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Course: B. Tech (CIT All Branches)
Subject: Mathematics-I
Topic: Unit-4 (Group, Subgroup, Cyclic group, Coset)
Code: MATH-113
1) Let be a set consisting of 100 persons, no two of them are of same height. Define = ,
where is the shortest person in who is taller than both and . Determine whether the
operation is binary or not. Justify with valid reasoning.
HINT !!! Try to find for each possible pair (, ) in . Do you succeed every time?

2) Let be the set of all 2 2 matrices of the form (
) for , . Prove that:

(i) the operation of matrix addition is binary on .
(ii) the operation of matrix multiplication is binary on .
HINT !!! Stick to the definition of a binary operation.

3) On the set of integers , Consider an operation defined as

= 2 for ,
Determine whether the operation is binary on . If it is not, then what slight modification in
the RHS of = 2 would you make to make it binary?
4) Prove that the set of all invertible matrices under matrix multiplication is a group.
HINT!!! An outline of the proof:
Let and B be two matrices of this set s. t. ( ) and () .
Then, () = ( ) () (Why?) which implies closure of the set.

5) Let be a binary operation defined on the set of complex numbers as follows:

= || for ,
Determine whether is a group with respect to the operation defined above.
HINT 1!!! Every real number is a complex number but the converse is not true.
HINT 2!!! The modulus function is defined as:
|| = {

= +
= <

and does it really allow the identity element to exist uniquely?

6) Prove that the set of all

multiplication is a group.

real matrices with determinant 1 or 1 under matrix

HINT !!! Recall that for two square matrices and , () = ( ) ().

7) Let be the group of all real valued functions with domain under addition. Consider a subset
of defined as:
= { (1) = 0}
Prove that is a subgroup of .
HINT !!! Think about the necessary and sufficient condition for to be a subgroup of .

8) Prove or disapprove the following statement:

Every non-abelian group is non-cyclic.
HINT !!! What is its contrapositive?

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