and water who might sean wih cca troubles, Coovvaliy tan ethical vale tin o Para en sho hasis danger ‘The power of jokes and the work of myth ‘Bele that jokes hve poweris moe thanlikely wl mt pre, tis abo the cave hat he pene al ling al laters recived, Mary Doulas has noted 973.1) that. in any at sce ‘eaten the ide ofl veers laughter may be uneeaned Sompay: But what count as loud and vovieros may a peal We mieh a, what i considered ‘pate, Laughter sunt ssw hee limits altlough thie boundaries may vary testy, Macey on “erature that the Arete are nich mir ilaugte sos he ea wil he Tro are more quit ict Rivire ths vele sot the Von Ie segrenive (Liat 1985). Certily the Piston ve eel hae ‘boundaries than we do upon laughter place, For mance hey soca nso a een to he aces fan shared phe elt oa ‘GEREN pos tom pay because they recone the sue ul sn ses thivolune) reas hee pom nek sto ‘estat arp thee and rowing ofpeopey woking sg ‘gic pop must be scaly goud, a terfrecesinaly anes Riese time the igh convvaity’ofesival ine es and. sh Bez be noboldsbared approach to scab, whieh wea be incite nd prac udgementiconld nx sve eget happen at momen cle apr laugher which elt ar mig (ch Rise hola) Alou the socal bene “Treetiag thapteer 71 eb mid ould be thespian role ohn ening he experince Lking sv tuphes: The imagination aed rao earn eae {ve ie fling in communis would go venue Weg ne Se "eae and wha the myth im need way nition hte Shir acne lee Echevert, Lantate Sui Seco ae ‘olin, At we wil se, whl the Pon bipc hss eae Sat ef they sont be “The Faron recog anes of minor made called ra which ean become sptomatic i various way meng roy tet eae lager. Cdren an yung pole tend be pone ok eee Anate mploms horn, wich venone canst, bans ey ‘so chien, and yet acter issu proce oe he ‘made a called «danger frau, Taste sea ee Ian ite as exenive luge, dashes or promi. Fo ae ‘foil vangulity and personal bath the nes an Se ene tvvitinthrouph shaman mea Iisobos tan socked ‘oocined with a prticuar tater. aed what the dene ee “amon is that they all have todo with deren of ebay ae ed Ui eaceine ue vr, excenve open, a Lei Snca Ioee nin sould explain. To understand the complesiy of te anociationsbegey She illenes ofthe varios blots we mut tur tomy whee ‘logit the orm othe mado fl ar ate shosepled “The arity some of the even he myth clr une dso ‘orpiuou when ening tothe mythic vigntes Bult ha ae lat ea tate ou ofthe conte of row we eee td the cultural eting The work othe myth tle seal anne ee Imuchstronger, more imcerestng sed move comin thay Sat adh Uist (bt ce Overng 198 for mre the Rav) asp eae e ‘ays always supported by mimicry ad panos, trough gers ot Pifrmance central ete le efter ofthe mth cf Driewen 1997) Ae 'have memoned. ribald esse integral apc ofthe eling ome Pree gon ean the asia tomate sestolgical and he tanya thee san fore alae tae songs swear words in Paros Tanguage, wots tow soit be ede cndimay ay speech, These word ed hep spec ad aman (sr stance or he intersting pate pre te prec female who later beeame the supreme dey, ae he tots on ah broth) ply an important part inthe patency of he mui lagasg, bor they must be for he ost part othe reader’ mapeton. isso ‘ecorun tha academe writing wl oe we sur count ses hall begin withthe origina a cacy aight alo othe in of promiiy and datrhoea. The myth ler powetlsarae ‘ove Spash name was Jove Li ned hs vgneten hee 72a Ovring Hae Mody se fo eagher sep. ‘The creator gods could pot sleep bees there ws nigh ony ‘Thesum hadn't gone othe ster se ofthe earth bree toa ack psinn s mousnn: The creator god went vo the Rock of Bist Lined (Word), mountain andthe oan fhe Grandes o Sep Th went with Howler Markey (ica, who wat sill aman Thee oy Ke became tranfrned into Howler Money. They all wet tee Rock of Back Liuid oak thee Grandnthee or sep, He pce (heb flep totem and he creator gids, Buca nd Waka at Ie Bot Howler Monkey refed the gi, sying that he oly van Taugher rane rT eameto get Pun head Sethe Om Sather of Sep chi that he had ale ontop of hs howe, Hon Monkey ried to climb up the [mountin] Nowe to get, bt the em ‘were so ipery that esd down, atensngout the end i es tember inthe proce His