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Raisan Ghandhinagar 382007, Gujarat, India

Workshop REPORT
How Stuff Works 2.0 Smart grids

DATE: 01-04-2016
TIME: 4 PM to 6 PM


How stuff is a series of lectures kept in order to explain the basics of

the working and analysis of various electrical devices and concepts.
How Stuff Works 2.0 focuses on how power generates in various
power plants, how it transmits and how distribution take place and
role of the grids and smart grids. It focused not only on the basics of
the transmission but also focused on the problems which India faces
now-a-days with the references to a many data in a segment of
transmission and distribution. It also focused how we overcome the
losses and other problems by using smart grid.
The main aim of the event was to make the students aware of the
basics of the power generation, transmission and the distribution.
The main idea was to create a chain or series of lectures that could
initiate an essence of dealing with technical details regarding smart
grids. The event was kept because smart grids are important to
students in their professional life and it is upcoming technology
coming in India in power segment.
The event started at 4:00 PM by welcoming our respected lecturer
Mr. Ashish Doorwar[Department Of Electrical Engineering ,PDPU]
and among the audience were students of SOT [electrical] batch 12,
13, 14 and 15. Ashish sir started his lecture by basics of power and
how it generated with the help of different power plants. He focused
on the generation side as well as transmission side with the
reference of the various data available on government sites. He also
taught the scenario of India in now-a-days by showing power
generation map of India.
He also taught how we can trade our access power and also shared
some policy declared by government of India in this power segments.
He taught how transmission lines works and why losses occurs into
that lines and also discussed how can we reduced that losses.
Ashishsir also focused following topics during his 2 hour technical

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Power transmission in India

Process of transmission and role of grid
Transmission and grid management
HVDC in India and power transmission network of India
Concept of smart grid and how to convert ordinary grids into
smart grid

Number of Participants: 60 (excluding committee members)


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