companion, Buk's and Waher lage ‘i [a ghee hat wl prove signin, “Howler Monkey watched them Laughing at hin sn ease, 1 ould be looking for laughter and na ening to you The Grande replied that Money hed arn cough vu, a ‘ee inthe beam of he Roe ate sid dw, So Men to he fester gay" give you "Laughter Crass” to, Whish may 2 ot to lah, he aked, men together ocr we Topher over mer” They did ot want ether, bur wanted tad te leo lngh it women, nots hem ‘Aad thi waa the birth ef ian ry lager, hema oe today. Wabargaveitto the Paros. wher mc Ian gee ‘owen, and women augh together ver nen ‘Theory contin: ‘Be creator gis, Wabar and Bust ef or thrown hore, the way they came acrom 2 te with 2 goed ay, Wad orl Mookey wo cmb vp the te to gt the ter the Hole ys itd rary by this ie, wth i ghee mae vas cep the tebe wind on Waka sn Ba al yled ome the it? Howe ten defeated om Wahi Was et ‘ding under the te, Ioking wp, wating fo the teat of oer ‘Bat being hit in he face by the anata, he suggested tai the ec‘ lib the uot ousee, an fd antes ban P ‘eybeawe the (Hower had warned nse mosh" egg ata ‘The cp ods with Monkey Becasng ota never renuing com sidagea, Teri Tete lepcer 79 Now we maya wt sic in is mh on rao Cay Lass ta yan smal ey teeta) cal lam, cen be mck {nic Howeer inthe ng hae note eee {tis my ete any Howie Monier stow Moyo sitchen) Luh sat enna ‘the crenor eo bu tet sxe apne Caen ee Imight expect for Howler Monkey iin fc don ete cee Aho mth man eral ser aes leno e rp oes Stemotn ta rng hat ha sabe Fao eee ene, fei orithey wobec he mayhem teh her ova eg {a acon” And hes pleat rm ego Rae, tere i omit eles ata maroc at hee ee Say mos suf tot satin the epoca es ee ‘cea go In hs ce he pay: ing eded eo ee tek rons Nae after Meney edo tenet uate ren gray ate eyo meet an {Ths pn inary. The comequen of crash ot ep ee tenon sth ng htoanjor Tae yar sds Tater in testy, ate at mtn ota te crn gd Mower Money defeats a rats on an: Hebi eye Sk ata them Thebes eyo unsmangte sta fr Hower Monkeys socal ight een meme both btu thug wong ers ene ee ing Cony Lauper fine Bot ten heb he sees a ‘mune He wart rapondigo Wabasvanognce arden Sane ‘tat ce. n Maron eau noe fate eo commd anobe indo anything” Toe map Iovn ef he myths ht opiten ee ‘duran create ins when ne ton stores a ‘aly reponie Veco Th why 3 man mt ee tree bo ancy ier oe mean igh ot Idi gt nen wibby th ign we ind agin dane cal emo sand deters ie anlar apne td ene ‘entre each gen the (augue) tre The et ep sa he hm tnt Urine Mads ohn eel prone bck end iymptn tn reste lasers cee Sd Waar and ssc ie gles Caer sods he eo eh ght ef Monty Uc Mads The Howl Meeps Hee tere tian ana ony Th myn sae he ‘sion pane, wiht he Pan nds Supe ve mop ‘Tiestruure ofthe myth afte preceding ete Bd spat nconmand beng made, 2h smn tiger e reed ete Montes and Monkey Uri Mains ‘The brother and sister erator god, Waa Cheers hl an hee Hose Many foreigners ome, esuiflly Setnsed, py Defame AW pars of ther bois we perfume” Wate eee shout hisses ire, commands eo be ctl wih besa ‘hen protest dink othe fl wth the women stn sp the howe, whee there i laughter ae were love alin roe ‘pend delight ene with the. {Geter alo ie the vaste, ad she drinks hese see hese men who ae so nicely perfued, She nevetelen eames falowing se tough. the ten he ote command Later frou with her rater his ypocisy, Che ‘peak ohm. She think biter about how the me ha pense fo hers Let's gu hey had sa and she had len spel coh rele. Swinging in er hammock, she tings about he deste ‘eau men sesings about ow she wants Yo ake myo sequential rn of pase) ‘Wabar.o tur, becomes infra with Chere se had’ sm tohim! She mock is ss: “Why idat you go of wih hs me He become 0 angry be throws her power srcery wo the ma sf Srey, and os hee there ons There, where ibe lea rte Howler Mookey,gviag him is anal form, Se Decor ter ‘Monkey, and she makes perfume there. She este Cron Dise of “Monkey Urine Madea! irr the ile sad romcaity = which comes fom the pfu se gave the nen erume iin act the monkey! ow urn that ste ase ton ‘The ery moneys se bar ownatige aoe pation cher thnk wandering odes Waa She sit ‘soup of forigners ater another, seating thir peru be ten ‘mang love, creating more monkeys. She sven mae pref sri people, the ind that comes in tu form, in bot Waa ‘Ahtowtes tat the Plaroa who ve aerwae mol al gos cy wd ertune they to weld ales om Monkey Cie Ma ‘Teeymol go crazy and mate ove with he she ose tal ‘he ends od with ori {eit tse the fut moc eat stated than in the is Assi GRETE stat Mearroganty orders Chere behave: hehe ponds angry, mocking wl the yf he abe veactons of dese and ene Te Matos Manito wandeing and the sen of only Ue Beige but te eter he vicina ir ory pt Hore Me TE i he revow vignette when he wat nat sop y Water ‘hough key od re Ina final eps onthe orig a he ies af iu, te oi fe ‘smplomof drthora ae tol The wing uneceas eee ‘ome of Fra in this eae a arrors) withthe gion see feats alck of spect or appropriate comin: Kegan bith boy bythe name of Wirtsa an hs atontip ies ee sretor god, Wahan, The ing forthe ory Waban senses ene fecived is mighty sorcery power fr creation He storey peas Iisown greatness by announcing tht he wow tela wee and Rapes the “Master af the World Becoming slcoad can nee importance he tr hs ck om his own ise oboe eno ack at home. his ser, Cheers in etn, she sey ‘elc hiy her ovn bo Ths satan et a oe ‘member Sime ime later when Wahar dys Chto hone shocked eft young here Cher ad irl se these. This Wirt br Wahu dae aos who hee Tey ‘comes carious about Waban honing quiet rot Nahe Nim aero ouch ants dageonyPe yarns a the begun the bows ad rons t with hue hee Slarrors, Waban amouncs fo Wit tht he nll eh txgnal ore for he ln of ian, he'd be alld he Pathe Dinrhocs “The nest day the By allows Wabaion the hun, cling eo in, ars, papa Wabor teed, lt Hon been og cy ond stp pstering him. snes aot ea hppa bt Wines fut peas Whur tha es ined se te ak Jarlkeachoter "Waar shcked apd ifr nd tres sn doughs sith sch fre that he how sted toa cay pe ‘ata annovnce, ‘Now you mee Matera Dtec Was {hina bailed his on, ad ies of othe pt ateig tt otha eas ied hone wa gong il Bat the oy ive ie ecg p Sehind Wiha why fishing to aye ow eyo Outegd, War se il hin soy Ferd housing tha by king ie Wt wel thesame tine be ing mal hey ane now the same ang ‘aver fom the boys bang of Wahar's hunting equipment ‘ata then decides oo the y's antiga oS a bs tow ad ato tis om Wahu mak hrc ch ol a the shove Waharsarow up nese nih in aig so rine en teamed Tae a ‘ker nw gives people, weal theses Wahars aren 16 pss Oveng “The pate shuld by now be lr Here he my css pecan {inital relation, andthe appaling ccc of the dena o tether Beam, his vlume Wah cme so oteagculy aagnt e aegis his own peples0 mucho tat he warner with tpn seo tnd then commit incet with sown sera tear sence sg Histo upon dicovering that be bad done so ere bin ight uso sf remorse bei fly angry with hs son he mets be inthip with hm and even sept Lil hon ~ ala rele ‘simacred emotions, His only ent is ean at he ha us ‘bile ison go and hilo ay salou epee, Wake aaconta emotions acral mythic peace ge oh ‘city and the ire comeguenee at mot El Hs neg ona envvality lends etree dnocn, yr ams Sa ie A proper tater teaches htson, ad fds need oom Ina dre ofthe mythic epoder we find tha he dpa of Senge nats relia duel nil, made specie through teens tin of one of the thee symptoms theives of Kn ne Inogher, excaie sex or exesve deca The demons sorry, ner arvepace the most portant os my opeon far pes eee of nani, contanp ad lack ef ep ‘tue giant other to lne maser) over Ui own bly es land hi volume) Such dsurbancen urn ntercer ih he een fie od heals day gol besneen thse who se xe ‘ter god scaly, psc Neat and proper sx areal prveua th let extn ( Eaee ap Lona so Ba iopier and angry ort dtd high orl at oo mes evi he ela gaan elton hog ich Asse ‘mmniy fe ved (6 met fhe es comatose hoe ‘Thshatten shout ad aight Ltn rcuro po nga slants the mage for ‘The magic of words and the play of the ludicrous, ‘return to good laughe Genta ea heel ote conan. she isi ‘Fen pager when nen aoa at ee ‘ae an ther The Parser nn bese a atrovirens ‘kere ped teat Beach pay on eer eh sth Thy ahve rc how ml ite‘ haes eps dene ae Segeptbyeeay wate Jone Pcs hse te "ae tenth lag operand ing obese ar free Absinthe tengo tesginten an approach . ron tw village, wtch recognied trough he sum chen aes site and inugher Litraly taint th word ast ase et heap ned ces ht Tn a ‘ord lauren chem i at ony conocte to geod ahs bar eee ean dt allow for he crow a od fan eons Echeverri ths vome). God, og weds hve spon Pen en oe ody, sto bad words ave fect Coed wens lnd sos neuer oats 2 inlay appecued hiebad wons un at terse the senses. The et a nelle ser of ano eet een tiey mt go band in hand to provide way allie poet ‘tees commaniy Me we Paros wold age wit Loe {197 676) hat te operason ofthe secs havea neal ace bn nly ior at co ig sout upp operation ese the wndtadig thatthe ting of themes ih tage eed tapos that must be constanly iiged through psn secles (eh Beunde, Jamison, Kil, Lapin, Lenten tie cocey Fars scl liso i more ak tal pcg hoe So ‘obs and eatin ef mon ober combo havea fet Ing among the Pron undone a an eran oO eed pcan. Iva about the crentom oa eling eel ag seg hae ‘bolve ogee, and what happen hen tas Fear {950 in The Gun Boh nat magical werd, heigl shout th orl fatal Bn ae thelr ae rd a a oe "elaesip wo realty. You eanot con natural fre with we, Se ‘Sy am arging tht he mapa wan Pao mishap tcc ete hey ba fre an ret nse Ty ‘abut the dieu ocreating the rani at tat ares eco tee cel carping out othe every condo a an Amora nmi of reatonaps Homa ore an be proce, eanace e ‘coving, bu they ao cab sr, dros dean ‘The generative power of bawdy words We return to the puzle of why the sacred myths ae fled with bawdy langoge To answer this question we must ak what ie aboot or ese ‘Amizoian peopl’ Whats mos importa to then? Lier tem akon the event hat warround them indy Me We tnd forget ch uly “ence or dona pat thm a he highs pies = hte gine 2 rowing of rope ad ting fro, the preparation of ed thse ‘ith whor you lve. Thee pote aa cud the slering ling stwofexperiencing death For Amsoil thee hing ae what ‘Totivea peducive human ie au being lee, wah be ake in 2 Jom Over the more genera vee of fering fret and Foremost a thee capa ‘seating cltnthipe with others hat are conducive to hay emi ‘ment ich orate children, which ples the exineace of ea ‘Tada ef Beaune, Echeer Gow, Lond ulin hs ane Pe Primary dt the adr have d with thi ety they mt roe ad enable the frit oftheir people, they alo dolar he and ad ‘vers the peoples. Ths th my theleaer ells are about the contig fertuman fconiy, which nla thr dangers ax mela thecal ps oma eng are capable of achieving and hey ‘all stot he dere the orl of ach comin The leader, being pai ey “The bawdies of the myth has partly t do with the ones beer aogeoa an bee eity. The ible bo hs todo with hoy tng th lace fr teh ta: This eh mn he Paes itis the ects ta of the power shaman, We ms wee {eastour own ape alk aout erty withthe. Ours techies. ne ‘nigh thik thal thn Latin words at are uo 9 deere th pi Spec ofthe tay and bly proce These ‘lean’ words we rh ‘roe they are “peal” wordy apd ae nch have notte soni Toru neutral means cea othe relevant eons (bl. anger side of aman procreation, The agi Lain mde they are icete’ words an thereby hive hard, sonal ei ese conta the word ofthe Paros pei are at eel, sae et ‘mean fo be. The shamat's nth al abu stmton = Faht emotion, tidclor enations Dangerous eto ne exes ‘riot thecthing of thought, are rinos to cy, a thee > Aerie of human cud, whe the expresion acon emotion © conducive tat 2 2 fling te dangerous, the myth ler wes the dango 8 ‘om word ostream the mesge that nan bag can ct bl ergeouly, detrcvly, tat my withost though The response ‘teat gsh nade ths abst aniceiable oy of ran cos. ‘snd the der tel a lara esr shi Ib ‘hs ezlitaian calor, aoganc, contempt ad anges ae paca | the eof the isu, the mst and als the erie, or m0" ‘el, when ti par and riers become ics, dene, rt 4g Beppeoed with the creator gos and have ith hor they ita ‘Teeshama'sconmis alti one, The fit die forte sens nah sgn il fhe coy ofthe mail words they lay te in fciaang the health ofthe propel, the tecnica woth sb Bye asec ofthe han body ate alway shown ob ely pt 3° ‘vation fr hes teal emt word ae slay sig ees have gna. The emotes, an tenet wich od her an thine have played thre are sfgenerimprane oe ea Fiysel part inte undertaning of Nnonry, hi ee ea ‘hte echnical cour wrdsorbe cane abet concladsby maing le or thee dapmen caper tol of anor There ae mary caso er anthrone he eg thea of play avay fom the eran. The ae ot ove naka ot ‘corm, nd our hoary emp yp acento nt coins operation lance hwghal our eee cabal hog and peace 1. Belande, Jami Kt, Lago, anti Satin, Rive, his slames hr roy aha eed be ld ur eparaton a work a psy ie Pa tole ee a ae ick fp forthe esa cnn acting ingen Bering ing ly expereince Goth sone Teg shoourdsieon betwen a ning aon neato, ‘cg pong pace nee fu tee Itoh oon inportnt esta andor Meeiachmceees Inewithinsioplog) to tar Dies emule ste ej ‘titer ef the haan sees ume 0 sf and et ed ‘Speen, which cure alee tag atu charged wale fen and emotion, mith valueuigenen aed pce nee ebeig a ‘Swed mow her onion tio lome We ne whee Seder th patna leo dar, hh vary rea in an ct into the rope fu! oto In show weed ‘Sundentand be codes fy ntng the etal reo ot ‘hetremendoursaaton Bowe em lloing or opeaen ha Notes 1 Seek rir 1997 a summary he an of wor in andoply then war alia encase (ip tone mar merning dacs ate snopes 2 Bt ie Bh Dra 95 3 a i Serhan aay prs ie it i ee mine ey se inte te Enh langege acon thee anal 1 Te Amutolan ‘coma othe everday vy tae in avo de ‘Frontal practeanteieg one sta meen niet 6 evar Da tiymetstmgh i soe Prt Ta Fe 0 te References nee G18) Na, 2 eon, Stanferd Cal: tard Unies Ps ‘on 50) Fay, Ba anoplny, sae cory Bae (ed) Tn, Patio Cs Reson io Sy Pog ght: Wea ee th deg, Ss Md Row ike emi J (1967 Jet ers sl las mance ev an “Brine a H Roe s 4 Coa Psy Her, Cae Fire em and Rodenbrg. (95) in Bemmerand Ros Sim ame rn 2 Taos: mgr and ry in} ronan Rota (et Catal tytn Camtge Fo Pos eats. 50 Taran tb opening opel age’ a. Bees Te Pi, nd Sy Te Cas ed acne dS os Me ti Wavand Fen uk 077) "Trt he concn Ety Maen Uy Bo wtb) 4 Cen ay Hoo, Cambie aly Pen ‘Que UGE) Sy au hy ye B Cape tia ft One Ent Din 87) Gago ae Vor Ov ate ea nt Deng M. () Niwa Qs Fain i Ci, Hamann Tl at Ma: Ein tty, Lomo Bon: Reet Deen 197) Hamer, phe adh fleecing ‘ny Bene and. Rene tat Hy ona, Come iy Pee La i" eae 104 Toya ea Si tine eet npinaninersis Na Spam Eran eh oy, nT sci arn katy rays gi i Wd > em Pcl nis ee es Yo ean C9 Pa a Gana nee '.Fardon ed) Canoes nage Diy fw Loon: Raed tier effet Pade Tak: Pes Cancer LW 8 atu endian Wea Tn ceri a et ef Mens na eet titi mc pa [riie ibete Nambia enters Mate Gos Ct od Fei th npr nue! gr aC Te Rat LAN ttn in ii 3 a UO tt i pi, aa ti Si Tytania ae rw ‘Src ence eo aya ep “SB'Futnet te twp Fa Oe teat rita a atin cate ee get he, aid 2h seb fone eeu ong te Ce vel Da ag he Ba aoe sx we de i cl om ai Si pa on ‘ering api} (193) The Paap Ore Bs, Oxted: Chen SURE tnt atau ac cee ‘ian Cage Can Gone ‘han, 2 rit Prey of ie bof ane, Lae Sapin 2 ean wea rier Fi er tS of Ri ew Ye ‘rorr ares 90 Pony FH i a Chapter 4 Compassion, anger and broken hearts Ontology and the role of language in the Miskitu lament ‘Mark Jamieson a Als mother, poor moter alas, mater where have You ge? Here are your chien eying or ous ‘esterday we were talking together, tat nv you are hing there Aas mcthe, i you go fronn among as mange? Didwe rove you? ‘ourkusbnd ss ute wt hishend hang down, ese the women are siting with her ead core, “Allo tve you But you have abandoned ws Alas that all sever se your lace agai: ‘TharTshallneverber you ice gaa! . Bat 9891) Tete gen above isthe Eagihandatono a Mis lament othe sich ema tn 0 alae the Mite keh {enticed flier 1 atendl the mere) es fra Shera [open a her con war lmced nore deg by her dss Sete and le aie erd er e Sger ahh xt alanentvkichinmany raya Throng 4 he eat momen the cts wasting lovee inte te png bl ment in whh amon eee ge a sea hon ‘eee an condo i ene, aon eel et {aca Loy, Amant vrais dacs coven bo Loewner intwmandring eetfn he ser Sne en Lose th ering dager head with hacia bl oe ‘Sage a ha er away othe oe des ‘te moment Gee voman Gum pra eps Mac se ‘225 lw Btls women ed gee eae Zak lenght othe tosaringsouuer ie pons uta emer opt equa om ae IDES cme wi he unto wy Anes a ec "ame atten ee over wart ie et R) ‘ha one Kinsoman o have domes, bu ther ointeogate te apparent "lam by this rele woman tha euch expreson i emton area anh ‘sch alway comtrcted bere they ae fe The eter fl ‘omidersxbah odorata! and linguie! “Living good’, compassion and emo Reneeteeeeente ear menitte pamaccs imesh tact 24 Marken Katatila pride self on its harmony and sae. A death, therefore such sha of a sigiScace for everybody it Al, Beau Iu member concer fr anda’ mosh, mit le, Gow, Lago hi nls, tunang te lvng In other words, ther are ancien shone ack the vgs Furthermore there are concerns forthe wlibecg a ae esl bereaved, pc fr thie desibed ts se a the spouse (nate) These concern ~ dred ord om ana lagers, and towards the sursving spouse and tne atthe dace ae ‘desi with he ord atone ich capers ern, Bret bythe Eogih words ‘pi, ove ad ompening ef rae Fit Gow hi volar ple wish hes ny lv os Ta ay tha they ge angry, they we the enprenion un (my eat is breaking This becase the heat wes cof one's cmmponare: Those nly desc he dor emotonl sates are ths for eat, stele one paca ig eLete pnibe tins cxamplesin Engh. For example. Eigehevtenon to brakene's heart mean tobe dornyiotsene fae seceralywndertoad tobe ametapr iano ey tne mahtbalenin the Wen comidernc heat tobe eens oee nes ertand that ehre mig yal ogan on theo Slow suppmned sie parla seo mind on oe by tc evidence prevented elon Theses of mind other af Kalai pple boreal pole imac When ated w supp totes aed ens eae, ther, Kat rope tenn tha ty cx poy te woul belipeopes, vem oto gues! The hee on te aro the Sl anal, ced oan ere ak uote igh be cose rude One acer, herlre a eee ht the thinking) but rater whch tate niece ing! Thi ges the baer the space oan res ae siborating ithe or heels icined Ones honeerenihedsnjennee ‘ow he ecg fone hin scanty ones es seca imenbs (thve with whom oe ine ord ance te ele er ‘sew omc and one's an cheb av eres oe Because om nits wlohe wom se ies eet ae twipeclate onthe experiences love companion ake se ea ing ad orgeing.Similaly ones ove expec bee aan ie embrace a well a ager at forges ae lt ee Sie ord thew same pope: he wth com one hives pn eos ‘vay a summary. Kata pope's ruminant ee eared onthe st to them, pray hse conde Erni pars o the body a ta ae th, for aia gage co onsen sige oti domain in which he fe coe sok ‘ther ae min ae concep stated nthe owl on Pars ofthe phys body, wha the ame time ony se pe the hic, on’ hn are dese tly tnovaie®Tnterecghy soe Iga aiaaton i rere linac rae pce od smtopsoncl tig spect ef Maker ‘The language of compas {ate many Language, Misia seh poesion with lies eet de aguth bermeen st second aed tid eros intone thee ‘slllows luepenon i Zed perm om Setperon a sreenn fil ms man mi he cxcive fee, the second-penan ami eloyd eso ite lar and pra ese while anne tomean hi he tht “ou in the incasive swe That demoted ow sa the Maio ond 85 akin ethos) ‘rk mou eel) hore ‘arden Your go lara) hore srorke fishers ol) home Now, the vast mori foe ate are fr posesion ning and 4 In he CIDGA penton 8 chapter ee toa Gat nouns. Tees however ah nporan sen tt ‘poy other means af marking poewion, Phse atthe ‘eg feo i chap tees 2 nt are inci inca hes pa ‘ote that Mit speakers are, tame eve, aware of hs and ap “he boundariebetwen Clas athe el Cs | oer toa" [agmati eet. Nowhere, t9 my min, this more evident a 1 ea lament nich the ender wl emener suc te the momenta wich the tg of thd tha 0 Eng go 8 one's neighbor is mot seated. Although the Mite Lngiat tains oun which ety employ few Clas ais, the nea fame! * "apa ably packed with them wit erences to KG ‘teton and so sigan, language {om preset the men gen ener inhi chapter oth in Mi ts for convene of prevention, once again in Eng” Clas 2 aie eniial, aon a ovata nah, ter bro Yoweday newer vaig ots, a ow youare higher ‘Alas, mother, did you go roe among ws inanger? ise nove eu Your husband stow with is head hang down rete women resting with herhensenee ‘Allorlove ovo But you aveabandoned ws, Ala that shall pever se your fe again ‘Tha shall ever bear our vie ag! (Be op itp 90) ‘i expect to the ontological analy given above, thee ha term it [uber lai son" o daughter] aed aia (spe) ft pare oe Indy cata [eat] wea [he], (Ane) sd ie [moe = sed Sern imine eh wee rn) a eno sentiment eting angry erly hae ealig eke Coton or ioe twice aes [ve “ompai’ opin pp ‘ih Gls? morphology fr pension Bee thaw an snaton apes ts ply verb form to [eying] and one kn tm who penne sep he a ate term ofthe pragmatic lth ann the lading oft ay Case 2 se spe pens tres Sy Facing wth images ofsparaton. the aieano alk anger te ‘ees nual the tere tha he decent nd the bene ve esd together beove being separated Wout deraring om the Po ‘boa very real gi the mona desivering i hs lnmen ely epee, ‘letter inthesemes ia dng ve eal oben andinded chasing, the decease’ gr ao) aly being ak bn Sherc (198) eal vera ar 72 arin ‘The ament she oes ofthe Mica commons eaton othe dee sed by death community He tis tnd tions If Als Be Gow, Lagr, ths volume) So, whem ander woman dete de the daughter (or dangers) ofthe deeaed to confon the Sige ig Sore which tect the trea The porta ol he lament de intha itis predced atthe gravee when te coin omer eee ave a very public vem wien by teenie village as nel st ‘The orkfthelamentisw project cf the raced ote “Te lament cle nse way oa orton than» sparen ot ‘sti that i hasta conform toast ofp preconeption,* Hrs Sere, wetly realy sescepable to ethnopetie nae ofthe Kil ce ted employ inthis chapter compete analy ofthe Milam oun woud eur analysis of ther spt lsguage, prt od frosty inpareuler, and would bea very moh lengths feces ea InchinchaterThavechonen ics onits wort in poring an eset ‘gpropriate emotional mood a the gravid by thesia signs Gis? psuive anes tonouns The seconof Clas? poesia, ‘contrast wo Cn | ates, emphasis emany, bch, seine ah inclusivity, The awhesaly appropriate mol the gravee ace in party the bombarding the audience mourners advange th ssmany ofthe posible wieder tenons mos face Whi out ‘ls scetonal plies perhaps elfer scone range cokes {oMikicespeatersinotersinds fspeech even pera dae Tament which bet regoundr he sigan ofthe exrasenay Clas? Acknowledgements ‘Thi chap is bated upon ehnogrphy called uring eighteen mon residence in Niaragua in 192-8 fen ohh mee spt he vias ‘of Kaaba inthe Peart Lagoon ban This work was couce 9 fos {rate sedent inthe Anthropology Department of ne London che st Fzonomis, anda abocateroratche ith CIDCA lel Centoe ave ‘lanes y Documestacion det Cats Antica). Te was rcey spel ‘mene by shore eri of fldwerk alk pet in Kea in 19 8 1298-1 mo grat tah ntution forte cnedeae sate. Passork wat aio made posite by fewer grants en the Wenner Fenda for Antropol Research andthe Ee Hovmina {ri wuld ie wo hank the raster bein heieconhene in atl Iesatm out thisnecach Above al would to thamk the pple eal etre Metrdn an iC hr ten SLI cate Loma Scart my compe Miter alors There, Me Risky Scart: MacPhcron, Sti Bah Theoore. Mer Raa! tls ‘nd Miner Metco Gath for teaching me the Mit ange sob ‘bing my says their vilage so memati and pesos Conanion ager ad Wekenhear_93 Sea he ener hing Taresunss naman a tees SEA te pera at rnp sane ay eae * Few legroom etn 2 ee Owing a wh dawn ‘petal Ong ih aR ee, Pi he Ga + Iterator agate Sm eon 8 or abc nee fe Se Sere ee eiectrenntr meee Say edrasrcierancere ganna evil ty Salon ara go, ‘Som been mind ay argu a prado fie aren ey tier ta he varus ears paso he Wa at ae Boao a open momen mem tg og eeem ont cmdaricn apes yea Erie Si lechrm icc mae {eT werd rcs sa mane ahi Fanta Serena ce ean! get tectrea cs Sorel Sey ernathie reste ala Seth Aran gg Jaana Orn pai ena ae atte hat ng tect omer oe Harkin 10 Exner (aed when eae) enced. tie DCR 95 chaper 1 ee att ape tht pin in 19 Th eg nthe vu ed oid 4 9 1 hae enema ante Nieto woking wg rone bane Manes SP or wetter Re mates ne SE Potent blag rte ee BES a twig desta’ ure a ree ne a ie ale rho sab ee cmon bee arte Sa ae Lee oP oe SS Se carer esa tae Eons tages eta ees isa fate ne References elaegag wl wcliefnal ewe tee ses MICH Fas i Tac Lf somo SA eggs et Sic | am ure chasis elie nde ep 190 ‘Penal ets aod ppc ae Was wes alle mus andpos os cow ne cn ene te hee Pits gait Fe ge a lei in Melani arp’ a EM Han eProp Peta Cog “eka in Fe 3 nde pa oe, Nang Se Lae xk Ga ad on Une Pr alge {88S Aye gige Tr, bnCatn re ein 1 15) Trae df te i Caney ‘tao ee 2 Martian eG nk etic wari Jot Sa and Uae a “se Dut Be owen Se Gon Siegen, O We Ciel Centr Lon and Nex Yor Acero iu MLW (190) “The purse nylon oe ee ‘neu ur 58 LER hd ie Ga i Mie Canny, Gone stent ita ow S150) Making a coe conte iy ant png ppl, foe Jenin 6) Rina gente an sea nee Nargis Pad dant tae ea ta ng imaien ad winch on es notte Joa ohare Tana a ‘epi 0 Mingo eng te alg ee, Aa ig 548, Sc vk tn Ra M(t) Ps om nt Pi Enka i An i te oceans Tea Died gS rg The ae ofrdei he emai amg it nt ara algae se See Ei ot Titew Pepe orn Ba Ox Caran dei nya Capo ee Samia, Comige Car: Uns Fe ‘Sah 2 Sire os Chega Ne 3190) Va in eBags Dera, Nae erate Mesa Peas SOLA {The Memo In Laney, Came: Camb Unity | TSE MT OD 26 De nd may Fastin SC Oi eG 198 ‘itl wig in Ameria Bait, dro Api Mee AB US) Wenn Fl, Mac Ra, Austin: Unerity Tra P Chapter § The value of working and speaking together A facet of Patikwené (Palikur) conviviality Alan Passes SSS ‘ka Psiwenépenan aout mor, any work you ae Hey to be ald {hat timate te “hard and Beale’ Thi tele creat hove sith another in which the pace of work and prodctsny& heos fe {sia ven jot and an acti ar remain eo theca ‘communication asim matcral ener Ths taper & leo a Pkwene work, then; and eto be sens acontinon to theceoereces onthe everyday aspects of Lawland Antero te lst ait cone {Be oraldimensin of work, the chapter ay ao estos sboteonrge om lf ath in the eal seve andthe figure, hata ayy fooccved a a ‘aloe betwee it mene. More ndamenclyn ‘out the daily and very ondiary proce of people speatng sad wehng "ogee th teraction of an vale placed these wi eho ‘Ales, Ovetng thi volume); 3 how n'a Peiwent comet ter pt active can besa ot onl to generat ly ht sca a a [Er ype-eamy coh. The Puiwene (de eFappllatin of oaio mee common knowin the iterator atthe Path) ae a an sxety tla tote Mapa (Aaa language group. Today worbering sound 1.600 people they Sradle the river Oyapotk mich i the fonber between Noneen Bras (AinapS sae) and Guyane (French Guisns) Exess mised y ‘ati fndamemtalt Protea sce the 180 they have mete lagi formed’ hemos nto lage lin "sgl denoninaton Communi. Deaseme Village Exerane, nie I cared ou my Rl ost desing 1999-5, ad whch aud by the all Conte town | ‘Georges dx population some 160 atta nd ws pode ErangelialPemecanaling Premer Vilage Exerace, te even age! scilementnextdoar, mainly Seventh Dy Advent As wth any et [oupy the etl thee Cone mre o-tixdonl sad ode "st combines subsistence canon with 39 cesing pact the Wane maker economy. ‘A defining principe of canst’ pdt in Amazonia revel by ‘Gomansreareh (197% 66 onthe Cabo snd Overing (19691 09 he aos me tobe that work ia group activity aed, at uch, pew ‘sting and recreational on It ws my cotration ar i awe constant elerence oad conplang sere epee, fhe pal ie of wor, inlrStson apie tee Ra realy prize tcabiliy a aval component ote products pace they do pray interme he chesaoes and ageestion ae ope ivned. The more one can inerratia = eet hes oe me's coroner, and cathe Iugh ad ths. ean lenge ‘onan terms tend then the more he apes ann ‘ened and ale Ad the mort one posal feat tater tan he reve ot ea bc Iu a hase measuring otenly sai appeared The more chee sees ene ampaninaie the atmosphere and the more digi ene een ‘mes: woke to gow ate loge one kee But whe was work twas move tan jut work. Fornv ss mes soa ig a well" War tea mati exclave mode of havior forthe Paes i shen em be rw and in hiatal soa act whch sr ‘ated by sociable woking ter rodcton didnt ony trmoot aosee ruc I a sry conte way i seed to'me sod elec ee Pele thoes, ciety ma ing proc at he e tn 2 perma, in and trough the ren ark Una YEE t only eecrenional it Golan se of rely soa she ‘che acy Wi aa tobe sen | mpgs av having oe sn Seth to resteae, trough is wry salen he eas an ane a an ile To clay what men wil rear an demon os fede invhing he prceningt the mane Fs, though I woul keto expand on omething hase hatin [llwent exten theaphers ones work ands iweb ‘oraten aay tet fe scorn rein common Wenstn frp ao et Spe cnn, ct mee Rcd ope on bl ding the pede devote to work Coin Pram, and pecially Pusan moray wold tice, Woke 8 hw ths eee te nol the other band, notwithtamting present

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